
The Gamer Insane edition

You Know while i may have been mentally unstable in my earth getting superpowers has made me even more unstable i mean why else would i like fish food?

wizardoggo · Video Games
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4 Chs

Stats Explanation, and explanation in general

These will be the stats and what they do and how they are calculated

STR(strength ,power ,damage, etc) it will also apply to health but its application will be divided so if str was 10*2=5 x5=25 health added

END (Damage resistance, health main, stamina, etc) For health if END was 10 then 10x10=100 hp +25 STR =125

DEX (Movement main, dodging, weapon handling, expertise ,stealth, etc) not much to say here but do understand str and end give minor bonuses to speed, it also gives an instinct thing which gets useful in higher stats

WIS (Mana regen, understanding life, general events, being like iroha, understanding schemes and social things, etc) if Wis was 10 then 1 mana regen per minute if a skill had a cooldown it would be quicker by 1 second

INT (Xp gain for skills, quick thought, genius eventually, making items, spell bonus, skills bonus, etc) if int was 10 then spell would have extra 10dm and skills would het 1% extra xp gain

CHA (Charisma not much to explain, Manipulation of impression, commanding aura, aura, persuasion, deception, etc) Basically think the WH40K emperors Aura or primarch aura but 100% weaker at the start

LUK (Item drops, skill gain, xp gain, probability change, ???, event change, manipulation, etc) yes the xp gain will be random ill do some rolling or something for it

This story will have the weirdest release time in the world cry and weep for the gods help but they wont answer. Anyway yeah a multiverse travel gamer fick.

And disclaimer there will be a shortage of relationship shit cause i suck at writing it and this character is based off me and I'm basically asexual so if you want any your gonna have to bribe me or I'm on a day having weird enough emotional stimuli that i decide to make some or write some