
The Gardener Class

Ah, the game Plants vs Zombies, an classic that's know by many for its unique gameplay and game loop, it was supposedly be just that, a game, but what happens when a soul from our world gets transported to another, a modern world where classes and magic exist, only to recieve a really weird power, the power of The Gardener.

enumerator810 · Video Games
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: "Then come the nutrients"

Finally done in his preparations, Dave went down to the kitchen to greet his parents, Julia and Tom Davies were an average pair, with average looks but fit and lean bodies, this due to the hours of work they do in the day to day, that's because both of them have a special class, the "Farmer" class, you see, to feed the insanely and increasing population of all the sectors of Concordia, various organisations were founded to fight the high demand, organisations like sector's 2 genetic modification labs, "The Atom", in which genetically modified food could be grown in days, or the "Trade Guild" of sector 4, that dwelled in the trade of food and various products with other countries, and of course, His and other families farms that had the "good ol' earth quality" as his father would tell him.

Julia was a sweet yet strict when she needed to be woman with long black hair tied in a bun to stop it from covering her eyes and a lean figure thanks to the all the work, she taught him a lot of things in the course of his life and even gave him... The Talk... that was a day he will always remember… On the other hand his Father, Tom, was a more carefree guy while serious when a situation arised, with a full Dark brown beard, short hair that was almost balding, nice and lean muscles from the activites of the farm, a height of 1.85m (A/N: i'm using meters, yes, i am SO tired of the "feet"), and full confidence in himself, he was quite the player in his youth but by his words "Julia, that great woman, managed to controls the reins of the horse and wouldn't let go! hahaha" he said to him while tending some crops.

They were the best parents he could ask for and would always feel grateful for them, while not overly rich like those pompous asses of Sector 1, they weren't poor and he was perfectly fine with that., and hey, if he were to get a Farmer class like his parents, maybe he could be a cowboy with old school revolvers, a lasso, hat and cowboy boots screaming "YEE-HAW motherfu..." lets not get carried away...

As he sat down on the table and started to eat his breakfast, his father came trough the door.

"Hehey!, how's it going Dave?, are you ready?, better hurry so we can catch todays teleport at a good time!"- His dad said to him sitting down on a chair.

*Gulping his food*, "Of course!, i've been waiting this moment for so long!, i finally get to see which class i get, i just hope there isn't a long waiting line at the Academy haha"...

Ah The Academy, you could say that the it was a sector in itself, Sector 0, the birth of Concordia, and where all of the students of all sectors go to, while there's some social level differencies, it's being handled pretty well.

"Now, now, be sure to chew your food properly, you don't want a stomach ache at this moment right?"- His mother said while looking at him with a side eye.

"Right, sorry"- he sheepishly responded while eating slower.

Finishing the breakfast and helping clean the table, Dave and his father went to the front door of his house in which his father already had the levitating Truck ready, standing in front of his mom, he gave her a big hug.

"Remember Dave, no matter what happens, what class you get or mana level, you will always be our son, the son which we love with all our hearts alright?..."- She said to him while returning the hug. Separating, he responded with a soft "i know.." and went to the Truck, his father started it and, with a last look at this mother, they parted ways.


In the way to the central teleporter, they passed various farms of the families that sector 7 housed, the O'neills, Adams, Johnsons, and more were pretty much an extension of his family, most of them with the farmer class while, in some cases they some have gotten the agriculturist class, those cases were given the option to stay tending to the farm or an intership in the labs of sector 2 while still being in contact with their families. They drove in comfortable silence and so, they finally reached the station. A huge builing built from the finest steel and neon lights, it was divided by a central tower acting as a control zone in which the drivers, with comunicator in their vehicles, requested entry to the teleportators, luckily for them, there wasn't a lot of cars in line so they got in pretty smoothly.

Grabing the trucks comunicator, his dad informed the operator.

"All right, this is Tom Davies accompanied by Dave Davies, requesting entrance to teleport #5, destination Sector 0, the Academy, over."- He said while looking at his schedule for the day.

There was a little static noise and a womans voice responded from the comunicator.

"Roger that Tom, checking the parameters and permits in a moment... all right, you have green light to go, head straight and turn left on the fifth tunnel, have a safe trip and enjoy your day"- She responded while opening the gates.

Going into the tunnel Dave couldn't help but become a little bit nervous, these teleporters, while tested and developed more than 60 years ago by Sector's 6 Engineering Department, where relatively new, and who would have blamed him, imagine being broken down to the molecule and being reconstructed in the destination, that sounded like a high sci-fy movie... which was reality in this case.. His dad saw he was becoming somewhat flustered and spoke to him.

"Don't be afraid now son, you used to love going into these teleporters when you were little!"- Tom said looking at him with mirth.

"Yes, but that was before i understood what was really happening and how the teleportation itself worked, sometimes i think that being clueless and oblivious to the situation was a blessing in disguise..."- Dave responded with some sweat in his forehead.

"Not to worry, if something happent, sector's 6 high trained medical assistence will be able to patch you up. Hell maybe they will reconstruct you to be more handsome like your old man! Hahaha"- His dad responded while laughing.

"Yeah... Great..."- He gave up accepting his destiny.

They positioned themselves into the blue and red teleportation circule waiting for the countdown


Here it goes- Dave tought while taking a deep breath.

Green rays of light rained down on them, decomposing their matter and with a flash, they were gone.

Haha!, 300 teleportations ended in succes!- Said a female in the operating office.

Easy money baby!, at least they didn't end like Bob over there...- A male operator said while looking at a strange figure.

A lone person in a bussines suit sat on a chair, he turned around and for the suprise of no one... He was a monkey... wearing a yellow business suit..

Hey, i need to remind you guys that i see this as an absolute win!- Bob said while doing monkey sounds.

"Yeah... I think Sector's 6 doctors got a suprise when the latest fail teleportation incident resulted in the patient outright refusing molecular help and decide to stay in that form...- The female operator said drily.

Now, now, don't get too.. Hung up on that- Monkey Bob said while swingin on a rope

And there he goes again....- His companions sighed while holding their heads.

Just monkey business, monkey bussiness...


Opening his eyes, Dave exhaled in relief that the teleportation was a succes, nodding to his dad, they started the truck and went on the exit of Sectors 0, tower. Nearing the end of the tunnel they notified the operator to open the gates, sunlight momentarily blinding them, they gazed on Sector's 0 Pride and Joy... The academy, A huge Hexagonal structure with bridges that connected smaller structures, made from only the highest cuality materials, tall crimson walls with Golden accents and Electromagnetic roads, it was truly a sight to behold.

"I've only seen it by images on the web but... seeing it in person triumps all those times..."- Dave was left speechless by its beauty.

Looking a his son, Tom felt a little melancholic, his little boy now turned into a tall, 1.80 young man, he couldn't help but feel that time passes a little too fast... Shaking his head, putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling at him he said.

"Well, let's not keep 'em waiting big shot!"-. His dad exclaimed with a big smile.

Nodding with an equal big smile, he turned to take another look at the academy...

"Yeah, let's go!"-. Dave exlaimed with a confident smirk.

And that's a wrap!

Let me know what you tought of this chapter :)

A little bit of trivia, i am 1.85m so Daves height is based somewhat on mine haha, yeah, it was a bit akward being a 15 year old kid taller that most of my teachers but i managed.

Hopefully you liked this chapter, stay safe!.

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