
An Unusual Encounter

As I got closer to my destination, the more prosperous the businesses were. The amounts of large tents increased by a big margin while the small tents drastically decreased. It's like I was entering the center of the merchants' caravan market.

I carefully observed my surroundings as I walked. After a few minutes, I stopped in front of large luxurious tents with two door pillars at its entrance. For some reason, Inside of the tent looks dim and dark instead of being vibrant with lights as one might think.

" Host, it's here." The voice of the Gamer's Godship spirit rang out into my mind. Even if she didn't say, I would have known because the Cubic circuit patterns within my brain or my sea of consciousness was shining more brightly. Unlike the other tents, there was no inscription of a name in front of this large luxurious tent.

Without wasting any time, I walked inside the tent. There was no counters inside not even tables. There were just a group of people with mask walking around.

" Hey, kid, Regular mortals, and children aren't allowed to enter here. I would have to respectfully ask you to return where you came from." While I was observing the surrounding people, I heard the sweet voice of a middle-aged woman behind me. I looked back and saw a woman in black with a white mask covering all of her faces leaving out her two black pupils and her small cherry lips. If it weren't for her voice and the pair of nice boobs glued on her stomach, it would have hard to know that she was a woman. Also, her body gave off an extremely frightening icy aura. On top of her head was written " Level 60." I was scared shitless when I saw that because a 7th rank expert is very rare. Now, I was standing in front of one. Throughout the whole Red Cloud city , only my father a a 7th rank expert which is why he is able to Lord over the city without any problems. A 7th rank expert has the power to Lord over a big city. 6th rank experts have the power to Lord over a small and medium city while 7th rank can become city lord of big cities. An expert of his caliber can kill me with just a wave of her hand, I tried to stay calm and trying stop my body from trembling in front of her.

I released my battle qi to prove her that I wasn't a regular mortal. Suddenly, my body erupted with a dim Red flame color radiance which was my fire battle qi, it was so weak that it barely enclosed my body. Because I was still in the 1st rank middle stage, my shrouded battle qi was very thin, as matter of fact, it was so thin that it looks like it can disappear at any moment. Yep, I'm still in the 1st rank. I find out that every time I broke through a level, the amount of energy to break through the next one doubled and so on.

"Ohhh, you aren't a simple kid. With my power, I couldn't even sense a strand of energy in your body. This is the first time I've met someone like that. Only a grandmaster rank expert can nullify their energy without letting any of it leak outside, But you are clearly just a 1st rank warrior." Said the woman with a hint of interest and curiosity in her voice.

Because of the Gamer's Godship, I am able to hide my aura without leaking any outside. Usually, only a grandmaster rank expert is able to do that but because of the Gamer's Godship, I am able to do so as well.

" Kid you just picked my interest." Said the woman while examining my body.

" I am very flattered to hear that," I said slowly with a calm and composed voice. It only took me a second regained calmness and become my usual self.

" Oh, there's not even a hint of fear in voice while talking to me even when you can clearly feel the difference of power between us." Said the woman while giggling. She seems to be enjoying this.

" So what brings you here little man." Said the woman with a hint of anticipation in her voice.

" I'm trying to buy some magical beast core," I said to the woman with a big smile on my face. I can sense that this woman doesn't have any ill intentions towards me, which is why I was able to loosen a little.

" I see, but little man you are just a 1st rank warrior so I advise you not to use a beast core to break through the second rank. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in that 2nd rank forever, not to mention you can't even absorb the energy within it as you are just a mere 1st rank warrior." Said the woman with a serious tone.

" you misunderstood big sis, I need to buy the magical beast core as a gift for a friend," I said to the woman with a playful voice. Now that I am sure that this woman doesn't have the least bit of bad intentions towards me, I decided to be more intimate with her. She's a 7th rank ice mage, having a friend like that is a good thing as I was still weak.

" I see, in that case, little brother follow me. I think Big sis can help you with that." Said the woman while grabbing my hand and moved through the crowd of people within the room.

As I was following the woman, I saw several warriors and mages with powerful aura stood there discussing things quietly and exchanging items. However, no matter what they were discussing, they spoke softly as to not disturb the others.

After A few minutes, the woman entered a small private room and took out two round objects that seem like a crystal the size of Golf ball. One of them was emanating a faint earthen light, while the other had a strange dark aura emanating from it.

