
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 31 – Dungeon and Dra- no, Goblins

Outside, Raito helped Chōji and the girls with making food. After he was done with what he could help, Raito grabbed a stone and changed its shape constantly, while deep in his thought. 

Raito ate with everyone, lost in his own thoughts. Then, he went off to train again.

Everyone also did the same, training with all might. The event of the previous night before seemed to have a large effect on them but for Raito, he didn't have any mental pressure, maybe it was because of the 'Gamer's Mind'. He just increased his training to just surpass others. 

Looking back at everyone practicing, Raito looked at one of his skills and grinned. "The time is just perfect to see what I get next." 

[ID Create Lvl 10 (Active)] 

-Instant Dungeon: Wasteland 

-Instant Dungeon: Wasteland – Zombies 

-Instant Dungeon: Tribal Lands 

With a smile hung on his face, Raito went up to Shikamaru and called out, "Oi, Shika, I think you were right." 

Shikamaru, standing on a tree trunk, looked at Raito and then jumped down. 

"Teamwork is definitely important," Raito said with a smile. 

Shikamaru continued to look at Raito, trying to figure out where he was going with it. 

"More importantly, we have to know how to fight in teams. So, you know, I came with an awesome plan." Raito gripped his fist in front of him and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. 

Raising his eyebrows, Shikamaru waited. 

"Of course, it's dungeon."


"Hey remember that I showed you last time, monster, small ones, and big ones." 

"Yeah. So, that's a dungeon, huh?" 

"You can fight and improve in that place, better, we will fight in teams." 

"Fighting those zombies… I don't think-" 

"Who said fighting the zombies? This time it's something…different." Raito cut him off and steered. 

"Different? You mean a different kind of monster?" Shikamaru asked with interest. 

"Yeah, wanna go?"

Shikamaru kept quiet for a long period before replying, "Okay." 

"I wanna go too!" Naruto jumped from the tree and shouted. 

Ino dragged Hinata and shouted, "We are going too." 

"You guys are seriously bad at stealth techniques." Raito looked at everyone and said seriously. 

"I'll make a lot of food then." Chōji quickly turned around and went to make food. 

"But I have already a lot in my inventory," Raito muttered. 

"Really!?" Chōji appeared in front of Raito, grabbing his shoulder.

"Y-Yeah," Raito looked at his poor shoulders and Chōji's big hands. 

Shikamaru, after thinking for a long time, said. "Why not? Let's go right now."



"But I wanted to let Chōji learn this first." Raito brought out a small book and gave it to Chōji. "It's 'Rock Fist'."

"But it's yours." Chōji looked at the book in front of him and rejected. 

"What are you talking about? It is just a jutsu. Even more so, it is from the village, not from my parents. See, no problem." Raito forced Chōji to learn the jutsu. 

Turning around Raito looked at everyone and had an apologetic face. "Naruto has 'Gale Palm', but I don't think anyone has that affinity."

Shikamaru scratched his nose and said in a small voice, "Um…. I have a fire jutsu I know, but I never practiced it." 

Raito looked at Shikamaru with a blank look, the corners of his eyes twitching. 

"Naruto, beat him for me," Raito shouted and Naruto acted, beating him playfully. 

Raito then turned to look at Hinata and Ino. 

Hinata slightly dropped her head. She wanted to do things with her friends but her clan was in the way, since they had a policy of not using any other techniques than the clans. "M-my clan doesn't allow…" 

"Ah, your clan.... (Everyone giving him an eye). Let's learn in secret then." Raito laughed awkwardly and Ino glared at him. 'Why are you asking her?'

"Yeah, as long as your clan doesn't know about it, it will be fine." Naruto also spoke while holding Hinata's shoulder. 

Everyone was waiting for Hinata to faint but she only blushed hard. Her face looked like a tomato, making everyone laugh silently. 

Then Raito finally looked towards Ino, which made Ino whistle nervously. 

"I know Genjutsu," Ino said simply and waited. 

"Hehe, killing with Genjutsu." Raito laughed evilly. 

"Yeah, that's exactly so." Ino harrumphed. 

Deciding everything, the group started preparing, and Raito helped Chōji learn the 'Rock Fist'. 

Naruto was using his shadow clones to read up every academy books, preparing for the exams. 

"I'll show them. I will top the exams. Damn it." Naruto mumbled and continued reading the books. 

