
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 19 - Genjutsu Hazard

Iruka stood behind the podium, watching as the students fill the room, and filling the seats. In his mind, he silently prayed for another of his student to walk in.

As the students settled into their seats, their eyes met Iruka's, offering familiar greetings. The children from the clans appeared as composed as ever, but something in the eyes of those from civilian families held a unique gleam—an unmistakable mix of determination and something deeper. Experiencing the sad and cruel reality in a Genjutsu was a unique way to realize their problem but as long as the students understood what was important, Iruka was satisfied.

Iruka was feeling happy when he saw almost all the seats filling. The bell rang but Iruka was standing on the podium silently as minutes passed by. The students started discussing with one another. 

With a resigned sigh, Iruka opened the attendance sheet and crossed out some names. Seeing the crossed out names Iruka felt a pang in his heart but maintained a calm exterior.

"Yamanaka Ino." 


"Yoshizawa Raito." 


Closing the attendance sheet, Iruka looked in front of him where the students were sitting. Clearing his throat, Iruka gave everyone a warm smile, "Each of you, by choosing to be here today, has embarked on the path of a shinobi. Those who refuse to quit, who choose to persevere— in my eyes, you are the true heroes."

Giving a salute to those in front of him, Iruka continued. "I salute to you all, to all of my future ninja comrades." Giving a small smile, he made his way towards the door.

"This week will be a special focus on Genjutsu. After reviewing the performance sheets, I and other teachers realize that most of you are very poor at Genjutsu." Iruka waited for the angry hum to die down.

"Knowing that you are in a Genjutsu, and your ability to break Genjutsu is what this week is going to be about." He scanned the room and saw a mixture of interest, indifference and annoyance on his student's face. 

"Therefore, those who do not know how to break a Genjutsu, please go to the next classroom just by our side, room 5-5. And those who are confident in their ability to dispel Genjutsu, will stay here and put their skills to the test." 

Iruka opened the door and signaled to the people outside. "To help us with that, the seniors from the 'Special Genjutsu Unit' has agreed to cooperate." 

Stepping into the room were a group of individuals clad in the standard Konoha flak jackets. At their forefront was a woman with cropped hair. "My name is Kaede Fuyou, from the 'Special Genjutsu Unit' or SGU for short. We are a specified unit for those who want to learn further on Genjutsu and apply those skills in the field." 

"Kaede, that's enough." Iruka stopped Kaede from speaking any further. If he didn't then she would talk nonstop about Genjutsu and try to convert these children. 

"Now, those of who don't how to break a Genjutsu, go to another room. I will be right there with you." Iruka instructed and looked at several of them, which he remembered to have done badly in Genjutsu.

The students started moving and a little less than half of the students moved to another room. 

Iruka watched Naruto, wanting to call him but to his surprise, Naruto gave him a wink and a thumbs up. Raito also looked at him and rolled his eyes.

Iruka sighed and smiled then walked out.

Kaede spoke to the remaining students, "Pair up with a member from SGC and start practicing." 

Raito looked in front of him, stunned by the things that were happening. Everything happened too fast for him to comprehend; Iruka-sensei was saluting then these people came and next, they had to try breaking a Genjutsu. 'Am I dreaming?'

Raito stood up, moving to the back of the class, where he had the best view. Seeing a bunch of Chūnins practicing outside, he let out a groan. However, a glance at his CP (chakra points) brought a small, reassuring smile to his face.

Looking around, Raito could not believe everyone's excitement. They looked… so enthusiastic. 

At that moment, a boy older than Raito approached, extending his hand with a friendly smile. "My name's Ayumu. Nice to meet you. Let's give our best." 

Looking at the other boy's outstretched hand, Raito used '[Observe]' and paused, his eyes slightly widening. 

Ayumu was feeling awkward, with his hand on air. Just as he was going to retract, Raito grabbed his hand and shook it. 

"Sorry about that, I was just thinking about your name. By the way, my name is Raito." Raito said enthusiastically, as he moved his head and looked at the other couples in the room.

Stunned by the sudden enthusiasm, Ayumu gave an awkward smile then sat on the bench. "Let's start. I'll be using a visual Genjutsu; try to break free from it." 

