
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 16 – Damn it Anko-nee

"Those brats," Anko growled under her breath as she looked at the ANBU operatives behind her. "Just what are they doing?"

"This thing got really huge, really fast." Anko glanced at the trio fathers and shook her head. "Yellow-haired daughter complex pervert."

"Well, when the major clan heads get involved, things will move as such," CAT appeared beside Anko.

"And I was on my way for a dango break." Anko said, emphasizing the severity of the matter form her own perspective. 

"Where?" CAT asked.

"Of course, his house." Anko said simply then added, "This whole thing is because the old man is not telling those clan heads. He should have just told them about the house." 

"Don't worry. Hokage-sama knows what he is doing." CAT replied. 

"Chōza and Shikaku didn't have this problem." Anko rolled her eyes and sped up.

Anko, five ANBU operatives and three clan heads reached the house of one academy student named Yoshizawa Raito. ANBU members surrounded the house and tried looking for him through the windows, but to no avail.

"Step back." Anko ordered and walked towards the front door. "Nobody takes any kind of action without my orders."

Passing chakra to the seal, Anko slowly opened the door and peeked inside, and what she saw inside made her laugh. The sudden laughter startled the young ones in the room. 

"Damn it, Anko-nee, we just started." Raito groaned. 

"Huh? What are you guys doing?" Anko walked in to the wide living room with curtains closed and the candles lit.

"Trying meditation," Ino answered and stood slowly. "Naruto just got hang of it, and now-"

Anko looked at everything then stood with her back straight and hands on her pocket, looking strangely serious, "Inoichi's girl, right? We came here to inform you guys that your parents… or 'your parent' is worried sick about you." 

"Daddy?" Ino was quite shocked as she looked at Raito. 

Raito shrugged as he looked at the three, looking at him for answers.

"PRINCESS!" A yellow blur entered the house with lightning speed and a crying voice. He did not even wait for others to respond as he grabbed Ino and swung her around, simultaneously checking for injuries.

"Princess, I thought something bad happened to you. I was so worried." Inoichi looked at his daughter closely and found that there were some debris and dried blood, but didn't voice them

"Daddy, what's happening?" Ino whispered the last part looking at Inoichi for answers. "I was here, like you said with Shikamaru and Chōji."

"Inoichi, it is really bad to just dash off to see your daughter." Chōji's father, Chōza walked in. He is a tall, plump man with brown hair and purple markings on his cheeks.

"Told ya, they are just fine," Shikaku swept his gaze around the room and looked at the few Fūinjutsu markings inscribed on the walls.

"Let's go. The kids are just fine, Inoichi." Giving slight nods to the kids in the room, Chōza walked outside. 

Inoichi gave his daughter a long hard stare then looked at the other occupants in the room. Naturally, his gaze landed on the homeowner, Yoshizawa Raito. 

"Raito, you have your last evaluation after the Genin test. So, make sure to be there on time." 

Raito wanted to ask but Inoichi didn't gave him a choice.

Switching to Naruto, he made a surprised face and said, "Naruto, it seems you are trying to meditate. It is a good choice for a hyperactive kid like you, so do your best." Inoichi gave some suggestion to the boys then hurriedly left the house. 

"…" CAT grabbed Anko's hand, wanting to leave. She had lots of complain in her heart. 'Making a huge scene just for this.'

"Wait." Raito walked in and out of the kitchen, bringing a container, then passed it to Anko. 

"For all the trouble." Raito said with a huge smile. 

"Worthwhile." replied Anko, then they left the house. 

Anko, ANBU and clan heads were gone but his mood was ruined.

Everyone plopped down with a sigh. 

"Well, let's continue practicing." Ino broke the awkward silence then began her instructions once again. 

Everyone sat cross-legged even the hyperactive Naruto. Actually, now that someone has praised him and told him that it was good for him. Naruto felt more than just dedicated for the improvement. 

Raito just smiled seeing all this. 

Couple hours back 


Killed 100 out of 100 zombies 

-Gained 100 Exp 

-Gained 4,000 Ryo 

-Gained 36 Healing Gem 

-Gained 20 Bone pieces of zombie 

-Gained 2 Eyes of zombie 


Killed 1 out of 1 S1 zombie 

-Gained 100 Exp 

-Gained 100 Ryo 

"Is everyone okay?" There were bits of pain everywhere but it was tolerable. It even helped leveled up a few points on physical resistance. 