Sitting atop the waterfall, Kakashi sipped his hot chocolate, observing the young ninjas in their training. With a hint of disapproval, he uttered a single word, "Inefficient."

"Too bad, Hokage-sama told you not to interfere," Pakkun remarked, glancing at the kids 

"I will give them thirty." Tenzō waved his hand. He was standing behind with a bored expression.

"Senpai, why don't I watch over them now?" Tenzō's request seemed more like a plea.

After hearing Tenzō, Kakashi stared at him as if he had stolen his favorite book. "Tenzō, we exchanged," Kakashi stated.

"That may be so, Senpai, but they are originally my mission," Tenzō rebutted.




"Ahh." Tenzō jumped all of a sudden and quickly reached the shelter area. 

Seeing Tenzō jump, Kakashi looked behind and found the reason. The children were nowhere to be seen. More like, they disappeared from their senses.

"Damn it, what happened? I am reporting to Hokage-sama." Tenzō quickly took out the scroll ready to write down but his hand was suddenly grabbed. 

"Senpai, what are you doing?" Tenzō frowned, looking at his grabbed hand. 

"Don't get agitated now. Pakkun, go." Turning around, Kakashi waited for Pakkun. 

"They disappeared from here, not even a trace." Pakkun clawed the ground, marking it.

"You can report to Hokage-sama, but you are not allowed to write it down. It's a ranked secret, after all." Kakashi said, releasing his hold. He walked into the cave shelter and surveyed the surrounding.

"What is… happening?" Tenzō created a clone and sent it to report it to Hokage. 

Inside the cave, Kakashi noticed seals for temperature and lighting. There was a small room for storing foods and changing clothes. There were also futons with all the gadgets for entertainment and so on. 

He walked slowly taking everything into consideration, not even touching anything. He even went as far as to coat his shoes with chakra. 

"There must have been some kind of restriction," Kakashi concluded then walked out. 

On with the group of Raito.

They were standing in an open area with gigantic trees, larger than any seen in the Konoha. The sky was navy blue with had two moons – one reddish-pink and the other grayish-brown. 

Raito stood on a branch near the top of tree, watching the two moons, which were in the opposite direction. Reading the notification in front of him, Raito went into thought. 

"Hinata, take over." 

Jumping down, Raito focused on the notification. 

[Return Point created. After returning from the dungeon, you will be brought back to the entry point.] 

Raito closed the window and nodded.

"What are your thoughts?" Raito asked with a smile. 

"It's definitely different." Shikamaru checked the surrounding, examining the leaves and trees, then added, "We are definitely not in Konoha." 

Hinata jumped down with a red face and reported, "T-There are monster." her voice shaky and eyes teary. 

"So… what are they like?" Ino asked, patting Hinata and comforting her.

"Um… Small gray hum- no, monster, about a meter tall, thin and weak-looking, in a group of three. Two with a swords and one with a bow." Hinata explained to everyone with a red face.

Giving Ino a hand sign, Raito used his '[Chakra Sense]' to locate the group and continued where Hinata left off. 

"Hmm… The monsters are about one meter tall, with low muscle mass, looks weak….. They have big head with long nose and ears. The archer is very aware of the surroundings, and the warriors in front are walking forward with no hesitation, looks like they are searching for something? They might be out for hunting. It's the most common monsters in the games…"

Naruto and Shikamaru sighed when they heard Raito speaking. Raito was doing it again, assigning the 'job' to others and using game terms. He gave Naruto – 'The Brawler' and Shikamaru – 'The Strategist'. It was because Naruto told Raito to go straight ahead and use attack, attack, and attack, whereas Shikamaru would check the enemy's stats and send perfect unit to defeat each enemy. Like an archer for flying unit and using tactic weakness and strength triangle of sword, spear and axe. As for Chōji, he was not interested at all, only interested in food. 

"Raito-san! They… they have chakra network." Hinata shouted, grabbing attention. 

Raito paused for a bit, then ran towards the group of monsters. Seeing them in flesh, Raito felt a bit disgusted. Ignoring his feelings, Raito used the skill. '[Observe]' 

Goblin Warrior Lvl 16 

HP – 4600/4600 

MP – 500/ 500 

STR – 40 

VIT – 40 

DEX – 30 

INT – 30 

WIS – 30 

LUK – 10 

Weak-looking monsters found in the forest, mountains, and mines. Usually, they hunt in groups and are subservient to any 'Hobgoblin' in the group. They are very greedy and have a high libido. They have basic knowledge regarding all kinds of weapons and skills.

