
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 3 – Exploring the power

Chapter 3: Exploring the Power


Upon reaching the training grounds, a sudden realization washed over everyone—they had been deceived. All eyes swiveled toward Naruto, who was deep in conversation with Shikamaru and Chōji, probably about his pranks, from their POV.


"What the heck, Naruto? Didn't we agree on no more sensei pranks?" One of the boys stepped forward, his expression etched with frustration.


"What? I didn't do anything." Naruto retorted, but his response only escalated the tension as the children around him started to take steps forward, their gaze holding hostility and eyes revealing a want to punish him.


"Then who did?" The question hung in the air


"Who would even—"


"What do you guys want?"

Before the boy could finish, all attention shifted to Raito, standing just behind them. His mere presence silenced the boy, who clenched his fists in suppressed anger. While he longed to unleash his frustration on Naruto, Chōji and Shikamaru formed a protective barrier around him.


Turning away from Naruto and Raito, the boy opted for silence. Engaging in an argument with Raito rarely yielded positive results; it often backfired. He would ask about providing evidence or seeking visual confirmation. He would mock their intelligence, and say all kinds of things, things they knew and many more they didn't. 

And if someone dared to utter something foolish like 'Just because he is Naruto' or 'Who else but Naruto?' Raito would reveal hidden details they desperately wanted to keep confidential. He might even accuse them of past actions that had sparked public outrage or fabricate entirely false narratives.

If you maintain a clean record in the academy or successfully refute any false accusations, a ghost may visit your home. This spectral visitor will leave behind a small note describing something ominous, which get them in even more trouble.

No one would say anything but it must have something to do with Raito. 

"Oh, did I miss something?" Raito walked slowly, passing by the boy. He gazed at the boy, committing his name to memory. Perhaps their paths would cross again in the future.


"Raito, there you are!" Naruto's voice rang out, filled with happiness.


"Yo, it's been a great day, hasn't it?" Raito replied with a question


"Of course." Naruto's voice rose as he shared the mundane yet vividly imaginative details of his day.


Shikamaru and Chōji also greeted Raito with a wave. However, just as he was about to move forward, Raito noticed their names and titles, which were rather unique, to say the least.


[Lazy Genius] 

Shikamaru Nara 


[Rotund boy] 

Chōji Akimichi


Looking above Naruto's head, Raito smirked. The titles were indeed fitting.



Naruto Uzumaki 


Lips twitching, Raito took deep breaths to calm his heart and thought, 'Sure enough, these titles are what people call them.'


Scanning the surroundings, Raito noticed that section B had fewer individuals with these code names, or maybe nickname, or even titles, while section A boasted a significant number of them.


[Beauty Queen] 

Ino Yamanaka 


[Kind girl] 

Hinata Hyūga 


[Alpha pretender] 

Kiba Inuzuka 


[Bug lover] 

Shino Aburame 


[Genius fan girl] 

Sakura Haruno 


[Lone Avenger] 

Sasuke Uchiha 


'What the heck is up with Section A? These nicknames are a bit-'


Shikamaru leaned in, his voice barely audible. "Was that you?" His eyes bore into Raito, seeking confirmation.


Raito shrugged, a halfhearted smile playing on his lips. "Maybe."


"Oi, don't make things troublesome—" Shikamaru began, but Raito interrupted.


"Shika, I've got everything ready for tomorrow."


Shikamaru's tone shifted abruptly. "It's really happening, huh?" His gaze shifted from Naruto to the box of shurikens and Kunais.


"My dad said it would work, so it most likely will," Shikamaru added, nudging Chōji.


Chōji nodded and slipped into the building after a brief explanation to Iruka.


As Raito surveyed the area, he noticed the teachers preparing for the kunai and shuriken practices. Among them stood his favorite instructor:


[Passionate teacher] 

Iruka Umino 

Raito smirked inwardly. 'I knew it; Iruka-sensei is a nice teacher.' 


A skill has been created through a special act.


Through continuous observation, a skill to find the target information, 'Observe' has been created.


