
The Gaion Sorcerer

In a Bronze Age world, magic is both incredibly feared and highly powerful. The Gaion Empire exercises extreme control over the mages within it's territory while the "uncontrollable" sorcerers are hunted down and executed. *this is NOT a romance, I don't know why Webnovel tagged it as such. It's a female-lead fantasy*

Society_Archer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

And the Beginning of Another

A half-day's walk south of there lay the the city of Northhold, where the people were busy with their day to day lives. A line of wagons and carts stretched out from the city gates, both northern and southern, as all trade between the Gaion Empire and the Barbarian Lands north of the Wolfskull Forest had to pass thru here in order for the authorities to collect taxes.

To everyone's surprise, a tremendous blue-white light appeared in the the northern sky, quickly drawing all eyes to it, throwing all who saw it into confusion.

"What is that?"

"Is that a fire?"

"Have the end-times came?"

However, when the immense sphere of blue-white flame suddenly exploded, many of those who observed it began to scream as others started to flee in terror. And then, the shockwave hit. Like a great tempest from the Western Ocean, branches and debris from the forest came crashing into the crowd, slamming into horses and people alike. Thankfully, the city's tall walls prevented the majority of the debris from causing chaos inside of the city itself. And the cities guards, along with many of the more courageous inhabitants, quickly began to provide assistance to those who were injured by the unexplained explosion.

Once things calmed down, the city governor sent a patrol of the city guard to go investigate the cause of the fireball and explosion, and to determine if there was any threat to the city.


A small group of guards slowly made their way thru the forest, stopping only when they reached a sudden precipice. The guards jaws dropped as they stared across the unexpected void.

"Wha, what caused THIS?" asked a guard in amazement

"This. could only have been done by the very gods battling." slowly stated another.

The Guard-sergeant approached the edge, shocked by the immense void that the ocean was already trying to claim.

"We must tell the governor, because anything that can create THIS, is DEFINATELY a threat, and not one we can handle either."

And with that statement, the small patrol turned around and slowly made their way back to Northhold.


At the same time as the explosion, in a small village far to the east, near where the Wolfskull Forest met the foothills of the Worldspine Mountains, a young lady suddenly cried out and doubled over in pain.

"Saroia!! What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you cramping?" another girl asked worriedly.

As the pain subsided just as rapidly as it came, the first girl was able to straighten back up and respond, "No, Judette, that wasn't a cramp, and I am okay. But I don't know what caused that. Just a random pain I suppose."

"Well, do you feel wierd or strange at all?" asked Judette

Saroia thought carefully and stated slowly, "I do feel a strange emptiness that wasn't there before. It's almost like something important is gone. But I can't figure out what it could be."

"How strange. As long as you are okay then it doesn't matter that much I suppose."