
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 28: Unveiling Paranoia, Fight!

Back on the bed, Shikamaru could not take it anymore. He left the bed, walked outside and saw Raito destroying all his creations, transforming them back to mere rocks and stones.

[Earth Break (Active) Lvl 1 CP Cost 200] 

"A new skill, right now?" Raito checked the skill then went back to doing what he was doing.

Observing for a while, Shikamaru finally questioned, "What are you doing?" 

Raito looked back then continued, "I am destroying traces of us being here." 

"Kakashi left after that messenger bird came, probably something happened and that the other ANBU didn't respond when I said I was quitting."

"They are probably sleeping or something." Shikamaru shrugged, observing Raito, his concerns growing every time Raito destroyed his creations.

"It's just a bad feeling." Raito added. "I can't sleep." 

Looking at Raito, Shikamaru did not know what to say. Finally opening his mouth, he asked, "Aren't you being a little too paranoid?" 

Raito did not answer.

Saying 'whatever' in his mind, Shikamaru started helping him to remove traces by his means possible. Some things like plates and such, which had heavier smell were thrown on the water, others like decorations were thrown inside the cave.

Soon, all the noise alerted the people sleeping inside the cave. One woke another, and by the end, everyone was awake.

"What are you doing, Shikamaru?" Ino shouted as she saw Shikamaru destroying the small garden by the water vats. 

Naruto stared in shock and anger. He gritted his teeth and charged. "Oi, Shika, what are you doing?" 

"Stop it." He grabbed Shikamaru and pushed him.

"Naruto, if you have so much energy, then help." From behind, Raito's somewhat panicked voice caught Naruto's attention, making him turn back. 

Naruto looked at Shikamaru then at Raito. Confused, he looked back at the gang then asked, "What's going on?"

"There is a level three alert on the village and there is no supervisor around." Raito said of what he knows.

"That doesn't mean-" Ino was cut off by Raito. "It's just a bad feeling."

"Stop talking and just help." Raito shouted, then turned around to work.

"What is he thinking?" Ino bit her lips and began helping in moving things. 

Chōji and Hinata looked at each other and started helping too. Sakura looked at the scene in a daze, looking at everyone running around. 

"I asked him to do it." Raito said as he faced Naruto. 

"But why?" Naruto could not understand why Raito was doing such. 

"I don't know but I have this bad feeling. Like something…." Raito was finding words to explain him. 

"Are you having stomach problem? Do you need to go to toilet?" Naruto asked and silence prevailed for a period until a 'bang' sounded. 

"I think something bad will happen tonight." Raito said in a grave tone. His words had a certain type of feeling that made Naruto gulp and nod. 

Walking further, Raito stood in front of the bath area, which could be said to be his highest achievement. Unwilling to destroy it, Raito used all of his chakra, making rocks extend from the wall behind and covering the bath as a whole. Pouring last bit of his chakra, Raito remodeled the surface of the cover to mimic the natural rock formation. 

"The chimney is also covered." Shikamaru wiped his sweat. 

"It's good that we didn't use weapons, otherwise the marks from it would be hard to conceal." Ino tried controlling her breathing. 

"I-Ino….?" Sakura called out weakly to her only support in the group. 

"Sakura?" Ino turned to her lost friend, who was standing in confusion. 

"We were not taught in the academy, how to do all this. How did you…." 

"This… we learned it in the clan. Although it will not come into exams, it is still it is very much required for shinobi." Ino said with a tone of an elder lecturing a junior. 

Raito ignored them and signaled Shikamaru before entering the cave to recover chakra in a meditative state. 

Now, everything looked back to how it was a few days earlier except the cave entrance, which had a hole. 

Shikamaru grabbed Naruto and went to the hiding place where Kakashi was earlier on and made him use 'Erasing wind'. 

Naruto's 'Erasing wind', which consumed large amount of chakra, creating wind, to disperse the smell.

Entering the cave, they waited for Raito to recover chakra.

After recovering a bit of chakra, Raito closed the door, mimicking the wall formation. 

Raito created the walls several layers thick but it was not enough to calm him down. He excavated the floor and reached several meters down then made a false layer. 

