
The Games We Used To Play

Did you ever wish that life was like a game? With a simple press on the reset button you can just restart whenever you made a mistake, or simply resurrect after dying while fighting monsters in a dungeon. I tried playing REALITY once, and it sucks! The server is unbalanced, you cant choose where to start or pick the race that you want, and if your unlucky you end up with your character being ugly or worse, being born in a poor family with a physical disability aswell. Feeling like other people are born with cheat codes and walkthroughs in life, the unfair situations, treated less as a human being, ostracized by others around you. I finally called it quits, i give up, throw in the towel, kick the bucket, Log-out..... Just when i had finally resigned to my fate, tired of living, sadness, loneliness, my entire life flashing infront of my very eyes, darkness overshadowing me, and the ground quickly getting closer by the second. I closed my eyes, the wind blowing on my face, waiting for the curtains to fall on my pathetic-solo performance. I hear a familiar sound, coming from my tablet PC. * tring! * a notification huh? who could be sending me a message so early in the morning. Its not like i'd be able to read it anyway( currently i was free falling head first from the top of our school building ) My life ended on that uneventful day, or perhaps not. [ .....Loading..... ] Follow the journey of a girl through the vast world, trying to find the meaning in life. Looking for any means to keep herself moving forward. Meeting others, will it finally heal her broken heart.

Funnyfreshfunk · Games
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You don't need a truck to get there.

Morning of the 31 day in highschool, I'm wearing my cute uniform, on top of the school roof enjoying the soft breeze, the sun slowly rising and the sky visibly changing its color showing its full splendor, I had hoped that my new student life would be filled with great memories that i would later look back on with a bright smile. but somethings just dont workout the way you want it to. 

Born in a broken family, barely making ends meat, and struggling in life, my only escape is when I was playing RPG games on my terminal, which i found laying on the ground with a big pile of trash and some magazines. 

My father left us when i was still very young, and my mom hated him so much to a point that she wanted to kill him if ever she was given the chance. Unfortunately for me, I had to accept the full brunt of her fury. After coming home from work, I would always try my best to pleasure my mom. In a way, after kicking and punching me from all directions, she would show this big smile on her face as if she felt like she was flying, and I would in turn smile back, which made the physical abuse finally stop. then she will go back to her room with a big bottle of alcohol to keep her company. this was my everyday life. 

I was utterly broken in my time of youth, causing me to lose my voice because of the trauma. My mom just waved it off as if it wasn't her fault. Despite how she treated me, I still loved my mom. She was the only family i have left, and I felt content, as long as we are together I would eventually be happy, but I was wrong. 

One day she never came back to our house, no letters, no calls, no messages left on the phone, she just completely vanished. 

I was able to scrounge up a few scrapes of food that the neighbors were nice enough to give me, and managed to survive somehow. but something within me was slowly dying. eating me away, filling me with unimaginable sadness. stuffing my mouth with food until there wasn't any left, I went to my mother's room and laid down on her bed. hugging her pillow, smelling the alcohol on the bedsheets, i began to cry. I tried calling out her name but my voice wasn't there. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out, only silence remained, i was alone.....I cried, until i fell asleep. 

The first few days in school wasn't different, I was the odd one out. 


 " Listen up class. Today we have a new transfer student. Go ahead and introduce yourself."

I picked up my terminal and began tapping on the letters, when I was finished, I placed my finger on the tablet and dragged what i had written infront of everyone to see, and after a moment a two dimentional display appeared on the thin air. 

[ Nice to meet you ] 

[ I am Aria ] 

[ I will use this terminal to communicate with all of you ] 

[ I hope we can all be friends ] 

[ I'm Mute ] 


I tried my best, to live up to expectations. I held out my hand trying to reach for anyone, but nobody even gave me the time of day. Instead, they tormented me for being different, I cant blame them, it was my fault in the first place. They keep telling me i was creeping them out, always holding back the entire class. I was like excess baggage for those people around me. and the entire class was making all sorts of tricks to make my life in school a living hell. I was the object of their hate, until one day i found a friend. 

for the first time in my life i was trully happy. that was until i found out the truth. 


"Hey Kim! why do you always bother talking to that wierdball? everyone in class is avoiding her. 

""Well first of all she's not my friend, if your wondering. I'm only using her to keep my grades up. Hah! you should have seen the look on her face when i came up to her and asked if we can hang out. 

"wow.... you spineless bitch... ahahahha , im kidding!!! anyway wanna hang out someplace after school? 

""Sure, I have nothing else to do, and we dont have any club activities later anyway. 

"alright let's go! I hear there is a great stall in the station selling cute accesories. 

""Count me in... anyway we better get back to class, our break is almost over.... 


I guess staying up on the roof will give you all sorts of gossip. ( thinking to herself ) its a shame the only person i could share it with doesn't exist. I wonder what Kim would think if they found out that I was actually just above them the entire time. 

