

It was an era when magic started to get used in industrialization.

And the division between the rich and the poor grew bigger

Some gained riches while others lived in poverty

The city of Rivel was such a place

While there were some who gained wealth thanks to industrialization others were stroked by poverty.

Many children lived in the streets at the time with some even dying from hunger.

In such an environment there lived an orphan boy.

The boy was one of the many children living in an orphanage in the lower district of Rivel.

However, unlike other children, the boy was strange.

The boy spent his time looking at the empty spaces around him making the other children around him feel uncomfortable.

Some thought the boy was crazy while others thought he was asking for attention.

But the truth was different from that

The boy had a gift

A gifted that allowed him to see the mana around his surroundings

The boy's name was Jak.

One day Jak woke up feeling a strange sensation in his eyes.

And when he opened them a never before seen sight appeared before him.

Before him, colorful and vibrant lights stood all around.

These lights fascinated the boy the more he looked at them the more curious the boy got about them.

This was the first of the many turning points in Jak's life.

Before Jak was a gloomy boy with no light in his eyes who had always stood in a corner.

But now it was different Jak stood up always full of life in is eyes