
The Fuhrer ( aot )(completed)

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

Darkraven · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 5

We don't have to do this."

"Yes, we don't. However, if not us then who?"

"We can turn back."

"And what? Continue to till land all day? You may if you so desire, but I will follow my dream and complete the goals."

"I can't help but agree with Eren, Mikasa. I have a feeling that with Eren we really could take back the walls."

Mikasa gave a sigh as they moved up the line. All of them had finally turned twelve, the line in which they stood was one to sign up for the military.

"But Eren wants to join the Scouts. You've all seen their survival rates, how many come back from an expedition."

"Mikasa." Eren spoke up in a cold tone. "Why do you continue to follow me."

"What?" She said in confusion, not knowing how this related.

"You follow me of your own desire, and do I hinder you for that? You have fought many of the battles I have gotten into, without my approval. All things considered, my pride should be crippled, having a female fight my battles for me."

"But Eren!"

"But nothing, Mikasa! I have allowed you to trample on my pride in order for you to selflessly fight my battles. You desire to follow me, and although I don't know what your goals for such actions are, I still recognize them and let you do what you please."

"...Am I a hindrance for you?"

"Not in the slightest." Eren gave a smile as they moved up the line once again. "I just simply wish for you to recognize my desires, and allow me to act on them."

"...I understand." Mikasa bowed her head after some reluctance. "But please, don't do anything reckless."

"If I followed that rule, then you wouldn't be here, would you?" Eren gave a smirk.

"Next!" Before any of them could continue, the recruiter called the next person in line. Seeing as there was no one in front of Eren, it had to be him.

Walking up, he greeted the man.

"So kid, you just turn the twelve? Alright then, go straight ahead and the second tent on your right. We'll get records sorted out and take a physical. Next!"

With the first stage passed, Eren let on to the tent the man had specified. Records found, confirming he was old enough to join the military, as well as a physical, and Eren was on a wagon about to depart for the training grounds.

He was soon joined by his friends.

"I can't believe I passed the physical." Armin said as he nervously chuckled.

"Really?" Eren raised an eyebrow. "The physical is just to see if you're healthy and capable of the rigorous training they put on new recruits."

"Ahh, I know that, it's just…" Armin hesitated briefly. "I am not the strongest guy nor do I have the stamina to back it up…"

As Armin trailed off in a spiral of comments that belittled himself, Eren couldn't help but sigh.

"Listen, use this." He gave a flick to his forehead, causing him to flinch back. "Just because you are physically weak doesn't mean you're not strong. Be a guy to go around the wall, not smash through it."

"Your friends right." A voice inside the wagon spoke up. Although the wagon was only half full and still filling, it seemed like people were in their own little world. With heads cast down, and eyes unattentive, Eren thought no one would join their conversation.

"In the end, being smart is what will save us from the Titan menace." The blond burly boy said as he smiled.

It was at that moment Eren's heart almost stopped, or perhaps it accelerated. His eyes narrowed at the boy's face. An indescribable feeling began to blossom in his stomach as he observed the burly child who had spoken. The boy's face alternated between another, less appealing face.

That of the armored Titan.

When he was younger in this body, Eren realized that perhaps Titans were once people. Considering the biology and resemblance, it was almost certain.

However, for a human to look exactly like the Titan that smashed the inner gates...

Bringing into consideration that those two Titans seemed intelligence, Eren's gut all but told him this was no coincidence.

He gritted his teeth in anger and subconsciously tightened his hands to form a fist on his lap.

It all but lasted but a mere millisecond, far to fast for even an expert to catch such implications.

"Hello." Eren smiled, resuming his mask of lies. "I thank you for the words of encouragement, my name is Eren."

"Ah, the name's Reiner. This is my bud, Bertholdt."

Eren couldn't help but twitch an eye at the uncanny resemble Bertholdt had to the Colossal Titan. Honestly, it was as if fate wasn't even trying to hide the fact that these boys not only had an uncanny resemblance to the aforementioned Titans, but the fact that they came into contact with Eren so early on.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

A pleasure indeed.

Eren leaned against the railing of the boy's barracks. He watched with minor interest as the newly christened 'Potato Girl' ran laps around the compound. She really was running until she dropped.

"Is she still going at it?" A small, bald boy came up to stand with him and others.