[Observe Lvl 1 (Active) Exp 0.0% CP Cost 1] 

Gives basic information on the target. The target can be anything specific.

# HP and CP

# One-Line Description

Note: The higher the level, more information can be obtained.




[Passionate teacher] 

Iruka Umino 

HP: 5000 

CP: 5000 

Description: A highly passionate teacher currently teaching at the Ninja Academy. 


Glancing at the other students, Raito found that the students around him were far weaker than he had thought they would be, and almost everyone had the names of their parents in their descriptions.



The skill 'Observe' has leveled up.


Raito used '[Observe]' on Iruka sensei again.




[Passionate teacher] 

Iruka Umino Lvl 24

HP: 5000 

CP: 5000 

Description: A highly passionate teacher currently instructing at the Ninja Academy. His greatest wish is to witness his students become skilled ninjas.

Raito pondered the description, acknowledging its modesty. Perhaps it held some truth, or perhaps not—but there was potential.

As his thoughts wandered, he considered, 'If I increase this level to ten and eventually to hundred, then I wouldn't...'

Iruka was managing the line, overseeing the preparations for the shuriken and kunai throwing sessions. The students lined up in anticipation, eagerly waiting their turn to showcase their skills. However, it soon became evident that most of them struggled with accuracy, with their weapons missing the mark. It's just the half of them that are incompetent, don't worry about the future of Konoha. Nevertheless, there was hope that they would improve by the time of graduation or even later.

'I could do better than that, way better.'


Quest Alert 

Academy training: Kunai and Shuriken 

Proving yourself is the key to increasing your self-confidence.

Main Quest: Achieve at least 50% accuracy.

Side Quest: Achieve at least 80% accuracy.

Gold Quest: Achieve 100% accuracy.

Completion award 

Main Quest: 100 Exp, +1 DEX, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei.

Side Quest: 50 Exp, Increase Relationship with Iruka-sensei. 

Gold Quest: 300 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei. 

Completion failure 

Decrease relation with Ninja Academy. 

[YES – NO]

'Quests?' Raito's gaze fixed on the tab in front of him. Slowly, he raised his hand and pressed the button labeled. 'YES'.

'I feel it again.' Patting his chest, feeling his breathing increase and hot air escaping his lips, Raito said one word. "Up!"

"Yoshizawa Raito," Iruka's voice cut through the air, catching Raito's attention.

"Let's do it." Raito took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Grasping the shuriken and kunai firmly, he unleashed them in a swift, practiced motion. The projectiles sliced through the air, finding their targets with precision. Yet, one shuriken veered slightly off-center.

'Well, I got the second-best at least.'

"Good job, Raito. Second best in the grade." Iruka praised, nodding approvingly.


The skill 'Shurikenjutsu and Kunaijutsu' has been unlocked.

[Shurikenjutsu and Kunaijutsu Lv1 (Active/Passive)] 

The skill allows the user to properly wield both shuriken and kunai.

-Passively increases damage with shuriken and kunai by 5%. 

-Passively increases the accuracy of shuriken and kunai by 5%. 

-Passively grants +3 DEX


Quest Complete 

Academy training: Kunai and Shuriken 

Proving yourself is a pathway to increasing self-confidence. 

Main Quest: Achieve at least 50% accuracy. (Completed) 

Side Quest: Achieve at least 80% accuracy. (Completed) 

Gold Quest: Achieve 100% accuracy. (Failure) 

Total rewards earned 

Main Quest Completion: 100 Exp, +1 DEX, Increase Relationship with Iruka-sensei. 

Side quest completion: 50 exp, increase relation with Iruka-sensei. 

Shurikenjutsu and Kunaijutsu skill level up by 1. 

With a thought, the boxes disappeared, and Raito looked towards Naruto. 'It's going to start anytime soon.'


Touji Mizuki 

HP 5000 

CP 5000 

Description: Currently teaching at the Ninja Academy, he harbors ambitions that exceed his capabilities.

Mizuki distributed five kunai and five shurikens to each student from a large box. However, when it came to Naruto, he retrieved a separate set from a smaller box concealed within the larger one.

