
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Start of the academy 3/3

The students were assigned classrooms that day straight after the battles were finished and left them there.

The classrooms themselves looked quite plain. Wooded floorboards that were made with oak desks made of the same exact material and benches to act as seats for learning. The walls were coated in a milky white paint with at least 20% of it not being painted over in the front as the classroom seemed to go a bit up wards with a star case leading them there.

Arisu sat comfortably in the back near the window her eyes focused on the various kids of assorted ages outside training with what seemed to be dulled shuriken blades that were the standard Academy issued Shuriken for those under the age of 8. Then they would be given sharper weaponry to get used to them. Of course she looked around the room but nobody dared to speak up since they had yet to know anyone in the room with them outside of a trio Arisu believed to be an InoShikaCho trio. 

Sighing Arisu left her seat and made her way towards the podium that stood in the room thrice her size. She was going take a page out of someone else's book since she was aware of how things worked.

"Alright everyone, starting today we are all going to be classmates and for that reason I would like to have us all introduce ourselves with our names and some basic information I'll start my name is Arisu Uchiha and I enjoy reading books, learning Jutsu and training with my family. I dislike people who don't work hard to achieve what they want and my ambition is yet to be discovered." Arisu smiled beautifully at them and then encouraged someone to stand up and start introducing themselves to the class.

Arisu made her way back to the seat and began committing things to memory for future purposes and listed in her mind on who would be involved in her plans in the near future. She looked them over as a male spoke.

"Ugh troublesome I'm Shikaku Nara." They boy revealed himself as Arisu committed it to memory. 

"Hey stop being so lazy and tell us your likes and dislikes!" A voice from beside Arisu had shouted out belonging to a very hyperactive girl in the class with cyan coloured eyes and light brown hair. "Just like Arisu here did."

"Stop it's not going to go anywhere he's a Nara clan member meaning that he's inherently lazy but extremely intelligent at the same time." Arisu explained to the girl.

"Wait Arisu you are that rumoured prodigy of the Uchiha aren't you?" A voice belonging to a male with long black hair with steel grey eyes stated. 

"I am a prodigy by everyone else's accounts you may have noticed I said learning new Jutsu's meaning I know how to control my chakra and have Jutsu's already under my belt." Arisu stated turning het attention to the window as she waited for something to happen.

"Prove it. You awakened your Sharingan from what I heard." The boy was quite rude but it provided her with the opportunity to show off her ability.

Her eyes flashed crimson and showed themselves to the world her eyes locking onto the rude mans eyes and forcing him to sleep with a simple Genjutsu, A thud was heard on his desk as he smashed into it asleep. Everyone looked at her with expressions of shock and jealousy for a second but calmed down when they saw a smirk appear on her face.

"There there you should be good to fall asleep right?" A shiver ran down everyone's spines as they heard Arisu speak in a cold tone of voice. She sat down as the interactions began anew, People introduced themselves and Arisu talked to the girl beside her who introduced herself as Kana Hinamori. 

The teacher entered the room 40 minutes later as everyone formed friends with some people and began to talk amongst each other. 

"Alright class let us begin. I am your personal tutor for these next 10 years and I will do my best to make all of you proper Shinobi. For that all of you must learn a few factors of this life such as..." The voice continued to speak as information was given to the class.

Arisu let her eyes close as she deactivated the Sharingan and decided to rest for a while. The rest of the day passed by quickly as she learned the teachers names faces and some things about time. She also started helping kids in class as she was already far ahead of them in terms of knowledge of chakra and other such things. 

Getting people to trust her was the first step in her grand overarching plan to becoming Hokage before Minato made that position. 

After a while the eventful first day concluded and all of the children went home.

*Want to move on from this arc soon so aspect to see some plotlines finally develop.*