
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 11- Rest Day

Iruka stood behind the podium, with Mari, Kurenai, Mizuki, and few other teachers by his side. 

Iruka gazed at his students with a serious expression and couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. Internally, he sighed and began, "We have been teaching you for the past few years, hoping to witness growth, not just academically but also mentally and practically. I was hoping that you all would show maturity and start taking your training seriously, especially since this is your last semester and your last chance before graduation.

Both I and the other teachers are here to train you and make sure you ready for the life of a ninja, but the truth is, if someone does not want to improve, we, as teachers, are helpless, powerless, and I have felt this helplessness for quite some time now. So today, I had to make you see the harsh realities of being a ninja. In this class, girls have more problems than boys do. This is not a bias but an observation. Instead of honing their skills, you were much more interested making fan clubs, love clubs and all those stupid things and until yesterday, I had to stop two young soon-to-be ninja student from arguing over where they sit.

I am not only telling girls, but also the boys in the class. Every day, I record your progress in throwing accuracy, obstacle courses, and various other assessments, and I have to admit, it's concerning. With the exception of a few students, the majority seem to be regressing. Those who are genuinely striving for improvement will be the ones to thrive in the real world.

Students, today you've had a glimpse of the life of a ninja, and I hope it has made an impression on you."

Iruka then turned to the teachers beside him, sighed inwardly, and continued, "Classes will start from Monday, think, if you really want to be a ninja, and, when I stand again in front of you, I hope I find something hopeful. Class dismissed." 

After dismissing the class, Iruka could see the students faces full of worry, concern, confusion, shame and various other emotions. Half of the students, who were mainly from the clans, had no change in emotion. 

As he saw the downcast faces of his students, Iruka's heart ached.

Mari patted Iruka's shoulder and said, "You did a great job, Iruka. What you and Kurenai did today, will save a lot of life and make them stronger tomorrow. Do not forget, what you are doing, is all for them. Tomorrow, go to the tower, you have a mission." 

Iruka nodded in response.

Then Mari looked at Mizuki, "Mizuki-sensei please go to the tower with Koro-sensei today. Hokage-sama has a mission for you two. It shouldn't take more than a week." 

"Nozomu-sensei, since I will be leaving the academy at the near future, it would be best that we start choosing another head teacher for my replacement." Mari said after which she left the room along with Nozomu. 

Outside the academy 

"Hinata, are you feeling okay? You look a bit pale."

Hinata weakly nodded. 

Raito sighed and faced Ino, "Ino what about you? Are you fine?" 

With anger on her face, Ino grabbed Raito's jacked and roared, "How can you even ask that? That…That cruel thing t-they do to Kunoichi... how can they? (Sob...sob)" 

Facing a reality of life, what can a human do except accept and move forward? Some stay in one place and hope that what they are looking at is just a dream and wake up to their beautiful reality.

"Ino," Chōji looked sad, then patted her shoulder, trying to comfort her. 

"Troublesome teachers," Shikamaru sighed and patted Ino on her shoulders. 

"Everything will be fine Ino, Hinata. We will be there to protect you all. As the future Hokage, I promise to keep you all safe no matter what. Believe it!" Naruto proclaimed. 

Hinata and Ino smiled a little when they heard Naruto's words. 

Raito on the side also smiled then asked, "Why don't we go and eat? I saw a new place offering huge discount."

"Yosh, let's go. Raito's paying." Chōji fist-pumped and pointed the direction.

"Sure, why not?" Raito said as he glared at Chōji. 

As the men and women used alcohol as their comfort, the soon-to-be ninjas used food as their comfort, forgetting their worries. In ninja world, raping kunoichi has been a common thing, and the only way to be safe is to be strong, strong enough to protect themselves and others. 

Sounds of loud laughter and talking came from a room, which was heard by the many ninja in the other rooms, but no one stopped them. 

Ninjas will understand ninjas, is it?

I understand what we are doing is dangerous but I promise, I won't let there be another you, even if it means I have to…

After an hour or so, the six stood outside the restaurant. 

"Ino, Hinata, we are having a gathering this Saturday. If you guys like to… do you wanna join us?" Raito asked awkwardly under Shikamaru's glare. "I am officially inviting you."

After confirming a few things, Ino, Chōji, Hinata, and Shikamaru went together to the clan district. Naruto went on his own, and Raito said that he wanted some alone time.

During the night when winds are blowing hard, the lights of the shops are long closed and the windows were shut tight, a lone figure jumped from roof to roof, his silver hair making it more eye-catching under the radiant moon. 