"Can't believe what an idiot she is, eating right there in the formation!"

"Regardless, you can't help but respect her dedication." Eren let out an amused chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"Her devotion for food is quite admirable, so much that she even keeps running when her lunch privileges were at stake."

"Yeah… Hey, I'm Thomas, I noticed that the Sarge didn't call on you, why is that?"

Why indeed, Eren thought. It couldn't be simply because they were from Shinganshina, could it be? No, then Armin wouldn't have been called upon. Regardless, the man, Drill Instructor Keith Shadis, had known Eren's mother. From his early childhood, he recalled the man visiting every so often.

He used to be the Commander of the Scouts with full hair, but now…

A shell of what he once was. Regardless, what mattered was the here and now. Making connections within these training grounds was the first priority. Just from looking around, he could see some valuable pieces that would bode well for him to have.

"Ah, the name is Eren. I don't really know why he didn't call on a few of us, perhaps it had something to do with our character? Maybe he just picked a few at random to scare away some people?"

"Why would he do that?" The bald midget said. "You would think he would want as many people in the army as possible."

"Maybe he just cares more for us then he lets on." Eren said as he walked away, going to the mess hall. Dinner hours were almost over and Eren really didn't want to go to bed with an empty stomach if he didn't have to.

Although, perhaps he could gain someone's appreciation by bringing them food after such a long run. Eren gave a smirk as he walked towards the mess hall. Finally, he could start having some fun.

"No way! You actually saw them?!" Eren had thought that it would be a peaceful dinner. That the nerves of everyone would be wracked with worry over if they would be able to pass the first test or not.

However, one thing led to another and now the people knew he had a first-hand experience with the Titans.

"They say that the Colossal Titan was twice as large as the walls, is that true?"

"Twice as large? No, nothing like that." Eren once again adopted a mask. That of an ally to these people. By being on good terms, it would allow him to manipulate them further.

"What were they like, the Titans I mean?"

Eren stayed silent at that. It wasn't because it weighed heavily on him, the Titans. He did not fear them. Disgust, yes, but not fear. He felt rage and anger towards the Titans. Such abominations, what they did to his mother…

"Hey, lay off him, will you?" A good samaritan, Eren didn't quite see who it was, took his silence as a bad thing. Although it did trigger the death of his mother to flash before his eyes, it didn't paralyze him.

"No, it's nothing." Eren took this time to find the two people's reaction he wanted to see himself. Finding them, he said his next line. "Titans, the armored and the colossal, they've slaughtered thousands, both directly and indirectly. If we fear them and don't fight back, then who will? You wished to know what they were like? Just oversized meatbags that die when you cut them down, so what's to fear?"

Eren couldn't help but smirk at the reactions he got. Most seemed surprised as some went slack jaw. However, his attention was on Reiner and Bertholdt. Reiner seemed unfazed by the statements, however, Bertholdt was a different matter. He seemed downcast, head bowed as his hands clenched the wood on the table.

His assumptions were correct.

These two were not to be trusted. However, it was only an assumption. It could very well be that Bertholdt was having a flashback to how he lost his family. Or he could be feeling guilty. Regardless, Eren would have to keep these two in check.

They could become either valuable chess pieces, or enemy rooks that needed to be removed.

"Sounds like you wish to join the Scouts."

The voice broke the silence that Eren had created. Somehow, Eren found it obnoxious.

"I do." Eren stood up to challenge whoever said what they just said.

At his declaration, more people became shocked. A few gasps and words of disbelief were uttered.

"So you have a suicide wish?" The people parted to reveal who had said it. It was the boy from earlier that so brazenly claimed to live a comfy life in the interior. Jean, if Eren wasn't mistaken.

"Suicide?" Eren couldn't help but ask. "Is having the will to fight back akin to suicide?"

"When you go against those beasts, yeah. Have you seen the death rates of the Scouts?"

"I have, but the fact doesn't change a thing. It's quite simple really, We just have to change the method of killing that would result in zero casualties."

The people were once again shocked at Eren's statements. The looks of disbelief, as well as one of interest, did not go unnoticed by Eren.

"Pff," Jean let out a little chuckle as he tried not to burst out laughing. "Suicidal and an idiot?! You're a riot, you know that?"