Chōji was also stuck on the house's wall but thanks to his partial expansion, he was, for most part, alright. Naruto and Hinata were stuck on the wall beside the pole but it was Naruto getting most of the damage because he had grabbed Hinata and put himself between the wall and her. The ever-protective and caring Naruto.

Shikamaru was fine, except for some scratches from the bushes, but Ino had a wound at her legs with blood flowing freely but nothing major.

After a few grunts and nods, everyone got together. For better or worse, they went through it together, developing some kind of bond.

Raito looked at the group and clenched his teeth. In the past couple of engagement, the big zombie had never done this kind of self-exploding thing, maybe it was because of the bigger group or something else…

Everyone started helping one another to bandage the wound and apply medicine. Raito also used his newly added healing skill on everyone. It was so miraculous that he felt like it was some kind of dream.

Shikamaru's scratches disappeared instantly. Ino's wound took a couple of times before the bleeding stopped and the cut closed. Naruto's back pain also disappeared on using heal, which made Raito expect great things from the skill.

Tracing his own wounds, Raito felt pain but according to health points he was in his top condition. Then looking at others, he felt that it was not fair to others.

Everyone grouped together and Raito insisted that they should to go home then go back. 

When they appeared back to the real world, it didn't seem like they were in a big fight or even got tossed around because a monster decided to self-destruct. No pain, no scratch marks, no bruises, and no bleeding. 

Everyone felt awe of Raito's healing techniques. Shikamaru wanted to question him but Ino was insistent on taking Raito to herself.

Hinata stood at the edge with a small box in her hand. It was her mixture of healing balm, which she had concocted in her free time. She was hesitant to use it, not because it was not potent enough, but she was afraid that she would interrupt Raito's spotlight.

"What's this, Hinata?" Naruto grabbed the small box from Hinata and opened it. "It smells good."

"Naruto-kun," Hinata tried grabbing but Ino intervened and grabbed the box.

Ino dabbed a bit and spread it on her skin, "Lavender?"

"Ah, yes." Hinata nodded and grabbed the box. 

"There is oil in there, from a tea tree." Chōji added as he grabbed Ino's arm.

"Watch it!" Ino pushed Chōji and smelled once more. "It's so fragrant."

Shikamaru looked at the two then at Hinata but did not say anything.

"It's medicine… for cuts." Raito added then looked at Hinata for confirmation.

Hinata did not say anything but nodded in response to Raito's inquiry.

"You made it on your own?" Raito asked again, to which Hinata replied, "Yes."

"That's awesome, Hinata." Naruto cheered, making her blush.

Raito glared at the joyous Naruto and said, "It looks like you are the odd one out here, Naruto."

"What?" Naruto was confused, hearing the accusation. "Why?"

"Hinata can make medicine and I can use healing techniques. Doesn't that make you the odd one out?"

"… I can make clones." His argument was weak as everyone gave him pity glances.

"…That's not the point." Raito said softly as he looked at Shikamaru, who was sitting quietly and relaxed on the sofa.

When everyone came back to the regular Konoha they all knew. Shikamaru was the first one to look out of the window. Seeing the people walking around, he sighed in relief. 

Ino used her sensing technique and Hinata used her 'Byakugan' then sighed in relief. 

Chōji and Naruto were the calmest of all, eating their fill and relaxing.

To gather the crowd's attention, Raito coughed lightly but got no reaction, so he coughed a bit louder. 

"They can't hear you if you don't speak up." Naruto said with the laugh he was holding back as he saw that Raito was trying to gather their attention but was failing, big time. 

Raito nodded smilingly then shouted, "OI!" 

Everyone focused on Raito with strange glances. 

"So anything?" asked Raito 

There was a period of silence in the room but Shikamaru was the first to ask. "We could have transferred from that place anywhere, right?" 

Raito nodded in response. 

"Then why the hell would you make us walk all the back here?" Ino shouted while pointing fingers.

Raito remained silent for the response. 

"Raito!" Ino huffed. 

A thoughtful look passed Shikamaru's eye but he remained silent.

Hinata remained silent for most of the time while Ino and Shikamaru questioned about the strange place, the red moon and those monsters. She did not care a bit about those because she felt that today was the best day of her life.

It was her first time coming to a friend's house, eating together and playing. Although there were bizarre things like those monsters, the red moon and all but she got to spend time with Naruto.

