
The Gamer in Another World

A Gamer who transmigrated to another world which lead him to the new adventure which he never dream and imagine

Thousand_Pierce · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Mission 3

I begin searching again after I know that the wolf attack can not hurt me. It's still noon, so I think I can hunt a few more wolf. I already thinking that if I can not finished the mission today I will keep hunting until midnight and search a hiding spot that I can used to sleep for night and then I will hunt again in the morning. I know this quite reckless but I must do this. I must adept to this living if I want to survive in this world. After all what happen if I receive a mission which needs so many days too complete, I just can not always go back to the city right. That's why I decided that I will try to adept now.

After a few minutes searching I found another one. A lone wolf resting in shade of big rocks. With no time I just run to it and deliver a clean hit punch.

"Bam.." the wolf is startled to what happen, but like before I just keep pounce at it.

The wolf keep trying to bit me to shred but it can do nothing. It bite my arm and leg but I let it and counter attack. Because it's faster than me, I can not catch up to it, so that's why I let him attack me.

"Ggrr.. bite.."

"Echo Fist.. Bamm.." my last attack succeed and the wolf lost its breath.

Like before I pick my knife from my pocket inventory and begin collect everything. after I've done I left it and then search another again.

This pocket inventory is the inventory that every student get when they enter the Academy. This pocket inventory can save anything except living being inside of it. It has a limit of 50 to 100 kg. Because this is just a normal pocket inventory anyone can access to it. This make everything for Warrior much more simple.

I begin wondering around the forest and go too deeper level even though it's still forest area. I know that the wolf can not hurt me but it's not mean nothing can pierce my defense so I keep my guard up and caution all the time.

After a few moment I found another, this time three of them at the same time. Actually I want to just pass it and search a lone one, but I change my mind. First, how long can I found a lone wolf ? And beside if I keep run from it, I don't know what will I gonna do when I must fight with so many at once. So I steel my heart, get closer to them and then pounce.

Maybe because I'm a nervous, so when I pounce at them I make shout "Arrg... swish.."

My fist is miss and the three of them surrounded me immediately, but I keep my guard. I'm ready if they assault on me. And then three of them assault on me at the same time, 1 from my right and left side and 1 from in front of me. I decide to let my side and just focus the one in front.

"Echo Fist.. Bamm.." I hit the on in front but the other bit my legs

"Bite.. Bite.. Grr.." both of them want to shred my leg but because my body battle skill , they stuck. So I Immediately punch its head the one in my left side

"Echo Fist.. Bamm.." It let off my leg and make a whimper sound "Wu wu wu.." and shake its head

The one who still bite my right leg I punch it too but with a normal punch. After we separate, three of them still focus on me and they pounce on me again. That's where our real fight begin.

"Echo Fist.. Bam.."

"Bite.. bite.."

"Echo Fist... Bam.. Bam."

"Grr.. Wu wu wu. Growl.."

"Bam.. bam.."

It's already more than 5 minutes since we fight and all of us have ragged breath already. But I'm still fine, even though my cloth is not so fine. They try so many time to shred my body and when they bite my arms or legs I just punch them with my battle skill or a normal punch. One of them is already badly injured so I focus on it first. The only thing I'm worry is, they will run. If they run I can't chase. I don't have any movement battle arts.

I keep lowering my guard so they keep pounce on me. I only need to protect my head and I will be fine.

"Echo Fist.. Swiss" I miss again, but the other two pounce at me. This time I must kill one of them.


"Echo Fist.. Bamm." Because I know this won't end if I keep using my arts, I pulled the knife from my pocket inventory and stab the one in my right side. "Puchi.." after I stab it, its let out a whimper and then its blood ooze out from its body.

The other two who see that happen begin to retreat, but I won't give them a chance to do that. I pounce on the one who already badly injured. Because it's already badly injured its reaction speed is become slower so my punch is connected.

"Echo Fist.. Bamm.." after it receive my punch and let out a sound, I keep punch at it and then it's die. As for the last one its already run to the deeper forest and I know I can't catch it so I let it.

I back to the one who I stab with and do the thing I need. After I done with both of the wolf, I walk to the place where the last one escape.

After walking for so long I can not find it, so I turn around and make in another search area.

Well lucky me, I found a few other one. I do the same like before. I let them bite me and then counter attack.

After a few of hunt I've done, I see is it's almost evening now. So I begin to try search a safe spot so that I can rest. Even though I want to keep hunting, my body is kind exhausted so I stop.

In my resting spot, I keep thinking what I did. And so I ask AI about it.

"AI, How am I doing ?"

"Ding.. according to system analysis, master is doing good. But master lacks a finishing battle skill to kill." (AI)

"I see. Well it can't be help then, after all I only have one arts battle skill now." (Rudeus)

"Yes, master." (AI)

"Alright then AI show me 'Status'" (Rudeus)



Name : Rudeus Hardlett

Title : -

Class : Warrior (Level 2) (Exp : 95%)

Energy : 20/200 (1 energy/second)

Skill :

Meditation Battle Skill : Cycle Energy Meditation [common grade] (level 2 : 73%)

Arts Battle Skill : Echo Fist Battle Skill [common grade] (level 6 : 90%)

Body Battle Skill : Iron Clad Battle Skill [common grade] (level 8 : 50%)

Movement Battle Skill :

Ability : -

"Hmm.. even if I fight so much, Echo Fist is only level up to level 6 huh. AI, What happen ?" (Rudeus)

"Ding.. the exp master get from using Echo Fist to the wolf getting less and less master. Master need a stronger enemy." (AI)

"Sh*t.. This is getting harder to level up the battle skill. But seems like I can level up my rank to Warrior level 3 if I meditate a bit huh. Let's do it then." After I check that everything is safe, I eat my ration that I brought which is bread. After I finished eating, I begin my meditate and not long after I hear the system sound but I keep mediate.

"Ding.. Level Up.. Warrior (Level 3)" (AI).

"Ding.. Cycle Energy Meditation Level up.. Meditation Battle Skill : Cycle Energy Meditation [common grade] (level 3 : 1%)" (AI)