
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 39: D-Ranks, Puppies

Struggling under the weights, sweat trickling down their brows, Raito and his team finally reached the Hokage Tower. Upon entering the mission room, they found themselves relegated to a corner, watching as other groups cycled in and received their assignments.

Successive groups filed through the room – Genin teams accompanied by their Jōnin instructors. Each team collected their mission scrolls and, before departing, exchanged glances that bore hints of either shared misery or cordial greetings. The true nature of these glances remained known only to those involved.

Raito could feel his hands itching, mind running to full speed to just find a way to grab that scroll and run away. However, he found himself stuck, contemplating his limited options.

With a frustrated slap to his face, Raito could only snort and resign himself to waiting patiently. The blame for their predicament lay squarely on Kakashi, who had unceremoniously dumped them.

Sasuke, accompanied by Shino and Kiba, entered the room, led by their Jōnin instructor, Kurenai.

Raito observed with narrowed eyes as Team Eight secured their mission scroll.

As their fellow batch mates started missions, a worrisome thought crossed Raito's mind. What if, by the time Kakashi finally showed up, there were no missions left for them? Would they be forced to postpone their first mission?

"This is stupid," Naruto muttered, his gaze fixed on Sasuke's group as they claimed their mission. He clenched his fist, glancing at the Team Eight entry on the register. They had been here earlier, so why couldn't they take the mission? Why the wait for Kakashi?

"Maybe we can get the mission ourselves," Hinata suggested, exhaustion evident in her voice after the long wait. As the most patient person on the team, when she voiced such sentiments, it usually meant it stemmed from someone else's oversight.

Raito shook his head. If there was a way, he would have already exploited it. The mission registration required the signature and identification number of the Jōnin instructor. While he possessed both, he couldn't justify why he had opted to use someone else's ID number, and, of course, it was against the rules.

"I can make a shadow clone and use transformation jutsu…" Naruto mused. With his mischievous mind in high gear, Naruto had already devised some straightforward plans.

"Hey, Naruto, Hinata, Raito, why are you guys here? Where's your Jōnin instructor?" Kiba bellowed in his usual boisterous manner. His gaze focused on Naruto, who seemed poised to spring into action at any moment. "It's that bad, huh?"

The Chūnin on the mission glanced their way briefly before returning to his tasks.

"Kiba-san, we are waiting for our sensei." Hinata replied politely to Kiba, simultaneously grabbing Naruto's jacket.

Hey, hasn't she gotten a lot more courageous?

Kurenai finished signing the register and approached Team Seven. A subtle smile appeared on her face, distinct from her usual expression, as her gaze lingered on Hinata, noting the noticeable change in her demeanor. Perhaps it was a positive transformation.

Kurenai then looked at her teammates, Raito and Naruto, the two prankster duo. While one was in the open, the other was more like a true ninja, hiding in the shadow, although occasionally his impulsiveness overshadowed his caution, revealing his presence.

Before being a Jōnin, Kurenai had undertaken various duties, including patrolling the village. Consequently, she had witnessed the capabilities of these two.

Naruto displayed proficiency with both his hands and mind, although his ingenuity tended to be employed for less savory purposes. He crafted unconventional bombs, including itching, pepper, and stink bombs. While Hokage-sama deemed his creations as harmless pranks, the Chūnins tasked with handling him didn't share that sentiment.

The other one, Raito, the individual directing Naruto's actions and dictating whom they should target, exerting some control over Naruto while focusing on specific individuals.

It was a release meant for Naruto, a means of venting the injustices imposed upon him by the villagers.

The man who excessively overcharged Naruto for basic clothing found his entire warehouse transformed with a fresh coat of paint. Another individual, known for selling Naruto expired food, ended up with his supplies laced with laxatives. Then there was the ringleader who orchestrated attacks on Naruto during the Kyūbi incident and his birthdays, had fallen several times, been hospitalized a few times, and broken a couple of bones, but not life-threatening.

With the absence of Konoha police, village security became lax, and these two troublemakers managed to evade official capture.

Raito adeptly exploited village laws, demanding evidence and turning the accusations back on the accusers. Though the situation spiraled into chaos, and ultimately the Hokage took the side of the accused boys, they still faced repercussions for their actions. This was not widely witnessed but was known among responsible Chūnins.

It seemed as if someone had orchestrated the entire sequence of events, with everyone playing a role in a scripted drama. Perhaps someone, like Hokage-sama, had planned it all.

