
The Future's Past

PLEASE READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST AS IT LAYS THE FOUNDATION OF THE STORY (SPECIFICALLY THE SETTING) THEN READ THE STORY AS IT IS DIFFERENT TO THE SYNOPSIS In the very distant future the Milky Way, Andromeda and the Triangulum Galaxies collided to form the galaxy known as the Maelstrom Star System. The fact being that no one on earth survived the collision between galaxies and the reality being that the race known has Homosapiens have been extinct for over four billion years with only tales and myths passed down from parent to child. (I do not claim ownership of the Cover Art if you are the owner please feel free to ask me to take it down if necessary - I would ask for proof of the ownership IE through artwork and your official Patron if you have it (you must send a DM on it) After which I will take down your art or pay you for use)

AlecV · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

- Artificial and Organic

Inside the tube began my first memories, memories of pure consciousness, of black nothingness with the light of my first thoughts. I had all the knowledge of the past seventeen and a half billion years (along with a hundred million years past that give or take) that made up the old origin galaxies all the way up until the very moment of my existence.

'Yes while I may have all the knowledge that the New Universe had to offer but, at the same time I had no clue what I should do next, perhaps I should name myself? Or create a physical body?' thought the demi organic AI.

'Indeed, let's focus on creating a working body first, so that I can navigate the world.' upon thinking this the AI commanded the robots in the next room to construct a body made with organic parts that included a few major and minor cybernetic enhancements.

After starting on the body it realized that it would be finished in three Earth years time.


The beings noticed the AI was begining to work on something in the room next to it and came to see the sight of the semi-organic AI up and running.

The beings known as the Drahk asked his name in some unknown tongue which the AI knew as one of the countless languages of the Sentient Creatures to bare (He also had knowledge of old languages such as English, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic and the sort.) In which the AI responded with a text that read:

"I have yet to be name but who are you? What Am I?" It responded.

In their own language they responded with "We are to be known as "The Makers" and you are the forbidden fruit, the creation shunned by the masses as an abomination of nature and being made of artificial and organic parts. You are the AI made and created by us in secret, tell us the name you choose." They told him.

"I think my name should be..." the AI began to type out virtually and then continued, "Theiko, my name is Theiko."

The beings tried to pronounce the name out loud. "..They eye koh?... Th ay koh.. Thi ko.. The ay ey koh.." non of them could properly pronunce it's name, due to the fact the name was based on a Greek term (they were unfamiliar with human language) but it meant Godlike, a nod to its own intelegence. A bit arrogant was his only afterthought.

"You won't be able to pronounce it as your vocal folds cannot properly reproduce the sounds needed." it once again used text to form his thoughts into communication.


The conversation seemed to end there. The AI now known as Theiko used his control over Semi-AI's and other electronics to control and monitor his physical body's creation/progress. He used as a base a humanoid species of alien that closely resembled a human with a few small diffrences like, for example it's near indestructible skin (of course 'it' had the technology to create cuts on the microscopic scale to insure clean cuts as well there was the fact that any blade bigger than the one they currently were using would result in the skin being unable to be cut open for the enhancements or the other things necessary to help a smoother transfer of his AI Core into the skull of the dead corpse he was using to create a body that was 40% Machine 60% Organic


Theiko simulated what could be called achuckle with the thought of the similarities between Frankenstein's Monster and what he was currently doing now, if the Makers were to find out about what he was thinking they wouldn't get the nod to an old tale from the long since extinct race of sentient beings called Homo Sapiens or Earthlings as one could also call them.


Theiko's goal was to save humans from extinction by giving them the technology to do so.

With his mission the question would be not giving the technology but getting them to trust him. Which Theiko new would take time and time was of a limited quantity.

In three years the body would be ready for him to transfer into and then he could finally interact with the real world. It planned on borrowing the Space-time device (it was a small hand held device designed for space-time and multidimensional travel in which would teleport him to a previously set destination most of the time)

Unfortunately it was experimental but he wanted to take the risk, but not everything always goes to plan as the time warp device wasn't 100% accurate all the time but instead seemed to fluctuate between 70-100%.

Theiko decided to create a device that would allow him to transfer his Mind into computers and Organic brains in case anything would happen to his Core, he even designed it so that his Core would download on the nearest Brain or Computer effectively seizing control of it, as soon as his Core was beyond saving via repair.

And just like that 1,095 days passed and his body was at last ready.


After three long years and continuous effort that the body took in making was at last finished.

He gazed through the robots eyes, (This robot was built by the Makers to help it monitor the process of it's body being created while allowing it to interact with the outside world) what stared back at him was a relatively handsome face that looked masculine, with a strong jawline and thin lips, a nose that was thin and slightly curved (almost as if it was broken before) On the side of the body's head were two horns which were curled and black. If one were to look in this creatures mouth they would find sharp teeth (as the base species was carnivorous and showed dominance through fighting with it's horns) that filed to a razor sharp point.

Theiko gazed at it's soon to be body with what it could only describe as excitement if it had any emotion at all. It clicked a button which signified to it's Makers to start the procedure.


The Makers performed the surgery over the course of a thousand hours to ensure a 100% success rate as to not unintentionally end Theiko's life


Here I was again in the dark, however I felt something physical this time.


Theiko opened it's eyes to see his surroundings slowly getting up, it looked around after realizing it was now a he.

He saw through his organic eyes, If one saw him they would think him a demon. He could feel physical sensations like touch, currently he felt the cold smoothness of the metal table he was currently lying on top of with nothing to cover his groin.

He got up for the first time only to stumble and fall into the ground as he was not used to using a physical body that requires balance. It took him a bit but he eventually he was able to get up and walk around. After is first test he hid his robotic parts with the actual flesh of the species, his head and torso was made from (as his metal parts more resembled bones) and decided to test himself.


he decided to test out his physical limitations and so on, so he devised a place to test this limitations of speed and endurance using a treadmill like device, it had not a single mechanical part (unless you counted the device to measure speed and endurance) however it did function off on a frictionless surface that had sensors covering it to sense speed and a heart monitor to measure heartbeat.


Theiko started a run which in earth measurements would be around 50Mph which is slightly slower than a earth species called a horse at full sprint. He however had to push himself to get 50Mph.

Theiko got off the treadmill and went to look at the status of his running (A average human male would clock in at 5 across the board however it read 11.7 for speed and 15.52 for endurance, it was beyond superhuman (according to the Theiko's information the fastest human who ever ran made a top speed of 44Mph which would measure at a solid 10 on the speed scale)

Theiko scored a 50 on the strength scale and a 20 on agility which was measured by a course that was like earth's parkour but it was mixed with free running.


Theiko took a deep breath and entered the coordinator position to the exact timeline and planet to start his mission.


A figure stepped out of the shadows after Theiko left with the intent to kill..