
The Gamer in Anime Verse

When Atilla, an ordinary high school student, wakes up one day, he sees a screen called "Status Window", which we usually see in RPG games, in front of his retina. Not only that, it looks like he can now do anything a game character can do! But the only problem is that what he can do is limited because like the books he reads, there is nothing like a secret magic school in his world, and it is a crime to kill someone for get exp... 2 years later he and his classmates are transported to another world. Well, at least he'll be able to level up now. Main World:Arifureta. This book is normally in a different language and I'm too lazy to translate it so I publish it with google translate.

xArchaius · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - First steps for being a Hero

(2 months time skip by DIO)

It's been exactly 2 months since I got that RPG System... Also, I had to change schools last month, you can guess why. Damn, I'm embarrassed every time I think of it... I swear if I ever learn time magic in the future, the first thing I'll do is go back in time and slap myself.

Nobody spoke to me at school after that day when I was laughing like crazy in the middle of the class. Look, that's okay, I like solitude, but it's extremely irritating when people look at me and whisper and teachers call me into their rooms every other day and talk to me like I have a mental problem.

Oh I also changed not only school but also country, now I'm in Japan.

You may ask, why Japan? The reason is the following task that suddenly appeared when I thought about leaving school;



• Live in Japan until the age of 17.

• [???]

• [???]


- Platinum Lottery Ticket.

- (???)

- (???)


I don't know why such a task came out, but there is a definite reason.

And now the moment most of you have been waiting for, the Status Window, open!


Name: Atilla

Level: 1

EXP: 0%

Class: None

Title: None

Race: Human

HP: 160

MP: 480


Strength: 20

Agility: 35

Vitality: 16

Intelligence: 51

Sense: 27


Luck: 10

(Remaining available points: 0)

[Skills], [Inventory], [Lottery]


Yes, I'm the fastest man alive.

All I did this month was to listen to songs in different languages while running. And just by doing that, I gained two new skills. The skill I get from running is called [Flash Step], in short, I can teleport at short distances with this skill, and it only uses about 10 of my mana. Thanks to the songs I listened to, I gained the [AllSpeak] skill. This skill also gives me the ability to speak in any language. When I say each language, I am not just talking about the languages used; I can also speak and write ancient languages such as Ancient Greek, Old Turkish, Hittite, and Sumerian.

Apart from the ones I mentioned above, I gained three more skills and I think they will help me a lot in the future.

The first is [Genetic Engineering](C). I got this skill by maximizing [Biology](D). I have high hopes for this skill because when I reach my racial limits in the future, I intend to look for a way to improve my race and overcome my physical limits with this skill.

The second skill [Thought Acceleration](D), as the name suggests, increases my thinking speed by 10 times. I think it would help a lot in a fight.

The third and my favourite... wait I have to show this in more detail, after all, that's what I tried the hardest to achieve...


[Aincrad Sword Style: Dual Blades](SS)

This skill allows the use of unique Sword Skills executed with two blades at the same time.

Special Techniques;

Cross Block - Double Circular - The Eclipse - Starbust Stream

(Strength and Agility Stats are increased by 10% while using this Sword Art.)


Every day from 7 pm to 11 pm I watched the scenes where Kirito was fighting and imitated the same movements with a rolling pin I found at home. And after a month and a half, I finally got this skill. It was pretty tiring.

Anyway. That's enough for all this. As you have just seen, my speed is currently the maximum a human can reach, so right now I am the fastest person in this world. But I have one more stat that is even more advanced than that, and that is... [Intelligence].

Normally Intelligence can be a maximum of 50 points, but thanks to the [Gamer's Mind] skill, I can exceed this limit and go up to a maximum of 100 points, and it is currently 51 points.

When my intelligence statistic exceeded 50 points, I got a Title called [Superhuman]. And thanks to this Title, the limits of all my Stats have been increased by 10 points. This is concrete proof that I can increase my physical limits with Headers.

And I've already figured out how to get a title... I'll be a hero!

... Also maybe this will increase my charm which has dropped to 4...


I'm currently in a neighborhood in Osaka. According to the information I got from a reliable source (the internet), this is the place where the most crime is committed in Japan.

It's midnight, right now, time to commit a crime... at least that's what I think. I probably won't be able to find a crime right away, but I'll wander around for 15 minutes and then move on to another neighborhood-

"Ehehe, what is a young girl like you doing around here at this hour? no...'' I heard the voice of a man around 35 who was probably drunk.

... 0.o

When I went to the place where the voice came from, I saw three big drunk men around a girl who looked like my age. Her hands were calloused, so she probably knows how to use a sword. But right now, he doesn't have a sword in his hand, even if he did, it was impossible to defeat these three burly men.

Honestly, I can't beat them in terms of physical strength, but I'm more than fast enough to make up for it. Dude I can run at 70 kilometers per hour, which is about 20 meters per second, a bunch of mobs can never beat me.

However, I should not intervene immediately, I should intervene at the most critical moment so that it will be more dramatic. Don't all heroes do this?

I continued to watch for a while and some pretty amazing things happened, the girl surprisingly managed to beat one of the guys and was just about to move on to the next... the two remaining guys took out knives from their pockets.

Well, I'm bored. I'll join them too...


(??? pov)

This is bad, I don't know how I got into this situation. We had just come to have fun in Osaka with my family, we met one of our relatives on the way and went to a restaurant on the street, but I didn't like that adult conversation so I secretly left the restaurant and started walking around.

I seem to have exaggerated the sightseeing thing a bit because it was already past midnight when I decided to go back to the restaurant.

As if that wasn't enough, I was cornered by a bunch of drunks. At first I wasn't afraid because my family has a dojo and I've been learning kendo since I was little. Even if I don't have my sword with me, it's not that hard to take down a group of bandits.

The other two tensed a bit when I defeated the first man who approached me, I was relieved to think they were going to run away, but suddenly they took their knives out of their pockets.

That's bad.

"Heh heh, no... that's enough play, little lady! now take off your clothe-

"Help!!!" yes that's me, and yes I was scared okay?

"Hihihi don't worry princess no one can hear you here! After all, you're in our territory hi-no!" The tall ugly man said.

Can't I really escape this situation? Will this be how I end up?

I... Am I going to die..?

Just as I was thinking about this, a footstep sounded from the right. When both I and the bandits returned to the place where the voice came from, we saw a man about 180cm tall with a white comedy mask on his face.

''Hello! I'm new to this business so I don't quite know what to do, for starters... how about throwing your knives down, guys?"

When the man said that, the bandits seemed to be angry.

''Ha? What the hell are you saying? Are you thirsty for your life?" As soon as he said that, they started running towards the man.

While I was in shock, the bandits had already reached the man and were about to stab him. But suddenly something happened that I will never forget for the rest of my life...

He teleported... no he didn't, he just moved so fast it looked like he was teleporting.

Suddenly, he went behind the bandits and struck them on the back of the neck with an unknown pair of sticks, knocking them unconscious.

''Hey! Are you okay?''

''I'm fine''

"I can see that you are able to defend yourself to some extent, but it's dangerous outside at this time, so be careful okay?" He said while looking at the bandit I had beaten.

"If you're lost or something, I can help, but before that I have to kick some ass."

''What do you want to say-

''Hey! Boss! Didn't this take too long... Damn! Boss! Guys, run, someone attacked the boss!" About twenty more thugs arrived and this time they all had sticks in their hands.

I would definitely be terrified if I was alone, but this man gave me a strange sense of security.

"Hm, you better stay behind me for now until I'm done with this thing."

And if I had to describe what happened next in one word, it's... ZA WARUDO!


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