
The gangster's Wife

Look no further than me

Liza_Shillar · Urban
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5 Chs


(Readers, sorry for not writing yesterday. I'm goin to make it up to you and write extra chapters today. Please forgive me T^T.)


Lutherene Healer, an intern at the Dilpora city police force, was on her way to her office. She sat on her desk and sipped on a hot cup of coffee. "How i enjoy a hot cup of cocoa in the morning." She said before placing the cup on the desk and took out her laptop and started typing. Lutherene was always a hard working and strong woman. She was dedicated to her job and she was very good at it.p Her long, grey hair made her stand out from the rest. Her black, dark eyes were filled with pride and determination, plus, she was very beautiful and well. She always wore formal clothes and was always on her computer and sometimes laptop. She was a top notch athlete and was a great student in school. She would always dream of being a top law inforcer and finally get rid of all crime in her country and maybe the world. Because her family was poor, she didn't have enough money to study at the University of law but she kept on working hard and finally got a job as an intern in the local police station. It wasn't what she had expected but it was a start. She lived a sad life when she was a kid. Her parents sold her at the age of 10 to thugs that work as human trafficers so they could get enough money to pay off their depts. The thugs then sold her to a very wealthy family in Asia that owned several clubs and taverns. Some of the people in the family treated her like garbage. They made her suffer like there was no tomorrow. They made her dance in burning coal as a punishment. They made her sleep in the bathtub instead of a normal bed and worst of all, they made her eat nothing but dog food for 2 two years. When she was 12, the family threw her out of the house and she was later found by a nice old couple that took her in and cared for her. That whole experience made her life utter hell. She had to suffer from anxiety for 3 years because of that incident. Her own biological parents sold her and with her,they sold her entire childhood. She vowed that she would get revenge for her horrible life and get rid of all crime in this world. She didn't want anyone else to suffer like how she suffered in her childhood. Being a police officer would help her get closure and lift all the burden that was in her shoulders. She didn't care about other things like friends or love. The only thing she cared about was to succeed with her goal and show those people who destroyed her life what she was really capable of. No one in Dilpora knew about her situation except for her care takers so she didn't bother telling anyone about it. As she kept on typing on her laptop, she couldn't help but think about how things would be if her parents hadn't sold her. She would still be poor and helpless right now. She wouldn't have a dream or purpose, she wouldn't even be alive at this moment. She really must at least thank them for giving her this opportunity. Even if the choice they made completely destroyed her childhood, it made her the woman she was today. A woman that isn't afraid of danger, a woman that has strong will and a woman who wants to make the world a better place and for that she was thankful. She finished up typing on her laptop. "Done." She said as she casually leaned back on her chair and closed her laptop. She stood up and walked towards the meeting hall. When she arrived, she found that almost everyone was already seated and already writing their notes. She took her seat at the fifth row and next to her fellow interns. The chief entered the room and stood behind the microphones. "Let's begin."