
The Game of Survival

In 2036 More games were introduced around the world and One of them is the game called "The Game of Survival" Its the popular FPS zombie game That its so popular around the world. But there was a secret from the game that no one knows. Andre, Jake, Ljay, and Eman are one of the players of this game. They just play peacefully and without any problems. Until the one fateful moment, They realized that they were inside the game. Almost 12,000 players were trapped inside the game including them. "If you die or become a zombie on this game you cannot go back to the real world." "To Beat the game, You must find the Golden Arc and proceed to 100th floor to get out from this world". These words starting their new adventure inside the game. Are they Going to survive or Are they going to be a Zombies on this world?

Ian_Gab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


9 of the morning, andrei and his friends are now getting ready to escape this floor. They already studied the map to know what are the safe places that they need to go to able to get the fragment arc that leads them to the next floor. All of them put the items at the inventory and they got a Pairs of pipes.

"Are you ready guys?" said andrei.

"Yeah!! all of us are ready!" said ljay.

"Now let's escape this floor!!"

They remove slowly the blockings at the front door of the store.

"Ok, I'm going out first to see if it's safe now to get out." said andrei.

"Yeah, be safe ok" said jake.


Andrei opened the door slowly. He slowly goes outside of the store to secure the area. luckily there are no zombies around at that moment. The place are quiet.

He called now the others to get out at the store and start to walk. They leave the store now and they started to walk.

everyone are on its guard. They walk without any noise to able the zombies didn't hear them. While they are walking ljay asked a question.

"Hey guys, Have you wondered how many people are already become a zombie starting the day where all of us came up at this world?"

"I think hundredths of them until today." said jake.

"Im hoping that the other players are safe around this time. I want to get out of this world as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, we can go out of this world as soon as possible." said andrei.

"Yeah so don't give up your hopes ok?" said eman.


They walk ahead until they turn right they saw bunch of zombies around.

"What do we do now?" said ljay.

"How far until we get up at the fragment arc?" said Andrei.

"50 meters from here. We juat need to go ahead of them to go where is the fragment arc placed." said eman.

"Is there any way to go there?"

"There is no other way to go there."

"What should we do now andrei?" said ljay.

"I have an idea! I just need to call the attention of those zombies to go after me. and then you guys just need to go ahead to get the fragment arc." said Andrei.

"That's a dangerous idea andrei!! Think other idea!!" said ljay.

"There is no other idea ljay. If we don't do that we cant escape this floor. plus the worst cenario the other zombies will corner us and we cant escape this floor." said Andrei.

"I'm agree to his idea" said jake.

"Same with me" said eman.

"Ok just be safe ok?" said ljay.

"Yeah leave that to me."

Andrei proceeded to his plan. He called the attention of all the zombies and he run to go after him. The zombies are after him right now.

While andrei is running, ljay and his friends go out from their hiding spot. They run faster to get the fragment arc to go out at this floor as fast as possible.