Raito sat opposite, smiled and nodded. Ayumu weaved a few hand seals then his chakra flared. 

The same thing happened again like the last time. The world turned black and white, and the blue chakra particles were dancing in the air. Some were traveling inside Raito, while others were affecting the surroundings. 

[Technique analyzed. 'Genjutsu – Broken space'] 

[Technique stored in the library.] 

[Please exchange using points.] 

"This ability to analyze is really awesome. If only I knew more about 'Points'." Raito looked at Ayumu then gave him a thumbs up. 

"Y-you are not a bit affected by my Genjutsu?" Ayumu asked, his voice betraying a mix of awe and curiosity.

Raito nonchalantly shrugged, "Yeah." 

"But how?" Ayumu asked with part amazement and part curiosity.

Raito made a shush gesture, looking at his surroundings.

"Hey, tell me, are you a sensor?" Ayumu asked in a whisper. 

"Something like that." Raito whispered back.

Kaede walked passed by them and probably heard and saw their exchange.

"I practice with my friends a lot, and some people like to prank me using Genjutsu. That's probably how I quickly learned to break free." Raito explained, part truth and part lie.

Suddenly, there was a huge chakra wave, then students who were trying to break free from Genjutsu, opened their eyes, looking confused. 

The source of chakra was Naruto, who had grown tired of the Genjutsu.

"I did it! How was that?" Naruto asked cheerfully. 

"That was one heck of a jolt." The girl in front of Naruto looked at him in amazement. She paused for a moment, studying him, before commenting. "You don't need that much of chakra just to break free from that Genjutsu. Just a little is fine." 

Naruto shrugged. "But I usually use this much against Raito; otherwise the Genjutsu won't disappear." 

"Raito, huh. I seem to have heard his name." Kaede said, opening a file and scanning the student's name.

"Yoshizawa Raito, come out. Tell me what Genjutsu you have been using?" Kaede demanded, her pitch raised.

Looking at the overbearing women, Raito cursed inwardly at Naruto then answered calmly, "I have been using 'Demonic Illusion: False surroundings'." 

"Cast one for me." The woman commanded 

"Why not?" Raito did not question the women, but walked out of the door. Few moments later, he disappeared completely, making the people inside the classroom dumbfounded. 

"You should go before it's too late." Naruto made a small comment.

The leader and her minions exited the room but found no trace of Raito. To their surprise, a new frame hung on the wall of the building, boldly stating, 'FIND ME.'

The SGU members looked around but the leader tried to touch the frame, with her hands covered in chakra. Just as her hand was going to touch the frame, the frame faded out, "I knew it." 

One of the minions, who was running, suddenly crashed into the wall and fell down. He hurriedly stood up, wiping his bloodied nose. "There was a walkway here, I swear." 

"Another Genjutsu." Kaede observed, scanning the surroundings. Small pulses of chakra reverberated through the air, leaving her with a sense of unease.

A few of the SCU members walked forward to help their friend, but an eerie sensation gripped them as they approached.

Suddenly, the plain wall of the corridor disappeared and a door appeared. Out of which Iruka came out. "What all that noise about?" 

The few of them got scared when Iruka appeared, then they looked at the leader then at their fallen comrade. Someone could not hold it in and suddenly threw up, and then one after another the group of three started vomiting. 

"What the hell is going on?" Iruka asked with a serious face. 

Kaede looked awkward then with a resigned sigh, explained everything that happened until now. 

'Well, that's going to be a huge pain in the ass.' "First, about Raito, forget about him. Second, you all will continue the class as planned." Iruka gave a couple of orders and the teachers helped the Genjutsu group.

Kaede seemed like she wanted to say something but thought better of it.

Everyone, except Ayumu, resumed their classes. He moved methodically, meticulously checking everything and dispelling the Genjutsu that Raito had cast.

Ayumu painstakingly removed all the Genjutsu woven within the academy. The only word echoing in his mind about the boy was "incredible."

"He seems to be high level in Genjutsu, Hokage-sama. Surprisingly, he used only one type of Genjutsu, and from what I was informed, Raito didn't practice any Genjutsu." Surprisingly a female's voice came out from Ayumu. 