(Body Measurements)





Raito pressed on the MP and found more about it and it was different from his own CP 

[Magic points, or in short, MP used to trigger special skills or spells]. 

"It's Magic." Raito gasped. In excitement, Raito pressed the 'magic' word and waited for further notification but the description was not generated. 

"Magic?" Shikamaru asked. 

Raito froze; turning around, he saw Shikamaru, looking at him with curiosity. Gamer's mind started working and Raito calmed down. 

Looking at Hinata, Raito asked, as if to confirm. "Hinata, that's not chakra, right?" 

Hinata did not speak for a long time as she activated her Byakugan and checked thoroughly. "That is not chakra." 

"Chakra is like fire at naval region but it looks like a ball with water inside." Hinata tried her best to explain what see was seeing.

"Everyone has a unique chakra signature, but these monsters… they don't have chakra signature."

The group of Raito stood on the branches, silently watching the goblins. Raito pointed at Naruto and gave him a hand sign. Naruto rolled his eyes and made a clone, which jumped down and attacked the goblin. 

Naruto clone jumped down, kicked the goblin warrior's face, then swing his kunai.


The other goblin warrior roared and swung his saber, slashing towards the clone, which the clone dodged. Taking out a shuriken, Naruto threw it towards the Warrior 1, which was blocked by the saber. 


Warrior 2 roared, the goblin, as well as his saber, glowed red, dashing towards Naruto clone. The speed had increased, and the saber fell on the clone, cutting Naruto clone into half before the clone could react. 

"Raito-san, the water inside the crystal ball decreased." 

Raito nodded and looked towards the goblin warrior. 

[MP – 200/500] 

Not finding the body, the goblins were confused. Dividing the group, they searched for the body. 

On the tree branch, Chōji frowned, signaling towards the group, and approached the warrior goblin. Chōji hid in the trees and waited for the warrior to come towards him. Using partial expansion, Chōji jumped down and crushed the goblin. The Health points instantly dropped to zero and the warrior turned into black smoke. 

"They aren't much different from the zombies. Just a bit smarter and have better battle skills." Shikamaru commented. 


An arrow with a strong gust of wind neared the group. 

"Down." Raito acted fast and shouted, alerting everyone. 

Goblin Archer Lvl 16 

HP – 3800/ 3800 

MP – 250/ 500 

STR – 30 

VIT – 40 

DEX – 50 

INT – 30 

WIS – 30 

LUK – 10 

Weak looking monster found in the forest, mountain or mines. Usually hunts in groups and are subservient to any hobgoblin in the group. They are very greedy and have a high libido. While raiding human carriages, they kidnap women to fulfill their desires. They have knowledge regarding all kinds of weapon and skills. 

(Body Measurements)





"Goblin archer just used some kind of skill right now," Raito shouted, jumping to another branch. He looked back and found a number of branches destroyed.

Naruto used a bunch of clones to suffocate the goblin archer. With sheer number and jutsus, goblin archer was easily defeated. 

"Naruto-kun," Hinata called out to Naruto. 

Naruto looked towards Hinata, but seeing her expression, his own changed. Swiftly turning, Naruto caught sight of the warrior goblin, glowing red with his saber launching down, ready to chop Naruto into two. 

Before the saber could descent, something pierced through the goblins head, with enough force making the goblin stagger back. After a little staggering, the warrior fell down and disappeared in smoke. 

Naruto fell down and Hinata followed in worry, and then checked Naruto.

Raito gave a bitter laugh and just remarked, "Fangirls". 

Chōji approached Naruto, waiting patiently until Hinata had her fill. Standing with a serious face, he made a fist and hit Naruto at the head. 

"Ow." Naruto cried in pain. 

"Stupid Naruto." Then Chōji sat down, facing one side of the forest. 

Ino jumped down and punched Naruto with full force, making potato sprout from Naruto's head. 

Shikamaru surveyed the area but found nothing. He clicked his tongue, lamenting the absence of bodies that he could have been analyzed. 

Raito jumped down and lightly hit Hinata on her head. 

"You shouldn't have just called out. In a situation like this, where lives are at stake, you have to stay calm and give instructions instead of calling out." Raito earnestly gave suggestion to Hinata. "Don't be a source of distraction. Books of battles."

"H-Hai." With tears in her eyes, Hinata nodded. 

Everyone gathered in a group and started 'educating' Naruto. 

