
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The first dungeon

I made my way towards a training field often used for my own training due to it's hidden nature. I sat down and began checking my inventory for everything I required for today.

My eyes scanned everything finding that everything was in place with my Bokuto strapped on my back and everything. Some Shuriken in a pouch located on my right thigh and some extra Shuriken in my inventory. Kunai was there in case I ran out of Shuriken and the Chakra pills from that quest were there. 

Next on the agenda was to look over my stats to check if I was truly prepared for this today.


Name: Arisu

Clan: Uchiha

Title: None

Level: 20 EXP: 2400/ 2900

HP: 900

Chakra: 5400 CC: 30%

STR: 85

DEX: 96

CON: 90

INT: 198

Stat points: 95


Massive reserves: Start with 10X then what you would normally start with, and every level up grants an extra 100 chakra but starts with 10% less chakra control

Born adept at Chakra control: 15% CC to start with and triples EXP gain with Chakra control exercises exercises

Uchiha Clan: The Uchiha clan is one of the founding clans of Konoha and is arguably the strongest clan to exist with their Dojutsu the Sharingan. 

You have a chance to awaken the Sharingan. You gain 100 chakra every level and start with 75 chakra as opposed to 50 for most civilians and other clans and an affinity for Fire release and one other elemental affinity that'll be revealed when the user does the Litmus paper test.

Jutsu creator: When you create a Jutsu, you gain unique bonuses to it.

Ninjutsu Talent: Triples the EXP gain for Ninjutsu Skills

Kenjutsu Talent: Triples the EXP gain for Kenjutsu Skill

Natural Energy Talent: This allows you to learn Senjutsu faster than normal and doubles the EXP gained for Senjutsu based skills.

Fire Affinity: +20% damage with Fire Jutsu and -25% chakra cost for Fire Jutsu

Fire flow Sensation: +50% damage dealt with Fire Jutsu, makes it easier to create Katon Jutsus and learn Katon Jutsu.

Water affinity: +20% damage with Water Jutsu and -25% chakra cost for Water Jutsu

Lightning affinity: +20% damage with Lightning Jutsu and -25% chakra cost for Lightning Jutsu

I then checked my newer skills. Confirming that they were indeed ready for this. 

Katon: Hosenka LVL 5/50: You spit a volley of small fireballs into the air. The many small flames move wildly through the area, potentially mesmerising targets as they're surrounded. You can manipulate each individual flame with their chakra, allowing you to guide each at the target or targets and, consequently, making this technique difficult to evade. Shuriken can be hidden within the flames as well, not only making them more deadly upon impact but also, by controlling the flames' movements, giving you a means of controlling the shuriken as well.

Handseals: Rat - Tiger - Dog - Ox - Hare - Tiger. Rank C

Costs 100 to shoot the initial volley of 15 fireballs and an extra 20 to shoot 1 extra one. The fireballs deal 35 damage when it hits an opponent.

Raiton: Hiba Shuriken LVL 5/20: Infuse lightning chakra into one or more shuriken causing it to spark with small bits of lightning that can stun an opponent and cause slight burns to targets.

Handseals: Boar - Dog. Rank D

Costs 20 chakra for 25% extra damage with the Shuriken and a 50% chance stun.

Suiton: Suidan LVL 5/50: You shoot a highly condensed bullet of water. This technique does not require the user to be near a body of water as the liquids within their body will work for this technique.

Handseals: Tiger, Monkey, Dog, and Ox. C rank

Costs 60 - 90 Chakra points to deal 45 to 60 points of damage.

Confirming that all of my Jutsu were prepared I immediately opened a menu containing the destination of a dungeon on it. Well it was more like a map of all the places I visited so far and my first dungeon wasn't far away actually. 

I walked forwards towards a small yellowish line that floated above the ground that only I could see a textbox appeared asking if I wanted to enter the Guardians forest and well I selected yes.

The world distorted as space ripped apart in front of me transporting me towards the dungeon before slowing down. 

An 80 foot tall tree stood in front of me as my vision cleared from the spatial distortion. It stood menacingly compared to the other trees that surrounded me. But I simply ignored hopping onto of the smaller 30 foot trees and jumping across them. Effortlessly I slowed my momentum down as I locked to the floor finding a group of about 20 Rabbit's that I observed closely.

Weak Chakra Rabbit

The secondary effect of my Analysis skill kicked in giving me the basic name of the creature I was staring at then telling that it was hostile. Rabbit's were fast and could leap quite far. These Rabbits all seemed to possess the ability to enhance their bodies with chakra specifically their legs. 

Well then I guess it's time to check these things Stats and other things. 