"I understand, Kurenai," Hiruzen said solemnly, dismissing her with a nod and wave. He turned his attention to the window, the village beyond creating a sense of exhaustion.

"CAT, tell Inoichi to prepare the first level. He has some work to do." Hiruzen ordered as he went back to his desk. 

Elsewhere in Konoha

"[ID escape]" 

"I knew it, it's the greatest escape technique, ever," Raito stretched leisurely, a sly grin playing on his lips, then he activated his 'Area Sense,' extending his awareness towards the academy.



"He bunked the class and even ditched me." Naruto grumbled in mock anger, a playful glint in his eyes.

"H-hey, let's do it one more time." The older girl tried to raise her voice but was deterred by Naruto's eyes.

"I need to go." Naruto declared, glancing around before pushing his chair back.


"Oi, wake up. Seriously try a bit." A boy pleaded, tapping Shikamaru on the shoulder.

"What a troublesome guy." Shikamaru sighed and added, "I have a clan helping me train Genjutsu. So…" Shikamaru looked through the window and stood up. 

"I am going out. Wanna come?" asked Shikamaru as he jumped through the window.

Chōji, Naruto, Ino, and Hinata also quietly left the room before the SGC members could do or say anything. They looked at one another in confusion, hesitation, and envy.

Sasuke discreetly used a Genjutsu on his partner and slipped away, when Raito's disturbance made everyone turn head.

The stealthiest of them all were Kiba and Shino. In the midst of the second confusion, they also left.

"C-Captain, do we just let them go?" The Chūnin tasked with coupling with the clan children walked in front and circled Kaede.

"It was Hokage-sama's orders and we couldn't even…" The timid girl with Naruto had tears in her eye. 

"How was their performance?" Kaede asked nonchalantly. Those students were all clan children and their statuses were the heir of clan, some excluded.

"Above academy level for sure." The minion handed the performance chart. "I have never seen this many in one class."

Kaede sighed then faced the class, "Just leave them alone. Every single one of them is trouble." 

A pink, long-haired girl watched as her blond haired rival leaving the classroom. "Ino." 

Meanwhile, on the Konoha fields, 

Raito lay on the ground, under the shade of the great tree, sheltered from the sun's stinging rays. While the breeze lay kisses on his face, birds chirped, creating a soothing melody.

A blank scroll lay beside him, bearing the heading "Shadow Clone," and nothing more.

"Uzumaki Splash!" Naruto shouted, leaping high from the tree's canopy, aiming for the peacefully sleeping Raito.

Raito opened his one eye , a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he raised his left hand high from where a… bowl…of… RAMEN appeared. 

Horrified by the thought of crashing into a bowl of godly ramen, Naruto swiftly spawned a clone midair, propelling himself away with a forceful kick.

"Baka~" The Ramen disappeared from Ratio's hand. He rose to his feet, leisurely stretching, his gaze assessing the pitiful sight of Naruto. "You need to use your brain more, Naruto."

Raito turned his head, looked at a certain direction and called out, "Can you all not hide like you are trying to act more like shinobi?"

One by one, Hinata, Ino, Chōji and Shikamaru walked out of the bushes their expressions a mix of annoyance and disapproval as they looked at Naruto.

'They should have some kind of plan but Naruto just jumped in.' Raito thought, rolling his eyes while giving a subtle glance to the bushes in the opposite direction.

"You guys make enough noise to wake the entire village. Next time, try making less noise." Raito teased the group and wrapped his scrolls.

The group looked at one another but Ino couldn't contain her curiosity. "Raito, how did you do that in one day?"

"I read it." Raito said but Ino rolled her eyes. "In your dad's office."

"In dad's office?" Ino's interest was piqued.

Raito gestured with his hand. "There is a book shelf at the side of his office, filled with scrolls. He makes me read all of them."

"I have read that too. (Some of it)." Ino crossed her arms and added, "But I can't do things like you did." 

Raito smirked. "That just means that-"

"Mastering Genjutsu is unlike like Ninjutsu and Taijutsu; it needs good chakra control, a strong and creative mind-" 

Raito cut off Ino, "Doesn't that mean I am that awesome?" 