Kurenai crouched, gazing at the three with a complex expression. She remarked, "Kakashi has always been like that. You'll need… patience, lots and lots of it."


Visibly frustrated, Raito turned and began knocking his head against the wall, feeling the urge to scream. 'Please kill me now, or forever hold your peace.'

Kurenai gently took Hinata's hand and asked with a soft tone. "Hinata, how are you doing?"

"I am good, Kurenai-nee… no, I mean, Kurenai-sensei," Hinata corrected herself. For Hinata, Kurenai represented more of a family than her own kin and clan.

Raito sensed a history between them, but it wasn't crucial at the moment. What mattered most was devising a plan to punish Kakashi in the most severe way possible.

Glancing at the three, Kurenai suggested, "Maybe you guys should do something until he arrives, like read something new or do some training."

"Hey, does that mean you have a flatbread for a teacher?" Kiba blurted out loudly. His comment turned heads both in the room and outside. Perhaps he didn't realize that he had just disrespected one of the village's strongest ninjas.

The weight of Kakashi's reputation, forged in war and subsequent years, wasn't something to be taken lightly. Though many desired to speak up, they refrained and continued their work.

Wearing a frown, Kurenai immediately reprimanded, "Kiba! What did I tell you about your language?" Her hand firmly latched onto Kiba's ear, causing even Akamaru, who had been carefree until now, to whimper.

"Ah, sorry!" Beatings weren't unfamiliar to Kiba because of his clan, but the ear-pulling and pinching stung the most. "It's sensitive, ya know."

"What's taking you so long, Kiba, Shino?" Sasuke grumbled, annoyance thick in his voice, as he returned to the mission room. Having descended, he had to retrace his steps when no one followed him.

Kurenai and Kiba bid their farewells, leaving the Hokage Tower with their team.

Sasuke constantly wore a smirk, aimed pointedly in Raito's direction. In response to Sasuke's infuriating expression, Raito simply rolled his eyes. He had tried and done enough; now, he was exhausted.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Team Ten arrived to collect their mission scroll.

Asuma, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, observed the group without the Jōnin instructor and signaled them over.

After retrieving the scroll and passing it to Ino, Asuma's gaze fixed on Raito. "Raito, right? You're the one who gave Shikamaru the answer? That's quite an eye you have. Can you tell me what brand I'm using right now?"

"Nice to meet you, Asuma-sensei." Hinata said, bowing in respect, with Naruto following suit.

Raito also followed custom, bowed lightly, then replied. "Um, 'Black Cherry'?"

"Spot on." Asuma acknowledged, taking out the cigarette packet and showing it to Raito. His hand gestured animatedly as he tried to put his thoughts into words. "The taste isn't bad at all. It has a little bit of…"

"Oi, smoker of a sensei, don't go corrupting others." Ino punched Asuma in his side, to which he turned his head. "Sorry,"

Chōji opened a packet of chips. "Smoking meat is a good technique, but smoking cigarettes is bad."

"You three are a world apart from these three." Asuma tousled Ino and Chōji's head, smiling.

Exhaling a cloud of smoke, he continued, "Your Jōnin instructor is Hatake Kakashi. Everyone in the job knows that he's late for every mission below A-Ranks and S-Ranks. He is lazy, loves Icha-Icha and is a total pervert with Gai–"

Naruto quivered with rage upon hearing Asuma speak. He pointed towards Asuma and shouted angrily, "Don't say anything bad about Kakashi-sensei."

'He didn't.' Raito sighed. This waiting game was getting on his nerves.

"Oh! What a lively boy!" Asuma skillfully blocked a few of Naruto's jumps and kicks while still dangling his cigarette.

"Nice punches. Put your back into the punch." Asuma sparred with Naruto for a while before finally leaving with his team.

Raito strolled across the room and lay down in front of the mission desk.

The ninja in the chair couldn't take it anymore. Rubbing his temples, he shouted, "Stop!"

Massaging his sore neck, the man glared at the three and said, "Go away and stop bothering me." His voice dripped with annoyance.

[Takeshi Kota Lvl 20] 

Angry, Hungry, Irritated… 

Raito sighed, disappointment evident as he scrutinized the details revealed by his '[Observe]' skill. 'That's a bit too low.'

Believing in the mantra that 'Everything can be solved with food, and good food means good mood,' Raito mentally selected a hearty, satisfying meal.


"Here, Kota-senpai." Raito presented Kota with a bento box and a bottle of juice.

