
The Start of a Journey

Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

Josh Docherty stood on the platform of Glasgow Central, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through his veins. He was just fifteen years old, but he had big dreams. Dreams that would take him far from his Scottish town and into the world of football.

His alarm had blared in his ear at 4:30 a.m., but he hadn't needed it. The anticipation had kept him up all night. This was the day he had been waiting for. The day he would embark on his journey to the youth camp in Manchester, where his talent would be put to the test.

As the train pulled into the station, Josh's heart rate quickened. He took a deep breath, hoisted his duffel bag over his shoulder, and boarded the train. Finding an empty seat by the window, he settled in, his mind swirling with thoughts of what lay ahead. The train ride felt like a blur as the scenery passed by in a whirl of green fields, quaint towns, and towering mountains. Josh couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. He had never traveled this far on his own before. It was a milestone, a stepping stone toward his dreams.

Three hours later, the train pulled into Manchester Piccadilly station. Josh stepped onto the platform, taking in the hustle and bustle of the vibrant city. He navigated through the crowd, following the directions provided by the organizers of the youth camp. Outside the station, a car awaited him. It was the scout that had scouted him up in Glasgow and he walked over and started conversation. "Mr John it's good to see you again" flashing a smile. "Likewise Josh it's been awhile, but we must be going" he said in his English accent.

The car journey was filled with silence with only the radio to keep josh entertained they were talking about how Manchester city had been doing recently in the premier league and it isnt very good. They discussed how Machester Utd could improve and what players are doing good. Josh listened intently, soaking in every word. The passion radiated from him wishing they were talking about him instead.

Upon arrival at the youth team, an imposing sports complex nestled amidst green fields, Josh was greeted by coaches and staff members and he was ushered into the dormitories where he would be staying for the future until his parents had bought a house in Manchester.

Josh couldn't believe the caliber of facilities available to him. The pristine football pitches, the state-of-the-art gym, and the training rooms left him in awe. It was like stepping into a whole new world, a world where possibilities were limitless.

Over the next few days, Josh threw himself into the training sessions, pushing his limits and showcasing his skills. He sprinted across the field, dribbling the ball with precision, and sending powerful shots toward the goal. He was determined to leave a lasting impression, to catch the eye of the coaches.

On the fifth day of him arriving, Josh received an unexpected invitation. He was invited by the lead coach of the youth team to tell him he had been chosen for the team to play against wolves academy. Josh had then said" You won't regret this Sir" A mixture of joy and a sense of responsibility. He realized that the real work was just beginning. This was his chance to prove himself and make his dreams a reality. As Josh departed from the manager's office, he couldn't help but feel a renewed determination. His youth team days had just started but this meeting marked the start of his true journey.

With a steely gaze fixed on the future, Josh embraced the challenges that lay ahead. He was ready to give everything to make his mark in the world of football, driven by his passion and the belief that dreams can come true.