
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: the truth and the present pt. 1


  As Alula fell from Enestria her memories with Willow from the past few months flashed through her mind, and brought tears to her eyes. All the laughs, smiles, tears, the long conversations, the perfect days, hell even the bad days made her smile because she was with her mate.

  She finally arrives at Willow's apartment her emotions got the best of her. She couldn't lose Willow, so she turned on her heels and walks away. Little did she know that Willow was waiting at the window and seen her walking closer to the apartment.

When Willow seen her turn she ran as fast as she could to Alula. Willow grabbed her hand and pulled her into a warm embrace, with the most passionate kiss she ever had.

They stayed wrapped in each others arms on the street for what felt like forever, until Willow felt a strange drop of water. It wasn't supposed to rain, so where did it come from. Then she heard a very faint sniffle and her heart broke into a million pieces.

"What's wrong Lulu?" Willow asks pulling back to look her in the eyes.

Alula smiles slightly at the nickname but her smile falters...now or never Alula thought.

"Let's go inside and talk love.." Alula says with a sad tone, while pulling her unknowing mate into the apartment.

Willow's POV

Alula keeps pacing in front of me while I sit on the barstool at the counter. I'm very worried.. she said we had to talk..

"Don't have sympathy just rip the band-aid right off," I say wincing waiting for her to tell me she can't be with me anymore.

Alula instantly has tears in her eyes, "Oh my love that's not what I meant when I said we had to talk." She takes a shaky breath and starts explaining, "I know you probably won't believe me, but I'm a fallen star from Enestria. Enestria is the kingdom of stars, anyway..umm a stars main goal in their life is to find their soulmate, it usually takes most of their life. Very few are as lucky as I am to find theirs at such a young age. Willow, you're my soulmate and I'm deeply in love with you. I understand if you need time to process this and even if you are uncomfortable being with me.."

It was now my turn for tears to be brought to my eyes. She loves me! She's my soulmate! Wait did she say she was a star!! A million thoughts filled my head, but none of them were of me leaving her. I loved her.

I get up from my barstool and walk to her. Placing both my hands on her face I say, "Lulu, I love you too."

The smile that was on her face made me feel like I had won the lottery. She was mine and she was happy!