Raito watched the pitiful sight of Naruto being educated, smiled happily, but before he could enjoy, his '[Chakra Sense]' caught a bigger monster headed their direction. Therefore, he immediately made a few hand signs and disappeared in treetops. 

Everyone looked towards the direction Raito had pointed. There, they saw a muscular grayish-green monster, standing at about two meters tall, with a robust build and two small horns protruding from its forehead. Wearing a bone necklace and wielding a huge club in his hand, the monster moved forward and stopped for a long time where the goblins had died. After searching the area for a few minutes, it moved forward.

"Damn." Raito wiped his sweat, looking at the stats. 

Hobgoblin Lvl 26 

HP – 28,000/28,000 

MP – 3,000/3,000 

STR – 120 

VIT – 120 

DEX – 60 

INT – 30 

WIS – 40 

LUK – 20 

Evolved from the goblin and adept in using various weapons but it mostly uses heavy blunt weapons. The creature of the forest is adept at hunting and act on their desire and instincts. In a nest of goblins, hobgoblins lead a whole pack of goblins. Subservient to any goblin chief in the area.

(Body Measurements)





After it left, everyone regrouped. Raito observed everyone and asked, "Can we do it?" 

Naruto did not speak and neither did anyone. Only Raito had sparkles in his eyes. 

After a long pause, Shikamaru finally opened his mouth, "Why not?" 

Raito smiled back, used his three kilometers range of '[Chakra Sense]' and said, "There are three groups of those goblins and another hobgoblin nearby."

"You have a name for them." Shikamaru slapped Raito's head and glared.

Hinata used her Byakugan, looked towards a distance and said, "Those monsters patrol more to the east and less to the west. Their main camp might be in that direction." 

"We need a plan," Shikamaru emphasized. 

"These monster can think and act, unlike those undead monster. I'm guessing Genjutsu works on them, and maybe I can use my clan jutsu on them too, a complex one too." Ino chipped in, excitement clearly visible in her eyes.

"But first we need to prepare ourselves," Chōji said as he patted his stomach for which Raito acknowledgment with a sound of agreement. 

"Ah, maybe-" Naruto tried to speak, but Ino glared at him with her fist pumped up.

"Naruto-kun what is it?" Hinata asked sweetly. 

"Don't go telling we should jump and attack all of them together." Raito harrumphed. 

"I'm not that stupid!" Naruto shouted and after calming down added, "Why not use my shadow clones and Exploding talisman? That way we can easily take them down." 


"I knew Naruto was stupid to this extent but he didn't even know…." 

"I fear that he may not pass the academy exams." 

Hinata quietly went forward and whispered into Naruto's ear what was really happening. 

Raito walked forward, and from his inventory pulled out a smaller bag full of seals, then handing the bag to Naruto, he said, "What you say is good, Naruto. We can indeed use these to kill them fast. These are half of the explosion talisman that I have made. Make good use of them." 

Naruto stood dumbfounded with a bag of talismans. He threw back the bag and said. "I don't wanna."

Raito and the group started preparing for the upcoming fight. 

Meanwhile, the hobgoblin frowned as he strolled through the forest. He had been calling his subordinates for quite a while, but they had not returned. He continued to patrol, just like he had been patrolling for as long as he could remember. 

A distance away, Raito placed the wooden sticks on the ground, then disappeared from the area. He had strategically positioned the wooden sticks in different places already, taking into account the different routes the hobgoblin might take. 

Soon enough, the hobgoblin walked towards one of the areas with wooden sticks. The hobgoblin flinched, but did not change his route or even care a bit. 

Raito watched as the hobgoblin passed through the area, his hand forming a half-ram seal. The hobgoblin continued until it reached another area with even more wooden sticks. However, before taking a step forward, it hesitated and decided to backtrack.

"[Unseal]" Raito uttered

One after another, fire lit on the wooden stick like a mysterious ritual. 

The hobgoblin took a step back, its attention now focused on the newly lit fire. Gripping its club tightly, it slowly retreated.

Raito whispered, "Do it, Ino." 

Her hand in a diamond pattern and blood on her indexes, she locked on to the hobgoblin and sweat trickled down from her forehead. 

"Mind-Body technique: Mind-Body disturbance – Confuse" 

After using a large amount of chakra and her blood, the hobgoblin's eye shook, and it began smashing everything around him, attacking the trees with his club then after his club was broken be punched with its fist. 