The gang looked at Raito with confusion and awkwardness. This was beyond some simple paranoia. This was like preparing for a defense, which was beyond their level. 

Raito's eye moved with his 'Chakra Sense' trying to find out anyone or anything, that may be harmful.

Sakura with Ino and Hinata looked at Raito weirdly then she said in a whisper, "Isn't this being too paranoid?" 

"Raito-san must have some thoughts, doing all this." Hinata said with some hesitation. 

"Shikamaru believes in him, so we also believe in him." Ino said showing support said for herself and Chōji. 

Sakura looked at Raito and Shikamaru then at Ino. "Shikamaru? Why? He is just a lazy guy, who barely passes his exams. I don't think he-" 

Sakura quickly shut her mouth, lowered her head and asked, "Why do you believe in Shikamaru so much?" 

Looking at the innocent Sakura, Ino sighed, "First of all, he is from Nara clan, known for their knowledge and strategy. His father is Jōnin commander and chief strategist in an Emergency Tactic Division in the village, the same way it has always been for forever since the founding. The Nara clan has been holding that position from the beginning of the village, simply because every single one of the member of the clan deserves it and… believe it or not, I am sure that Shikamaru is also the same." 

"Shikamaru's clan is so awesome? In the class, we were told that clans had more ninja and held important roles to support the village. But I never thought this…."

Meanwhile, Shikamaru was in his special thinking pose, breaking in sweat, clenching his teeth. He could not understand on what basis had Raito came to this conclusion. Was it simply the case of paranoia or conclusion of complex thinking? From the recent cases of supernaturalism, Raito may have something that helps him to come to this end.


Inside the cave, Raito and Hinata did a survey every three or five minutes. Hinata still had confusion written all over her face.

"Ah!" her sudden shout made everyone alert. 

Quickly after Raito used 'Chakra Sense' and saw Mizuki with an Inuzuka member rushing towards their direction.

"It's Mizuki-sensei." Hinata announced. 

Raito added. "And an Inuzuka clan member without partner." 

"They went to that place, where we found the box." Hinata informed then looked at Raito worriedly.

"Mizuki-sensei is supposed to be locked up. Why is he here?" Ino questioned with a worried face. 

"What!? No way." Sakura was stunned when she heard that Mizuki had been locked up. She was still in disbelief, it couldn't be the kind Mizuki-sensei. He was a nice teacher, who always looked out for the students. Although he was harsh to Naruto but it was for his own good.

"We got a tracker and a former teacher." Raito said in worry then added. "Coming straight in this direction."

"He should be looking for a way out." Ino said then looked at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru shook his head. "If they wanted to leave the village then they should have gone opposite to the waterfall, not towards."

"What are you worrying so much for? if he comes with bad intentions, we just have to beat him up real bad?" Naruto stood up and said that to lift everyone's spirit. 

"We will just beat whoever comes." Chōji mumbled.

CP 1800/2460 

'If only I had powerful jutsus.' Raito thought inwardly. 

He looked at everyone then at Sakura. 'Should I?'


After couple of minutes, Mizuki and Inuzuka arrived at the waterfall.

The Inuzuka man walked around and looked at the ground. He picked up some stones and sniffed. "It smells like people were here and someone in the group just used wind jutsu to throw us off. What a coincidence." 

"Academy students do not know Jutsus. Only one slightly able is Sasuke, who also only know fire jutsu. It must be a Chūnin instructor." Mizuki concluded and walked behind the waterfall. 

"Okay, just reminding you. After all, it's somewhat fresh." Inuzuka threw the rocks and shrugged. He kept quiet and followed Mizuki to the waterfall. 

Mizuki pushed the rocks and passed his chakra inside it. Pressing on the hollow part of the wall, Mizuki backed off. The stones moved and some fell, revealing a long passage. 

"If what you said is true then I can't wait to try it." Inuzuka chuckled softly, his smile devious. He walked behind Mizuki at all times and was always alert.

Walking inside the passage, it ended in a circular room, which had a stone slab in the middle with geometrical patterns. 

Mizuki patted the slab and smiled. Taking out a box from the bag, he opened it, revealing colorful stones. Placing the stones in the circles, he poured water on them and tilted the slab. 

