
The fusion system - Master of the Dark

A being who has forgotten everything yet also subconsciously knows all appear in a void. They soon awaken the consequence system which is the name this system will go by as well as his cheat skill. The legendary fusion skill. Anything can be fused. This will mostly focus on something I haven't seen other fusion system stories do which is a fusion of an inanimate and an animate. There will still be fusions between skills, feats, boons, people, monsters, and at a very faraway point between the system itself. Though you could say that will have consequences.

LordOfFlesh · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Nothings right. I can't feel anything but at the same time, I feel everything. I feel inexplicable joys and sorrows while also feeling what can only be called emotionally numb. I feel pain spread through my body at the same time as pleasure. Is this some type of limbo? Experiencing all the pleasures of heaven while experiencing all the pains of hell? Or perhaps I am asleep and will wake up before quickly forgetting this whole experience. I put away my thoughts for now and just bathe in the experience. Even if I forget this feeling I believe it will make me grow. It will teach me about the human mind. Well unless im in limbo but then I just wasted some of my possibly infinite time.

I can feel both the intricacies of being apathetic as well as being stimulating. I can feel how detached I am from every reality and yet I am passionate about even the smallest of beings.

The ecstasy overwhelms my mind while the grief shatters all barriers I could make.

It is truly the most novel experience. It is as though I took a ton of drugs and they all didn't conflict.

Finally, my mind starts to process something. I'm in an abyss. Not the darkness as at least there is something beyond that. No in here it is purely black. Not absent of light nor is it bright. It also isn't in the middle. It's an impossible experience to describe. It would be like describing the color red to someone with no knowledge of what a color is in the first place or what language itself is. It might be done at some point but how many years would pass before you succeed if you ever do? It would be a fool's pipe dream.

[The Consequential system has awoken]

[All actions have consequences yours more than others. ]




Class perks:Every 5 levels gain 1 feat, class evolution at level 25

Feats:Crosser of the Soul Barrier(10% increase in max stats, new life, and a cheat.)

Cheat: Fusion



Boons:you can only gain boons after every class evolution. The rarer the class the rarer the boon.







{Possible features hidden}

If you're curious about some general directions this story will go here are the classes im considering using(these are not the ones directly after adventurer. These are like the second or third class evolution):

Mutophage(As the name implies it is someone who is constantly mutating. Their very essence is in flux)

Vessel(another creature lurks in their body and this class can lead on many different paths.)

Anomaly(this is closer to a racial modifier than a class. Beings who don't follow the laws of reality. Perhaps their mana acts as stamina, their strength is inverted, blood that doesn't exist in this reality, or infinitely other things that cannot happen.)

Flesh Weaver(a rare form of necromancy focusing on a few undead and improving them through modifications. Oftentimes the flesh weaver themselves are also modified)

Feats im considering(as above so below):

Graft Flesh(improves necromancy skills and upgrades the flesh weaver class to Corpse Molder. The Corpse Molder no longer has to use creatures of the same type in their abominations.)

Limit breaker(each class tier has limits on the max amount of total stats. For tier 1 it's 100 however few reach that. This feat is given for free when someone not only reaches the max of their class they find one of the very few ways to break through past the limit. It doubles the limit for each tier.)

Feat mastery(this feat just doubles the power of one other feat which can make even the most mediocre feat really fucking good.)

Cannibal(The taste of forbidden flesh nourishes you greatly.)