
troubled birth

The dark took over my being. It felt like I was thousands of years in the dark and the only thought on my mind was how Angelica and Kate were doing.

Soon the darkness started to disappear and everything started to become clear grounded. In front of me, there were 3 huge monsters blurred.

The light in the place made my eyes burn

"He's handsome isn't he?" A tired voice spoke, in a happy tone

"Yes, dear, he is beautiful" a happier voice replied, also moved and a tug in my chest made me want to cry that I tried to hold back.

"What will his name be?" the tired voice asked, one of the blurs approached me making me cover my face in fear

"His name will be Alex Monteral" The excited voice spoke and I felt his hand take me and lift me.

While I was in desperation to be lifted by a big blurry monster

"From today, you will be our little heir" The cheerful voice finally showed seriousness "come and sleep"

I felt comfort in the joyful voice inside me.


The sound of something popping made me widen my eyes at the same moment. I felt the arms that were holding me squeeze me tightly.

"Sir, the main family and vampires of the Strix are attacking our mansion" A voice, which sounded scared, came to my attention.

"Old racists and fascist idiots, damn they don't know what peace is?" The voice of what I now recognized as a lord cursed, "Magnus my friend, please protect my son"

Magnus? have I heard that name before?

"Are you sure? My friend, the underworld is not the place for supernaturals" The voice of this Magnus spoke with a worried face "it can be very dangerous to bring the two worlds together"

"my friend, tell me what is not dangerous?" This gentleman's voice spoke with a little disgust "everything in this world is dangerous, please take my son and raise him as an underworld"

"I can help you fight," Magnus said, concern in his voice.

"against over 50 evolved vampires and werewolves? not counting the witches on both sides? Magnus, these werewolves and vampires aren't downworlders. they won't die or stop with broken bones or destroyed organs and are much faster" The tired voice spoke showing some anger and I saw one of the blurs approaching me and I felt a warm hand on my head"You will die before you even cast a spell"

"Go Magnus" The man shouted, and other noises were heard at the door "Erase his memory of the supernatural world and raise as your son a good life for him in the underworld"

I felt like I was being placed in another hand and another blur got me

"You have to stay alive" The person Magnus shouted and at the same moment everything in my vision that was almost non-existent blurred even more "Come on child, soon your parents will be back"


London-- 1820

A gigantic mansion in the middle of a forest was the scene of a lot of noise of things breaking and screams, growls, and bones breaking.

In the backyard of the mansion was a group of people fighting. All holding swords and close-range weapons. People moved like figures disappearing and reappearing in the middle of the forest.

Among them was a redhead. She cut off the head of another woman who fell to the soft ground lifeless. The redhead's eyes glowed a powerful yellow. her name was Victoria Andrea Labonair

She gasped, staggering to the side with a tired expression.

"Damn, we're losing," She said tiredly, looking intently at the battlefield looking for a way to get back to the mansion. "I have to go back to protect the alpha!"

Victoria was meanwhile worried about her alpha. The clan was all she had and now it was all on fire

She then looked at a corner that was empty with no one and blurred disappearing. in a few seconds, she reappeared in the corner of the forest still panting, and looked at the mansion from afar to where she saw a man holding some kind of cargo covered by a blue cloth.

"Magnus? what is he doing here?" Andrea wondered and her eyes gleamed brighter with a growl coming out of her throat "This traitor should protect the alpha"


before she was able to do anything, she was hit by something and thrown away hitting a tree that bounced her throwing her to the ground!

"Damn…" Victoria moaned, squirming. she tried to get up but something hit her on the head knocking her to the ground once more.

"stay on the floor, bitch!" A female voice with a French accent spoke with a laugh.

The person who spoke was a woman with short curly hair who had a cruel smile on her face. Veins appeared on her face and she kicked Andréa once more causing the redhead to fly and hit another tree hitting her head

"You know, I love hitting dogs" The woman commented with a mocking tone and pulled a sword from her waist "I love making them scream"

"Me too!" A male voice spoke next to the woman making her eyes widen "Go Andréa"

*to break*

"You son of a bitch" The woman turned around, punching her voice, and hit a tree shattering her throwing pieces of trees everywhere "where did he go?"