The sleek black box and the orange juice bottle exuded an unusual charm that captivated Kota. Perplexed, he hesitated before accepting the offerings. The bento, simple yet reminiscent of a homemade touch, caught his eye.

"Sorry for that stupid thing that I did." Raito apologized, clapping his hands and winking. "I guarantee there's no poison in it."

"Please, open it." Raito gestured, encouraging Kota to indulge. "And eat a lot."

Still dazed, Kota nodded and opened the bento box. Immediately, a tantalizing aroma enveloped him, causing his stomach to growl audibly. The meal featured rice with fish, beans, carrots, and a medley of vegetables.

"It looks so delicious, and this aroma…" Kota let out a big breath and gulped.

"They are, aren't they, Senpai? Please, enjoy." Raito handed over the chopsticks and gestured to the two individuals behind him.

With the first bite, Kota found himself unable to resist. The rice emanated a fragrant aroma, and the vegetables were seasoned to perfection, delivering a delicious experience with each mouthful. Bite after bite, the bento vanished, and Kota washed it down with the juice in one go. The juice, with its fruity taste and refreshing sensation, proved to be just as remarkable.

Kota released a deep breath, and his previously tense body finally relaxed.

Seizing the opportunity, Raito inquired. "Kota-senpai, why were you so angry?"

Patting his stomach, Kota replied with somewhat a mature aura, "I am clearly an administrative ninja; you understand, right? We work in shifts, ensuring that the mission desk and other core services are active day and night. My shift was supposed to end two hours ago, but it seems that the ninja who was supposed to come… has encountered some problems. Just like Kakashi-senpai, she's late."

"Oh, right. You three are with Kakashi-senpai, right? Hokage-sama has been trying to give him a team, but none of them passed his test." His eyes fixed on the three like light bulbs.

Shaking his head, Kota managed the papers on the desk and let out a casual shrug. "The bell test… (Sigh) that's the most difficult test in the village. It is said that very few have passed that test, including the Sannin. Since you three passed the test, that's awesome, you know." Kota gave a thumbs up.


"Say, Kota-senpai, when is Kakashi-sensei gonna come?" Naruto asked from behind.

"Soon, soon: it's already been two hours, so any time now." Kota thought for a moment and answered.

"There's even a routine?" Raito asked, somewhat stunned. A routine means that he can follow them and even maintain some control, like the Chūnin patrol.

"Yup, didn't you know? Kakashi-sempai is always late for C's and D's."


'Giving me only half the information is so…'

"Oh! There was one time that Gai-senpai and Kakashi-senpai were punished for wrecking the new project. Hokage-sama gave them D ranks for a whole month." It looked like his chatterbox side was unlocked.

"Wrecked a project? What's that?" Raito questioned. His intelligence-gathering brain activated due to the chatterbox in front of him; similar to the housewives, he had to visit because of Naruto.

"D-ranks for a month?" Naruto exclaimed, amazed.

Hinata, with her shy personality, remained silent, quietly listening to everyone talk. If she wasn't cute enough, she could rival Shino for her minuscule presence.

"Yeah, you may have seen them running around the village or doing… other things. They are the best in the village, but… the antics. Haha…" Kota's eyes scanned the room and beyond before completing his sentence, which was even broken.

"Kakashi-sensei did D-ranks for a month then?" Raito asked with a strange excitement. "I mean, they are the lowest level on the mission level, and Jōnin like him…"

Kota remained silent.

There was a lot of intel blocking but what could he do.

"That sure is amazing in its own way." Naruto mumbled.

"Yeah, but we had to suffer because he would always report late, like a whole week late." Kota replied, smacking the table. The strange fire in his eyes said everything.

"A week late!? We can do that." Naruto shouted with a strange gleam in his eyes.

Kota, excited, jumped and shouted, "You can't."

Raito, who saw Kota jump, leaned forward and frowned. He asked, "Kota-senpai, does Hokage-sama do anything about Kakashi-sensei?"

Kota, who heard that, looked at Raito, then sat with a sigh and said, "Of course he does."

"But even still." Raito looked around and sighed.

"It's because he is good at what he does. He may be late for D's and C's, but he is never late for A's and S's."

"A, S?" Naruto breath hurried as he repeated the letters. That was the highest rank in the missions.