"Regardless," Eren gave one last smirk as he walked away. "I am not going to cower behind a wall, horseface."

As soon as Eren let, the mess hall erupted with conversation. They mainly consisted of what had just happened. A boy who wished to join the Scouts, having a method of killing the Titans without risk to one's self? It was certainly interesting, however, most thought of it as simply wordplay, and that Eren didn't really have a plan to back it up.

However, one person's eyes lingered on him as she stayed silent throughout the whole exchange.

She had observed the boy. Everything he did was calculated, it seemed like each word was not a wasted breath. She noticed his observation and the words he so delicately used.

She should consider herself lucky, not even day one and she already found someone who could suspiciously hold the coordinate.

She would have to observe him.

Perhaps he was being too brazen.

It wasn't often he was the center of attention, or rather, it was not often that he liked to be the center of attention.

He had let himself get carried away. In order to observe the reactions of people around him, he had let on too much. But most were still kids, with a few adults he really doubted they would believe him.

It mattered not, right now he was observing the potato girl finished up. She had just collapsed, lying on the ground as she tried to catch her breath. He was about to make his move, but was apparently beaten to the punch.

"Are you a goddess?!" Scarfing down the bread the blond woman had just handed, she relayed these words as the same blond held out a sack of water.

"Oh, nothing like that." She said with a smile. "I'm Christa, by the way."

"Shasha." Was the last thing she said before passing out.

Eren didn't bother to stay for the rest. It appeared he wasn't the only one hiding behind a mask of sweet nothings.

Christa was her name?

He wondered just what she had planned with such an obvious mask.

Eren couldn't help but grit his teeth in humiliation. He had talked a big game yesterday at the mess hall, and now this.

He looked upon the snickering crowds as they observed him hanging upside down from the training equipment to see if one had the balance of handling the vertical maneuvering gear.

He was struggling from keeping upright, resulting in him failing the test.

"What do you think you're doing, Yeager?!" Keith yelled at him. "You'll be Titan bait at this rate, no, worse than that! You'll get everyone killed!"

Eren couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the man as he was let down.

"Is this pity?" Eren said it in a whisper, only really meant for himself.

But Keith heard it as he walked by if his slight pause in step was any indication.

"Tch." Eren couldn't help but sigh at the predicament. Regardless of what was happening to his gear, he would have to overcome it.

He never did accept training practices on the stolen gear that Rommel acquired. He thought it would be suspicious if he suddenly had the talent to use the vertical maneuver gear. He briefly entertained the notion that he couldn't simply do it. However, he noticed that even Armin could do it.

Perhaps it was because he was smaller? Lighter?

If that were the case, why could Reiner do it? Mikasa and he were the same body class and she had it mastered as if it was nothing.

Well, perhaps Mikasa was a special case, but nevertheless, it couldn't be because he didn't have the skill.

No, it wasn't that.

Eren got up from the ground as he stared at the back of Keith.

"Where's your father?!"

"M-Mr. Shadis…"

"Eren, your father?!"

Pity indeed.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were eating at a table by themselves. Long gone were the crowds around them inquiring about the Titans.

They probably thought he was nothing but words.

After all, he would probably be kicked out of camp soon for not even being able to pass the first test.

It was a little bit of an embarrassment for Eren, but nothing he couldn't handle.

He actually preferred he not be in the spotlight. He would have to play it safe. Whether or not his equipment was actually defective didn't matter. He would conquer it.


"Such big talk for someone that couldn't even stay upright in training. Wonder how he'll join the Scouts now."

Eren could only give a sigh at Jean's banter. It appears he earned his ire from before. Was it the conversation they had, or could it be something else?

"Don't worry about it Eren." Armin tried to cheer him up. "If I could do it then so can you!"

"Perhaps it's a sign…" Mikasa said hesitantly. "That we shouldn't… join the military…"

"Mikasa…" Eren stared at her. "You cut your hair."

"Y-You just now noticed?" A slight blush dusted her cheeks.

Good, they got off the conversation.

"Man Eren, how dense are you." Armin said teasing. "She had it cut last night. You should have noticed this morning."

Of course Eren noticed.

"I-It's not like it matters. I only cut it a few inches, I doubt most would notice."

"A few inches?!" Armin let out a shock. "It had to be more, Mikasa, you're hair went down to your shoulders-"

"Armin." Eren cut him off as he got up to leave. "Can you tell me one more time, about the outside world."

