

can he let her go?

as they were waiting for the mayor to return Cameron sees his ex love, " Sara! he was about to go after, Jessie grab him by the arm, " let her go son she not wroth it, remember you are starting fresh, you be leaving with us, Jessie told him. He look at her, " you are a Garret Cameron sorry as that name, your father had pride, you are Leon Garret son and your mother has pride you are Jessie Garret son, stand tall stand proud, he listen and let hr go, he walked out and hand them their money. " don't worry mayor your problem will be taken care of, said. Teeno, " thank you, we went telegram our mothers for help with then think it was to big for us. they walked inside of the inn, they paid for everyone room tonight, " maybe he get the cowboy to be shelf, Cameron hoover down beat his head, " momma!" i am right here son, stand on your feet, " i can't take it anymore, why they here. " you want me to find out, he look at her, " no, i want to kick his #$$! " do you know how to fight first of all? asked. Jessie, he looked down, " let's get done sis, you all take him go to our room we will be up in a minute, Jess we do fight less it our children involved right, " yes sis your nephew is damage so we just going to smavk them around, call it a day. they walked up the steps, as they walked up to them, "i see the drunk is still here, she laughed, " careful that's my kid you talking about, and it your fault that he like that so get your tail out now, " who are the heck are you, " shock sis these low-lifes hasn't heard of us, we been everywhere, said. Jordan, " will i think we need to let them know who e are and what we do, you want to dumb or dumber? asked. Jessie, "i have Jessie and Jordan Garrett, bounty law, i saw you bring in the William brothers that was amazing, said. the cowboy, " so dumber do know of us, you stole my nephew gal does that make it alright? asked, Jordan, she smack him in the face, " i not tell you again you heart break tramp next time i going to pull you out by your horse hair, Jessie told her, she got out of the buggy, " you Cameron mothers, look i have a right to be with who i am do i!?" that your option not mines, when i had all twenty-two of my sons and daughter, we make sure they had a remember Easter, San Patrick day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, went without so they can grow up big and strong, see their first bit of food, speak their first words, walk their first step, when they adults let them make their own choices long it was inside of the law, you know what that does to an mother to see her child hurting living in a bottle because of a women like you! she shake, " we think you gal own him a reason and apologixe for hurting him, said. Jordan, " okay, where is the drunk? Jessie punch hr in the face,she hit the ground crying. " no apologizes stay the h#ll away from our children tramp, said, Jessie.Jordan laughed, " feel better now Jessie, " not quite i feel better when we get them out of Morgan town, we usually take it leave it, but when it comes to our kids you both have a lot to answer for, they walked back the inn and their room, " it's done, Cameron stay away from them, let her go, stay with your siblings and cousins, once this is done then we can go, Heather and Teeno keep an eye on, " nephew she is nothing to cry over, or waste your life away, we get you all horses, guns and outfits tomorrow you be a part of bounty of law, starting tomorrow we show you all who to handle yourselves in this simulations, let's get clean up and get something to eat, they all took baths and got dressed and went into the diner for dinner. " so why you were in Salt city mom?asked, Teeno, the waitress brought them there dinner, " thank you, we had unfinshed business with your fathers, said. Jordan, " mom come that make baby twenty-three! said. Preston, " we are not pregnant! they both said, " it was a marriage decreed, ending a marriage and waiting for it to go through, we are officially single and loving it, said. Jessie, they walked inside off the diner, Jesie looked at him," i am the only women in your life, there is no room for anyone else, you are mines, until mother say you are ready for that then i will let you go again, she told him," Teeno what took you so long to telegram her!? mom i don't want you to, i safer with you, said. Cameron, "we are all are, yeah you two such telegram when they got here. " wait a minute, they here now right.said, Teeno. " yeah mom we don't want you to, said. Preston, " don't worry son we won't until you all ready to be let go again, " about time, hey you are my women right, " yes my son, that was telling to go jump off a cliff, she drink her tea. " so how long have you been married mom and Aunt Jordan, " wow you asking a question i couldn't ask that one, said. Heather, " it's okay back then i really give the answered, you asks centuries or days son-in-law? asked, Jessie. " is there a difference, " century means forever nephew-in-law you found your ideal wife or husband that what you should wanted, days mean few years together, days we loved them but work came up for both sides they had to be in South in Dodge city, we had to be west in Spring town, we manage to meet up spend couple nights alone that when you twenty-two came long and they claim the shame that they are not theirs and we sleep around on them, said. Jordan, " which we retired to raise you, when make things to sell so we can have money coming in, " if those nights was wonderful were they? asked. Heather, " you really going to as her a sex question, she looked at her, " your father was wonderful in bed, if he wasn't i wouldn't had you and your sisters and brothers, answered.Jessie, " can i ask something?" i made her cry for you and your Aunt slap the taste out of him, he smiled. they finished eating, they got up," mom and Aunt Jessie could you allowed us to get this," own the housse son, save your money, said, Jordan, they paid for dinner and went back to the inn,