
The Gamer Multiverse

I had always been a Gamer, from when I had just received my own PS2 to have a nice gaming PC with PS5 next to it, so when I had just found out that I had been chosen as a new member of GMA ( Gamer Multiverse Association) and had the chance to go adventuring in different universes as a Gamer I immediately took the chance, making my journey as a Gamer officially start.

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Sitting on the bed of my room I take a look at the notification I had ignored during the fight, while also taking out and checking the Saw Cleaver.


Fighter Class level up, 10=>13

Level up, 15=>16

Str 145 => 165 ( +15 from class level up, +5 from perk)

Dex 145 => 160

Saw Cleaver (Epic)

One of the trick weapons of the workshop is commonly used in the hunting business.

This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force.

The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast.

Skills: Mode-switch, Monster Hunter, Hunter Friend

Mode Switch

You can switch between a short and long weapon mode, if timed correctly a boost to the damage will be given.

Monster Hunter

This weapon has been created for only one reason, to kill monsters, with a base of 50% boost to the damage, the more the enemy you are facing can be considered a monster the more damage you will deal. ( an example is the difference between drowned and a gryphon)

Hunter Friend

Unlike most hunters you embrace your beast side, letting it course through your veins and letting you fight stronger enemies, effect of Controlled Madness is boosted.


Finally having enough points I decided to let my Vit reach the 100 mark, this way all of my physical-related stats can now be considered above human standards.

The perk I gained is named Inhuman Vitality and it simply turns my HP modifier from x100 to x150, officially making my HP 15.000.

Taking out the saw cleaver I grab it with my right hand, and the moment my palm touched the handle of the cleaver I felt one with it, every other weapon I had used until felt familiar, but this, this felt like home.

Coping the movement from the game I move at quite an impressive speed while switching between short and long modes to find ways I could surprise enemies with this trick.

After training for who knows how long, and gaining a level of Weapon Mastery, I store the weapon back in my inventory and instead decide to inspect the knowledge gained by the Niko Style skill.

' Ok, Niko style, 4 katas, two meditative techniques, several combined techniques, and 4 secret techniques that can turn any normal human into a God walking among insects, just the Demonsbane would be enough to instantly make the head of a normal human explode.'

Flama kata, a kata centred around movement and positioning, gives the user incredible speed and agility.

Adamantine Kata, involves the tightening of the muscles, thus hardening one's body, for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Redirecting Kata involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them.

Water Kata, is a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion.

Just these four if trained to a high enough level could make me a beast in human clothes.

Taking out the rock I had obtained from the gacha tokens I try to focus and flex only the muscles on my finger to have enough power to pierce the rock, but the max I could do was only flex the muscles of my whole arm, having to put 100% only on this task to keep up this state.

'I guess I asked too much from myself right from the start, for I will just get used to all the techniques I can remember.'




" What did you do the whole night?" Geralt asked after getting down from his room.

" What do you mean?" I asked

" You made strange noises the whole night, and not hearing nor smelling any woman near your room leaves few things to my imagination."

" Fuck off, I was training."

" Training, what were you training?"

With a smile I ignore his question while eating the apple I had gently taken from the inn owner, Geralt simply shrugged his shoulder and continued the conversation.

" Have you discovered a good place for a horse?"

" In front of the Apothecary, you will deal with the horse business with your witcher bullshit, I will take a look at the things they at the Apothecary."

He nodded and took out his sword to clean it while I finished my apple.

After more or less 2 minutes we finally went out and headed to grab the horse.

After dividing I got inside the apothecary and started looking at what they had in the hope some new potions ideas could spark in my head.

Most things in there either had placebo effects or were actually unhealthy for your health, what they didn't have in potions though, they compensated in materials.

Using the few remaining Crowns I had I bought as many ingredients as I could, enough to last me around 150 test potions.

Saying goodbye to the apothecary I head outside, just to see Geralt surrounded by guards.

' For fuck's sake.'


Help The Witcher

Objective: Escape from the city you are in with Geralt Alive

Bonus Objective: Don't kill any guard

Reward: x1 Gacha token


Sighing I walk towards the crown, I was happy with the numerous quest I was receiving, but come on, this was straight-up racism against Witchers.

" What seems to be the problem here?" I asked after making my way through the crowd that had started creating due to the commotion.

The guard having its sword taken out and pointed towards Geralt turned towards me, the sounds made by his armour make the scene quite funny, the guy was wearing full plate armour.


Great, noble bullshit here it comes.

" I am a friend of the witcher you are pointing your sword to."

" A friend of this monster? You must have been cursed by his sorceries no worries I will free you."

I think he is just straight-up stupid.

" As much as I would like to see you try, I will have to ask you to move away and tell me why he is being stopped."

" He was seen near an inn where a big fight happened last evening." A normal guard said from the side.

" You arrived close, he didn't participate in the fight, I fought alone and in self-defence."

" You are just acting in defence of the witcher because of his curse." The noble said with a pompous voice his tone now even more annoying than before.

Sighing in defeat I look at Geralt for a second and mouth the words *get ready, no killing, just run*

Before he could answer I had already moved.

' Flame Kata, Raging Fire.'

In a blink of an eye, I appeared in front of the noble.

' Adamantine Kata, Ironbreaker.'

Tightening the muscles in my hand a second before the punch made contact, the sound from the impact was similar to a rock hitting an iron sword.

A fist-size mark appeared on the armour of the noble while he slightly elevated from the ground.

His eyes rolled back and he fell face-first against the ground.

Not wasting any more time I activated Raging Fire again and continued my run from the crowd.

Geralt followed closely behind on the horse he had just stolen.

After he reached me I grabbed his arm and got up on the horse, the scream of the guards getting more and more distant.

" That was what I trained last night."