
The Gamers Diary

Tye_ · Sci-fi
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My friend started all of this. "You have seriously got to try this game" is what she said. I didnt really get the the hype of it was the newest VR game to come out of 'Malintizing' game company. Thier current game they had just released a month ago hit the top of the charts in record time. My friend told me the day she got it how to play beging me to join her. The game seemed simple enough it consists of 5 worlds a gun world, a fantasy world, a war torn world, and a survival world but the main show case was a world that hadn't opened yet apparently every one thinks it going to combine all the worlds together in some kind of challenge. At least thats what forums are gussing. She told me I would love it you get to design your own avatar and that avatar could move between all worlds. So i assumed it was a guns and magic game. After telling her I would try it she handed me the gear and game system and told me she would be waiting in the fantasy world for me and that her avater name was 'Sho'nie'. Man if only I'd know how wierd things were going to get.