"You guys found me with the Hinata's help, right?" Raito looked at Hinata, then at the others. "Couldn't you guys have covered your tracks? You let someone else follow you." Raito commented, pointing at a direction.

Ino-Shika-Cho trio and Hinata followed Raito's finger but didn't see anyone there.

Ino glared at Raito then turned towards Hinata and asked, "Hinata, wanna go shopping?"

"Shopping? Now?" Hinata looked at Ino awkwardly and added, "Ino-chan, now may not be-"

"Academy students can't leave the academy grounds, without the approval of the teachers." It was Naruto who spoke up from his experiences. "If they find you, they'll take you back to the academy."

"Says Naruto." Ino rolled her eyes then grabbed Hinata.

Raito walked away from the group and approached the bush he was looking earlier. "Tell me, did you see my Genjutsu today? Did it shock you?"

Silence continued but Raito didn't move, he just let out a smirk.

Sasuke, who was behind the bushes tsked and said, "After I unlock my Sharingan, those Genjutsu won't be able to do anything to me." 

Raito looked at Sasuke, a bit irritated by that comment. "Did you know, I got that Genjutsu from Ino?" 

Raito paused then looked at Sasuke with a smile hung on his face. "She is training to be a proper Kunoichi. It is not just Ino but also Naruto, the dead last of the academy. You have seen it, right? Naruto can do clones, which means a guarantee that he passes. That lazy bum, Shikamaru is also training. Chōji and Hinata are also improving." 

Adding chakra to his voice, Raito added, "Did you notice the change in Hinata at the sparring ground. She was taking lead in every fight."

"Do you know why she did that?" Raito had a small smile on his face as he said this, "Just because I told her one thing (lots bigs things). Isn't she a bit simple-minded?" 

Letting the words sink in, Raito grabbed the kunai from his pouch and swung it towards Sasuke. 

Sasuke reacted fast and pulled a string beside him. Trap was triggered as two shurikens came from the side, ready to skewer Raito. 

"See this, Sasuke. Due to our mock fights, you prepared first, showing how you have improved." 

Raito stopped, moved backward, and then looked at Sasuke. Sasuke looked down, possibly in thought, "Do you have something else you want to tell me." Sasuke asked in a strangely normal way, his words difficult to come. 

"Naruto still wishes that you come and join us. Keep getting stronger every day, creating memories and enjoying time as we grow up." Raito said while his hand extended towards Sasuke. "That's Naruto way of thinking but-"

Sasuke slapped the hand, then kicked Raito in the gut. "What the? Sasuke?"

Scratching his face, Sasuke replied that made Raito vomit, "I thought you were stronger." 

After a few back-and-forth glaring, Ratio and Sasuke went back towards the group. Sasuke looked neutral, while Raito used 'Heal' on himself. 

"I didn't get hurt in a fight but… ugh." Raito felt the urge to vomit whenever he remembered it. 

While the two of them were heading back, a loud voice boomed, "So you guys are here, huh?" 

Sasuke stopped walking, making a strange face. After a moment of hesitation, Sasuke started to retreat, only to be stopped by Raito, "You aren't a coward, are you?" 

Caught off guard, Sasuke glared in response.

Raito ignored him and walked to the open field, where he saw his group and Shikamaru's group and opposite to them, Kiba and Shino.

Sasuke looked from the back, at Raito then looked at the people gathering in front of him, 'I can get stronger if I am with them, and Raito got strong when he is with them. If I have to do this to get stronger faster then I will do it. Not for anyone else but for you… brother.' 

Raito walked forward and asked, "What are you guys doing here?" 

Kiba's narrowed gaze scanned the group before fixing on Raito. "You guys disappeared. So, we're searching for you—maybe to join in on the fun?"

Shino, the silent one, walked towards Raito then said, "My kikaichu, I can sense that they are alive but I can't find their location and neither can their partner kikaichu." 

Ratio put his hands inside his pouch and took out a small bottle with very minute holed lid and Fūinjutsu marks for decoration then gave it to Shino. 