Hatake Kakashi reached the memorial stone and stood in front of it, watching and reading the names of his most precious peoples, then he began started sharing his day: 

"Rin, Obito, I am going to take a team. They… are somewhat different. A Hyūga girl, she is shy and has low confidence; she is quite different from the rest of her clan. Next, we have Uzumaki Naruto, sensei's son, a good kid and has a good nose. He was able to find me when he was just a kid. He is so much like sensei, those blue eyes and blond hair, change some clothes and remove those whiskers and you will get a mini version of sensei. Last… is the kid I am worried about, his name is Yoshizawa Raito, nice kid. He is smart and has already mastered his family technique, which will rivals Hyūga. With Sharingan gone, Byakugan is the face of Konoha now."

'Sensei, am I really…' Kakashi was thinking inwardly when suddenly he heard a voice. 

"Heh, people do come here at night. I thought I was the only one." A shadow finally took the shape of a boy with short hair looked about ten to 13 year old. Kakashi recognized the boy from the picture earlier; the boy was one of the students he was going to teach, Yoshizawa Raito. 

Raito looked at the ninja in front of him, wearing the standard Konoha flak jacket, face covered two-third, with only one eye visible, and his most eye-catching silver hair. 

[Hatake Kakashi Lvl ??] 

Raito walked slowly towards the memorial tablet where he stood there mumbling his words and hands-on his pocket, staring lazily at the tablet. 

Kakashi stood there watching the boy the figure reminding of himself, alone watching the tablet. 

"My name is -" said Kakashi but before he could finish Raito replied cutting him off. 

"Hatake Kakashi or people often say Kakashi of the Sharingan. I have heard about you from a lot of people, a lot, at least for me." Raito interrupted. 

"Oh it seems I am really famous, eh?" Kakashi was pleased, as he didn't think that the people would know how he looked like. 

"Infamous… they told me that you are really good at ticking people off, always late at least two to three hours, read erotica in public, and sexually harassing every Kunoichi you see, destroyer of the innocence of all the small boys and the girls." Raito said everything in a single breath, which looked like it was thoroughly memorized. 

"I am really not… like that. In fact, I am really a nice person who-" Kakashi tried to explain himself. 

"Reads erotica in the public. It is true because I have seen it myself. Is it not?" asked Raito. 

"Icha-Icha is not porn it is literature and a very nice at that." 

Raito rolled his eyes then ignored him. 

An hour went by; winds blew and the leaves waved. On a lonely night, two people; a boy, and a man, reminisced the past. 

Raito stepped back then turned around and walked back. Kakashi also did the same. 

"Don't you want to tell me your name?" asked Kakashi. 


"I did give you my name, so you should also give me your name. It's common courtesy." Kakashi said with an eye smile. 

Raito looked at the silver-haired Jōnin, "You didn't give me your name because I already knew you. Also, I know that you know my name."

Raito looked at Kakashi and asked, "What do you want from me?"


"Sure," Raito shook his head and started walking. 

Kakashi looked at the figure walking away and said, "I am not really that type of person."

Raito walked even faster towards the exit. 

"I wanted to talk a little bit more." Kakashi sighed as he also left the memorial grounds.

Friday morning 

"OW! OW!" Naruto cried in pain as he fell to the ground, his chest rising and falling. Naruto stayed on the ground looking at the sky. 

"Why don't we go to that place? Going there is so much better than doing this." Naruto said, looking at Raito.

"I am not a chakra freak like you. I used all my chakra this morning to try something, so quit whining and continue doing the stretching." Raito rolled his eyes and continued his workout.

"Oi, Naruto, what would you be doing on your free day when you were not with us?" Raito asked while trying to lift the stone of his size.

"Eh, nothing. I would just roam around the village and practice something," Naruto answered, while trying some chakra control exercise.

Exhaling a breath, Raito threw the stone down and said, "Yosh, we are going shopping, Naruto. I couldn't buy much last time. When Chōji comes, he alone will be able to finish what we have right now." 

"Y-you won't be able to buy anything with me around. So…" Naruto said in a dejected voice. 

However, before he could speak anymore, he was cut off by Raito, "You haven't even tried." 

"It has always been like that." Naruto spat. 

"Well not anymore. Be brave and try; I promise everything will be alright because, Naruto… I am a god symbolizing a change in your puny mortal life." Raito laughed dramatically, his face covered with one hand and another pointing at Naruto. 