"[Observe]," Raito quietly commanded.

[Academy Kunai and Shuriken Set: Poor Quality] 

These kunai and shuriken were poorly crafted, lacking balance in weight and sharpness. Their unevenness significantly hindered the chances of hitting the target.

Accuracy: -30% 

Raito then quickly used '[Observe]' on the girl behind Naruto and found her set to be of good quality.

[Standard Issue Kunai and Shuriken Set: Common Quality]

The weight and sharpness of these tools are perfectly balanced, allowing for effective piercing, slashing, and accuracy when thrown. 

Accuracy: +10% 

"Next up, Naruto Uzumaki," Iruka's voice echoed across the training grounds.

"Yosh, it's finally my turn," Naruto cheered, striding confidently to the front.

"Why does Naruto get special treatment from Mizuki sensei?" The girl beside Raito mumbled, her eyes fixed on her kunai and shuriken set. Her tone held a hint of annoyance. "He even gave Naruto a separate set."


"Since Naruto is so bad at kunai and shuriken throwing, Mizuki-sensei must have given him a better-"

How twisted must one be to concoct such speculations? Raito rolled his eyes at the girl's baseless assumptions and returned to his position within the group.


Iruka looked at the girl; then, his gaze returned to Naruto.

Raito took a deep breath, channeling his chakra through a rat hand seal. Positioned behind two girls, he whispered, manipulating his voice with chakra and adding a subtle touch of mental suggestion. "Personal lessons, Mizuki-sensei's favorite."

Utilizing his chakra-laced voice, Raito managed to capture the focus of one of the girls, who was particularly receptive to his words.

"Don't you know? Naruto is Mizuki sensei's favorite." the other girl chimed in.

"Personal Taijutsu lessons, personal Ninjutsu lessons… How long will this favoritism continue?"

Raito realized that the girl in front of him possessed a keen, observant nature and wouldn't hesitate to voice her thoughts openly.

"Try harder, Naruto." Iruka sighed, observing Naruto's lackluster throw. His gaze shifted to the girl standing behind Naruto.

Now the voices were coming from the girl behind Naruto and two, who were gossiping in the group.

Glancing at his fellow teacher, Iruka made a vague assumption before stopping Naruto's attempts.


Crouching in front of Naruto, Iruka pretended to adjust his stance and subtly exchanged a few of his own kunai for Naruto's set. "Naruto, take these."


"Do your best, Naruto." Iruka encouraged.


"Thanks, Iruka sensei." Naruto replied gratefully.


Iruka examined Naruto's set in his hand, then cast a secretive glance toward Mizuki.


Sensing the difference in weight, Naruto couldn't help but smile faintly as he threw the kunai.

"Whoa." The students in the field collectively gasped, impressed by Naruto's unexpected improvement.

Iruka smiled, swiftly marking down Naruto's perfect throw.

"Again." he instructed, a small smile of approval gracing his face.

Mizuki, standing nearby, frowned as he observed Naruto and Iruka. He crushed the small white box within the larger one, then pocketed the kunai and shuriken in his pouch.

Shortly afterward, the shuriken and kunai throwing sessions came to an end.

Iruka stood, holding a set of weapons, and glanced at Mizuki and the other teachers. Just as he prepared to confront them, Mari approached him.

"A student mentioned that you have something for me, Iruka." Mari said softly, walking toward him.


Iruka lowered his gaze and slowly raised his hand, revealing the shuriken.


Mari glanced at Iruka's hand and suggested, "Why don't we have a talk, Iruka?"


"Mari sensei. This is just-"


"It's going to be a sensitive topic." Mari said as she coated her hand with chakra. then swiped the shuriken and kunai into a sealed plastic bag and added, "Come to the Hokage Tower tomorrow."


"Mizuki," Iruka mumbled, hoping for good things.


Meanwhile, Raito blended in with the crowd, reuniting with Naruto, Chōji, and Shikamaru.