"I have not seen the reports myself but I have heard that no one is left behind when other does mission with him," Kota added with hints of admiration. He looked at the three, and said in a somewhat melancholy. "You three don't know, what's it like to come…"

Naruto was done listening, as he had partial 'I will only listen to what I want', as he shouted. "My sensei is that awesome? I never thought that lazy-sensei is that good."

"Actually, he is the top of his generation," Kota added.

"Not his class, but his generation?" Naruto and Raito looked at each other, then at Kota for the answer, somewhat giddy.

"Yup, he's one of the best of the best in the village." Kota looked more and more like a chatty housewife in Raito's mind, and a feeling to run away appeared in his heart.

'Let's just focus on my things.'

Retrieving the bento box and empty juice bottle in the inventory, Raito tapped at a tattoo-like Fūinjutsu on his arm, then took out a book with a purple cover and a sword symbol.

"That's convenient. Are you perhaps… a Fūinjutsu practitioner?" Kota asked in disbelief. He had never seen a young Genin, fresh out of academy using Fūinjutsu except for that girl with the bun hair, but she learned it after some time into her Genin days.

"Yes, I am," Raito replied truthfully.

"So young, yet so talented." Kota felt a twinge of jealousy because Fūinjutsu was one of the most challenging subjects, along with medical and spatial techniques. The latter was a super-specialized course that only a small portion, maybe 0.01% of the shinobi population, had any idea about.

Raito hooked Naruto on the shoulder and said, "Not only am I a Fūinjutsu practitioner, but Naruto is too."

"Two Fūinjutsu practitioners in a team, that's quite… unique. I am jealous." Kota didn't know what else to say. The more he knew about them, the bigger his smile became.

Looking at the girl behind, Kota somewhat shrank back, "And even Hyūga, is this the team of elites?"

"Even elites begin as normal soldiers." A voice interrupted the chatting ninjas.


"Kakashi-senpai/sensei." It seemed that Kakashi came in just as Kota had some bad impressions of Hyūga.


"You are late," Naruto shouted.

"Am I?" Kakashi asked with a head tilt and a lazy eye.

'Why are you even trying?' Raito rolled his eyes.

"Yeah! We've been waiting here for you for about two hours. Two! Damn! Hours!" Naruto shouted, his voice carrying both frustration and exhaustion.

Raito had already walked towards the mission desk and grabbed one of the many unsealed green-cover scrolls with his left hand, while his right hand had already picked up the pen, writing down his registration number.

"Kakashi-senpai." Kota, who was sitting behind the mission desk, called out.

"Please." Kota sighed and pointed at the register.

"Oh! I was teaching my students, so I got a bit distracted." Kakashi pointed at Naruto and walked forward as he explained.

Naruto, unwittingly made the scapegoat, stood dazed for a moment. After being called by Hinata, he snapped out of his reverie and moved forward.

Kota began filling out the register with the mission serial number and said, "All done; please remember to report back in 'time'." extra emphasis on time.

As Naruto wrote down his registration number, a woman wearing a Chūnin vest ran in.

"I am sorry!" She immediately bowed, her long hair falling forward.

Kota hesitated, wanting to say something, but held himself back.

"I'll be going then." Kota sighed, signing the documents before walking out with Team Seven.

"Nene, Raito, what's the mission?" Naruto asked, his face full of happiness.

Raito shrugged, then tore the seal. Opening it, he read the contents and was stunned.

Kakashi waved his hand in front of Raito, then grabbed the scroll, reading its contents with a wry smile.

A laugh escaped from Kakashi. Looking at his team/students, he said, "Bathing puppies."

"Eh!!?" Naruto exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Hinata, momentarily stunned, quickly regained her composure.

[A mission quest has been accepted.] 

['D-Rank' 'Bathing puppies'] 

[The manager of the new shop 'Moonlight House' is a regular customer of the Hokage Tower and has been issuing missions of variety as D-Rank to the new Genin…] 

Raito massaged his temples in an attempt to quell his rising frustration.

"Well, it looks like you guys have the chance to play with puppies." Kakashi remarked, waving his hand dismissively as he walked ahead.

"Bathing puppies? Why?" Naruto questioned, glaring at Kakashi's back.

Raito patted Naruto's shoulder and shook his head. Glancing at Hinata, Raito nodded and walked forward.

Approaching a towering building, a well-dressed man stood with impeccable posture. Seeing Team Seven approaching, he gestured and inquired, "For puppies?"