A few chuckles came from Naruto. 

"Mm, let's go then." Naruto nodded. 

Market plaza 

Naruto was walking uncomfortably, with people glaring at him with the cold, scary eyes. Under the gaze of the people his body was shrinking, his mood sinking, and he was gritting his teeth with his fist clenched. 


Raito slapped Naruto on the back, pointed at the shop and gave him some money, "There's the shop. Get some onion, beans, tomato, garlic, spinach, egg, meat, and meat." 

"Whoa, Whoa. Raito, wait, slow down. I can't remember everything." Naruto hurriedly made a stopping gesture to Raito. 

"Naruto, you really are dumb." Raito brought out a paper and pen, then wrote the names of things to be brought. 

Hearing the boy's sound, the surrounding shopkeepers froze, many of them had awkward faces and especially one had black face. He hurriedly tried to close his shop. 

Raito ignored everyone and dragged Naruto to that very store, "Boss, why are you in a hurry, do you not want to sell to us?" 

"N-Nonsense I...I was just going to replace the basket, some fresh vegetable just arrived, so I-I was just to change them." The shopkeeper wiped his sweat.

"Oh," Raito looked around and found that some of the shopkeeper, who were taken that day, had returned.

[Apple (Common)]

Original Price – 50 Ryo

"Naruto, try to pick the way I told you last time and, before giving the money, show me." Raito instructed.

Naruto nodded and started picking carefully, slowly picking, rotating and pinching, checking the vegetables. 

A few meters away, a group of men and women were whispering to each other. 

"Are we really selling to the demon?" one of them questioned.

"The leader said to make his life difficult but…." another replied.

"There is that kid with the demon." someone observed.

"Why is he helping the demon?" another voice chimed in.

Raito turned around and looked at the people who were whispering, he saved their data in the library. 

Minutes passed, and Raito grew increasingly impatient as he watched Naruto select ingredients at a frustratingly slow pace.

"Don't mind, don't mind."

He pulled a kunai out and started practicing with it. First, he started adding normal chakra to the kunai then added earth elemental chakra to it. Seeing the increase in the stat of the kunai, Raito was very happy.

[Standard Konoha Kunai – Common Quality (Elemental Enhanced)] 

A common weapon used by the ninja of the 'Village Hidden by the Leaf' designed for thrusting and stabbing. 

Accuracy: +6% 

Durability: 100 (Special – 200) 

Weight: 500gm (3 kg) 

# Chakra flow property: Increased hardness, increased destructive force 

Inwardly, Raito mused, 'In game, you get a status effect like burn or paralyze, but I didn't get anything like that (sigh). So length remains the same but the weight increases that means now this kunai is stronger than just before but, the accuracy dropped by 4%.'

'If only I had either fire or lightning chakra type, I could get status effects, couldn't I?'

'Moreover, I need to get a new sword but… I can't just steal it from someone. Damn it, just a few more months and I can buy some real weapons.' 

Raito frowned in frustration, which had nothing to do with Naruto and shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper connected Raito's frowning with Naruto's picking vegetable. So, the shopkeeper hurriedly helped Naruto, although a bit reluctantly.

"I'm done!" Naruto shouted, frightening Raito. 

"Huh? Didn't I tell you to let me see before buying? Now, give me those bags." Raito put away the kunai and shouted at Naruto, then snatched the bags after seeing the contents then put it in the inventory. 

Even though Raito was scolding Naruto, he still had a smile on his face. 

"So, are we going home?" Naruto asked while looking around for things to buy. 

"No," Raito answered and pulled out a list. 

"Huh? What do you mean by 'no'?"

"'No' means we're not going home right now; we're going to the Higurashi's shop now." Raito explained and let out a big smile. 

"But it's already ten, and I haven't eaten anything and I am hungry and…" Naruto made an annoying sound, which seem to affect Raito. 

"Here, buy some snacks." Raito handed Naruto some money. "I'll be watching you so don't buy too many sweets." 

"Okay," Naruto said before darting into one of the shops.

With a clang, the door swung open, and two boys entered the store.

"Welcome-" The shopkeeper's expression soured as he saw the newcomers. The smile that had been there moments ago vanished, replaced by a visible animosity.

"We're not open. Come back another time." The shopkeeper walked out of his station. 

"But the sign definitely says 'open'." Naruto pointed at the sign on the door. 

"I am the boss of this shop, and when I say 'not open' then it's not open. So, get out of my shop!" The shopkeeper roared attracting a few individuals.