*to break*

The woman turned tensely to look for whoever had caught her eye. At the same moment, her neck turned to cause her to fall limp on the floor.

A man panting with blood all over her clothes sighed at the sight of the woman's fallen body. he had veins on his face and his frizzy, shiny hair was red with blood

He looked at Andrea with concern, the redhead was lying on the floor squirming.

Victoria's vision was blurred, everything in her was spinning and her stomach was churning. She felt like throwing up, but she couldn't even do that.

A small branch pierced the back of her neck. She wasn't a vampire so the wound wouldn't heal, all she could do was pray the alpha was alive

"Andrea, Andrea, ohh my God Andrea" She heard the voice calling her and her eyes unconsciously turned to the voice The owner of the voice shouldn't be there "You're going to be fine!"

The man touched Andrea's head and pulled the branch from the back of her head in a lump. he quickly bit his wrist causing blood to rush from his wrist.

Without waiting, the man put the blood in Andrea's mouth making her drink "it's going to be okay"

When the blood entered Victoria's mouth, all her injuries disappeared and she widened her eyes as she stood up and pushed the man away.

"Will, what the hell are you doing here?" She growled at the man punching him "you got away you coward!"

"No, my lady sent me here, she fought along with her alpha bravely. but, both of them will fall against ancient vampires" Will held Andrea's arms preventing her from hitting him, and yelled "Priority is the young master, Magnus managed to take him away, he is still the heir of our clans"

"Sorry for accusing you, Come with me!" Andrea widened her eyes and looked at Will and kissed him "we can protect the young master together"

"I'm sorry, I'm one of the eldest in my clan" Will gave a weak smile and pushed Andrea away from him "Besides, the young master needs someone to reproduce, so our clan doesn't cease to exist"

"How dare you even think of offering your Woman to reproduce with another" Victoria yelled punching Will in the face who didn't dodge "You are trash"

Andrea cried with rage, throwing another punch, but this time Will caught her fist and glared at her.

"Sorry Andrea, but in my 600 years of life. I've only had my clan as a priority and I will continue to do so" He spoke firmly and authoritatively, squeezing Andrea's fist. will give heirs to the clan, then the leader and his lovers turn into vampires and so on."

"I'm not human" Andrea screamed, thrashing around in Will's arms.

"But, you're clean, the moment you married your alpha, your pack became part of the clan. It all went so fast, you turning into an accident and having sex with your ward during the transition" Will spoke calmly and coldly "Since the young master is a man it is the job of you pack women to be his suitors. with or without relationship before that"

"Will how can you be so-" Victoria looked at Will with disgust and then turned her attention to his daylight ring, it read gentleman of Montreal "You are an old gentleman who thinks of his master, first of all, that fuck you"

Andrea screamed and disappeared in a blur.

"I hope you are happy next to the young master" Will looked in the direction of Andrea's blur and a slight tear came out of her eyes "I will be the last knight of the Liliana faction of the Monteral clan"


Will heard something dragging and looked ahead to where the woman from before was standing, twisting his neck and snapping it. she had a cruel smile and her eyes sparkled

"so this is the power of the mighty knight of the Liliana faction" The woman sneered swinging her swords "I underestimated you, but, now I won't anymore, the Liliana faction has fallen and the Strix has an influence on the two other factions of the Monteral Clan. Elijah's will be all united when I finish killing all the remnants of the Liliana faction"

"Only over my dead body" Will yelled as well pulling his sword and the two blurred disappearing.

The two reappeared where the other was before and Will's body fell to the ground with his head protruding from his neck.

"Damn, he's good!" The woman whispered before her upper waistband fell to the ground letting her guts spill out onto the earth "I'll take a week to heal the damage, dame knight!"

She closed her eyes and slept as the battle continued. gradually the members of the Liliana Faction were suppressed, having their endings as corpses or deserters.

Within hours the battle ended with the most powerful faction of a great vampire clan being destroyed, a great loss to the supernatural world.