"We did great," Raito whispered to Shikamaru and Chōji, a sense of accomplishment in his voice.


"What is this going to do, Shikamaru?" Chōji asked.


"From what we can see, it involves the academy teachers, but according to the old man Hokage, it reaches even further to the civilian council, the ones providing resources and manpower for the academy."


"With the evidence we've gathered and some additional factors, they aim to completely remove the civilian council from the academy."


Shikamaru's dad was just awesome. He would share details, give advice and even hide them from Shikamaru's mom. More importantly, he was going to be the next Jōnin commander.

Raito massaged his forehead, troubled by the gamer thing, and now this.

Chōji shrugged. "I could have never guessed that all these things were happening."

"We completed what we were told to do." Raito shrugged nonchalantly.

Chōji looked at the silent Naruto and said, "It was supposed to be for Naruto, but…"

"When Naruto is involved, everything becomes troublesome." Shikamaru sighed, walking towards the line.

"Shikamaru," Iruka called out, catching his attention.

Raito stood still, deep in thought.

'It's been happening for a long time. Many people should have noticed the set, but no one did anything to stop it. There should be several people involved in this. Iruka sensei is out, as he is just record-keeping most of the days and looking at the shuriken from far away most of the time, and he likes Naruto too much to do anything to him. Mizuki-sensei must be one of them, and there are likely others involved in the production, transportation, and collection of the weapons. So many people are entangled in this single scheme.'


[For thinking an elaborate plan for the first time +3 to WIS]


"Raito, start preparing," Iruka called Raito then continued timing Shikamaru.



Quest Alert 


Academy training: Obstacle Course 


A test to train a ninja's flexibility 


Main Quest: Complete within 2 minute 

Side Quest: Complete within 1 minute. 

Gold Quest: Complete within 45 seconds. 


Completion award 

Main Quest: 100 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy 

Side Quest: 50 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy 

Gold Quest: 300 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy 


Completion failure 

Decrease relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy 


[YES – NO]


'Beating my record, eh? I got a few points on dexterity this morning, according to my power, so let's test the theory out.' Raito smiled and started stretching.


Shikamaru crossed the finish line and got some advice from Iruka sensei.


Looking at Raito, Iruka called him to stand near the line.


Raito also hurried towards the line and waited, ready to sprint at any time.


At the mark, Raito burst forward, smoothly maneuvering through the obstacles.


"43.7 seconds."


"Great job, Raito! You beat your own record once again," Iruka exclaimed with a wide smile, congratulating Raito. "Sasuke is two seconds behind you. Keep training, okay?"



Quest Alert 


Academy training: Obstacle Course 


A test to train a ninja's flexibility 


Main Quest: Complete within 2 minutes. (Completed) 

Side Quest: Complete within 1 minute. (Completed) 

Gold Quest: Complete within 45 seconds. (Completed) 


Total rewards earned 

Main Quest Completion: 100 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy. 

Side Quest Completion: 50 Exp, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy. 

Gold Quest Completion: 300 Exp, +1 DEX, Increase relation with Iruka-sensei, Ninja Academy. 

Total Exp: 450 


Closing the notification boxes, Raito waited for the others to finish. He didn't have to wait long since Ino was the only one remaining.


With all the practical exercises completed, the students lined up according to their classes and sorted by height.


"Now, everyone, before you head home, I want to remind you all to work on your Chakra Control, Basic Leaf Sticking exercise. I want all of you to be able to stick at least three leaves simultaneously." Iruka said, his gaze focusing particularly on Naruto.


"It's not that I don't want to." Naruto mumbled, feeling his unnaturally large reserves.


"Caught you there." Raito appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Naruto's shoulder.


"What?" Naruto frowned in annoyance.


"Hehe. What's with that big frown?" Raito playfully poked Naruto's forehead, which had been scrunched up a moment ago.


"… It's Chakra Control." Naruto muttered, his voice subdued.


"Control?" Raito sighed.


"Jii-chan must know some shortcut for this chakra exercise." Naruto dimmed down and spoke softly.


