
The Galge System

I dunno, comment a synopsis for me? But I don't claim ownership on any of the materials included in the story, excluding the originals mentioned within. If an original somehow resembles your idea, I am now stating that this is all a coincidence and we can have a discussion on the matter.

senpaikazi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

POV switch: An otaku's misunderstanding

I stopped thinking about it since thinking about it does not really solves things other than my curiosity, but since the man in front of me had proven that he can teach me something, then that will surely solve things.

Fortunately, I don't have to stay for exactly 2 years and can leave anytime I want.

So whenever I feel like I had learned enough, I can immediate say farewell then hit the road.

For some reason the tutor prevented us to introduce ourselves, but maybe because there are still another trial for me to be officially accepted.

Which is what is going to happen next as the tutor beckoned me to follow him as he move towards the exit. Is the trial going to happen outside?

The thoughts about the trial was interrupted though, because as we step outside the tutor's place, the historical Japan ambience immediately registered my senses as I did a another realization about the fact that I am now in the Demon Slayer world.

The tutor's place does not really gave me any impression as it would look like a shack in the countryside with how dilapidated it is, but with other houses giving a similar but cleaner vibe, the fact that I am now in a time where katanas and bows are still common place (and about to be replaced with guns) is being engrave in my common sense. replacing what I was used to from the modern world that I previously lived in.

So I spent the time following the tutor with gawking around the environment and looking everywhere like a tourist.

The kimono-like garments being worn as a common fashion.

Certain people wearing weapons in a place where they can be immediately drawn.

The noise from those having conversations.

Topics that wouldn't be present in modern era.

Gossips... well, the same.

Some people had their attention on me seeing that I was looking around like a hillbilly, but seeing that I am also looking similar with them must have lessen such attention thinking that I am an outsider visiting the village for the first time. Maybe as a person visiting a village for a first time.

As I return my attention to the tutor in front of me, I noticed that he is now eating something which is surprising as we never stopped in one of the stalls selling food, so I am now wondering where did the tutor get something to eat.

Since I am not really interested in the topic, I immediately let go of my curiosity and go back to looking around.

The novelty died down later as the scenery became repetitive but then I realized that we are now leaving the village's premise as I see rice fields with a forest just beyond the open area.


Maybe because of my peaceful and modern upbringing, but after I decided to turn my attention again to the tutor to ask him what we are going to do and where, I noticed that I am now alone inside a forest.

It was then I realized.

The sun has already set.

I am now too deep in the forest that I cannot even see the village from where I am standing.

I am in a Demon Slayer world.

Which means... demons.

I immediately raised my guard and choose a random tree to lean on.

After doing an initial visual check on my immediate surroundings, I try to remember the way back to the village.

Noticing a handle attached to my waist, I immediately put my hand on it so that I can enter thunder breathing first form anytime. But I realized that it was only made out of wood as it was the wooden blade I used from the impromptu duel I had just earlier.

I am now regretting that I did not include a nichirin katana in my starter since I thought that I would only encounter demons in the final selection.

Just as the naïve thought that I may not be encountering any demons and was about to start going be to the village, I heard a rustling sound from somewhere and immediately gathered my focus and try to locate where did the sound came from. Plus I am praying that the origin of the noise won't be a demon.

But my prayers weren't really answered the rustling sound immediately became frantic which is a sound from a fast moving object. I won't be hoping that it would be a person as people typically won't approach other people with that speed.

I hope that I will be surviving this encounter as I prepare to have an all out attempt to run away from the demon.

Why don't I run away immediately? wasting my stamina before the battle is obviously a less efficient choice compared to running away after preventing the demon from moving even for a while as it would enable me to have a good headstart.

So I wish myself all the best I will pull off.