
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Party of reincarnator's take on a dungeon 1/2

My blade cut through the air cleanly as a weak chakra rabbit fell cut in half by the Tsugi no Chokuto. The blade glowed with a silverish shine as it was thrust ahead into the head of another one then with a flick of my wrist it left the skull. My eyes turned as I met the hare trying to kick me before getting a blade through the chest. 

'Arisu is so good isn't she.' I heard Yume say as I dashed forwards cutting 3 more in half with fancy maneuvers. 

'She's the strongest of us that's for sure.' He said as with my Sharingan active I perceived him use his Zanpakuto which was a Katana to slice rabbit's in half easily.

I smirked as I pulled 5 Shuriken out and sent them hurdling towards a group of rabbits electrifying them. Then I leapt backwards as an electrified claw from a weak chakra bear came down. I launched a Suidan mid backflip which killed it instantly. Using the opportunity 3 rabbits used their Usagi Ashi to kick me only to be met with death as 3 more Suidans collided into them.

Yume had been using Taijutsu to deal with her opponents and it seemed like she had combined the Yogeki-Ken with Karate creating a much more aggressive variant of a style meant to counter opponents. Whilst she was doing that Akira had been using a basic D ranked Katon Jutsu to enhance his Zanpakutou's capabilities further and also add a small bit of range to it.

10 weak small creatures attempted to jump me. 2 crashed into each other as I dodged out of the way another 3 tried to capitalise from the dodge managing to land a singular kick on me. That did nothing. Gripping 2 mid air I spun and threw them towards 5 others who tried to save their friend unaware of the ball of flames being sent their way.

The other 5 charged at me leaping upwards but this time I launched forwards and with a spin dispatched 2 of the rabbits with a clean cut, a 3rd with a precise thrust the fourth falling to a slash that came when I moved forwards. The 5th was behind me but with a quickened spin was sliced into two.

The smirk I had been wearing till now faded into my usual facial expression. That was just a never changing expressionless face. Akira had moved to cut down several more and he did so with ease whilst Yume made the rabbits near her see false realities and then killed them.

So these rabbits didn't know how to escape Genjutsu. Interesting.

"Good work both of you." I stated out loud knowing they didn't need it sent straight to their brains right now.

"You did far better than us both combined Arisu." Akira feeling slightly jealous by my capabilities stated. One shared with Yume as she puffed her cheeks up.

"Seriously Yume wanted to use more Genjutsu." She pouted further.

"Well I'm not lying you both have improved a lot over this month. Akira your Kenjutsu skill has reached the Genin point breaking Chunin and Yume you need to increase your chakra reserves." The tone of voice had been one they grew used to. One of an instructor teaching their students.

"Sure professor."

"Don't call me that." I immediately shut down all attempts at being called professor. 

"Bad history with that word?" Akira asked.

"Don't pry into things you don't wish to know." The serious tone left him baffled.

"Yume want's part of this conversation. Yume believes Arisu has had a very bad past."

That's putting it lightly. If one where to describe my past experiences they would wonder why I haven't gone completely insane from it. 

"Arisu, do you want to talk about it?" Akira tried asking but he wouldn't understand the Whiteroom and its harsh environment fully.

"It's easier if you don't pry." I spoke.

"Why?" Yume asked concerned.

"It's easier to not talk about it." A tone of finality was in my voice.

"Yume don't pry further, I have to ask you Arisu though," He paused letting the next few words he was about to say more intriguing. "You're from the Whiteroom aren't you?" 

"How do you know about that place?" I asked shocked that somebody else knew of that place in this world. I hadn't factored that into my calculations even.

"I remember visiting it with my past life's father back when my family were investors in the Artificial Genius project." He spoke his tone holding honesty in it. 

"I see. Yes I am a Whiteroom student." There was no point in hiding it now. Whiteroom students were what the subjects of the Whiteroom were called for clarity.

"Yume is confused. What is the Whiteroom and what's a Whiteroom student. Yume assumes it's a school but Artificial Genius project is confusing Yume." She kept going on a bit. 