Raito hummed while waving his hand towards Shikamaru and Chōji. "He did tell you. He told you to meditate."


"But-" Naruto wanted to retort, but Raito's hand covered his face.


"Hai, I don't want to listen to your stupid excuses." Raito rolled his eyes.


"Half days like today are the best." Shikamaru yawned, looking at Iruka.


Chōji retrieved a list from his pouch, glanced at Raito, and said, "Raito, you'd better cook something really nice this Sunday."


Raito released Naruto and turned to face Chōji. "Oi, Chōji, if you don't use those expensive ingredients, you know I'm the better cook, right?"


Narrowing his eyes, Chōji stepped forward."Raito, are you doubting my cooking skills?"


"Doubting? I'll-"


"Hai, you two," Iruka sighed as he appeared in front of the bickering students. He smacked them both on the head and narrowed his eyes. "You two idiots. Are you even listening?"


"Ow." Raito and Chōji grabbed their heads in pain and glared at Iruka.


"Of course, we are." Raito replied, looking slightly offended. He swiftly continued, "Sensei talked about practicing Chakra Control exercises, which not many have even started, then you talked about practicing the academy's three techniques, and finally, you talked about the upcoming theoretical exams. How we need to get good grades, and so on. It's all the usual things."


"Nope, sensei also mentioned the importance of eating well, exercising, and enjoying ourselves," Chōji chimed in.


"That's basic. Who wouldn't do that?"


"Sensei has been telling us this since the first year. He's so dedicated that he hasn't even had time to find himself a girlfriend."


That was the breaking point for Iruka. "You, Raito. That's enough."


"Mari-sensei!" Raito pointed towards Iruka's back, his eyes wide as he shouted.


It worked, as Iruka immediately stiffened and turned around. "Mari-sensei, I was just about to finish-"


Snickering, laughter, and giggles filled the air.


Iruka felt his face twitch as he turned around to face the empty spot; Raito had long gone . Using advanced Ninjutsu to find the little academy student seemed excessive. So, what Iruka did was take a deep breath, turn back, and walk to the front.


"That's all for today. You can all head home." Iruka waved his hand, addressing the students.


The students waved goodbye, some casting curious glances at Iruka, eager to ask questions. 

However, Iruka shot them a stern glare, conveying a clear message: 'ask, and you'll get double homework.' It worked, as they quickly dismissed any thoughts of questioning him.


Walking towards the teacher's room, Iruka mumbled about how he would get Raito to apologize. 


Outside the academy, as the students began to leave, Raito spotted the person he had been waiting for. Dropping down, he playfully grabbed Naruto's shoulder, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.


"Wah!" Naruto instinctively jumped, startled by the sudden touch. Upon realizing it was just Raito, he breathed a sigh of relief and swatted Raito's hand away. "Don't do that!"


"What? For a 'Prankster' and 'soon to be Hokage', you aren't very aware of your surroundings." Raito teased


"Don't give me that." Naruto huffed, pulling out some coupons, and said excitedly, "Let's go, let's go."


Scratching the back of his head, Raito looked at Naruto awkwardly and said, "Listen, Naruto."


Naruto dimmed his gaze, looking at Raito, and asked hesitantly, "What?"


"I have some things to take care of, so let's skip today, alright?" Raito glanced to the side, avoiding eye contact.


Examining the coupons, Naruto remarked, "But it's our thing."


"I know, but… it's about tomorrow. The big surprise thing." Raito fibbed.


"Surprise? What's going on?" Naruto looked up with curiosity.


"If I tell you, how can it be a surprise?" Raito said smoothly and added, "You'll find out about it tomorrow."


"Alright," Naruto agreed with a smile. "If you're not going, then I won't go either."


"You don't have to do that, Naruto."


"I'll wait." Naruto said with a smile and added, "But it better be worth it."


"It will be," Raito assured him, waving his hand before leaping away.


Once everyone had dispersed, Raito headed toward the academy and quietly opened one of the windows, slipping inside. After closing the window behind him, he hurried to the teacher's room, where a busy Iruka was engrossed in work.