"I wish that you respect other people's privacy a bit. I'm a sensor, you know, sort of." Raito made a hand seal and the Fūinjutsu marks disappeared.

"When I sensed something foreign was on me, I had no choice but to act. It was fine the first time when I came to the class, I could forgive you on that but last Thursday and this morning made me… a bit mad." A smile still hung on Raito's face when he turned back and walked towards the group. 

"Shino-san you bugged every single one of my friends here, just so you could find me or had you done it from early on?" Raito's words created a rift, as everyone started looking at their clothes and hair.

"I bugged them this morning after you disappeared. Since I guessed that you all will meet eventually. I thought it would be the most efficient method. I hoped that I could talk to you alone but Kiba-san caught me. I would like to ask for forgiveness from my part for the troubles I caused." Shino explained then asked for their forgiveness. 

Raito was going to add on to things, asking him why it was so necessary to find him but Naruto cut him off by jumping towards Shino.

"No harm done, so no problem." Naruto walked up to Shino and patted his back then whispered, "But why did ya have to attach bugs to Raito. He is a bit freaky when it comes to bugs." Naruto shivered as Raito glared at him.

"Protect your bugs." Naruto ran away as Raito walked forward.

"It's a kind of ritual. Aburame clan's kikaichu will adapt to you chakra, so it can recognize you in future. They can recognize friends or foe in basic terms. Aburame clan are in the front lines when it comes to search and rescue mission. To prevent attacking friends, locate them and sometimes even help them." Sasuke added as also exited out of the bushes. 

"Sasuke-kun." Ino immediately went to fan girl mode.

Sasuke stiffened and then shot a glare at Raito. Raito, however, looked at the sky and wondered whether it would rain or not. Wait aren't birds here prettier? 

"That's that, but you guys still haven't told me, why you guys are here?" Kiba shouted this time. 

"Kiba-kun, we were going to train." Hinata voiced out as she didn't think anyone was in right mind to answer that.

"Training?" Kiba walked towards Hinata.

"Y-yes," Hinata stammered, her words stumbling out.

"See, there is progress here. Ino is not outright jumping on you and Hinata, is not shuttering." Raito whispered to Sasuke.

Shikamaru, ever the strategist, turned his attention to Shino. "Shino, who is on your team?"

Shino remained silent, after which Shikamaru looked at Kiba. Kiba immediately answered, "I am with Shino and Sasuke." 

"Kiba-san," Shino said his voice rose a bit higher and frowned.

"Can't you tell? They've already shown us their team. So, what we're doing is, leveling the playing field." Kiba narrowed his eyes and patted Akamaru.

Smiling to the scenery, Raito looked towards the academy then flinched. He turned towards Naruto and said hurriedly, "Naruto, the clones, make them go." 

As soon as Raito instructed the clones disappeared in smoke and making a chakra cloud.

"Everyone, Iruka-sensei is going to be here, so we should go-" Before Raito could finish, a blur approached, catching him off guard.

Iruka quickly caught Raito and disabled him from moving any further, "Yoshizawa Raito." 

"H-Hey Iruka-sensei. Please let me go, you are hurting me." Raito pleaded weakly.

Iruka, who was pushing Raito on the ground with a lock, sighed deeply then looked at everyone around. "Everyone, stand in groups."

"Raito I know you are smart, way smarter than any on your age group and you too, Shikamaru." Iruka smiled as he looked at Shikamaru, who had taken a few steps back.

"I'm proud of you. Your Genjutsu skills are top-notch but… you could have learned more from them if you hadn't escaped." Iruka lectured, "Did you know that even the simplest of Genjutsu has the chance to turn the tides, help escape, capture and so much more."

"Really?" Raito gave Iruka a deadpanned face. 

"I mean 'Konoha's Genjutsu Mistress' under the Genjutsu in boy form called Ayumu could not put me in a Genjutsu, then sensei, do you think someone other from that group, would be able to put me in a Genjutsu?" Raito rolled his eyes as saw Iruka's shocked face. 

After a few seconds, Raito continued, "Then, sensei, what do you think I could learn if I were in a class?"

"I know. Not Genjutsu." Raito was being sarcastic. 