After five long minutes, the hobgoblin calmed down, and returned to normal. Looking at himself, the hobgoblin shook in fear. He feared the abnormal happening in the forest and to itself, he escaped or tried to. 

After a series of hand seals, Raito activated his chakra and called out his skill softly. 

"Demonic Illusion – Hell Viewing Technique". 

The technique affected the hobgoblin, which made him rampage around making quite a loud commotion. This time, however, after some time, the hobgoblin raised his fist and hit himself hard. 

"Damn." Raito cursed. 

"It seems my family technique is far better." Ino pulled out her small tongue teasing them. 

"Keep sticking your tongue out and I will bite it," Raito spoke venomously, clearly in a bad mood. '10 seconds.'

Ino quickly covered her tongue in shock, then backed off. The next moment, she pointed angrily at Raito.

At the tree, Shikamaru witnessed the events and reacted swiftly. Jumping down with hand seals, shadows gathered under his command, which was quite large due to the shadows from the fire and quickly attached to the hobgoblin. Weak from the rampage and the self-harming blow, the shadows successfully latched onto the hobgoblin's shadow. "Shadow Paralysis, Complete."

Without hesitation, Chōji, his hand expanded and covered in stones, landed a devastating blow on the hobgoblin, making the earth below shake.

After the dust settled, they saw the hobgoblin in a weak and pitiful state.

Raito noticed the hobgoblin had only few hundreds of health points. He wanted to act but he resigned to his bad luck, as he saw Hinata who had landed behind the hobgoblin with her Gentle fist attacking stance, making a consecutive fifty or sixty strikes. 

"Uzumaki drop!!!" Naruto rolled as he dropped down from the tree, hitting square at the hobgoblin's head. 

With a little resistance, the hobgoblin disappeared in smoke. 

Raito had a mouth wide open. He just realized that a group of ten to thirteen had just killed a level twenty-six monster and there was not even a single point of damage. That was huge, huge. 

[You killed Lvl 26 Hobgoblin] 

You obtained 600 EXP. 

You obtained a club. 

You obtained a vial of hobgoblin blood. 

You obtained hobgoblin underwear. 

[HELP: Experience point to the gamer has been allocated with the percentage of contribution to the challenge.] 

"Too much work to just to kill one." Shikamaru murmured and laid his back on a tree. 

"Let's divide into groups now and take them on. We should work towards strengthening our own groups." Raito said, his eye emitting blue light. 

Raito smiled and continued, "This time we will work in a group of three in our original groups. For the next three days, we will fight these goblins in teams. And for the finale, we can raid the camp using Naruto's idea." 

Three days later 

[Yoshizawa Raito] 

[Lvl 13 -> Lvl 17] 

Raito was frantically grinding his ass off. He looked at his status page, to the accumulated status points and laughed happily.

He stood with everyone on a small hill, and then looked at a simple civilization of goblins and hobgoblins.

Tree logs made the wall of the tribe and houses were made up of straws and mud. With a simple formation, a couple of groups of goblins patrolled around the small settlement.

Naruto's clone had surrounded the village, and, in their hand, was a small ball made up of exploding talisman.

"If we had done it your way, it would have taken too long." Shikamaru had a hand on Raito's shoulder and tried consoling. "Naruto and his clones were far more efficient."

Raito chose to ignore Shikamaru and looked at the scene. Although, it was true, but who wanted to know that they were bad at something. "Next time, I am going to make a crazy bomb."

"Wind Release – Gale Palm."

Hundreds of balls were launched in seconds and created a symphony of destruction. 

The village fell and the monsters turned into black smoke, which dissipated into air.


Same as always the Goblin Chief raised his axe high and released a violent wave of air.

"It always does it. Should we even try?" Shikamaru looked at the huge monsters with the size of a Full Expansion-activated Chōza, then glanced at the people around him.

The Goblin Chief had two tusks and a necklace made up of skulls, human and monster, both. With an axe in his hand, he looked around with blood red eyes.

In the previous two raids, they had tried Ino-Shika-Cho formula but were easily overpowered and even with help of Hinata, Naruto and Raito, they were not a match. 

"Hinata, can you stop him from using his crystal ball?" Raito asked Hinata, then signaled Naruto. 

"I think I can, Raito-san." Hinata was experimenting these past few days with goblins and hobgoblins. Testing if her clan's famous technique would work on these monsters and to her surprise, it did.