"Is that it?" Inuzuka asked in suspicion. 

Mizuki cut open his palm and dripped his blood on the several stones on the slab then looked at the top of the room. "After the activation, we just have to wait till it fills the vial." 

"Good," His narrow pupils looked at Mizuki.


"It looks like they are doing some sort of experiment." Hinata said. Looking at the vial, she had a bad feeling then looked at Raito and Naruto. 

Outside the cave room, Mizuki and Inuzuka were walking along the shore, when the Inuzuka stopped, turned to his left and took huge steps towards the cliff.

"Two, no it's three. Three girls in total." Inuzuka man said as his eyes turned somewhat red.

"Three girls, then it has to be three groups, maybe six boys." Mizuki informed of what he knew about the test.

"They are not in the forest, no shelter anywhere I could see. And this wind jutsu, it's messing up with the smell." Inuzuka grumbled and placed his hand on the sprouts that were beginning to grow. 

"We don't teach them high-rank jutsu and all, in the academy, like it was back then." 

"Academy is shit thanks to you and your friends." 

"More thanks to the civilian council." 


Inside the cave, everyone was trying their best to remain quiet, even the hyperactive Naruto. They were wishing for the two of them to just leave. 

Contrary to their expectations, the Inuzuka man walked toward the former entrance and looked around. Since the door area was never watered, it left a huge barren spot.

Raito glanced at everyone, then pointed to the illumination seal, signaling them to be quiet as he canceled the chakra. The seal dimmed, and darkness veiled over.

The room turned dark, cold, and silent, just the way Raito wanted it.


Raito turned and gave a sharp glare to Sakura. She hurriedly covered her mouth. 

Everyone eyed her with a hint of annoyance. Raito cursed Sakura under his breath and shifted his gaze to the Inuzuka man. After locking eyes with the Inuzuka, Raito knew they had been found out. "Damn it."


The Inuzuka smirked and shouted, "I know you're listening, you pipsqueak. You're sweating. I know you're worried and want me gone… but I won't leave. If you don't want to get killed, do as I say and come out, right now."

Even after waiting for a few minutes, no one answered. That was to be expected. No one wants to die, even if you claim not to kill. Who would believe it so naively?

The Inuzuka looked at Mizuki and said, "Mizuki, blast this wall off. They are right behind this."

Mizuki nodded and took out two explosion tags from his coat pocket. He channeled chakra and stuck them to the wall. 

"I am going to explode this wall, with this tag and, kill you all, that is, if you don't come out." Mizuki laughed wickedly and shouted, banging the wall.

Inuzuka pulled Mizuki and said. "Do it." 


Boom! Boom!! 

Rumble! Rumble!! 

The explosion destroyed the rocks leaving a big hole. Chips of rock fell down the ground, showing the damage done. 

"No one is there." Mizuki said softly then turned around.

Inuzuka walked front, touched the wall surface and said. "Layer of wall, it should be an Earth Jutsu." 

"I am never wrong. Years of experience is never wrong." 

"Do it again." Inuzuka pulled Mizuki then pushed him forward.

"Hey!" Mizuki shouted and ruffled. "Stop pushing."

Inuzuka raised his hands and smiled. 

Mizuki slammed the explosive tag on the wall then looked back. "This is your last chance. Come out."

Mizuki jumped back and activated the tag. 


The wall collapsed and reached the room. 

The Inuzuka coated his hand with chakra then walked in. The nail grew and became pointed, veins throbbed with a large amount of chakra. Stepping inside, he was ready to counter any attack if those students dare but when he stepped inside what greeted him was empty dark room. 

Mizuki stepped in and looked around. His face was contorted as he looked at Inuzuka. He turned around ready to leave. "Empty, and I wasted last of my explosion tags." 

Just then, Inuzuka raised his hand and with full force, punched the ground. Cracks appeared and the ground fell, revealing a hidden chamber. Jumping down the pit, Inuzuka looked around but didn't saw anyone. Smiling evilly, he clawed the wall of the room and at the same said "Playing hide and seek with a tracker and infiltration specialist, what a joke." Stopping at a place, he punched the wall, revealing yet another passage. 