"Should I be their dummy for the rest of the week? No thanks." His voice became a tone harsher.

Iruka loosened and sighed. "Still-"

Raito was able to free himself. He turned back to Iruka and said, "According to the Academy Guide Book and Rules, under the special class section, it is said that I can excuse myself from the class, if…."

"First, I clear the set objective of the class."

"Second, a senior of any rank verifies my abilities of the said objective."

"Third, if I don't feel like I can learn anything new from the special class."

Iruka massaged his temples, calming down his throbbing headache, "If someone were to ask me who gives me more headaches, I'd undoubtedly point at you, Raito." 

"I don't think its necessarily bad. You should have kept Kiba and Naruto since they have the lowest-"

His words were stopped by the two's aggressive growling.

Iruka rubbed his head aggressively, listening to Raito. While most of the things Raito said were true but he didn't need be this aggressive. Covering his face, Iruka raised his head to stop Raito. If he wasn't stopped, would he destroy Konoha with his mouth?

Taking a deep breath in, Iruka waved his hand. "Come up everyone, in front of me, now."

Everyone looked at one another before lining in three different groups. 

Thinking about the next in line clan heads and Naruto, Iruka thought that it was normal, as it could be.

"You guys are really something." Iruka sighed as he looked at them and added, "Let me tell you something. First, you all did well on your Genjutsu dispelling, so you do not have to continue. Second thing, you have until next week to train for a small survival test." 

"You will have to be at Training Ground Zero by 7 on Tuesday morning for the test. The marks from the test will be added to your final evaluation report. Therefore, I expect you to do your best…. And don't be late." The final words he looked sternly at Raito. 

"As this is a survival test, I advise you to learn about herbs and plant in Konoha. It could save your life."

"A shinobi needs energy to do the work. Gathering food is the basic requirement but I know that you all have it down." Iruka looked at the naughty ones and let out a smile. 

As response to his smile Naruto, Raito, Chōji, Kiba and Shikamaru let out a smile filled with pride except Shikamaru, who had tone it down, to not look guilty. 

Iruka slightly shook his head and continued. "As a shinobi, you are expected to be under some harsh living conditions. We can prepare for food but as for shelter, we have to adapt to the surrounding. If it is a long stay, you should have the ability to make a shelter."

"So, basically sensei is saying that we have to learn how to survive in an outdoor setting for a longer period of time." Raito summarized and looked at Iruka for answer.

Iruka remained silent for a while before nodding. "In a nutshell, yes but-"

"But survival is not the key because shinobi are expected to be able to survive in harsh conditions and complete the give mission. You probably want to see what we can do more after survival." Raito cut Iruka again and started rambling. 

Iruka sighed as he heard Raito speaking. He looked at the other and found that they all had nonchalant expression.

Raito looked at Iruka with a smirk and concluded, "…If it was just survival, you could have sent anyone but you didn't because it was not just about survival."

"Fine." Iruka raised his hand once more, in surrender. "The more you achieve, the more merit you'll be able to gain."

Everyone looked at one another but did not make much noise. 

Iruka's gaze shifted between Naruto and Raito, then to the rest of the group. "Everyone, go. I need to talk to Raito and Naruto."

Everyone nodded then slowly left after making some plans.

Shikamaru, catching Raito's devilish smile, shifted his gaze to Iruka and rolled his eyes.

After everyone left, Iruka let out a silly smile then said, "Say, why don't I treat you a bowl of ramen." 

Raito exchanged glances with Naruto and smiled devilishly. He returned to an innocent smile and said, "Eh? Sensei, didn't you say, if Naruto scored more than 60% in his shuriken and kunai throwing… you'll treat us ramen." 

"Oh, oh, didn't you also say that if beat Kiba in a spar match, I can eat all you want ramen." Naruto's eye flashed with bright light. 

'My poor wallet,' Iruka cried for the loss of his salary. 'Maybe this is why Hokage-sama gave me a promotion.'

"Naruto, let's eat to our heart's content today." Raito cheered, fist pumped in the air.

The trio, teacher and students, went to Ichiraku. Naruto devoured a whole week's worth of ramen that he had been missing because of his new hobby. 