" I only have two beast cores left, a 3rd rank Earth beast core from a ferocious beast and a 3Rd rank beast core from a rare black tiger that uses the darkness attribute." Said the woman while smiling at me.

My heart was pounding in anticipation while I was looking at the two beast cores from the woman's hand. Not only that, the Cubic circuit patterns were shining like crazy within my sea of consciousness. It's like a Person that was on a verge of dying of thirst, seeing a pond of water and wanted to nothing more but drink it all. That's how the Cubic circuit patterns felt like within my brain.

" How much are they, big sis," I said the women softly. However, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice while talking to the woman after seeing them to beats core.

" Well, because you called me big sis, and I also kind wanted to have a little brother. Takes them as a gift of first meeting little brother." Said the woman while patting my head with her soft and delicate hand. She put the two beast cores into my hand and sat on a chair in the private rooms. I was trembling with happiness when I hold these two beast cores in my hand. It's the first time I saw and touched a beasts core.

While I was smiling with happiness, I felt a suction force coming inside my hand trying to absorb the two beasts core. Without wasting any time, I ordered the spirit of Gamer's Godship to stop the absorption till I get home. I don't want to let anybody know about my secrets. After few seconds, the suction force stopped, and I gave a huge sigh of relief.

" Little brother what do you know about the beast core." Said the woman while looking at me with her eyes filled with anticipation.

"Enlighten me, big sis," I said respectfully to the woman. I didn't know much about the magical beast core except for what've read in the books from my father's library.

" Little brother is polite, let big sis tell you then. The magical beast core is the source of energy for all magical beasts and without it, the beast could not survive. The magical beasts are the one that can use the elemental law like a mage, for example, they can shoot fire or ice out of their mouth. The core of a magical beast can be used for cultivation only by a mage, not a warrior. The blacksmith can use them to make a powerful weapon, also some people in the medicinal field can use them to make medicines or potions. There's also another type Beast known as the ferocious beast. Those kinda beast are like warriors as they use battle qi. They are more violent and tougher to deal with compared to a magical beast. This beast core with the earthen light in your hand is a ferocious beast, only a warrior can absorb it as it contains battle qi energy, not mana that we magicians use." Said woman slowly as she was trying to make sure I get everything.

" Thank you, big sister, you just widen the horizon of this little brother," I said while bowing a little in front of her as thanks for her information and the beasts core she just gave me.

" Hehehehe, you are making this big sister like you even more little brother. Your big sister is known as " Ice Queen." This merchant caravan belongs to me. If you ever encounter a problem you can't solve call this big sister, I am from the State of Shen." Said the woman proudly.

" This little brother is Jin Longwei," I said respectfully to the woman known as Ice Queen. I've never heard of the name before, plus I don't even go out that much it makes sense that I haven't heard of her. Also, she seems to be a very famous Mage. Not to mention she came from the State of Shen this Colossus

"Ohh, you are the son of the city lord of Red Cloud City, I've heard a lot about you." Said the Ice queen while her smile became more enriched like she just confirmed something.

" I can't believe big sis heard of a nobody like me," I said to her with a hint of surprise in my voice.

" Hehehehehe, I am a merchant so it's imperative for me to have informations of every place I'm doing business." Said the Ice Queen with a cunning smile on her face.

" I see, big sis this little brother would like to continue this conversation with you but I'm afraid I have to go. It's already late and my parents must worried sick about me not to mention the two bodyguards that were supposed to protect me." I said with a hint unwillingness in my voice.

" Big sis understand, I also I have a business to run. See you next time little brother, also don't forget about this big sis." Said the ice queen with a chuckle while kissing me on the forehead. She was so fast that I didn't even see her until I felt her soft icy lips on my forehead. Damn, I can't believe she stole my first kiss. For two beast cores, it was worth it anyway.

The ice queen led me outside and went back inside her tent. I have no clue as to why she was so warm to me as to go as far as giving me two precious beasts core. In this Archaic continent, beasts cores were extremely precious and not everybody would sell them. The magical beast core couldn't be bought at any market for any price. I don't know why she was so generous as to give the two of them or maybe because she knew about my identity. Even if she did know my origin, it wasn't enough for her to be that good to me. Anyway, there's no need to keep thinking about it anymore. The only thing I know now is that I will repay her in the future.