

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through realms of immortality as Ciara, the ethereal beauty of the realm, grapples with love, deceit and betrayal. Engaged to Astoria Crown Prince, Karl, before birth but love takes an unexpected twist, leading her to Eldoria, where she encounters Prince Darius. Darius is someone whom people believed to be a dragon. Unknown to everyone, he is merely Karl's dragon vessel.But things changed  When Darius chooses his throne over her and marries Ciara's friend, Fiona. Ciara faces heartbreak; the death of her mother and the return of her memories and powers lead her on a path of vengeance. Now, bowing to her icy destiny, Ciara rises to become the Empress and marry Karl, vowing to avenge her losses and reclaim her rightful place in Astoria realm. Will love, betrayal, and the thirst for power define her destiny? "The Frost Empress" unveils a gripping tale of magic, love, and revenge. ********** "What? Did you just indirectly accuse me of being a thief? How dare you! Do you even know who I am? I am..." Karl interrupted her, and told her that he had no interest in finding out who she was. He assured her that she was free to take the deer. This unexpected response surprised Ciara, as it contradicted the rumors she had heard about Karl. Intrigued, she dismounted from her horse and approached the deer, only to discover that it had indeed been killed by Karl's arrow. Despite this, Ciara refused to accept defeat and turned to face Karl, only to find that he had vanished along with her horse. Confused and frustrated, Ciara muttered to herself, "Wait, could he have taken my horse? But the rumors never mentioned him being a skilled thief." Her anger mounting, she let out a scream of frustration. Meanwhile, Karl couldn't contain his laughter upon hearing Ciara's scream echo in the distance. Ethan, witnessing Karl's amusement, expressed concern for Ciara's well-being. He pointed out that taking her horse may not have been the best decision. With a smile, Karl reassured Ethan, "She will be fine. Aelion is with her, so they will surely find a way."

DEBORAH01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


After three days, Ciara woke up in her chamber with a slight headache. As soon as Flower noticed that Ciara was awake, she hurriedly brought her water, which Ciara gratefully drank. Curious about what had happened, Ciara asked Flower how long she had been asleep. Flower informed her that she had slept for three days, attributing it to exhaustion. Ciara decided to lie back down and rest, declining any food that Flower offered.

As she lay there, suddenly, Ciara's memory flooded back, and she jolted up from the bed. Confused, Flower asked, "What happened? Why did you suddenly jump up from the bed?"

"I just remembered that I haven't apologized to Millicent and the other maids. I need to do that immediately. Help me get dressed," replied Ciara urgently.

After Flower helped her get dressed, Ciara headed to the maids' quarters to apologize to Millicent and the others. Upon her arrival, Millicent quickly approached her at the entrance, perplexed about her sudden appearance.

"I came to apologize to you and the maids. I have realized my mistake, and I truly feel guilty for what I have done. Can you please forgive me?" Ciara said, her thoughts tormenting her. She instinctively lowered her head and tapped her fingers together, creating a subtle rhythmic sound. She was consumed by anxiety, overwhelmed by the fear of not gaining forgiveness.

Millicent took a deep breath and replied, "My lady, who am I to be offended by your attitude or behavior? I have encountered many children like you, but I must say you are more manageable than most. I am not angry with you at all."

Upon hearing this, Ciara's face lit up, and she quickly raised her head and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you very much, Millicent. I truly thought you would be very angry with me. Hearing you say this makes me happy. Can I also apologize to the other maid, especially the one I slapped?"

"I am very sorry, my lady, but you cannot meet them as they have been given a break and rewards to apologize to them for what happened. Perhaps when they return, you can apologize to all of them," Millicent explained to Ciara. Ciara agreed to wait until they all came back, eager to apologize to each of them. She also inquired about the start of her training with Millicent. Millicent informed her that the training would begin tomorrow, leaving Ciara delighted as she returned to her chamber.

As Ciara entered her room, she noticed her mother's maid and was informed that her mother had sent for her. Excitedly, she hurried to her mother's chamber. Upon arrival, her eyes were drawn to a beautiful white dress, adorned with glittering details. She approached the dress and asked her mother whom it belonged to. Her mother smiled and replied that it was meant for her.

"Wow... this is truly beautiful. Thank you very much, mother. But may I ask, what occasion do we have that I will be wearing this stunning dress?" Ciara asked, still admiring the exquisite garment.