"Eh?" Armin was once again confused my Eren's erratic behavior.

"W-Wait." Armin got up to catch up with Eren, who just walked out of the mess hall's door.

Mikasa sat there for a moment, twiddling her fingers in-between her short hair. She then got up to follow after Armin and Eren.

"And the mountains of fire water?"

"Yeah! Mountains that contain the hottest water that could melt steel itself!"

Armin continued on about the outside world. Eren couldn't help but give a slight smile at the innocent names that Armin had decerned from the book.

The three sat under the stars, Mikasa, Armin, and Eren, just staring at them as Armin shifted his explanation to the snowy peaks.

It was peaceful, in a sense.

It allowed Eren a brief moment of respite to think about all he has learned.

Reiner and Bertholdt. They were hiding something that had to do with the Armor and Colossal Titan. They could either summon them or turn into the beast themselves. But if that were possible, could Eren do the same? His father had injected him with something, turning him into a Titan. Upon eating his father, he returned to normal.

What was the point of it? Some unseen power he has yet to activate?

Then there was the short blond who had her hair in a bun. Eren didn't know her name, but while he was talking in the mess hall, she didn't have a look of shock or disbelief, but rather interest.

It was a certain type of interest, Eren couldn't really explain. An interest like they believed the person in question had some sort of secret, which, in a way Eren did.

So, while that was true, Eren didn't think that she would come to the conclusion of him being a reincarnated Dictator, but rather, having a power in this world.

Regardless, the person who piqued his interest was the other blond named Christa. It was blatantly obvious to him that she was wearing such a fake mask.

A master hat hiding behind one like himself, he couldn't help but gag at the horrible attempted.

It was just so fake.

In any case, she sought out to help Sasha, the potato girl. What was her objective? Was she like him, trying to gain as many connections? Or perhaps her objective is rooted somewhere else?

Eren couldn't help but smile a devious smile. He was planning for the future, even for those within these training camps.

Christa, she really was a cute little thing.

She would make a perfect figured head.

A perfect ruler.

Plans that had already been in the working within his mind began to change to incorporate this new variable. In fact, what seemed hard to accomplished now was child's play with this new element added into the fold.

Yes, Eren had a new plan.

He would not become a shining king that was worshiped by the masses, but a king that worked within the shadows, pulling strings and manipulating the world.

Yes, he would become not a king, but rather The Führer.

"Y'know, my parents really wanted to see the outside world so much. They even began building a device that could fly in the sky."

Eren's eye's widened at the statement that Armin had just utter. Eren had been only half listing to the boy, but after stating those words, he had his full attention.

"A… device? What was it like?"

"I don't know what the finished product was like, in fact, I never saw it. But I did see the notes. It was like a steel beast. I really don't know how to describe it…"

"Try your best." Eren sat up, staring at Armin. "Please tell me everything about it."

"Err, I-I'll try." Armin stuttered nervously. "I guess it's main body was cylinder in shape and laid horizontal. It had shafts sticking off the sides, like a birds wing. Yeah, like a bird! It had a head and wings and tail like a bird! Except they were all made of metal and wood."

"I… see…" Eren couldn't help but try his utmost to contain his excitement. An airplane? At least, that's what it sounded like. What luck. While Eren did have some knowledge of his past experiences mechanisms, aerodynamics was not one of them.

Aviation was almost impossible for him to grasp without an outline. The mechanics and rules were just something he didn't learn all too much about. It wasn't grounded like tanks and other items he helped create.

In fact, the blimp that Rommel industry started building wasn't even overseen by him, it was completely done by the researchers own mind and creativity.

"Was it almost finished?"

"Yeah, but they said it would be hard to practice flying in it with secretive, you know the rules on going outside the walls. If they didn't want to get caught, they couldn't do it. They said they had a different idea that they would try but… Then their accident happened…"

Right, accident. They were "killed" in an accident. Eren didn't bother telling him about how the government wanted no one to leave the walls. It would take to long and Eren didn't really see a need to.

"Armin, do you know the exact location of the… device?"

"Not really, I just know it was near the mountain a ways out from the Shiganshina inner gate."

"The two peaks that were covered in trees?"