Naruto frowned as he clenched his fist but then loosened before walking out. 

Raito glared at the shopkeeper and his eyebrow knitted. 

"What are you looking at, brat? Keep looking and I will-" 

"SHUT UP!" Raito roared with his chakra flaring. 

The shopkeeper immediately fell silent, and gazed blankly at Raito. 

"We're just here to buy some snacks." Raito explained. Then he looked to Naruto and ordered, "Go and get some snacks. After we pay, we'll never come to this crappy place again." 

Naruto looked at the shopkeeper and then at Raito before hurriedly heading to the shelves then picked some snacks, placing them on the counter. 

"Naruto-baka, why are you so stupid? If you're buying, then buy a lot." Raito scolded Naruto then went to the shelves then picked all the chips then again went and picked a bunch of boxes of Nutri bar. 

"Isn't that a bit too much?" asked Naruto 

"Nope, Chōji can definitely finish them in an hour." Raito answered and grabbed a couple of box. 

Naruto chuckled. 

They paid the shopkeeper and left the shop. The shopkeeper remained dazed as he flew through the process.

"You definitely used chakra there. How did you do it?" asked Naruto 

"Oh that… I… I learned that from- I will tell you about it when we go home." Raito shook his head and changed subject. "Not now, let's go to Higurashi first." 

Raito gave Naruto a quick glance before running. 

Naruto followed Raito, but every time he got close, Raito would increase his speed. After a few instances of this, Naruto couldn't take it anymore, so he stopped and sat down in the middle of the road.

Raito was laughing hard inside, enjoying the so-called race. However, before he could enjoy anymore, he saw Naruto sitting down on the road and pouting. 

With a wry smile, Raito approached Naruto and asked, "What happened? Let's go." 

"You are cheating, and I know it," Naruto glared. 

"Yes, you can call it cheating." Raito simply admitted.

"Don't lie to me, you definitely- what!?" Naruto looked at Raito for explanation. 

"Naruto-baka, I am using chakra to enhance my body." Replied Raito 

"How?" asked Naruto 

Raito sighed and answered, "Tap into your chakra and use it, it's easy." 

"Huh? What? How?" Naruto looked confused.

"Chakra, Naruto, chakra, from here, spread it to the whole body." Raito pointed at the navel then moved his hands showing where to take chakra to. 

Naruto tried and tried, turning blue in the face. "I can!" Then he tried again.

Not willing to stand in the middle of the road, Raito pulled Naruto to the park, where he tried again. 

"Naruto, why don't you try it later?" Raito looked at the clock and sighed.

"Just a bit more, Chakra is going there but… I feel like I can do it anytime soon. Argh, again." Naruto activated his chakra again, which started to draw some Chūnin and ANBU.

Minutes passed by and it was nearly an hour. Naruto was still practicing, trying to move his chakra. Raito had already finished some packets of chips while watching Naruto. 

'Why don't I try it once more?' Looking at his CP, Raito decided.

Raito stood up and made a rat seal. 

Invisible sphere of chakra surrounded Raito then again expanded covering Naruto. 

"What are you doing, Raito?" 

"Just shut up and start practicing," 

Naruto started again and Raito could now see a blue flame near his heart. The blue fire would extend, but before it could travel far, it was drawn back.

'Anko-nee did say that I had great sense of space as well as imagination. She even 'helped' me a ton with Genjutsu so that I can use them.'

'Jii-chan said that I can do anything I like with my chakra, just like my hand and feet. That is why Chakra Control training is important; to make sure we move chakra like any other limbs. '

[Skill 'Analysis' has been created.]

[Uzumaki Naruto, practicing body reinforcement technique]

[Total attempts: 20

Total Failure: 20

Total Success: 0

Reasoning: large amount of chakra used at the same time with little control…]

'I don't care anymore.' Raito sighed.

Deactivating the '[Chakra Sense],' Raito paused for a moment before saying, "Naruto, remember when you were eating ramen and you felt like your body was on fire? You could feel the warmth spreading from your belly to every part of your body, that power, that awesomeness. Try to replicate that feeling with chakra in your belly."

"You say weird things but I believe in you, Raito." Naruto again made a rat seal then a thin blue light over his skin could be seen which quickly disappeared. 

Raito smiled and gave Naruto further instructions. After a considerable amount of time, Naruto successfully enhanced his entire body.

"Now, try to hold it for at least a minute." 

