
The Game: Infinity

Suddenly aware. Unfamiliar environment. An unending nothingness. A consciousness blurs into existence. The birth of something, in a place where there is nothing. Unknown ability. Unknown purpose. The Infinite experiments...

AlphaMangus · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


A rule births.


Dust expands endlessly throughout the void.

The infinite watches.

Gravity pulls dust together.

Stars form, glimmering.

The infinite stares.

"... Light..."

A star whirls into existence.

The infinite squeezes.

The star collapses.

The infinite throws.

The mass flies through dust clouds.

Devouring all.

Large structures form around the dark mass.

"... More..."

The structures duplicate.

The infinite muses.

Small spheres of coagulated stardust form.

The spheres glow with heat.

The infinite ponders.

"... Cold...?"

Several spheres freeze instantly.

The infinite sways.

"... Warm..."

The spheres thaw.

The icy prison crumbles.

Some spheres' ice evaporates.

Others melt into liquid.

The rocky cores of these spheres remain frozen.

The infinite shifts.

A new rule is formed.


The infinite stares.

Small things form from the elements.

Cells are born within the liquid.

One. Ten. One hundred. One thousand.

They replicate quickly.

The infinite coos.

A new life has birthed.

Single cell organisms.

A new life has birthed.

Multicellular organisms.

A new life has birthed.


A new life has birthed.


The infinite grins.


So, life was birthed on a cold core planet?

I'm not entirely sure how I should have developed this.

I did a bit of research, and a planet with a solid core or frozen core, in this case, makes it very difficult for life.

In any case, I will do my best to showcase the evolution of life.

Oh, and one other thing, some may be wondering why this is all happening so quickly.

The development is told from the first and third person perspective of the "Infinite" who is a timeless being.

AlphaManguscreators' thoughts