"Ino, Chōji, let's give her an opening." Shikamaru jumped down and looked at Raito.

Raito threw a stone with the help of 'Throw' and activated the Fūinjutsu. The next second, the stone exploded and stretched into a cloth like structure. The vertexes of the cloth pinned on the ground and made a cover from the sun, creating enough shadow for Shikamaru to use.

"Thanks, 'Shadow Paralysis'."

Shikamaru manipulated the shadows, and extending it towards the Goblin Chief. While he was played his part, Ino and Chōji were doing their work. 

Chōji was on a roll, the rocks surrounded him and helped him accelerated. 

Shikamaru's shadow latched onto the Goblin chief's shadow and paralyzed him. In the past, it would be just for a few second but now due to the Raito's help, it would last longer, and that was all he needed.

Chōji was high in the sky as he fell down with both of his hands expanded and covered in rocks. "Rocky Mountain Crusher."


The Goblin Chief was forced to squat, its head nearly touching the ground.

Naruto's clone helped Chōji retreat from the danger zone, then with Ino and Hinata, he rushed into the scene.

"This much is fine Naruto." Ino reached the top of the tree and had her clan's seal ready.


"The monster is out." Shikamaru fell on the ground and the shadow retreated.

The Goblin Chief had slashed, activating one of his skills to make a deep cut on the ground. 

"Wind Release – Multifold Gale Palm." Naruto clones surrounded the Chief and let out a fierce directed strike, but the wind attack just took a dozen of health points. 

"Mind-Body technique: Mind-Body Transfer"

Ino fell like a sac of potato before being picked up by Naruto. His clones also stopped attacks on the Chief.

The Goblin Chief threw its axe far away to the opposite side and kneeled, causing a loud bang. Then, he said, "Hinata."

Hinata rushed in with her Byakugan flaring and palms extended, arms reaching outwards.

Naruto clones stood on her path, crouching down, ready to lift, making a ladder.

Hinata nodded and with Naruto's helped jumped all the way to the goblin chief's collarbone. She twisted and rotated, her palms covered in chakra. She rested her palm over his naval just for second longer, and pushed her chakra.

[Eight Trigrams – Water Severing]

Pulse of chakra passed from one hand to another in a straight line then towards the Goblin Chief's naval. 

Hinata plummeted like a falling stone, drained of chakra and stamina.

As planned, Naruto was on the scene. He grabbed her, midair and retreated with his clone centipedes.

Everyone had vacated the area, leaving only Raito standing before the Goblin Chief.

"What is he thinking?" Shikamaru was standing on a branch, at the top of the tree, and observed from a distance.

Naruto came back with an unconscious Hinata, followed by Chōji. Ino immediately grabbed Hinata, took out a vial and opened it. She shook the vial and placed it under Hinata's nose.

"Mn," Hinata slowly opened her eyes and saw everyone encircling her. Looking at their concerned faces, Hinata felt a little shy, but then, she remembered the plan and looked for Raito.

"The monster is waking up." Chōji reminded.

The Goblin Chief pushed the ground and stood up. He looked down and found a small human looking at him with condescending look.


The Goblin Chief instinctively tried to grab his trusty axe but it was nowhere to be found. 

His house was razed.

His kin were slain.

His tribe was decimated.

They had to pay.

[Rage] – Increase physical parameters by 100%, but decrease mental parameters by 50%.

Without a care to his image, the Goblin Chief ran with his arms up front to a smaller target.

Raito smiled and crouched down, his hand on the ground. "[Earth Break]"

The ground beneath the Goblin Chief crumbled, revealing a deep hole. Feeling the gravity acting on him, the chief struggled, attempting to grab any hope, but the edges were all rounded off, and the walls polished.

Even when cracks appeared, Raito would make it smoother. 

Facing a monster double, triple, or even ten times his size, Raito breathed in and out.

Screams, shout and anger scared him at first but later, he calmed down, regarding everything as normal and simple.

[Skills disabled – 1 hour 39 minutes]

'Thank you, Hinata.' Lightning snakes danced around Raito's hand as he reached out for chief's hand. "[Lightning Palm]"


'[Earth Elemental Manipulation]'

The area that the Goblin Chief was grabbing turned smooth and the area that his body was leaning into became slanted. Even the surface, the Goblin Chief was pushing his legs against to jump had disappeared.

Hand, body and feet. Goblin Chief was planning for a reversal but Raito had already activated 'Chakra Sense', watching it's every move.