Now that she was back to this familiar place, she felt somewhat sad. She noted that she had to come here more frequently and improve herself. Cheering herself back, she again listened to her friends with a smile on her face.

Raito looked at everyone and took everything in then asked with a heavy voice, "We did well, didn't we?" 

Shikamaru was silent and Ino was looking away. Hinata dropped her head down and the only happy one was Chōji, the greatest damage dealer.

"Well, no need to make those faces." Raito said looking at the faces of the gang.

"We can get stronger because right now, we have time. Graduation day is not far but that is no problem… except Naruto here. I guarantee that everyone will pass." 

"Oi, Raito, what the hell you mean?" Naruto shouted in anger as he heard his name being called out in front of everyone. 

Raito shrugged his shoulders, took out a paper from a few days back and waved it around. "Exactly what I said, everyone here, except you, can easily pass test. Naruto, you have a tendency to fail these exams." 

"It's not like other time." Raito let out a breath and made a serious face. "If you fail this time, you are going to be held back from graduating."

Seeing that Naruto still had that stubborn 'I am right' face, Raito added, "That means I am going to be Chūnin, Jōnin and Hokage faster than you."

"What!?" Naruto roared as loudly as he could, bursting everyone's eardrum. He glared at Raito and said, "You never said that you wanted to be Hokage." 

"So?" Raito shrugged his shoulders and said, "Jii-chan is getting older. He can't wait for you all his life, can he?"

Naruto clenched his fist and walked a couple of steps forward with a serious expression on face then stopped right in front of Raito. "Give me."

"Try this." Raito passed a history book and smirked.

Everyone else gave Naruto a pitying look but did not say anything further. 

Raito nodded and brought a box full of books for Naruto to read. 

"I brought some more, so that you could revise the thing we read in the past."

Dirty and dangerous thoughts passed across Naruto's mind as he looked at the books Raito prepared. 'I'll get you back for this.'

'Easy.' smiled Raito 

"I wanna get better too." Ino voiced out her thoughts.

Ino was concerned for herself as she began comparing with the two of her childhood friend and future teammates. She saw them improving as the days passed by. 

When she was with her small group of girls, they were either training or playing, and while she saw Shikamaru and Chōji lazing, it was their own form of training. 

Chōji spent most of his evenings with Shikamaru, eating chips and resting in a quiet place. Chips have a lot of calories, which Chōji needed for his Clan techniques. Although he ate a lot, he must have been training too because without practice, the Akimichi clan techniques are dangerous.

Shikamaru was a class on his own. In his weirdly wired brain, no one knows what he was thinking, but Ino was sure that if she pressured him to a certain point, she could make him recite the entire book of herb lore in one go or any other book in the joint clan library because that's where the future clan leaders were made to stay, most of their time.

She knew she was lacking in all aspects. Her physical attributes had gone downhill after she started to skip her exercise routines, and her training on the clan techniques had progressed very little this year. She had known about it for a long time, but she went on doing things her way but…

The Genjutsu, at the academy triggered the realization. She realized that she could not be lazy in doing things anymore, not her physical training but also her clan techniques. She should have realized it even before. Every few months, there was a cremation ceremony for the clan members combined with Nara and Akimichi.

She pursed her lips as she looked at everyone. Training with a big group would be much helpful unlike the clan. At the clan, they were all used to same routine of techniques, but it was different here. Because Raito was here, it was different. Take from others and bury them with their own techniques. It was not as broken as the clan members say about Sharingan but his copying and countering would easily frustrate anyone. 

She knew that what she was about to say would be embarrassing but this was a chance. "I know I am lacking a lot and... and if I don't do anything about it them, I will feel bad and I don't wanna feel bad." 

"We can learn from each other." Hinata's sudden voice made everyone focus on her, which made her embarrassed. Her grip became even tighter as she felt joy, a kind she never experienced in her clan. She felt freer here more than in her clan or the academy. A small thought was sprouting, 'if only could I…'

"Taijutsu and Ninjutsu… and with help of Raito-san's…" Hinata stopped and looked at Raito, embarrassed to say that everyone could use his personal power or thing for everyone's sake. 

Raito gave a small smile as he added to Hinata's silence. "That place is good for training actual combat. At first it was just a deserted village, this technique was… is mysterious. After I started it using it, one day I found that I could bring myself to that place where the monsters were." 

