
Sylvia’s True Form

The skies had already darkened as the sun had gone to rest. It was a moonless night, even the Stars in the sky were nonexistent and the dark clouds stretched over the sky, giving it a hazy ominous feel.

Unlike the other nights, Iron Fist City was completely quiet and peaceful, not even the Birds were singing. The city was usually covered with glimmers of light from the city gate all the way up to endpoint as if wearing a brilliant sash of light, but tonight, the city was completely dark and not even a soul could be seen outside. All the house's doors were shut tightly and all the bars were closed.

The Ice Queen, Su Ling, Ji Feng and I were making our way to the city gate in the middle of the night. Facing the threat of the demon invasion, the ice queen took all of his valuable items from her house, such as magical beast cores, gold coins, and other valuables. She also took Su Ling with her as she was her closest and most Loyal subordinates, she even considered her as her own little sister because she practically raised her. Not knowing if she would able to come back to this city again or what the future hold, she glanced back for the last time at the city and sighed.

Soon, we arrived at the city gate, there weren't any guards outside and the city gate was wide open. After that event a few hours ago, almost all the citizens of Iron Fist City left the city in order to go to either the Qin Empire or the Yang Empire because it would be the safest place in case of an invasion as they have Saint Rank Experts in charge over there. Even the guards that were guarding the city gate and the District Lords left as well.

It didn't take long before we got out of the city. Ji Feng was behind following me closely while Su Ling did the same by following the ice queen as if they were some sort of bodyguards or servants. Sylvia had already left a few minutes ahead of us so she could transform into her true form outside the city. Because of her huge body, she couldn't transform into the city so she had to do it outside the city. As for little red, he had also left with her.

After we got out the city, we kept on walking for about ten minutes. The Ice Queen and Su Ling were glancing at me with a peculiar look on their faces. I told them that we were going to fly to the place where the black ball of energy that broke the Illusionary barrier originated, yet we have been walking for more than ten minutes and nothing. They still didn't know how we were going to fly over there because I didn't tell them. They had an anxious look on their faces but they didn't dare to ask me anything. As for Ji Feng, he looked serious as usual and just followed me blindly without utter a single word.

" We've arrived," I said with a smile on my face while looking at the gigantic mountain figure ahead.

As soon as I said those words the others looked ahead of them as well, in front of their eyes, there appeared a large silver figure. As they got closer, a wild pressure that was like countless boulders failing on their faces, completely suffocated them.

" A dragon." Blurted out the Ice Queen when she finally saw the beast up close.

" What!!"

Not to mention Su Ling, even the quiet and solemn Ji Feng was surprised when he heard the ice Queen's voice. Also, It didn't take them long to notice the appearance of the mountain figure in front of them.

What are human in front of dragons?

Nothing, they were equal to ants in front them, especially the normal humans with no cultivation. A dragon could destroy a City in a wink of an eye, even a continent depending on their strength. It was widely known since ancient time till now that dragons were one of the strongest life forms out there. Whether it was their strength, body, or abilities, they far exceeded normal humans.

The current ice queen facing this huge silver dragon had no chance of resisting. Even though she was a 10th rank mage and the dragon was a 10th rank magical beast, their power wasn't quite on the same level or on par, in a fight, the dragon will have a huge advantage over her, not to mention the dragon can fly. Not only her, Su Ling and Ji Feng couldn't help but tremble in fright when they saw that huge dragon, both of their legs went soft as tofu and kneeled down on the ground due to the pressure.

The dragon's entire body was silver and seemed to have a metallic tint that reflected a dim light. Its head was facing the ice Queen and the others, who could clearly see its lizard-like mouth. At the end point of its mouth were two incredibly sharp teeth sticking out, both of which were about half meter long. On its head was a pair of silver horns that was about two meters long, on its back there were two silver, bat-like wings that were hanging down the ground. Similarly, its abdominal area was also pure silver. Its dragon's scale was releasing a white icy luster like some sort of vapor. Its claws that had five huge silver dragon fingernails that looked like steel hooks were stick on the ground, and behind was a long conical tail that was at least ten meters long. Even though they were pretty close to the dragon, they couldn't see how long its body had extended or its terminus.