"Yeah, that one. Sorry, that's all I know, but why do you ask?"

"I was just curious. Your parents were really smart."

"O-Oh… Thanks… but why do you say that?"

"No particular reason."

If they could get a model of that airplane... even the notes would suffice. They could begin their project on taking to the sky. With it, their knowledge of aviation would increase, leading them to an age where they could fly. Combine the resources they have, then the possibility of the types of aircraft where endless.

Those for commercial use, and for warfare.

But how would he get to it? The land was infested with Titans. So, unless they took back the land…

No, that would take to long. Time is of the essence.

A year. He would practice a year with the vertical maneuvering gear, perfecting it. With it, he should be able to go outside the walls.

But it would be foolish to go by himself…

The Kräfte. The special ops group that Scott had trained himself. This elite force should be able to handle the task of escorting him to find the airplane.

It is decided then. A year and the airplane, as well as all the knowledge of aviation it will hold well be theirs.

Eren gave an exhale of breath as he prepared himself.

It was the last day of the test. If he didn't pass this simple examination of balance, he would be sent off to the fields once again.

He recalled the advice he sought out the other night. It was just a pretense, an excuse to get closer to the other trainees.

Eren already knew that his belt was broken, there was nothing he could do about it. However, he could exploit it to the utmost.

He was able to get closer with Reiner and Bertholdt. By asking for help, they became much closer. They even shared their stories on where they were and what happened when wall Maria fell.

Eren could tell that the story was fabricated. There were too many inconsistencies, however, that wasn't the point.

The point was to befriend them.

Keep your friends close but enemies closer.

"Are you ready Yeager?!" Keith yelled out. "Good, Cadet Thomas, raise him up!"

Eren once again exhaled a breath. Staring right at Kieth, his gaze did not waver.

It was a gambit, really. If he claimed that his gear was defective, many would believe he was trying to come up with an excuse. Shadis would probably send him off without any hesitation.

Simply because he did not want the son of Carla to fight the Titans.

However, if he were to show his resolve, then maybe Shadis would realize the determination he posses.

It was all a gamble, relying heavily on what Shadis would do.

Eren was lifted up, his feet left the ground.

It was an immediate struggle of balance. His buckle on the gear distributed far more on the right than the left, causing it to be much harder than it should have been. No one, not even Mikasa would have been able to stay completely upright.

But this was The Führer they were dealing with. A man who sacrificed the lives of thousands of innocent for his own goals. If determination was needed, he had it.

But that won't be enough.

He had figured out the problem, and what it caused. All he needed was the solution.

It was hard, and he almost fell over in the few seconds he was up. Shifting his weight in the exact opposite way they were told to do, he managed to be upright for the few seconds.

Some people gasped in shock, while others began to clap at his victory.

He was upright, albeit barely. Shaking to maintain his balance, his eyes never left the instructor's.

He fell.

Turning upside down, he let out an exhausted sigh. The amount of strain it put on his body was too intense. Not having any kind of physical training, it was difficult to remain in that position for a long period of time.

The applause that broke out silenced as he hung upside down.

He was soon lowered, staring at the ground, he awaited Keith's verdict.

"Cadet Thomas." Keith said. "Switch belts with Cadet Yeager."

Eren couldn't help but smile as he got up. It looks like he had managed to pull through and convince Keith that he was prepared for what awaited ahead.

The same process, different gear.

It was a lot easier.

"Defective gear." Keith said as he looked at the broken piece of Eren's old equipment. "To think that such a thing would get past inspection, I will have to have a talk with the staff about this. Well, it looks like you pass Yeager. Maybe you won't become Titan bait after all."

Eren gave a smirk as people once again gave cheers and applauses at passing the test. Unbeknownst to them, a conversation with Eren and Keith were being played out with just their eyes.

You better not die, for her sake.

I will accomplish my goals. I can't do them if I am dead, now can I?

The pseudo conversation ended when Keith broke eye contact and began to walk away.

Eren was lowered and greeted with cheers and pats on the back.

The first key objective had been completed. Now that Keith was convinced, there was no one to hinder him from his goals. No one that couldn't be dealt with easily.

The road before him was bare, with only slight bumps he would have to handle as he went on.

The mountain of an obstacle behind him, he gave a wicked grin as he observed the future road and all it would bring him.