Smiling, he said, "Traced," then popped a pill. Crouching on all fours, he activated his chakra.

'Four-Legged Transformation – Beast Mode' 

Growing canine features, the Inuzuka started spinning at a rapid speed, soon resembling a spinning top. Jumping forward, he drilled the walls with force. 

'Piercing Fang' 

Inside the small area where Raito and the group were hiding, the earth rumbled, and cracks appeared. Sand trickled down, and stones fell.

"Raito we need to get out, now." Naruto shouted and Shikamaru agreed forcing Raito to make a pathway. 

Raito gritted his teeth and opened the path to the outside then jumped.

The Inuzuka drilled his way out from the same hole as Raito and the group had. Mizuki had already made a distance, away from the cave, making his safety the first priority. 

The explosion cleared, and the group started running towards the trees. 

"Little shits." Inuzuka quickly sped up and chased the group.

"Damn it." Raito cursed, activating his chakra. Several layers of walls rose blocking the view of the Inuzuka. 

Mizuki, who was on the other side of the scene, took the chance to attack. He was going to grab Ino, who was near and from what he remembered, the weakest in the group. 

Just as he was about to grab her, a ginormous punch landed on his body, the force, throwing him in the river. 

The wall was being destroyed and the man's sinister voice could be heard, "It's going to be fun killing you all." 

The last wall broke and Inuzuka stopped rotating, standing in front of Raito and the group. 

"Say your prayers." His hand transformed into claws, ready to cut them into pieces when 'Raito' and the gang smiled. With a 'poof', they transformed into Naruto and made hand seal, "Die, you bastard."

"Even smell?" Inuzuka murmured and noticed that the rock stones near him had also transformed into Naruto. 

Five to ten Naruto surrounded him and with a bird hand seal shouted, "Wind Release: Shadow Clone Style - Multiple Gale Strike"

Inuzuka took the greatest hit but some of the Naruto clones also dispersed from the jutsu. Cuts appeared rapidly on the man's body but the blood did not come out as imagined. 

"Don't underestimate me. Water Release – Water Bullet." Mizuki, who was thrown towards the river, now stood on the water surface and on his hand, gathering large amount of water, which was now projecting towards the group. 

"Partial Expansion." Chōji stood in front of the group and his body started swelling. Because the time was tight, Chōji had no choice but to be a meat shield and face the water bullet head on. 


Raito poured most of the chakra into the wall forming in front of Chōji, creating a defensive barrier. The water bullet destroyed a few of the earth wall but was eventually stopped. 

Meanwhile, the Inuzuka man slashed all of the Naruto clones then jumped. He was standing on the pool near the waterfall and on his hand a test tube, containing red liquid. 

"Oi, Tokiji, you bastard, that's mine." Mizuki shouted, searching his jacket.

Hinata helped Naruto using minor healing jutsu. 

Pushing and pulling, the Inuzuka, Tokiji, threw Mizuki away and drank the liquid from the test tube. He let out an animalistic howl as his body started changing. He grew taller and his short black hair became long and wavy, down to his much broader shoulder. Muscle on the upper body bulged as the clothes were ripped. Swirling patterns of the ink-covered his back before disappearing. Blackish fur and nails started to grow. His body, overall started to become more like a wolf demon. 

Shaking his head, Tokiji let out evil, maniacal laughter, howling loudly and causing winds to kick up. The red marks of the traditional Inuzuka family turned black, and his eyes shifted to a menacing yellow. With his narrow pupils, he looked more like a hybrid animal then a human being.

"This power, it's incredible." Clenching his fist, Tokiji delivered a swift punch, creating an explosion. "It's oddly similar to what those in the main clan used in the past."

His wild eyes locked onto the students, pressuring them. His animalistic side was flaring up as he took a step forwards. "You will be my chew toys." 

"No… No!" Sakura ran away from the group, escaping Ino's grasp. 

"That stupid." 

"Sakura, don't." 


Tokiji grinned, and with a tap of his foot, he vanished form the spot and in a blink of an eye had caught Sakura, before returning to his previous spot. A fleeting frown crossed his face but swiftly dissipated. 