As for the Ice Queen, even though she appeared calm after realizing that the dragon wasn't hostile to them and was with me, under this calm appearance, she was actually trembling in front of this limitless giant beast. Especially when the dragon's vision was lock onto her while its body was releasing an incomparable ice cold and dignified aura.

Su Ling and Ji Feng were the worse off, with just the dragon's pressure, they were lock in place and lost control over their body. They felt the shadow of death slowly approaching them.

" I'm sorry Sylvia but I'm gonna have to trouble you," I said in an apologetic tone as I looked at the huge silver dragon in front of me. I was surprised at the same time because Sylvia's size had doubled since the last time I saw her in her true form. it seemed like the stronger it gets the bigger it becomes as well.

A dragon , it was a noble beast that was on the same class as the Phoenix in legends. Regardless of what world it was, it should be the peak of noble existence, not to mention Sylvia was a true dragon with a rare noble bloodline. It was kinda disrespectful to ask her to act as a mount to carry some people on its back. Even though Sylvia agreed, this still made me feel a little awkward. If it was only me, then it would have been ok but she had to carry three more strangers.

" It's nothing big brother, I know what you are thinking. You don't have to feel guilty or awkward." Said the dragon in a girly voice. Even though she changed into her true form, her voice still stayed the same.

" By the way can you retracted your pressure a little otherwise those two won't be able to stand up," I Said While looking at Ji Feng and Su Ling. Although Ji Feng had awakened his Immortal Titan bloodline, he was still weak and only a small portion of the bloodline was awakened. In order for him to completely awakened his bloodline, he will have to get stronger and stronger and the bloodline will be awakened little by little. As for now, no matter if he had that supreme bloodline, he still couldn't stand the pressure of a true dragon in front of him not to mention Su Ling.

" ...…I, I haven't released any pressure, if I did they would have spat blood or froze to death already except for that pretty sister over there." Answered Sylvia mischievously. I know that she was just playing around , even though she didn't release her complete Strength , however , this slight fluctuations of energy was enough to scare the likes of Ji Feng and the others.

Once she finished saying that, she used her cold silver eyes to shoot a look at the Ice Queen. But the minute the ice queen met Sylvia's eyes, her heart gently trembled again. She was trembling with fright deep down. She couldn't believe the disparity of power between her and the dragon in front of her. If it was a normal magical beast, she wouldn't felt that much pressure and sense of crisis but because Sylvia was a true dragon with the noblest bloodline, her pressure was ten times greater than a regular magical beast or a regular dragon. Soon, the ice Queen tried to calm down because there wasn't any type of malice in Sylvia's eyes instead there was a trace of interest and curiosity in her eyes.

" Let's go then, we can't stay here for too long," I Said while using wind magic to lift up Ji Feng and Su Ling from the ground and put them on the silver dragon's back. I did the same with the Ice Queen. She didn't resist at all, after that, I used wind magic on myself and jumped the dragon's dragon back. The dragon's back was huge so they weren't clustered together and have enough space for them. As for little red, he was sitting on the dragon's back long before us but he didn't say anything. I've already informed them not to talk in front of people, the reason I let Sylvia talked in human tongue was that she had transformed into her true form already. So talking in human tongue wasn't a big deal anymore.

As soon as we got on the silver dragon's back, the huge wings on her back started flapping, and its huge body flew up in the air. The silver dragon currently flying in the skies resembled a huge silver Moon as it darted in and out of the dark clouds. Except for me and little Red, everybody had a solemn and serious expression on their faces, none of them dared to move or looked down. The wind blew their hair and clothes. because the dragon's speed was little too fast, I raised up a barrier protecting them from the wind. Soon, I can feel a sense of longing and great excitement coming from them. Who doesn't want to fly up the sky like a celestial being? Who doesn't want to escape this type of confinement?

" What are your plans now that the Archaic continent as well the inhabitants are facing the threat of extinction," I asked the ice queen while breaking the silence. Ever since we were flying on the dragon's back, everybody was quiet not daring to utter a word as if they were afraid of disturbing the silver dragon.

