
The Start of the Apocalypse:

Ch. 1.1 "Prologue"

"Hello humans, worry not for who or what I am but know that I am omnipresent. The time has come for the new hero's of your world to be selected. This is the first instance where hero selection is announced to all of humanity but we were left with no choice."

The voice of whom sounded like a soft spoken woman traveled across the world and into the minds of its listeners. Listeners were left puzzled, "What was that?" Suddenly a light emitted from 5 points around the world. The light shined so bright as to highlight their presence.

"Welcome humans, you have been selected as fitting candidate's to fight against the lord of the dark. You need not to know about the dark lord as you have to become stronger in order to defeat him," The softly voiced woman spoke. There, 5 individuals levitated from the ground and into the sky. Three women and two men were the chosen "Hero's" the woman spoke of.

"Let me go!" Said one of the male candidates. "Worry not child, you will soon be free from my restriction once-." "I SAID LET ME GO!" shouted the male candidate. "My name is Kel and I never agreed to such things like being a hero!"

"Hmm, now that it seems everyone is listening, lets introduce humanities hero's and their respective weapons," The voice echo's.

After the voice had finished the introductions, the listeners on earth were left perplexed. To summarize, the candidates: Kel, Lowa, Mei, Culno, and Anna were the ones selected to become hero's.

Kel age 22, an American athlete and former national high school track star. Lowa is a shy and conservative girl from the Philippines, age 25. Mei, a 17 year old girl from China who had cooking as her number one passion. Culno age 34, an Italian Butcher by day and a garbage man by night. Finally, Anna age 27, a single mom of two young children from Ireland.

"Finally, you must find your purpose and be ever so diligent in order to achieve great feats. With this is my farewell, heroes you are not the only hope of saving your world but you are the 5 different pathways in order to save the world." As soon as the voice finished her dialogue, a noise resembling a click from a computer mouse echo's through the listeners ears.

Suddenly, a vortex animated from thin air behind the heroes and began to suck the world them. Forced into the ever so mysterious vortex, the story starts as the heroes journey in another world.

Ch. 1.2 "Assessing My Surroundings"

As the heroes came to their surrounding, they were left in awe as their surroundings were nothing short but amazing. Dragonflies flying through the air, the sound of the river stream, and the moss covering the forest around them. There was only one problem, "Where am I?" was the thought that passed through each of their minds. They soon traveled in all directions trying to located a way out the forest and they soon found it. A plain so wide covered with bright yellow grass, and in the distance is a village with brown net like rooftops. "Hey! Is that you Kel?" said a voice distancing far from Kel's left side. "Who is it?" Kel shouted back. A shadowy figure ran up to Kel in a deep voice, it was Culno wearing his garbage man uniform. From afar came 4 other figures of shadow, all of which were the members of the Heroes. "Nice! were all here but what should we do?" said Anna. "Why don't we go to the village in the distance to see if we can talk to the people about our whereabouts?" asked Mei.

So, as the winds blow through the hairs of each hero, they traveled towards the village for information about the new world around them. But as the hero's story commence, another entity, a man's story will end.

This is my first time trying to really write a novel of the stuff that I come up with my head. So I would love some suggestions that arnt just "Keep Yourself Safe" :D

Aka_Onicreators' thoughts