"This speed, I could have never achieved this, while remaining the part of the village." Tokiji looked at Mizuki and called him back. He grabbed Sakura by her neck and pressing her back against his chest. 

Playing with Sakura's long hair, he bit the hair and pulled, making Sakura cry in pain. "I like girls with long hair. They go to great lengths to maintain it, making it smooth and shiny. Such a waste." 

"That's disgusting." Raito commented. 

Feeling something hitting her lower back, Sakura paled in realization. It was similar to what she had seen in Genjutsu. In terror, with all her might, she kicked at the back but alas, Tokiji tightened his grip and stood up straight. In process, Sakura was also lifted from the ground, his huge hand and body was the only support she had to help her live longer. 

Mizuki was at the back, looking at the group of students then looked around. 

"See this hand, I can freely control it." Tokiji demonstrated. His nails, which were neat and tidy, turning pointed and sharp, easily more than just a couple of centimeters long. 

"You didn't have much training, do you? Underweight for a shinobi of your age, you don't seem to have developed properly." His nails poked her breast, making Sakura shout in terror. As she struggled and screamed, flailing her arms and legs, more perversion appeared on Tokiji's face.

"Naruto, can you do that?" Shikamaru asked, to which Naruto nodded

"I'll hold them." 

"Chōji will attack, then its Hinata and Raito." 

"Ino, focus on Mizuki." 

In the midst of it all, Shikamaru whispered to the group, sharing his plans.

Raito quietly made a ram hand seal and felt the connection between all his creations. There were dozens of stones big and small in between Tokiji and Mizuki. Raito looked at everyone and nodded. He activated his chakra and those stones and rocks lit up before exploding. The broken pieces flying in all direction, hitting Mizuki and Tokiji's back, freeing Sakura. 

A group of Naruto clones sprang into action, catching Sakura and simultaneously distracting Mizuki and Tokiji. Meanwhile, Chōji, with his jutsu, leapt up, his hand enlarged and rolling at a fast pace.

"Okay 'Shadow Paralysis' Success." Shikamaru has successful caught Tokiji but he was having a hard time maintain it.

Hearing Shikamaru, Chōji started falling down, directing all the energy into his fist. The heavy fist pounded, hitting Tokiji, creating a big cloud of smoke. 

"Shit." Raito cursed. 

"I am gonna beat him down." Naruto ran with his clones in tow. 

"No, Naruto. Stick to plan." Before he could say anymore, Naruto was gone. "He doesn't listen."

Shikamaru got a heavy backlash from his jutsu being forcibly broken. Kneeling down in pain, Shikamaru looked at the scene in worry. Biting his teeth, he tried standing up. 

Tokiji had grabbed Chōji's fist and escaped from Shikamaru's shadow. Swinging Chōji, he easily destroyed Naruto's clones then he threw Chōji towards Naruto, sending both of them flying.

"Hah." Mizuki who was controlled by Ino, attacked Tokiji but was backhanded.

"Ino!" Sakura shouted reaching Ino's original body. With a traumatic force, Ino returned to her own body, blood escaping from her mouth.

Raito along with Hinata had already crossed the distance when Tokiji was about to deal with Mizuki. Hinata attacked with her Gentle Fist, Palm Strikes with her Byakugan was flaring. Raito attacked him with his palm, plain and simple. 

From the corner of his eye, Tokiji turned around with a smirk and grabbed the wrist of two. Looking at Hinata, he said, "Hyūga and their nasty little fingers-" 

Raito caught the hand and activated the skill, '[Lightning Palm]' with double the chakra, shocking Tokiji. 

Tokiji had misread the attack, causing him to get shocked. In anger, his hand turned into a spear, his nails becoming the spearblade, ready to strike the two in front of him. 

With no time to spare, Raito grabbed Hinata with force and activated his chakra. '[Replacement]'

Tokiji's spear thrust pierced the stone breaking it into pieces. 

"Damn. He is still at it." 

[Inuzuka Tokiji Lvl ?] 

HP: 10,000/14,000 

CP: 4,000/6,800 

[Touji Mizuki Lvl 23] 

HP: 4,600/6,800 

CP: 4,000/5,000 

"This guy is just too strong."