"Well... it's not for a grand occasion. I ordered this dress for you so that you can wear it to the palace tomorrow to meet the Empress, and you can also try to meet the crown prince," Clarissa replied with a smile on her face. Ciara's smile quickly faded upon hearing the words "meet the crown prince." She turned to her mother and explained that she would be busy with her training the next day, making it impossible for her to attend. However, her mother informed her that it was an invitation from the Empress herself, and declining such an invitation was not an option. Understanding that she needed to be a good daughter to her mother, Ciara nodded in agreement and asked to be excused so she could prepare for the journey tomorrow.

Upon reaching her room, Ciara felt a surge of anger and let out a scream. She instructed her maid, Flower, to inform her parents the next day that she was sick and unable to go to the palace. Flower, aware that she would bear the consequences, swiftly countered, saying, "My lady, I believe going to the palace is actually a good thing. Didn't you mention earlier that you did not want to marry the crown prince? Perhaps you should directly express your feelings to the empress. Who knows, she might even consider canceling the engagement." Ciara was genuinely pleased with Flower's advice and promptly agreed to go to the palace.

***Karl's palace***

Karl was preparing for his journey when Melody entered and rushed to hugged him, saying, "How could the emperor be so cruel to you? He could have just sent someone else. Why did he have to send you to such a dangerous place?" She said.

Karl moved away from her and told her that she should watch over Aurora and make sure she behave herself and stays away from trouble. As he was talking to her, Aurora, also entered. She quickly rushed to Melody,

"When did you come to the palace? If perhaps I didn't come here, you wouldn't have visited me before leaving." Aurora said, pouting.

"I won't dare do that, your highness. I was just here to see him off, then I will head over to you," Melody replied, smiling. They both kept talking, then Karl asked them to leave, stating that their noise is disturbing him. Aurora said, "Since you asked me to leave, then I will leave, but do not blamed me for not seeing you off," she warned

"Before you go, check that box," Karl instructed. Aurora noticed a small box, opened it, and found Llythor's eyes inside. She smiled and quickly hugged Karl. As she departed, Karl cautioned her to steer clear of any trouble and then she dragged Melody out of his chamber. Karl smiled as he watched Aurora leave, and he was worried she might cause trouble during his absence with her mischievous behavior.

***Lord Leonard's mansion***

Ciara was in her room practicing her dialogue and how she would ask the empress to grant her a wish and call off the engagement when her cousin Eugene came to visit her. Ciara was very happy when she saw her; she is the only one that likes her among everyone. Even Eugene's mother, Vivian, never likes Ciara and always warns her to stay away from her because she is dangerous. But Eugene refused and always snuck out to meet Ciara.

"What are you doing?" Eugene asked. "Would you believe that I'm going to the palace tomorrow? I'm finally getting freedom, but only ended up going to the palace instead," Ciara said sadly, and Eugene kept quiet, staring at her.

"Wait, are you aware of this already?" Ciara asked.

"Yes, everyone already knows, and they will be here to see you off tomorrow," Eugene said, leaving Ciara's mouth wide open in surprise. Finally finding her voice, she said, "I can't believe mother already told everyone about it."

"So, are you happy to finally meet the crown prince?" Eugene asked, and Ciara hissed.

"Well, I am happy to be going to the palace tomorrow because I will use that chance to beg the Empress to break off the alliance," Ciara said.

"Really? And if she refused?" Eugene asked.

Ciara then stood up and went to bring the crystal, showing it to Eugene, who asked her what it is. Ciara replied, "My second plan, and my means of escaping this bondage."

"What can this do?" Eugene asked. "It can transform into a powerful beast and can create temporary havoc. Father will have no other option than to lift the seal of all the mansion to be able to bring him back to his original form, and I will use that chance to escape," Ciara said, laughing.

"Ciara, the outside world is dangerous. I think it will be good if you perhaps just stay here, under your parents' protection," Eugene said, worried. Ciara told her nothing will happen to her.

She then dragged her outside to play with the water. Ciara would use her power to summon the water up while Eugene would freeze and then spread it out, making it look like snowflakes. They kept playing and smiling happily, while Leonard and Clarissa watched them and were also happy that their daughter is okay.