I'll ask her later if they could let me join them on their trip. 


what do you want!? ugh you've been following me around the rest of the day! 

[ I just want for us to spend sometime together. ] 

what!? wait... we talk in class, well mostly its just me talking and you tapping away like a crazed lunatic. Isn't that enough? Its not like i want to be around you 24/7  i have my own life, and i've got other things to do. 

[ Its not that! I swear, i just want for us to maybe, walk home together? or Eat crepe ] 

Haaa??? you are seriously wierding me out like totally! I'm not somekind of boyfriend you know. I'm busy, I need to go. 

[ thats not what i heard earlier, you said you were free after school. ] 

[ Cant I come along? I want to be friends with everyone. ] 

ohh.....I get it now, you were actually listening back there.... Aria..... please dont come near me ever again. we are friends right? and friends dont cause trouble for their friend..... I'm actually gonna go with MY other Friends but you aren't invited. sorry.....but i dont wanna talk to you again and I want you to stay away from me as much as possible. your Wierd stalker way of doing things is creeping me out.


I didn't go home that day, I stayed on the roof of the school building,  and when the night came I looked up to the sky and the stars. ( its pretty ) I took a selfie of myself, then some pictures of the night sky. I wanted to preserve this scene in my memory, my own special place where i belong. 

Now where can that place be? I wonder....


* kring! kring!!! kringgg!!! * 

ugh.... where is that..... ( pat pat pat ) 

* kringgg!!!!! * 

kyaaa! ouch.... i need to put this somewhere else so it doesn't always fall on my head. 

At the sound of my alarm, I begin my day. 

I'm just an average highschool girl just like any other. Every morning, I always run around a few times in our neighborhood because I make it a point to keep my figure in top shape all the time... yeah i dont wanna become fat, go figure.... 

Enjoying the cold wind brushing on my cheeks. Looking at the river, the bridge, and everything else that comes along my way. I pick up my pace, as my body begins to warm up. 

But today is different... Im running..... like my life depended on it. 


( yawn~ ) " uhh haa uhh haa, hmmm.... isn't that Aria? What is she doing at school? and its a Sunday... 

I'm not sure if someone is making fun of me or just some kind of twist of fate but I ended up Jogging pass our school building. looking around, I saw a girl on top of the roof, thinking that she was part of a club enjoying the sunrise, i was about to move on.... but what happened next was beyond my expectations. 

The girl was slowly making her way up the perimiter fence..... 

" Your kidding right? No way!? That Idiot!!! "

I started running as fast as I could, maybe even faster, i'm not really sure.

Making my way inside the school building, I'm greeted by the security guard on duty, he was eating some donuts and drinking coffee as I was running pass him. 

( I forgot to mention he was sleeping like a log. ) 

Running up the stairs of our 10 story building, I'm begining to think I wouldn't make it. 

Slamming the door open as i finally got on top and looking around, I saw the back of the girl standing at the edge. 

Immediately running to her direction, I watched as the girl was slowly disappearing from my sight, as she took the final step towards her Death. 

( Its not my fault..... I'm sorry..... I'm sorry..... this must be a dream, right? I'm probably still sleeping in bed. ) 

I was frozen in space, Like watching a movie that plays only 1 frame for every minute. All I could do was see her off. Aria was like the protagonist in some western film riding off into the Sun. As the sky begins to light up, time begins to move once more. 

" ARiAaaaa!!!!!!!!! "


It felt like I was flying in the sky, the wind was really strong as it hit my face, so I kept my eyes closed. The freedom, the peace of mind, as if all my troubles were being blown away with the wind. 

< Error > 

" TzzzZzzttt tzztt * ( static ) 

* TzzZztt * 

< Error > 

[ Loading system resources ] 

< Error > 

< Error in line 1090 238 867 > 

[ Protocol Failure ] 

[ Attempting to Reconnect to Server ] 

< Error > 

< Error > 

[ Transferring Data to other Stand Alone Server ] 

< Error > 

[ System Boot up Failed ] 

[ Iniating Emergency Protocol ] 

[ Tranfering All data files to Server 00 ] 

[ Removing all abnormalities on Host ]

[ Successful ]

[ Adjusting Mental and Psyche ]

[ Failure, due to lack of resources... ]

[ Adjusting Luck parameters to value of 1. ]

[ Successful! ]

[ Realigning Mental and Psyche ]

[ Successful! ]

[ Trait Detected: Minor Insanity ]

[ Attempting to remove... ]

[ Failed! ]

[ Readjusting Agility to value of 5. ]

[ Realigning Mental and Psyche Value... ]

[ Success! ]

[ Uploading all Character Data ] 

[ Attempt Successful! ] 

< ok > 

< ok > 

< ok > 

[ Connecting.... ]