"I haven't read of something like this in the clan books." Shikamaru voiced out his thoughts. "Not a technique like this."

Raito shook his head. "I don't know."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Naruto asked then added. "Even if I flood the village with my clones and destroy something, there will be no one to scold or punish me."

Everyone looked at one another with a small smile on their face.

"A secret from everyone else. A place that no one can go to except us, and that helps us train and grow stronger. That's so-."

"A trump card." Shikamaru intervened. He looked at Raito for a full ten second then looked away.

"A what card, now?" Naruto was confused. They were just talking about training and all but it changed to game.

There was a long silence in the room as people looked at one another, exchanging quiet signals.

"We already know what teams we're going to be." Ino pointed at the Chōji and Shikamaru signaled as one and then at Raito, Naruto and Hinata then signaled them as other. "But we don't know who are gonna be out Jōnin instructor."

Shikamaru gave a side glance at Raito, who chose to remain silent, then elbowed him.

Raito glared, then contributed to the information pot. "You guys will have Sarutobi Asuma, and our group will have Hatake Kakashi."

It wasn't like he didn't wanted to share, but it cost him a lot of hard work and time, and giving it up so easily was like devaluing this information.

"Whoa! Both are big names." Ino was excited on this newfound discovery.

"As if." Raito rolled his eyes and added, "Kakashi is a shinobi known pervert and Asuma is… isn't supposed to be here."

"Asuma… He was one of the guardians in the capital, about a couple months back." Shikamaru shared his knowledge.

"And Kakashi is said to be the strongest and the most handsome one… and he knows thousands of jutsus." Ino was beaming as she started talking about Kakashi.

"Thousands of jutsus?" Naruto jumped, hearing that.

Raito pressed his bulging headache. "That does not change the fact that he is a pervert."

"STOP!" Chōji interjected as he closed the bento box. "We need to eat."

"Um, Chōji… you just ate that." Before Raito could say anymore, Chōji dragged him to the kitchen. 

"Help," That was Raito's final message to all.

While everyone else was making plans, Chōji and Raito went inside the kitchen to cook some food. 

Raito brought out some of the ingredients and asked, "Sandwich?"

[Cooking Lvl 27 Exp 40%]

"No," Chōji quickly rejected as he took out a smaller bag from the cupboard.

"Take this." Chōji handed Raito a small bag. 

"Smells really nice." Raito said, sniffing the small bag in his hand. 

"Our clan's special tea leaves." Chōji answered and took over the kitchen. 

"[Observe]," whispered Raito 

[Akimichi Style – Royal Herb Tea Leaves]

Famous and rare. Tea leaves farmed by the Akimichi clan from the Land of Fire, known throughout the elemental nations for their unique flavor and effects.

-Help quickly enter a meditative state. 

-Increased healing by 20%. (paste as well as drink)

-Helps in calming the mind. 

-Increase brain function by 20%. 

-Helps in recovering from scar wounds. (paste)

-Helps as a pain killer. (paste as well as drink)

-The leaves can also be used by burning, helps in relaxation. 

"Chōji, this is really…" Raito was lost for words as he looked at the effects the tea could provide. He closed the small bag and looked at Chōji. "This thing is really expensive, isn't it?"

"Not really. We have a lot of this at home." Chōji simply answered it with a smile. "Dad gives me a lot of these."

Looking at his working figure, Raito felt his heart heavy and his eyes stinging. This kind of man was really lovable. 

Raito patted Chōji's back, for which he was scolded for disturbing his prep work, then he joined the work.

Sometime later, everyone was sitting on chairs and eating their lunch. 

"Raito, pour me some water." Ino ordered, pushing her glass towards Raito.

"Yes, ma'am." Raito filled her cup to the brim, making Ino look at him with anger. 

"First thing first, we have to make sure that everyone passes the upcoming exams." Shikamaru said, making an obvious glance towards Naruto. 

"Oi, I can pass that stupid of an exam, and I know it." Naruto was in anger. First, it was Raito and now it's Shikamaru.

"You said that last time, too." Chōji added while eating.

"Naruto-kun, you can do it." Hinata tried cheering.

Naruto teared up looking at Hinata, who was the only one supporting him.

"You can already do Ninjutsu but the problem is theory." Raito gave him a side-glance.

"I am using shadow clones to learn those damn books… but it's taking too much time." Naruto pulled his hair in despair. 