"Iruka sensei," Raito called out to the busy teacher, who immediately shot a glare in Raito's direction.


The glare lingered for a couple of seconds before fading away. Letting out a sigh, Iruka looked at Raito and asked, "What is it, Raito?"


"I'm here to apologize for earlier, sensei," Raito said, bowing slightly.


Waving his hand dismissively, Iruka motioned for Raito to come closer. "You were a little harsh, but it's fine."


"...You're not going to thank me, then," Raito blurted out unexpectedly, causing Iruka to raise his brows.


"After I helping you in educating the students, that small joke about you will remind them to eat healthily, train their body, and rest."


"I give up." Iruka raised his hands and smiled. "Thank you, Student Raito."


"No problemo." Grinning cheekily, he fixed his gaze on Iruka.


"So, how can I help you?" Iruka sensed it was coming.


Raito took out a paper slip from his pocket and said, "Per Ninja Academy Student Handbook Section 12, Number 3, and Teacher Circulation Notice 506, I would like to request two hours of your time." 


Looking at the student in front of him, Iruka smiled. Although the handbook was given to everyone for their benefit, he was certain that hardly anyone had actually read its contents in detail except for Raito. 


Closing the copies, Iruka turned around and gestured Raito to follow him. "So, what do you want to learn this time, Raito?"


"I wanted a demonstration of Genjutsu, sensei," Raito replied.


Iruka opened the door to an empty classroom and continued, "Genjutsu is a challenging topic for an academy student. In the academy, we teach you how to find when you're trapped in a Genjutsu, how to break free from one Genjutsu and the basics of common Genjutsu."


Raito nodded and said, "I know. There are two types; one affecting the person and other the surrounding." 


"Sensei, I just wanted to see a demonstration," Raito clarified, his gaze fixed on Iruka.


"Fine, fine." 


Sitting a few meters apart, Iruka focused his chakra, performing hand seals, and clapped his hands. [Demonic Illusion – False Surrounding]


Chakra flared as Iruka waved his hand towards the blackboard. An instant later, a big kanji symbolizing 'Fire' appeared on the board.


"This Genjutsu affects the surrounding. I changed my chakra with a mental image. It's a bit taxing on chakra as I would have to constantly supply little bits of chakra to it."


[Genjutsu applied blackboard]

The 'Fire' written with 'White' chalk is a chakra construct created by Umino Iruka.



Pushing his hand forward, Raito looked at his skills tab and said "[Genjutsu Dissipation]" 


With Raito's touch, the white fire letter vanished.


"Good, good. You have been practicing." Iruka nodded in approval.


Raito looked at the board then at Iruka. "Sensei, can you do one more? This time I won't look." 


"Okay then." 


Iruka waited for Raito to close his eyes then used the '[False Surrounding]' technique again.


Raito waited patiently with his '[Chakra Sense]' withdrawn.


"Open your eyes." Iruka tapped Raito's shoulder.


Raito scanned the room, starting from the door. Without wasting any time, he used '[Observe]' on almost everything, until finally detecting the Iruka's jutsu.


[Genjutsu applied Podium]

The 'Iruka' written with a 'black' pen is a chakra construct made by Umino Iruka.

"Sensei, I found it." Raito pointed at the Genjutsu.


"It was so subtle, and you still found it?" Iruka appeared impressed.


"You didn't move around much, sensei. So, it had to be somewhere near." Raito tried to reason.


"Well then, let's move on to the next category." Iruka suggested. He sat in front of Raito and weaved a set of hand seals before gently tapping Raito's head.


"[Demonic Illusion – Double Vision]"


The world faded to gray as new boxes appeared in front of Raito.


[You can learn the 'Demonic Illusion – Double Vision' skill for 100 CP. Do you want to proceed?]


[Yes - No]


'I don't think I can move my body.' Raito tried moving but it seemed like everything had frozen.


Removing any thoughts aside, Raito said yes to the question and the boxes disappeared.