There was 20 of them so I utilized the Hosenka blitzing through it's handseals and exhaling a volley of fireballs. The fireballs launched forwards in a blaze of orange crashing into the opponents I guided them towards alerting them all to my presence. None of them died but it was decent to get an idea of how much damage I dealt to these ones. 

Immediately I leapt out of the way of one trying to headbutt my abdomen drawing my Bokuto and readying into the Counter stance upon landing on the grassy floor my Sharingan activated. The others turned towards me as the one on the tree leapt off of it and headed towards me. 

'There's residual chakra left on the tree." I thought as the Rabbit tried to attack me being highly outmatched as a single swipe of wooden Bokuto cut clean through it's brownish hide around it's neck killing it and angering the others who all reached at me at once.

I dodged out of the way of 3 attacking me all at once as I flung 3 fire enhanced shuriken at them burning 2 of them to death as it impacted the neck with one barely avoiding it but getting another one hurt in the process.

I placed my Bokuto back into the sheathe and began going through handseals as I inhaled a massive ball of flames exited my mouth heading straight towards my opponents with 3 avoiding it using that strange ability the other one displayed earlier. 

'Residual chakra but this time I saw how it worked. Pushing chakra into the legs and releasing it to increase speed immensely at the cost of hurting themselves based on those pained expressions of theirs.'

Detail's I could gather due to the enhanced clarity of the Sharingan and the ability to perceive the flow of chakra in a persons body though admittedly not on the same level as the Byakugan.

I went through a set of 2 Handseals and drew more Shuriken electrifying them before launching the Shuriken towards the 3 of them which was when I saw them activate that skill of theirs clearly and seeing how it operated properly. They dodged the shuriken which impacted the tree resulting in electrical burns on the tree itself. The scorch marks were small so they weren't worth worrying about. 

Naturally my massive fireball caused a fire but stopped since It impacted something instead a creator formed from it. Therefore it did not spread further then the area it started in.

My eyes scanned my surroundings as my Sharingan tracked their movements before one tried to rush me. I blocked with my forearm countering with a palm strike to it's chest sending it backwards and crashing into a tree dead. The other 2 rushed towards me being dispatched by a quick laido slash by my Bokuto. 

1000 EXP gained 23 Rabbits fur gained 15 Rabbits foot gained. 

You have leveled up.

Climbing on a tree I made my way throughout the forest finding and killing more Rabbits reaching level 22. Before encountering another type of enemy in this dungeon.

I analysed it at first grabbing the creatures name and studying it further I saw that it possessed a technique of it's own seeing as it seemed to spit fire at random Chakra Bunnies though I wasn't able to copy it. My Sharingan could not do that yet. 

I went through a set of Handseals forming a lance of lightning from the palm of my hand launching it towards the Weak Chakra bear. Electrifying it, damaging it by quite a bit but unlike the Rabbits it seemed to possessed tougher skin. The bear recovered quickly forming his flame spit but it was stopped by my Suidan which barreled straight into it's body damaging it whilst being enhanced by it's former attack. The bear was also wet now which proved to be fatal for it as my Raikousou finished it off. 

250 EXP gained

I took a moment to myself in that moment deactivating my Sharingan as I checked my Chakra. 

Around 30% of it was used up and of course my health was sitting at around 85% as blocking meant that you still took damage just less of it. 

Seeing that I couldn't do a lot I jumped onto a tree branch and reactivated my Sharingan. I saw a faint sign of Chakra usage in the distance and I decided to follow it. If there's chakra there was bound to be more things I could kill.

After an hour of hunting everything I could I had managed to reach level 24 and had half of the EXP required with my chakra reaching down to 55% of it's maximum capacity since I started using the various skills I held in martial arts to take these things down.

My Sharingan deactivated to conserve chakra as I reached into my inventory and grabbed more Shuriken to put into my pouch. I really didn't want to use those pills with a war starting a few years from now.

Oh yeah the weak ones recovered up to 500 chakra instantly due to the inventory giving me a basic description of all items in it. With the normal or average ones restoring 4 times that amount. 

And I sat down calmly activating meditation and restoring some of my lost chakra. Clearly it was a good choice since I restored my chakra fully but before I awoke I felt something strange around me. 

'Probably the natural energy in the atmosphere.' I ignored it not daring to attempt something as dangerous as Sage mode training right now. But it did give me an idea.

Whilst meditating I tried to feel the presences of other chakra signatures in the forest using the idea I just had. 

New skill has been acquired due to specific actions

Chakra sensing LVL 1/50 - The ability to sense chakra in the surrounding area from living beings to plant's and other such things. Requirement for sage mode training. Does not consume chakra to use. Sensing range is currently 10 metres if actively checking for something 2 metres if not actively searching.

Good a useful skill.

It was then I felt something terrifyingly strong based off of chakra signatures alone. 

And it was heading my way.