"You had the whole year to read that books." Raito rolled his eyes at Naruto plea.

"What about Genjutsu?" asked Hinata. 

Everyone gave a puzzled look at Hinata, wondering what she was talking about. 

Raito clapped, drawing attention and smiled. "If not for Hinata, I would have really forgotten about Genjutsu. But the only problem is that we don't have anyone who knows Genjutsu." 

"That's not true at all. I know one." Ino stood up with her hands on the table. 

"I know one too." Shikamaru added after some thought. "Never tried but I remember the theory."

"Chōji, Hinata. Can the two of you use any Genjutsu?" Raito asked, seeing they were not speaking at all. 

"No, my clan is strict about them…" Hinata answered with low voice and Chōji simply shook his head.

"But she is really good at Taijutsu." Naruto hopped to defend her.

Shikamaru looked at Hinata and nodded, "Better than all of us combined."

"Not," Raito glared.

Shikamaru looked at Raito and added, "But I am sticking with my clan techniques."

"Me too. I can't do other Ninjutsu at this time." Ino touched her face and said. "I can't… with all the training on my schedule."

She even turned a notch dramatic as she touched her cheeks and said, "I can't let it ruin my sleep schedule…."

Ino turned quite as everyone started looking at her. Embarrassed, she added, "What? My sleep is important."

Raito grabbed Shikamaru and said, "I want to learn Genjutsu."

"What about Ninjutsu?" Naruto was a little bummed as no one talked about some Ninjutsu.

"Naruto-kun, those jutsus are clan techniques." Hinata explained slowly and softly.

"They can't help you with that." Raito was straightforward as he looked at Naruto. "You can train academy jutsu if you like."

With Ino and Shikamaru, Raito started learning.

"Me first." Ino said with excitement and looked at Raito then said with finger in air. "Call me Sensei first."

"… No way." Raito rolled his eyes and turned towards Shikamaru.

Ino hurriedly grabbed Raito and pouted. "It was just a joke."

She started with a pout, "This technique is called 'Hell Viewing' and to say it simply, it lets you see you worst nightmare turn reality. If you are afraid of drowning, you will drown and if you are afraid of cats, you will see cats." 

"Who is even afraid of cats?" Raito intervened but Ino ignored him and continued.

"The hand seals are few but you should know that it is easily one of the best techniques to use. What you have to keep in mind is that this technique needs a trained mind, like someone like me…" 

[Do you want to learn 'Demonic Illusion – Hell Viewing'?]


Raito nodded and at the same time thought 'Yes', while Ino boasted about herself.

[You have learned the skill, 'Demonic Illusion – Hell Viewing']

[Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing (Active) Lvl 1 Exp 0% CP cost 250] 

This technique subjects targets to visions of their greatest fear, regardless of whether or not they're aware that they're afraid of it. This "fear" can be something that the target is actually scared of or merely the one image that they least want to see.

- Causes Status: Fear 

- Causes Status: Confusion 

- Lowers Defense 

Ino kept going on and on about the technique and how she used it to scare Sakura once.

"You can't do much in this technique because you just need to send a burst of molded chakra to your target."

'Everything is the same as Ino said but… with gamer powers; I think it could be more.'

"Take this." Shikamaru threw out a small book towards Raito and started on his own. "If 'Hell Viewing' affects the 'mind' of the target than 'False Surrounding' affects the environment, much easier than 'Hell Viewing'. It is a C rank technique and it affects the surrounding, giving the wrong impression of the surrounding to the others. Hand seals are..." Shikamaru explained the jutsu and gave some examples of how the clan members used it to cheat during the games against him.

"You need to be creative here. It is just like painting." He grabbed and made one hand seal then pushed chakra, coating the stone. Spots appeared all of the sudden with varying color.

[Skill Book - False Surroundings]

[Do you want to learn 'Demonic Illusion – False Surrounding'?]


"My old man wanted me to learn this so he made me keep this." Shikamaru shrugged. "Practicing shadow techniques takes almost all of my time and chakra. So, I don't have much time for this."

Raito held the book and looked at the two. "There are some weights and equipment there if you want to train on your physicals."

"I'll be reading this book." With a smile and wave, Raito walked back to the house, leaving the two.

Ino frowned and pouted, "He didn't even ask for help."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and moved. "He will, later."

Inside the dungeon, Raito made another copy of the small book, which had no more than ten pages. 