[Skill acquisition successful]


[Demonic Illusion – Double Vision Lvl 1 CP cost - 50]

The user sends a package of chakra to disturb the sensory pathways from the eye to the brain, causing double vision.

All the boxes closed automatically as a new box appeared in front.


[The effects of Demonic Illusion – Double Vision has been negated by the Gamer's mind.]


The grey world turned back to being full of color.


As Iruka removed his hand from Raito's forehead, he immediately stood beside him, anticipating a potential stumble.

Contrary to expectations, Raito looked at the flustered Iruka in confusion and, at the same time, closed his eyes. Activating his chakra, Raito used '[Chakra Dissipation]' to deceive Iruka.


"So, how was it?" Iruka asked.


Looking around, Raito heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I can see now."


"Let's end it here for today, Raito." Iruka brought out a small container of water and handed it to Raito.


"Hai, sensei."


"Genjutsu requires knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, so we only teach students here at the academy how to break free from them."


"I see."


"If you want to learn more than, you can learn after the graduation with your Jōnin instructor." Iruka started giving advice and Raito continued listening and nodding.


"Be sure to practice your chakra control exercise, alright?" Iruka waved goodbye and walked back to the teacher's room.


"Sensei, you need to find a balance—for your future wife and children!" Raito called out playfully before running away.


As Raito dashed off, he reveled in the joy of discovering his ability to acquire jutsus. However, his excitement was short-lived as he realized there were some significant restrictions involved.


Getting a headache, Raito chose to keep it at the side as he was going to face an even greater headache now, as he was standing in front of the T&I department.


As he entered the building, everyone gave him a once-over before continuing their task.


Unfazed by the curious glances, Raito followed a familiar path until he reached a door. He knocked on it and called out, "Sensei, it's me, Raito."


"Raito? Come in."


Inside the room, Inoichi sat on a resting chair with a book in his hand. Looking at Raito, he waved his hand and signaled for him to sit on the couch.


"How did you end up here, Raito? If I recall correctly, we had scheduled a visit for this Monday, and today is your special ramen eating day," Inoichi pointed out, his tone warm and slightly amused, as he manipulated his chakra to grab a few books from the shelves.


"I wanted to try something," Raito said as he walked in front of Inoichi. "Sensei, please try entering my mindscape."


A moment of silence filled the room as Inoichi closed his books and fixed his gaze on Raito. With a concerned yet caring tone, he asked, "What brought this on?"


"I progressed." Raito lied.


"Have you completed your mind maze?" Inoichi inquired, raising an eyebrow and placing the books aside.


"Something like that," Raito said and looked at the books on the other side of the room. With the challenge in his eyes, Raito looked at Inoichi, pointed at the books, and said, "If you can get inside and reach the center then I will finish all those books."


"…" Inoichi stared at Raito, trying to discern the reason behind his newfound confidence. Raito seemed the same as usual, yet something had changed between "a few days ago" Raito and "today" Raito.


"Well, if you are willing to put something on the line then I should do the same, right?" Inoichi mused, stroking his chin and entering into a thoughtful state.


"Of course." Raito smiled more brilliantly but on the inside, he frowned. 'The quest is still not there. Was I wrong about how quest works? Shouldn't it be like challenges?'


"How about a jutsu?" Inoichi suggested.


"But isn't that—" Raito began.


"Clan's jutsu, on my free day," Inoichi interrupted, his gaze fixed on Raito.


'The Yamanaka clan's techniques are good but the elders of the clan will intervene somehow.'


'It doesn't matter if I get the jutsu or not but I must verify this power.'


"Heh, you went into thinking mode. Did you think about the clan elders? Did you think they will intervene?"


"Please don't get into other people's minds and mimic them. It's kinda disgusting." Raito deadpanned, taking a step back


"You can be quite harsh," Inoichi replied, his smile widening. "How about this? I, Yamanaka Inoichi, the head of the Yamanaka clan, promise you."


"But the Clan Head is still beneath the council of elders," Raito countered, observing Inoichi's defeated expression.


"Whatever, let's do it." Inoichi disappeared then appeared behind Raito, his hand enveloping Raito's head.


