
The Frozen Lace

Caramelized_Latte · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Scene 2: The Castle

As I walked out the studio with clicks of pictures being taken behind me and Ms.Stat clinging onto my arm, I sighed. She was too innocent for her own good. This would start so many annoying rumors, but I'll handle it later. Ms.Stat's home stands tall and large. I've been to her home many times before. Now you may be getting to wrong idea, that me and Ms.Stat are dating. We're not, we've just been friends for a while, quite a long while honestly. Ms.Stat is a short woman around 5'4 and has the voice of an angel. She is marvelous at singing but if you saw the scene before,you know that she is truly ONLY good at singing. Absolutely terrible at everything else. In a nice way of course. This makes her more appealing to the public.

Her home and her have a lot in common. They both have an elegant look on the outside, but an contradicting inside. Another thing about Ms.Stat's appearance is her emerald green eyes. They are known to be mesmerizing, but I've never drowned in them myself. She also has short light-colored hair. Now, have you ever watched the movie "Tangled"? In the flim the main character, Rapunzel heals Flinn Ryder with her hair. Her hair has a beautiful yellow glow. Ms.Stats' hair seems to have a slight blue hue that seems to radiate in the way of a glow. It's like the color form of snow.

I really don't know how to describe myself without bias so I won't. As we arrived to Ms.Stat's castle-like home, her eyes lit up, as she rubbed her boobs all over my arm I cringed in disgust and turned towards the castle we were approaching and remembered something. "Are your parents here, Chloe?", I asked knowing her much too well. "Um, well, y-yes.", Chole stuttered. "Dont lie I dont wanna be ashamed for not marrying my best friend.", I said with a cheeky laugh.

"They're here, are you ready for your confrontation!". Chloe wasn't lying they WERE here. I was going to lose my ears for a day. "Ugh, seriously. They're like parrots, they'll chew me out for not marrying you." I said with a groan. Okay, you got this Azraeal. "Oh, Azraeal? Is that you? Did you two finally tie the knot?" I heard to annoyingly familiar voices say. Okay, no, you don't got this, just remember no violence.