Raito quietly pressed on the 'YES' button. The book turned blue then broke into pieces before getting absorbed into his body.

Raito went into daze as information poured into his brain. A new file on the technique was created, which was much thicker than the small book, Raito had earlier. It flew all across the dark room and stuck inside the cabinet before the cabinet closed.

Inside Raito's mindscape, he, in his illusory form, stood in front of a large cabinet as he pulled one of the drawers. Upon grabbing the file and reading, Raito found the full detail of the technique, 'False Surrounding'.

"I don't think I have read this in the academy and neither did Anko-nee or Mari-nee had this much in their explanation." Raito turned a couple of pages and found the name of the maker of the technique.

"Wakamatsu Tansho, the creator of 'Hell Viewing' and 'False Surrounding'." Raito traced the name. "Who is this?"

Raito opened his eyes and opened the new skill tab.

[False Surroundings (active) Lvl 1 Exp 0% CP cost 200] 

A simple Genjutsu used to hide an object by altering the appearance of the image. If the target comes in contact with the hidden object the Genjutsu is broken. 

-Causes Status: Confuse 

-Lowers Defense 

"I should try using it later." With a sly smile, Raito exited the dungeon and arrived at the backyard.

Raito saw Shikamaru and Ino fighting while wearing weights on their bodies. Chōji and Naruto were also fighting but their fight were more about brute strength than any other thing. Lastly, Hinata, she was looking at the two with a water bottle on her hand. There was slight dirt on her clothes, prominent on some parts, showing that she had previously fought.

Raito looked at her health points then walked towards her. 

Hinata turned her head and saw Raito walking towards her. She placed the bottle on the ground and stood up. "Raito-san."

"Hinata-san, you look free." There was small pause before Raito continued, "Wanna spar?"

"…Yes" Hinata nodded and stood in her clan's stance.

"I want to see if you are of any help." With that said, Raito stepped forward, just a hand's distance from Hinata.

"Ha!" Raito threw a strong right high kick to the temples.

Hinata blocked it with a shoulder guard but Raito pushed his leg down, giving power to turn his body and deliver kick with another leg. 

"Ugh," Even with her cross guard, Hinata felt the pressure of the kick.

Clenching her fist, Hinata drew her hands back and dashed. Her palms opened and went straight for Raito.

'Fast.' In an instant, Hinata's palm was inches away from his abdomen, ready to strike. The hesitant Hinata was no more, instead she was actively attacking.

"Hmph," Raito fell back from where he stood as Hinata missed the attack spot and was leaning in. With power from his core, Raito sped up his leg and delivered a kick upwards towards Hinata. 'Gone.'

'Tap,' Hinata swiftly and efficiently gained her stand, dodging Raito's upward kick by a hands breadth. Hinata did not waste any time as she rushed front with palms.

Hinata's palm hit Raito's back and he was pushed forward, landing face first.

On the ground, face on the ground, Raito pointed with his index to the air and said, "I place you third on our batch."

He stood up and cleaned his face.

"If you don't use any other techniques then I am going to win." Raito said and dashed forward with an open palm.

Palm attacks

One attacks and the other defend.

Push down, move inwards, move outwards, waning in and waning out.

Raito learned quite a bit and used it against Hinata. His attacks, as the time went on not only involve open palm attacks but also fist and tackles, and holds.

Raito grabbed Hinata's wrist and twisted it back, and at the same time, he locked her legs so that she couldn't counter, and then forced her to ground said, "You haven't used Byakugan or those pointy finger."

"Raito-san also hasn't used his Ninjutsu." Hinata replied while trying to free herself.

Releasing the hold, he jumped back and replied, "That's because I don't need to."

The spar went for a couple of minute more before they stopped.

Raito gazed at the setting sun and raised his hand. "Let's end this."

It was already 5 when everyone finished their practice. Everyone was on the back yard sitting in a circle, relaxing. 

"Today was awesome, really awesome." Naruto's heavy, childish voice brought a smile to everyone's face. 

Ino grabbed Hinata's arm and said. "We should do this often." 

"We have been, for a long time now." Raito replied, his thumb pointing the boys.

"And from now on we are joining in." Ino said with a smile.

"It's time to go," Shikamaru looked at Chōji then at everyone.

"Um sure. I'll-" Raito nodded and was ready to stand when Ino intervened.