[Non-hostile force detected.]


[Skill 'Fast thinking' activated.]


[Gamer's mind in effect.]


[Incomplete skill 'Mind Maze' is activating.]


[Skill 'Mind Maze' combined with 'Gamer's Mind'.]



Yes – No


'It can even differentiate between friend and foe?'


Raito thought for a while then accepted the combination. 


While Inoichi was nowhere in sight, things appeared from nowhere, flew around Raito, and a building, more like a fortress was being built. 


Looking from an outside view it was like a floating castle in the space with tall peaks. 'It's not my doing.'


"Finally," Inoichi zoomed forward and appeared near the castle and said, "That was one tough barrier, Raito."


"You are not at the center of my mindscape, sensei." With a big smile, Raito added, "I sacrificed all that space for this perfect defense."


"Nothing can be truly perfect, Raito," Inoichi remarked, his brow furrowing.


"Try it, sensei." Raito's voice echoed with confidence.


Inoichi surveyed his surroundings, contemplating his approach. His initial instinct was to fly into the castle, and he acted accordingly.


Raito looked at the tab in front of him which had different options. A smile gradually formed on his face as he clicked on one. [Offense Lvl 1]


Just as Inoichi neared the castle's boundaries, something struck him, sending him flying backward.

Staggering to his feet, Inoichi stared at Raito in shock and anger. "You used a fly swatter on me?"


Raito was also looking at the swatter in a daze. He looked at Inoichi, who was a bit messy now.


Raito, too, gazed at the swatter in bewilderment, then shifted his attention to Inoichi, who appeared somewhat disheveled.

"That really did a number on me." Inoichi glanced at his rumpled clothes, realizing that his three-layered defense had been diminished by one.

"Sensei, are you giving up?" Raito shouted, his voice heard beside Inoichi.

"I'm just getting started."


Instead of flying in, Inoichi landed in front of the castle gates, which had its mouth wide open. Seeing no swatter swatting him, Inoichi heaved a sigh of relief and walked in, but before he could walk in, the sides of the wall had turned into pikes, which was slowly caving in.


"Damn it." Eyes widened in shock, Inoichi decided to escape but even that plan was hampered by the sticky surface. "Are you serious? A fly-trap?"


At the end of the passage, Raito was standing with a small smile on his face. He moved his finger and on his will, the walls rushed in, impaling Inoichi.


In the real world, Inoichi staggered a few steps back and looked at Raito in annoyance and surprise.


Raito also opened his eyes with a gleeful smile on his face. "How was it sensei?"


"... It wasn't quite what I expected."


'Me too, sensei. I had just started making my 'Mind Maze' but with this Gamer's mind everything changed.'




[You received a message from 'The Original Gamer' Han Jihan.]


[Please read in a comfortable space.]


[Note – All the questions you have been asking will be answered.]


"Raito." Inoichi called then added, "It's a bit too much for my heart."


Raito kept quiet.


"Getting defeated by a twelve-year-old and even in my field of expertise."


Raito looked at Inoichi who was going on and on so, Raito started walking towards the door, "Sensei, if there is nothing else then I am going home." 


"Raito," Inoichi calmed down his excited mood and called Raito seriously.


"Sensei?" Raito looked at Inoichi's serious face and felt kinda scared. 'He is making that face again.'


"Um, sensei?"


"Do you…"




Inoichi slammed down his fist on the table and looked with murder in his eyes and shouted, "Do you think of me like an insect?"




Name: Yoshizawa Raito Lvl 7 Exp 630/5000 

Title: Ninja Academy Student (+25% Exp till level 10) 


Age: 12 


HP: 775/875 

CP: 500/500 

STR: 19 

VIT: 21 

DEX: 26 

INT: 20 

WIS: 22 

LUK: 27(+20) 


Yoshizawa household member: Additional +50 HP per level +2 INT & +3 VIT per level. 


Holder of lucky star: +20 Luck, additional +1 LUK per level. 


Yoshizawa Raito is above average student in the Ninja Academy.