
Carl Meets The Strange Boy

Leaving the tavern behind, Carl mounted his horse with ease. "I'm going for a ride."

"I'll join you," Seina said, quickly mounting her own horse.

Carl chuckled at Seina's clinginess. "You're quite attached, aren't you?" he teased.

Rolling her eyes, Seina retorted, "I'm just doing my job, and frankly, I'd rather not linger in that place any longer than necessary."

"Ah, well then, it's my pleasure to have Lady Seina accompany me," Carl replied with a smile, nudging his horse forward.

As they rode through the impoverished streets, Seina couldn't help but sigh at the sight of families struggling to survive. "Will poverty ever cease to exist?" she wondered aloud.

Carl shook his head. "I doubt poverty can ever truly be eradicated. There will always be those who find themselves in dire circumstances. The best we can do is offer them support and opportunities to improve their situation."

Seina's frustration with the state of affairs bubbled to the surface. "It's disheartening to think that the Emperor turns a blind eye to such suffering..."

"Seina, we've discussed this before," Carl interrupted sternly, his tone tinged with exasperation. "You can't openly criticize the Emperor like that. Nobles would jump at the chance to use it against you, and it could cost you dearly."

"My apologies..." Seina murmured, chastened.

Carl's expression softened, but his tone remained serious. "It's not that I necessarily disagree with you," he admitted. "But you must remember the delicate balance between our nation and the other Holy Countries. Any misstep could lead to conflict, especially with the unpredictable Pope and his mad son of Havenia."

"That's true..." Seina conceded, recognizing that the Emperor had weighty concerns, especially with the looming presence of the Holy Kingdom of Havenia.

The Pope's ambitious desires for control over the Holy Continent were unsettling the delicate balance among the three holy countries.

"Perhaps... Lord Michael or Lord Gabriel would be willing to lend us aid," Seina suggested, her eyes hopeful.

Carl hesitated, considering her words. "I'm not certain the Gods would directly intervene in human conflicts," he replied cautiously.

"But the four Archangels are the sworn protectors of the Lumeira Empire," Seina insisted, confidently. "I'm certain they would come to our aid if our nation were in danger."

For thousands of years, the Holy Lumeira Empire had been under the watchful protection of the four Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. These divine beings had consistently blessed the empire and intervened in times of peril.

"Indeed, they have always been steadfast in their protection," Carl agreed, recalling the times when the Archangels had graced banquets at the Imperial Palace with their presence.

"I have no doubt about that... perhaps the Emperor will consider seeking their help or counsel," Carl mused, looking to the sky as if expecting their divine protectors to descend soon.

"Hey, you!" Seina's voice cut through the air, causing Carl to turn around.

With a swift dismount from her horse, Seina hurried toward a man who appeared to be bothering two children.

Upon spotting Seina's armored presence and Carl at her side, the man hastily retreated in fear.

"Are you both alright?" Seina's concern was evident as she faced the two children.

"We're fine. Thank you," came a boy's voice, as he quickly began to move past Seina.

"Wait!" Seina called out, halting their hurried steps.

"What's wrong?" The boy turned back, his dark eyes meeting Seina's.

Seina and Carl both felt a sense of unease at the boy's gaze. It was strangely distant and devoid of emotion, a common sight among children living in the slums, yet this one felt different.

After a moment of silence, Seina shifted her attention to the girl standing beside the boy.


The girl was strikingly beautiful, her hair a shimmering silver-white. It seemed improbable that she belonged in the slums, just like the boy.

"Have you two lost your way here? Where are your parents?" Seina asked, her voice tinged with surprise.

Carl, too, joined in, his brow furrowing at the remarkable appearance of the children despite their hooded attire.

"We don't have any parents. She's... my sister," the boy explained.

"Is that true?" Seina asked, taken aback.

"Y-Yes," the girl affirmed softly, retreating behind the boy and clutching his arm for comfort.

"They might be nobles, don't you think, Lord Carl?" Seina whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah, they might be. Especially the girl. I can't understand how they ended up here. Perhaps they've been abandoned," Carl speculated.


"Many children in the slums are. It's sadly not uncommon. Even nobles abandon their children due to the burden," Carl explained, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"It's cruel..." Seina's heart ached at the thought. She glanced at the two children with a conflicted expression. "Shouldn't we take them with us too?"

"Seina, what about all the other children you've seen? The families? Are we going to take them all?" Carl's tone was firm, bringing a dose of reality to the situation.

"B-But these two are alone. They have no one to protect them. Just moments ago, they were in danger..." Seina's voice trailed off, concerned. "Two more wouldn't burden us. They're vulnerable out here..."

Carl grappled with Seina's plea, unsure of how to respond to her determination.

"Hey, you two," Seina's tone softened as she offered a warm smile, tilting her head slightly. "How about joining us? We can provide plenty of food and a safe place to sleep. You won't have to be alone anymore."

The boy looked at Seina for a moment, his gaze lingering on her armor. "No, thanks," he finally said, turning to walk away.

"W-Wait! It's not safe for your sister to be alone! Aren't you worried about her? You can't protect her all by yourself..." Seina persisted.

The boy halted his steps, his gaze shifting to the girl beside him. "Do you want to go with them? Or stay with me?"

The girl shook her head. "No... stay with you."

"Then it's decided," the boy stated without looking back, and they continued on their way.

Seina was about to speak up again, but Carl caught her arm gently. "Let it go, Seina."


"You can't save everyone. I think they've seen enough to make their choice, don't you think?" Carl said calmly.

Seina was left speechless, conflicted by her desire to help them..

"Come on, let's focus on resolving the two cases at hand," Carl said, leading Seina away with a gentle tug on her arm.


Mounting on his horse, Carl threw a last glance at the departing two children, especially the boy before leaving.


a"Um... is it okay that we turned them down?" Anastasia asked softly as they walked together.

"What do you think, Anastasia?" Marek asked.

"I... I'm not sure... she seemed kind," Anastasia murmured, her thoughts troubled.

Marek came to a stop, turning to face her. "Then perhaps you should go with them," he said gently, removing her hand from his arm.

"Eh?" Anastasia was taken aback as she watched Marek begin to walk away.

"She was right. You might be safer with them than with me. You should hurry and catch up with them," Marek suggested.

Anastasia's face paled for some reason, and she hurriedly reached out to grab Marek's arm. "N-No!"

"Don't you trust her more than me? She's a Holy Knight of the Empire," Marek asked, his gaze soft but carrying a subtle pressure.

"N-No... I... I don't... I don't know why, but I feel... safer around you... Please... don't leave me..." Tears welled up in Anastasia's eyes, her voice trembling.

As expected even Marek couldn't bear to see Anastasia cry. He gently embraced her, his touch comforting as he tenderly patted her head. "Remember this well, Ana. I would never hurt you. You are a part of me. And by my side, you'll always be safe. Nobody comes close to me in that aspect."

"Hic... Y-Yes..." Anastasia hugged Marek tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she found solace in his embrace.

Atop the building in front of Marek and Anastasia, a lone girl sat perched, her dark gold eyes fixed on them.

[Lady Queen, your aura is leaking out-]

"Shut up, Prometheus."

I'll appreciate the powerstones guys and your thoughts!

And add it in your library if you like it!

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