
The gangster's Wife

Look no further than me

Liza_Shillar · Urban
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5 Chs


Rene was very confused. Why would the chief choose his own son to make this important decision? This was really unfair and the thought that he even called him his most favoured officer just made things worse. Everyone in the room stared at the young man next to the chief. Rene saw the other female police officers whispering in each other's ears, as if they were discussing something. Were they discussing their plan to convince this Bruce guy to choose them. The intern next to her looked at Rene and gave her a big smile. "Tell me Lutherene, don't you think that that man looks attractive?" She asked her. Rene shook her head in disagreement. "I seriously don't understand why you guys think he is good looking just because you want to get chosen." She anoyingly said as she folded her arms. As if they have just heard her, the two people in from of her, at the back of her and next to her just stared at her in bewilderment. "You actually have the guts to say that to the chief's son intern?" The female officer in front of her said. Rene dropped her shoulders and stared at the officer with a stern look. "I don't care if he is the chief's son or a million for that matter. How could the chief possibly choose him to make this impossible decision? Yes, he is his son, I understand that but he can't just choose him because he is his son. What if all the girls here will try to seduce him in order to make him choose them.?" She blurted out what was in her mind and even more people looked at her. The officer in front of her smirked and stood up. She squeezed between all the chairs that were aligned in a perfect manner and sort of ran towards the chief who was still talking to his son. When Rene squinted her eyes a little, she could see that the officer was telling her off. 'was she really going to snitch?' she thought to herself as she unfolded her arms and took long and steady breaths. This was bad. If she does snitch on her, her chances of being part of the mission will dramatically decrease. She couldn't afford to let that happen. She was waiting for this opportunity her whole life. She couldn't just let it flow out the drain like that. She kept on staring at the officer and the chief to see if her suspicions were correct. She saw the officer walk away from the chief and walk out of the door. The chief stared at the door for a while and turned to face everyone again."Uhm...would the intern Lutherene Healer come to my office please." The chief announced and everyone gasped as they all turned to look at her. She just sighed and stood up. She didn't have a choice now. She would have tried to defend herself right then and there but she knew that the embarrament she would feel would be too much to handle. At least now she will have a chance to speak to the chief privately in his office so she could clearify things. All eyes were on her as she walked out the door. The chief eventually followed behind her and soon, they were both gone. Now that the chief was gone, they could continue with their plan to to wooo this Bruce guy and be part of the mission. They looked around the room to see if they could find him but he was not there. Could he have followed the chief when he went out? No, they would have seen him if he did. Maybe he left while the chief was talking with that officer.

The chief's office...

Lutherene walked towards the chief's office and reached out her hand to open the door. She lowered the door handle but the door did not open. 'urgh it's locked.', she murmed to herself before the chief came and stood next to her. "Intern, isn't it rude to open someone else's door as if it was your own?" He asked. Rene lowered her head when she realised what she did. "No need to feel embarrassed." He said as he took out his keys from his pocket and opened the door. Rene waited for the chief to enter first before she followed behind him. When she got in the office, she couldn't help but widen her eyes and open her mouth in shock. The office was huge. It was no where near to being the same size as her office. It had a beautiful golden shandelier hanging from the ceiling, the desk that was in front of the gigantic stained window was as long as the queen of england's dining table. The chairs around the table were so big and beautiful, they would be classified as thrones and what was even more jaw dropping was the painted gold air conditioning that released a cool and gentle breeze that would make you relax even in the hottest of days. Rene kept on looking around with wide eyes and an open mouth. The chief noticed her reaction and gave a pleasent smile. "That's the same expression Bruce had when he saw this place for the first time." He said and Lutherene's expression quickly faded. "That's right. Let's get down to business then."he said as he walked towards the largest chair gestured her to sit on the chair across him. "So...I heard that you have some complaints about my decision." He said, not beating about the bush. Lutherene nodded. Even though she was very nervous at that moment, she couldn't let him see that. She had to stay strong and show him that she was serious about this and that she wasn't scared to admit that.