Iruka sighed, looking at his now-empty wallet. Just after his raise, he had to treat these devil duos. How could he hope to save money to buy a house in future? How could he marry if he did not even have a house? Would he be all alone in the future? 

Raito looked at the pale Iruka then at his ramen. It was a luxury bowl with crab meat and side selection of specialties. He ignored the lifeless Iruka and went back to eat. "One more please."

Iruka flinched, looking at another bowl of ramen in front of Raito, and cried anime tears.

After finishing tenth bowl of ramen, Naruto called Iruka. "Say Iruka-sensei, how old are you?"

"I am 22 this year. But why the sudden question?" Iruka replied, removing his evil thoughts of giving these two tough times.

"When did you become a Chūnin?" Raito asked, feeling a sudden itch to know more about his homeroom teacher, which had a kind soul. 

"I was 16 when I became Chūnin, so, it's been about 6 years now." Iruka broke his fingers counting and answered.

"It's something I read in one of the books Raito gave me." Naruto pondered and started counting. "If I become a Genin this year and…"

Iruka looked over Raito, who was enjoying his ramen. When Raito felt Iruka's gaze, he winked playfully. 

Iruka beamed and turned to Naruto. "What have you been reading, Naruto?"

"Hm, there were the school books, but then Raito gave me some other books a few days back. They were so much easier to read. I like the new history book, which has many pictures and that ninja weapon book too, I like that one too." Naruto counted off the books Raito had been giving him.

Iruka looked quizzically at Raito, who just ignored him and asked for some tempura.

"Continue like this, Naruto and you'll definitely get good grades." Iruka encouraged Naruto whereas Raito rolled his eyes. 'Sensei really doesn't know...'

Raito looked at his tempura and smiled. Foods are the true path to happiness. 

After everything said and done, they left the Ichiraku, making the Ichiraku father and daughter pair very happy. 

Walking along the busy street, the trio talked and walked. While Iruka lectured Naruto, he had nothing to say Raito about his grades. 

"Iruka-sensei, after this survival test ends we are going to have our graduation exams right?" As they reached a crossroads, Raito stood at one end with Naruto whereas Iruka stood on the opposite end.

Iruka looked at the boy, then thought for a while before answering, "Yes."

He searched his jacket, he took a weathered book with a faded green cover, then handed it to Raito, "Here, take it. Hokage-sama wanted me to give you this." 

Raito casually took a look and used 'Observe'.

[A Complete Guide to Chakra Control] 

The book consists of several chakra control exercises and handwritten helpful notes by Sarutobi Hiruzen containing his insights. 

Written by: Sarutobi Hiruzen 

Owner: Yoshizawa Raito 

- Read this book to learn higher-level chakra control exercises. 

- Read this book to increase the skill level of 'Chakra Control'. 

'So, this is the complete one, huh.' Raito quickly turned couple of pages and found the content beyond the level of a simple academy student and Genin. Since the book was written before the reformation of the academy, it should have not been limited by current rules.

Turning a few pages, Raito smiled, then closed the book. Looking at Iruka, Raito gave a small bow and said, "Thank you, sensei." 

"Hey, Raito gets the book. So what do I get?" Naruto looked at Iruka with hopeful eyes and asked. 

He looked at Naruto's hopeful eyes then said, "Why don't I teach you my jutsu?" 

"Your own jutsu?" Naruto beamed in joy. "An original one?" 

"But only after you pass 'The Graduation Exams'." Iruka curbed Naruto's joy and added conditions. He couldn't go breaking village's law.

"Aww," Naruto's mood fell and he pouted.

Iruka surveyed the duo before him. Raito's eyes sparkled with joy as he immersed himself in the book, while Naruto, arms crossed and pouting, exuded a palpable frustration. A small smile graced Iruka's lips as he remarked, "You two are going to be great shinobi."

Raito and Naruto looked at Iruka in confusion. Naruto gave a determined look and said, "Of course, it's all the way to the Hokage."

Raito, however, shifted his gaze towards the Konoha Cemetery, his silence echoing a depth of emotion.

Naruto looked at Iruka then said, "Say, Iruka-sensei, why not let me try your forehead protector for a while, just a few minutes?" his hands reaching for it.