The Goblin Chief fell down, causing everything in the vicinity to jolt for a brief moment.

Raito found himself sitting on the ground, rubbing his rear as he shook his head. He glanced around and remarked. "That scared me."

The gang hurried towards Raito to see if he was actually injured. Even they were affected by that small earthquake.

A collective sigh of relief filled the air.

Naruto went near the hole and looked down. The chief was still alive and active. He was moving around and waving his hand, and the spikes at the bottom were crushed in rubble.

Shikamaru, looking down with a raised eyebrow, inquired, "Your plan was to impale him?"

"Yea." Raito stood up, looked at everyone then looked down the hole. "And… it didn't work."

"Let's go. I have a backup plan." Raito quickly gathered everyone and took them to a place. The distance was just enough to monitor the Goblin Chief with his '[Chakra Sense]'.

"Why are we so far away?" Naruto asked in confusion.

Hinata, having satisfied her curiosity by activating her Byakugan, discovered hundreds of Explosion talismans at the pit's bottom.

Shikamaru, who was walking quietly without a question, suddenly turned around and looked at Raito, then asked. "What did you do with your explosion talismans?"

Raito looked at everyone and smiled mysteriously. "Wanna know?" 

"You probably dumped all the explosion talisman at the bottom of that hole." Surprisingly, Ino revealed his actions.

"Yeah, that's the simplest tactic." Shikamaru nodded and added. "You wanted to use your explosion talisman in the previous raids, so…" 

Even after Ino exposed what he was about to do, Naruto and Chōji were chatting calmly.

Raito shrugged his shoulder and said, "What else can I do?"

Goblin Chief Lvl 30 

HP – 31,000/45,000 

MP – 1,800/3,000 (Disabled)

STR – 200 

VIT – 200 

DEX – 50 

INT – 10 

WIS – 10 

LUK – 30 

Goblin Chief sits on top of the hierarchy of the goblins. Only one chief appears in an area, dominating all the goblins and hobgoblins. They are natural born leader and warriors but their act of solving a problem is always violence, which makes them weaker in front of most of the intelligence species.

(Body Measurements)





'To go against someone with that physical and power is suicidal.' Raito thought, making a rat hand seal and connecting with the Explosion Talismans through his '[Chakra Sense]'.

The Goblin Chief had tried several times to jump and leave the hole, but it was to no avail. After exhausting his stamina, the Goblin Chief tried punching the walls but that also resulted in cracks only.

'Failure is the mother of success.' He mused, reminiscing the past few days when his solo mission to kill the Goblin Chief repeatedly ended in failure. The only good thing was that he leveled up quite fast.

'[Fūinjutsu – Explode]'

Boom! Boom!

Explosive sounds echoed, and the ground trembled, prompting small creatures in the forest to flee in fear for their lives.

Raito and the gang stood still, with chakra gathered around their feet for tighter grip.

Goblin Chief Lvl 30 

HP – 10,000/45,000 

MP – 1,800/3,000 (Disabled)

(Last Shield of a Warrior – One time safeguard against life threatening attack.)

Raito frowned, 'Too resilient.'

"He is not dead."

Everyone looked towards him, except for Hinata, who had used Byakugan to quickly assess the situation. Different from what she expected, the monster was still breathing. 

It leaned on the wall, breathing heavily and had wounds all over the place, and even the two big tusks were broken.

"Now then. its backup's backup time." Raito clapped his hands.

Earthen balls, the size of a human's head, fell on the hole. Some hit the Goblin Chief and some didn't, but those ball covered the Goblin Chief up to his head.

'The skin is too tough. Even if I try, it will not work.' Raito kept quiet for a long time and the people around him were giving him different suggestion.

"Do you have more explosion talisman?" Shikamaru asked then added, "If we can't defeat him today, let's try next time."

"Raito, let's go." Chōji called. They have been attempting to defeat this monster for three days, and Raito had been working extra hard, even coming back here to fight alone.

"Can't you just throw a big rock down?" Naruto suggested and everyone turned their head towards him. 

Everyone looked at Raito, asking if it could be done.

"Doesn't work." Raito exhaled a breath and activated his '[Chakra Sense]'. "I tried it."

'If I can't do it from the outside then I will do it from the inside.' Ratio, with his 'Remote Viewing' stood in front of the Goblin Chief then controlled his earthen balls.

"Ha…" The Goblin Chief either sensed the killing intent or acted in desperation, starting to move.