"Arisu should we?" 

"I'll explain it to her." I spoke. "Yume." I grabbed her attention. 


"The Whiteroom is the name of a facility built and headed by Ayanokouji Atsoumi also called Professor Ayanokouji. The Whiteroom was designed to nurture children from birth in extreme situations to try and create a genius by artificial means. In other words they wanted to make manufactured geniuses. Subjects of this experimental project would go on to be called Whiteroom students. The Whiteroom has trained over hundreds of kids under a rigorous and difficult curriculum that was kept from the public and certain members within the government. The Whiteroom had multiple generations with one being added every year outside of the first 3. The 2nd was formed 4 years after the first and the 3rd 5 years after that. The 4th started the trend of a new one being added every year." I explained trying to make it as simple as possible for her to understand, 

"Wait you said you were." She trailed off not wanting to say more. She hadn't even realized she spoke normally.

"Yeah, I'm from the 4th generation." I added.

"Arisu you're from the demonic generation!" The shout came from Akira who wore a shocked expression on it.

"Yeah. Oh and Yume to put this into perspective the 4th generation had the hardest and most difficult curriculum of all generations in the Whiteroom. An average Whiteroom student would study college level subjects at the age of 7 in my generation however we were studying number theory at that age," 

Number theory is a study within mathematics that dedicates itself to the study of integers and arithmetic functions alongside the properties of mathematical objects constructed from integers like rational numbers or generalizations of the integers such as algebraic integers. It also studies prime numbers.

Diophantine geometry explores integers both as standalone entities and as solutions to equations. Analytical objects, such as the Riemann zeta function, play a crucial role in understanding questions in number theory, encoding properties of integers, primes, and other number-theoretic objects. Analytic number theory delves into these objects to uncover deeper insights. Additionally, Diophantine approximation examines the relationship between real numbers and rational numbers, viewing real numbers as approximations by rational ones.

This is just the barebones of number theory however.

"Number theory?" Yume asked.

"Number theory is usually taught to students in university who major in mathematics Yume," Akira added. 

"Why are they teaching it to 7 year old's?" Yume asked surprised by the sudden development.

"You can't make an artificial genius out of nowhere, The Whiteroom wouldn't use genetic manipulation either to do so. Instead they accelerated our rate of learning to an extreme point. Karate, Judo, Muay Thai and other martial arts styles were taught to us when we were 2 and we had to master them at the age of 3. We had insanely difficult physical lesson as well. At the age of 6 we were forced to climb a mountain with sharpened rocks without proper safety equipment in under 5 minutes." I decided to add more to it.

"How are you still sane after that?" 

"I repressed my emotions to the point I didn't even know I had them until around 2 years ago now." 

"That's just inhumane." Yume stated her tone of finality spoke volumes about who she was as a person.

"You do realize that we are training to kill people right?" I asked wondering if she knew the basics of what our job meant.

"I know but I still don't like it." She mumbled pouting whilst I somewhat chuckled.

"Well let's get going theirs a lot more to kill here." I stated taking to the trees and Akira followed behind me with Yume shortly after. Yet my thoughts were on something else entirely.

World Arcana has ranked up to rank 2

Ability gained Party status: Allows you and the 2 reincarnators to see each other's health and Chakra bars at all times so long as you are in a party. These will be located under your 

And it was not that.

How many people have already died to my actions in the Whiteroom? I hadn't thought about it before. Just as we don't remember the shape and color of every stone that falls onto the roadside. Those that learned with me and those who taught us will disappear if they were incompetent.

That was just artificial selection after all. 

But don't think I had never felt fear because truthfully I knew fear that was caused by pain. I knew how terrifying and miserable it felt to be a loser. I had seen people break down because of it time after time again back in the Whiteroom. But after a while I stopped feeling fear instead I just felt empty. 

Because I had realized that no matter how much suffering and despair others went through I myself won't have to experience the same. So long as I had the means to protect myself it was fine. So long as I was safe I was the victor.

I jerked my head from one side to the other to keep myself focused as I dashed through the forest once more.