Kakashi nodded, opening the scroll in his hand to show the man. The man nodded, and the group walked inside. A few Genin were cleaning the house, pulling weeds, and preparing the stages. They were not under their Jōnin instructor but under someone who mastered the job.

A somewhat plump woman directed the Genin in rearranging furniture, cleaning the floor, walls, and windows. It was evident that the Genin undertaking this mission would be valuable assets in their respective households.

Seated crossed legs, another woman provided guidance on gardening. She seemed to know what everyone was doing. When a Genin was going to pluck a flower, she would immediately stop him, and if someone had missed a spot, she would instruct them to do so.

Lastly, a muscular man and the Genin under him were holding many types of equipment. They ran around, tightened the bolts, fitted the planks, placed the lights, and so on. The muscular man shook his head from time to time and instructed the Genins, correcting their mistakes, but he never moved his hands to correct the problems.

Raito's eyes darted around, and he tapped his teammates. In response, Naruto and Hinata slowed their pace, surveying their surroundings. While Raito and Hinata analyzed everything with a critical eye, Naruto approached everything with happiness and anticipation.

"Where are the Jōnin instructors?" Raito asked, addressing no one in particular.

"They're inside, enjoying their time." The tall man replied with some hesitation.

Looking at Kakashi, Raito commented, "While Jōnins are enjoying themselves, the Genin are going to be working."

"That's exactly what D-Ranks are for," Kakashi replied.

"Please." The tall man bowed, gesturing in a certain direction. The yips and cries of dogs emanated from the room, causing Naruto and Raito to shiver—memories of Inuzuka clan pranks, not the best.

A woman with her hair tied in a bun walked out. Jade skin, an oval face, a small nose—everything needed for beauty. Wearing a simple kimono and holding a fan, she addressed the trio with a sweet voice, "Please, come in; we have lots to do."

Raito, Naruto, and Hinata entered the room and saw tens of puppies walking all over the place. Small tubs were scattered around, stocked with shampoo, brushes, combs—everything needed for bathing a dog.

Naruto rolled his sleeves and pulled his pants up. "The faster we finish this, the faster we can get out of it."

Raito exhaled loudly, and the puppies all turned towards him. Slowly, the puppies surrounded Raito and barked cutely from time to time.

"What are they?" Raito took a step back.

The woman in the kimono looked surprised and then smiled. "A puppy can tell between a good person and a bad one." She rolled up her sleeves, handing bathing supplies to Hinata.


[Black Golden Retriever]

Raito waved his hand, and the puppies moved with the motion. The way they moved and sometimes fell in a cute way made Raito smile. Raito watched in amazement as he made a sign to call one of the puppies. Soon, a puppy from the crowd walked in front of Raito. Black and golden fur, pink nose and tongue, cute eyes, and a charming walk. The puppy looked at Raito for a long time before yipping and jumping onto him.

Raito quickly caught the puppy, which yipped happily. The puppy licked Raito's face, prompting a joyful smile. Soon after, all the puppies ran and joined Naruto and Hinata.

The woman stood at the door, as if she were afraid of getting her dress wet. From time to time, she instructed the three on how to bathe the puppies.

The puppies were playful and soaked Naruto and Hinata. Only Raito, who was surrounded by puppies, was bathing them without getting himself too wet. The puppies also wagged their tails in joy and yipped from time to time.

After drying off a snow-white puppy with a towel, Raito released a satisfied breath. "Finally."

"It only took you two hours and ten minutes," she announced, casting her gaze upon the puppies surrounding the three, particularly focusing on Raito. It seemed like Raito was natural talent at handling puppies. She decided she would have to request his assistance with them next time.

Lost in thought as she observed Raito, contemplating future tasks, the woman was brought back to reality by Kakashi's voice: "They did a nice job."

"Yes, indeed, they did." The beautiful woman stammered, grabbing the scroll and, with a hanko, pressing on the confirmation. She then returned with a ticket. "Please."

Kakashi accepted the ticket with some hesitation, saying, "We might not be able to attend."

"I understand," she replied, bowing gracefully. "Please try." As she bowed, a glimpse of her soft skin and deep cleavage became briefly visible. "This ticket can be used anytime in the future, so even if you miss one, you can use it another time."

Kakashi blushed, and Raito snickered.

A tall man in a suit led them out, bowing respectfully. The puppies, seeming reluctant to part with Raito, wobbled out alongside them. Raito waved at them before walking with the group.

Team Seven exited the tall building and headed to the library, their designated home for the next three months for some and years for others.