
The gaming System (Title still pending)

This is a story about Mason, a youth in his twenties. Follow along as he travels through multiple game universes and gains some features of said games. The first Universe will be an abridged Minecraft that slowly gains modded contents as Mason progresses. (the world will start in Vanilla and gain mods) The protagonist will be unaware of all gaming and meta knowledge and I will also make the world of Minecraft somewhat more realistic (no floating blocks without reason, proper NPCs, …)

Penniless · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The System

After he left the room, I was just laying around unable to sleep just yet. Thinking about all the things that happened to me in the last 24 hours, my death, apparent transmigration and the rather short, but somewhat strained, conversation I just had with John.

'On that note, I hope my story wasn't too suspicious. But I also can't just tell him I'm from another world and don't have the clue as to what exactly is going on.'

While I was contemplating to myself, I started looking around the room, wooden planks for walls an empty shelf a table and some chairs, 'Guess I'm in his guest room but folks here really arn't living that well. AND now that I'm looking closer why the f is everything so blocky?'

But before I could continue that thought I noticed a small symbol of a rotating half circle, one of those that look like a loading symbol. Upon focusing on it, the icon enlarged but nothing more than that happened, I guess I have some kind of system or I'm in a VR Game. But that just brings up the question why, but I was already wondering about that constantly since waking up.

'Well, a system would be cool, as long as it is like the systems of all those protagonists in novels but I also have some hope of still being alive and just trapped in a game. That way I could have a chance of going to the real world again.'

'Who am I kidding technology isn't that far along that it could simulate a whole world and send a person into a full dive.'

As I was going into another tangent the loading symbol turned into a letter most likely symbolising a new message.

'Let's just click on it' I think and proceed to point my finger into the icon, but nothing happens.

'Guess that was just to easy but maybe I have to "click" it mentally' … and again nothing happens.

'Well let's just try saying stuff'

I start with saying "Messages" and … nothing.

'Let us try "Notifications"' and as I am thinking that the small image expands into a text box that is about the size of an A5 paper.

[Welcome to the multiverse newbie,

It seems your system finished initializing otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. -Hehe-

I'll keep this short and simple you interact with the system through your thoughts. -Nice right-

Your system is a gamer system that adapts to the world around you, it will send you into different worlds of games and your task is to complete some missions to gain System Points (SP). Those points are then used to purchase the functions and abilities of the game world you are currently in. -no I won't spoil what world you are in, but you will most likely not recognize it anyway-

The current, bare bones, system has three functions [Shop], [Quests] and [Notifications].

[Shop] is the place where you spend your SPs.

[Quests] is where you earn SPs

And [Notifications] saves all messages, like from other system users, such as my humble self

Of course, in [Notifications] you can also find the unimportant things like notifications when you do something relevant to the system (such as earning points, progress in a quest, …)

To call up the different function just think of their designation with the intent to open them and they'll pop up in your vision. -Check em out I spent a lot of time building them and your system-

Cheers and good Luck

T#3 8u1ld3ß

PS: Guess they don't let me show you my name, meh not that it matters. You should really take a look at your missions (you get a main one for each world) and I left you a little gift, nothing big.

PPS: You also have an [Options] section where you can adjust your user experience]


'I guess that was informative, Thanks Guy whose name I'm not allowed to know. But I guess that's my answer I'm actually dead BUT at least I have a system.' Somewhat saddened and at the same time excited I attempt to open the first function '[Shop]' and a new window pops up

[SHOP – Minecraft

· Basic Crafting List – 15 SP

· Basic Resource Gathering – 5 SP

· World Guide – 5 SP

· XP System – 30 SP

· Basic Inventory – 30 SP

· Passive Health Recovery – 30 SP

· Enchanting Unlock – 30 SP

Mod Features:


] 'Guess I couldn't have expected anything else from a shop, but didn't he say he left me a gift?'

As I was thinking about it I got a new message

[Well, congrats you ain't that stupid -WELL DONE-] and shortly after another notification.

[you gained 10 SP – Source unknown]

'Well, I believe that is my gift and I can now buy stuff – yay'

After some thinking about what I want to use those points on I decide to get the only two things I can currently buy, feeling stupid right now, to have even thought so hard about it.

[You bought {World Guide} and {Basic Resource Gathering} – 10 SP deducted]

[Initializing Knowledge … 0%]

And that was the last thing I saw before a headache fucking killed me, again. 'GREAT'


And that is it for today's chapter next chap will be about [Quests] and his first steps out of the little hut (at least he thinks it's one)

I must say it is somewhat difficult to synchronize my thoughts to whatever the f I write but I hope It wasn't to bad and that it was entertaining.

But as I'm here for fun and also a bit to learn please do give me advice and point out my mistakes.

If you have some ideas for the story, like mods that I'll be using, then feel free to comment.

Pennilesscreators' thoughts