Iruka touched his forehead protector, which was nearly as old as he was then replied, "Sorry, Naruto, but I cannot give you mine."


"But after graduation, you can have your own forehead protector, and then you can wear it proudly, like any other Konoha shinobi comrades." 

Naruto pouted, "Fine."

Raito gave the both of them an excuse before leaving the scene. A little book in his hands, his eyes focused, walking on the empty road with no one to be with. The people passing by Raito hurriedly moved out of his way. Some drunkards cursed him and some responsible elders stopped him and lectured. Raito asked for forgiveness to the elders, telling them it will not happen again but a few minutes later he was again indulged in his little book.

Unknowingly, his little reading journey had brought him to the quieter area of the village. It was none other than the civilian residential district, where the richer group of civilians lived in a bigger house. This place was near to a market but most of the time the route was empty. 

The more you work, the more you earn, the bigger your house will be but you spend less time in it. Do you even remember how was it then?

Raito took a side turn and walked for a better view, not like it mattered. It was nearly the time for people to close their shops or return from their work. But not a soul in sight for Raito's sore eyes.

Raito looked at the street then to the little book. Closing it, Raito kept the book in the inventory. Feeling out, he could sense there were people in the surrounding, some good and some bad. Many were in their house, lazing around and some were with their family, preparing dinner. Using the '[Chakra Sense]', he would peek into the house and use '[Observe]' occasionally. Sometime, he would find amusing and interesting things but sometime it was just someone with boring life with average stats.

A slightly older civilian, who had jobs, would have reached Level 15 with one stat more focused than others. Like a laborer or constructor, they have more stats on their STR and DEX while an accountant or a teacher would have INT and WIS. Raito was fascinated by their name and their description. While he did not know their names in any time of his life, the gamer ability would solve the crisis. Simply glancing at a person, he would know the person's name, level, nickname, and their profession. 

Raito did not even have to ask the person anything. He could get a lot of information about his target and after using the skill '[Observe]', he would get even more information about the person.

To his extraordinary amazing ability, there were a few weakness to it. 

First, would be the level difference between him and his target. If he couldn't see the level, then other than getting the name, everything else was impossible. 

Second, the people with the mask, it seemed like they were the nemesis of his skill '[Observe]'. To Raito's despair, only question marks were visible and not even a speck of dust worth of information was available. 

While he could get information using the chakra signature under his Chakra Sense, the ANBU were an exception. It seemed that the mask they wear, helped them hide their unique chakra signature.

After an unknown duration, Raito had reached the base of the Hokage Mountain. Looking at the faces of the previous Hokage, Raito felt a little comical looking them from below. "Shouldn't nose have holes?"

Letting out a chuckle, he soon reached the top of the mountain. 

On one of the heads, the last addition to this fine mountain, the head of the fourth Hokage, a person was sitting silently and looking at the village below with an odd gleam in his eyes. He was Naruto, silently hugging his knees with a soft smile on his face. 

Raito quietly reached to the Third's head and sat. "I am standing on your head, jiji."

Sitting on top of the leader's head, the time passed quickly. The pair watched the sun dip below the horizon, casting darkness over the village. Lights flickered on in the houses, creating an enchanting scene from above. The wind caressed their faces, the dusty scent of the ground filled their noses, and the world unfolded beneath their eyes.

Both of them stood up and stretched their stiff bodies, and when they looked at each other, they smiled and walked towards their home.

Sitting in his office, Hiruzen Sarutobi retracted his hands from the crystal balls and smiled. Walking away from the inner chamber, Hiruzen stood behind his desk and looked outside the window. Slowly stretching his hand, Hiruzen touched the cold glass and gave a weak smile. 'It should end soon.'

He raised his hand and signaled the men hidden in his room.

An ANBU operative appeared in front of the desk and remained kneeled, not wanting to disturb Hiruzen. When Hiruzen turned around, the ANBU lowered his head and called, "Hokage-sama." 

Coldness in his eyes and darkness in his voice, Hiruzen ordered, "Call me Mari and Anko." 

"Right away," The ANBU disappeared, feeling the chills in his body.