" Survive, that's the only thing I can think of now. It's not like I can fight against those powerful demons with my meager strength. If they can invade the Sacred Mainland and killed off and enslaved the humans when they were at the prime of their power, it would be just like taking a candy from a kid when they arrived at the Archaic continent." Answered the Queen with a desolate expression on her face.

It's true, before the demons came to the Sacred Mainland, the humans were very powerful, some of them had even reached the Saint Ancestor Rank and Saint sovereign rank, yet they were reduced to ashes by the demons and the other races. So one can imagine how powerful those otherworldly beings were. despite having all those advantages and cheats at my disposal, I still felt a little sense of crisis. I can't fight them head on because I don't even know how powerful they are and their power structures. In fact, I don't know jack about what's happening In the outside world or how the otherworldly beings looked like. Back on Earth, I used to play all types of games and read some novels, the ideas or how I pictured those demons and the otherworldly beings all came from them. I never actually saw demons or an alien before. For now, I can only hope of protecting myself and my loved ones. As for the people living in the Archaic continent, I can only say sorry because there's nothing I can do for them at the moment. Everyone for oneself.

" By the way, is it possible to stick with you after you finished investigating who had broken the Illusionary barrier. I'll help you in any way I can." Asked the Ice Queen.

Now that situation of the Archaic continent isn't looking good, Everyone is looking for something to grab on.

" Why not, we need all the help we can get if want to survive what's about to come." I was more than happy to have her following me. Even if she didn't ask, I was going propose it anyway.

" thank you, Sir Alfred." Said the Queen with a slight smile on her face. Having a strong person to rely on in this upcoming peril boost her chances of survival. Not to mention, Sir Alfred has a powerful dragon as his pet, so seeing him rapidly agree with her proposal made her happy. Her chances of survival have greatly increased just by following a powerful person like him.

In less than half an hour, we finally made approximately where the black energy came from. I asked Sylvia to land on the ground so we can continue our journey on foot. The instant we stepped onto the land, I felt a strong death aura in the air as well as a demonic energy and an indescribable blood-thirst, evil and desolateness.

"Everybody, be on high alert," I Said while continued walking ahead. Sylvia had already transformed into her small size and stood quietly in my right shoulder. The Ice Queen and the others were following behind up close.

At the same time, I ran my battle qi as well as my mana, vigilantly preparing for any unforeseen events. After that, I checked my minimap and saw there was a city up close. From the look of it, the black energy might come from there. I moved forward slowly, unhurriedly where the city was located. As I got closer, the death aura in front and the smell blood became denser. Because of my Draconic senses, I can smell and feel the death aura better than the others. They also felt it but not as much as I did. The dense death aura and the smell of blood in the air became denser with every step I took, at some point the smell of blood became suffocating.

" big brother, do you smell that thick death aura ahead?" Voiced Sylvia telepathically.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened but this density of dead aura could only form from several hundred of thousands of people being slaughtered in the same place." My heart couldn't help but tighten warily as I answered Sylvia.

Soon, we made out of the forest and we could clearly see the city up ahead.

" Yang imperial capital!!, the black energy came from Yang imperial capital." Blurted out the Ice Queen in surprise as she was looking at the city wall up ahead.

" what! Are sure this is the Yang imperial capital." I asked with an anxious look on my face. I didn't care about the Yang imperial capital, what I cared about was the fact that the Yang imperial capital was the former Red Cloud city that my family had established long ago. The reason I couldn't recognize it was because of the city wall, it had become taller and from the look of it, the city had also become three times bigger from the outside. I could clearly see those changes even though I haven't entered the city yet not to mention, I can see its size on the minimap as well.

" Red Cloud City was the first big city taken over by the Yang Family and it became the imperial capital of the Yang Empire later on. Since then, the city had changed beyond compare, they made the city bigger, build a new city wall as well as changing the infrastructure of the city. The populations had also increased tenfold. This is the Yang imperial capital, I've come here many times and I also have a business there." Answered the ice Queen with certainty.

Hearing that I couldn't help but quicken my pace. I still have someone important to me living in that city. From number 4's memory, I know she was doing fine including her family. The death aura was clearly coming from that city and it is most likely that almost more than half of the people living in that city had been massacred. I hope she is still alive and not amongst the dead.