10 seconds 

30 seconds 

1 minute 

2 minute 

3 minute 

"Awesome!! I was able to do it. Yay!" shouted Naruto in joy. 


[Congratulation on teaching 'Uzumaki Naruto' 'Lesser Chakra enhancement'] 

[Gained 2 merit points] 

[Skill teaching leveled up by 2.] 

'Merit points? What the heck is it?' Raito scratched his head and closed all the notification boxes. 'Just go away.'

"Hey, hey, Raito, did you see that? Aren't I too super awesome? Haha." Naruto laughed in joy at his success.

"Take this." Raito threw a packet of chips. 'But I was trying for reinforcement, not enhancement… well, whatever. '

"Thanks." Naruto started munching on the chips. 

After a short rest, both headed to the Higurashi store.


"Welcome." A deep voice greeted the two boys. He was polishing the already well-polished, face reflecting, wooden counter.

[Higurashi Tetsu Lvl ??] 

"Hello," the boys replied with a bow, although Naruto was forced by Raito, who was grabbing his head and pushing it down.

"My name's Tetsu. You kids must be academy students, right? Why don't you give me your student card?" Tetsu stuffed the rag aside, then approached the two.

Confused, the two boys complied and handed over their cards.

'Uzumaki Naruto.' Tetsu looked at the boy and chuckled inwardly, 'Mini Minato, how could anyone not know?' 

'Yoshizawa Raito.' Tetsu looked at the boy. 'Yoshizawa, huh? This brings back memories.'

With a nod, Tetsu rolled his sleeves and said, "Now, tell me what you want to buy and I'll give it to ya."

"Four sets of shuriken and two sets of kunai, please." Raito requested, while wandering his eyes to the katana and the paper bombs. 

"Also Fūinjutsu paper, Chakra-"

A knock from window disturbed the three. Tetsu looked at the window and signaled the man to go back. 

"Wait a moment. If you kids want anything else, let me know and have a look around." Tetsu left the room.

Raito looked around the store and quickly found the sword he was looking for. 

[Dragon's Cry – Ninjato]

'With you, I think I can do anything.' With a super weird smile on his face, Raito placed the sword on the counter table then grabbed some of the exploding tags. 

Naruto also brought various kinds of paper. 

"You can make your own, why are you buying them?" Raito asked, remembering the disgusting smell of the raw blood at the backyard.

"Research," Naruto pointed at the seal and at the small Uzumaki book and said, "Even though both of them do the same thing, there are made by different technique and look at this, the Uzumaki seal is smaller than Konoha seal." 

"Whatever," Raito searched the shop for anything he could afford with his significantly smaller wallet... Well, he didn't need to carry a wallet anymore.

On the stool behind the counter, there were three little books with red covers and small notes sticking out of them. Intrigued, Raito used '[Observe]' on them. 

[Tenten Guide to Handling Throwing Weapons – Rare]

A collection of notes written by Tenten on handling 'throwing weapons'.

Effect - Read to gain EXP and unlock different Shuriken and Kunai techniques. 

'Tenten? Tenten.' Raito was lost in thought when Tetsu returned. 

"You boys like what you see?" Tetsu asked, then looked at the boys and the items at the table before sighing, "I forgot to tell you." 

"Old man these seals for me." Said Naruto 

"Wait a minute, kid. It's my mistake. So, let me tell you."

Hate to break the bad news to these familiar kids, but he had to follow the law if he wanted to continue doing business. "Well, you kids can't buy these." 

"But why?" Naruto shouted on top of his voice.

"Don't shout kid, it's the village's law." 

Raito tapped Naruto on the shoulder and looked at Tetsu, then asked, "What law?" 'I don't think…ah, there was that.'

"Well, you see, not everyone passes the academy and after failing, many of them go to civilian school or do some other odd jobs." He gave Raito an eye before continuing. "Moreover, in Konoha, you can only hold weapons, if you are a shinobi." 

"Kunai and shuriken are the exception. They are given to you for training when you become a student of the academy but the numbers of purchases are recorded on your student card. So, if you are out from the program, the weapons will be confiscated." Tetsu explained, showing the back of the student card. 

'Hundreds are lost every month but no one is going to ask about those…'

"What about the seals, other weapons and gears?" Raito raised another question, which he and Naruto were more interested.

"Seals and other weapons cannot be sold to anyone other than ninja, starting from Genin. Common gears used by ninjas can be sold, but not many people usually buy them because of the ridiculous price. Anything that can bring harm is not sold to anyone outside the program." Tetsu explained then pushed the weapon set forward.