"Wait." Ino stood up and looked at everyone. Everyone had small scratches and bruises, nothing that a good night sleep couldn't help. A small smile adorning her face, she took the lead and said, "I think it is necessary to learn this and is a must." 

"And what would that be?" asked Raito, giving a side-glance at Hinata, who had squeezed with a tad bit of force on Ino's arm.

"Meditation." Ino said while pointing her finger to her temple. 


"Well, good luck on that." Raito said in a mocking way as he turned from Ino to Naruto.

"It's not that bad, is it?" asked Ino, her eyebrows rising. 

"You have taken the most hardcore challenge in all of Konoha, because Ino, here is Naruto, who has a very difficult time to even stay at one place, and you are telling him to meditate, which even the third Hokage was not able to do." Raito turned dramatic as he signaled Naruto to Ino. Raito teased as he added, "Hokage-sama said that whoever could make Naruto meditate a full hour should get the seat of the Hokage."

"Hey! It's not my fault that I couldn't stand at one place doing absolutely nothing at all when I could do a lot more walking and doing other so much more." Naruto retorted angrily 

"Na… Naruto-kun, why not give it a try once more?" said Hinata, her face going obviously red. 

"Even I can do it." added Chōji.

Under pressure, Naruto finally accepted. "It doesn't make sense why-"

"Hey Ino, can you tell Naruto what happens when we meditate?" Raito rolled his eyes and chose not to listen to Naruto.

"Meditation helps you focus your mind and body. It has miraculous connection to your chakra. When in meditation, your chakra will move on its own, and you will heal faster. It will act like a minor Healing jutsu."

"And most important of all, it will help you reflect on your action and-"

"Says the one who was going after the broody- Gya." Naruto screamed as he dodged the shuriken thrown his way. 

"Ino, how does meditation helps in healing?" asked Raito 

"I asked the same question. When we don't control our chakra willingly and enter meditation, the path that chakra travels is similar to a healing jutsu." explained Ino, trying her best to look like an expert.

"Now would be the right time for the tea." With that, Raito and Chōji walked towards the kitchen. 

As the tea was being prepared, the air was filled with the smell of something akin to rain drops hitting the earth (Petrichor), sprouts struggling to stand up and ray of sunlight falling through and around the leaves, landing on the earth (dappled sunlight). 

Naruto was somewhat able to drink the tea. For someone who hadn't drank tea in quite a while, his actions were like a ruffian. Legs wide, elbow on the table while other hand grabbed the cup. No style, no elegance, he was just drinking like any other guy would when they meet in a street stall. Boys were drinking the tea as plainly as water but the girls were different. Sitting on their knees with back straight and head slightly tilted down towards the cup as the steam hit their face, bringing a rosy blush on their face and polish to their skin. One hand gripped the cup, whereas the other positioned the base of the cup. If they were wearing kimono, then it be a perfect feast for eyes. 

Bringing in some candlesticks, they lit up the candles. Everyone chose different spots, all of them disappearing from each other's view. 

Ino started with a brief introduction and instruction on meditation then everyone started following it. Not even a minute passed by, squeaking and groaning sounds was heard. 

Raito ignored the sounds and again tried to focus on himself. Unlike the previous two skills, the meditation was not coming as easily as it should have. It was because of Naruto's weird sound or it was due to his mind always being occupied by the thoughts. 


"Hinata, you also know about this meditation right? So, why don't you try and help Naruto?" Raito signaled towards Hinata giving a very meaningful smile to Hinata. 

"Naruto-kun, you need to relax" Hinata went beside Naruto and started instructing him on the basics. The smooth continuous voice of Hinata and her small warm hand on his back was making him blush and all. But the good thing was, his mind was slowly calming down and he was able to relax, breathing slow and steady. Hinata sat behind Naruto, her palm was on his back and as their breathing synchronized with one another, small tendrils of orange were leaking out of Naruto, which no one noticed it. 


[A new skill has been created through special action.]

[Skill "Meditation" has been created.] 

[Meditation Lvl 1 (active) Exp 0%] 

Practice done since ancient period, which helps to focus the mind on particular objects, thoughts or activity to achieve a mentally clear or emotionally stable state. 

- HP regeneration increased by 20 per minute. 

- CP regeneration increased by 20 per minute. 

- 'Fast thinking' skill activated. 

- Gain 'Status: Confuse' when skill is broken forcefully. 


"Damn it Anko-nee!" roared Raito