Tetsu immediately removed all the stuff away, then placed what could be sold.

Naruto and Raito sadly nodded. 

"Total is 5,500 Ryo but you can pay me 5,000 Ryo. Why don't you kids come after you pass the Genin test and I'll give you both 10% discount?" Tetsu brought out a coupon.

"Mm." Naruto and Raito nodded then paid the bill. 

"Boss, do you sell those books?" Raito asked, pointing at the books on the stool. 

"Well, that's not for me to decide. You see, these books, they are written by my daughter. She has got a knack for weapons. If you wanna buy them, ask her."

"So where is she?" Raito asked.

"She just graduated a couple of months back. So, she would be doing D-rank missions and training with her sensei." Tetsu went into thinker mode before sighing, "Kid, you should just come after six; she is always back at that time."

"Okay…" Raito nodded but looked at the counter top, especially at those seal work, "What about these seals?"

"Same thing kid, only after you pass your Genin test."

"Oh," Naruto sighed in disappointment.

Raito grabbed the seal-work and looked at Tetsu with a big smile on his face. "Boss how about we make a deal?"

"Anything about selling… my answer would remain the same." Tetsu replied with arms crossed.

Clearing his throat, Raito spoke, "You don't have to say anything but just listen, boss. Naruto, my buddy, is an Uzumaki and you should know, the best seal master in this whole elemental nation are Uzumakis." 

Raito pointed his finger around the room and said, "I have seen the store, and to be frank here, except from storage scroll and explosion seal notes, the other seals there are not much in number. That means there is less supply of those seals. Though the seals cost is less than ninja gears and weapons, they are one-time usable items, and just like in games, use once and it's gone."

"The thing is when people use the item and know its benefit, they will come to buy."

"What's with all the nonsense? Just come to the point, kid." Tetsu interjected, but Raito could see the gleam in his eyes. 

With a smile, Raito replied, "Sell the seals two of each kind you have right now and we agree to sell any seals made by Naruto here to Higurashi shop in future." 

"Kid, you are right about there being less seal works sold in Konoha, aside from storage and explosion seals, other variations are not produced. If I give you these seals, it will help Blondie make even more seals. And if these seals are sold from my shop then I will really be famous." Tetsu said with one of his hand stroking his beard. 

"Yes, boss, it will be very helpful. This cooperation will be a really big help for Konoha shinobi and Leaf as a whole." 

"But, what if the Blondie is not able to create these types of seals? In addition, being Uzumaki, I think red hair would make it more convincing. And last but not the least, how much will I be getting?" Tetsu countered raising one question after another.

Enraged, Naruto spoke up, "Old man are you looking down at me? Believe it, after I graduate and become a ninja I will- mmph."

Raito covered Naruto's mouth then spoke grandly, "Boss, more or less this situation is a gamble, and the only thing is you bet or back down." 

Tension grew as an old and young stared at each other. For a moment, everything was quiet, and then Tetsu laughed. 


Tetsu slammed at the counter and said, "Kid, I am willing. Take them, they are yours. So, be it. This gamble, I am willing to take it." 

Smiling, Raito took the seals and kept them in the pouch. 

"Old man, what about the sword? Can you-" Raito was quickly interrupted by a big and fat "NO". 

"Sheesh, no need to shout. Let's go, Naruto." Raito cursed on his way out. 

"Old man, thank you for everything." Naruto waved his hand as he exited the shop. 

As the boys left the shop, a huge warm smile appeared on the Tetsu's face. 

"Raito, you didn't have to do that for me." Naruto said in a low voice. 

"Did you hit your head when you were a little? Never mind that but what I just did was for us… and the village." Raito justified his actions in loud and clear voice.

"Naruto do something for me, ok?"

Raito gave a set of the five seal-work to Naruto and kept others for himself. Then they went home. 

[Storage Tag] 

A small pocket space created to store non-living things. 

Size- 30x30 cm 

[Anti-bleeding tag] 

An emergency sealing tag used to stop bleeding by creating a barrier on the skin. 

One time use 

[Lower Barrier Seal] 

A quick easy to use barrier seal which protects against attack from one direction. 

Block one combination of attack. 

[Paralysis Tag] 

A quick easy to use seal which when attached to the opponent disables the function of mobility.

One time use 

[Dizzy tag] 

A quick easy to use seal which when attached to the enemy causes loss of balance.

One time use 

Duration – 1 min