

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through realms of immortality as Ciara, the ethereal beauty of the realm, grapples with love, deceit and betrayal. Engaged to Astoria Crown Prince, Karl, before birth but love takes an unexpected twist, leading her to Eldoria, where she encounters Prince Darius. Darius is someone whom people believed to be a dragon. Unknown to everyone, he is merely Karl's dragon vessel.But things changed  When Darius chooses his throne over her and marries Ciara's friend, Fiona. Ciara faces heartbreak; the death of her mother and the return of her memories and powers lead her on a path of vengeance. Now, bowing to her icy destiny, Ciara rises to become the Empress and marry Karl, vowing to avenge her losses and reclaim her rightful place in Astoria realm. Will love, betrayal, and the thirst for power define her destiny? "The Frost Empress" unveils a gripping tale of magic, love, and revenge. ********** "What? Did you just indirectly accuse me of being a thief? How dare you! Do you even know who I am? I am..." Karl interrupted her, and told her that he had no interest in finding out who she was. He assured her that she was free to take the deer. This unexpected response surprised Ciara, as it contradicted the rumors she had heard about Karl. Intrigued, she dismounted from her horse and approached the deer, only to discover that it had indeed been killed by Karl's arrow. Despite this, Ciara refused to accept defeat and turned to face Karl, only to find that he had vanished along with her horse. Confused and frustrated, Ciara muttered to herself, "Wait, could he have taken my horse? But the rumors never mentioned him being a skilled thief." Her anger mounting, she let out a scream of frustration. Meanwhile, Karl couldn't contain his laughter upon hearing Ciara's scream echo in the distance. Ethan, witnessing Karl's amusement, expressed concern for Ciara's well-being. He pointed out that taking her horse may not have been the best decision. With a smile, Karl reassured Ethan, "She will be fine. Aelion is with her, so they will surely find a way."

DEBORAH01 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


When Ciara, Eugene, and their entourage emerged from the portal, they found themselves standing outside the majestic Royal Palace. A waiting maid led them inside, granting them entry while the guards stayed stationed outside. As Ciara followed the maid, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by the stunning sights surrounding her. It was a view unlike any she had ever seen before. Upon entering the Empress's quarter, Ciara was taken aback by its grandeur. The quarter alone surpassed her father's entire mansion in opulence and beauty.

The maid led Ciara inside her chamber, but just as Eugene and Flower attempted to follow, they were halted and instructed to wait outside. Ciara stepped forward and bowed her head to Laura, who surveyed her from head to toe before saying, "you may raise your head. You've truly blossomed. The last time I laid eyes on you, you were but a small, joyful child and seeing you right now make me really happy." Ciara gives a gracious smile and responds, "Thank you, Your Majesty." Laura gazes at her intently, hoping for further conversation, but Ciara maintains her pleasant smile without uttering any additional words. Realizing that Ciara has no further remarks, Laura invites her to take a seat and orders some refreshments. As Ciara settles into her seat, she takes a deep breath and silently reminds herself, "Ciara, you must do well today. Just be sure to only speak when asked a question." Sensing her unease, she inquires, "Do you find yourself uncomfortable in my presence?"

Ciara promptly denies any discomfort and assures the her that she feels at ease. She then picks up a cup and takes a sip of the tea within it.

"Well...I appreciate your silence. In this palace, only the wise and strongest can survive. While we may be able to protect ourselves, what about our loved ones? The pain of seeing them punished for our offenses is even worse than death itself. However, remaining silent will not truly aid us, as we must even make friends with our enemies. We must dine, laugh, and ingratiate ourselves with them to put them at ease and make them feel superior and let their guards down, only to draw out our swords and eliminate them without leaving any threat," Laura said with a cold gaze.

Ciara, still holding the teacup, began trembling, causing her hand to shake and nearly drop the cup. Hastily, she placed it back onto the table. When Laura noticed her reaction, she couldn't help but burst into laughter and added, "I was merely jesting. I genuinely did not expect you to be so frightened. But I found your expression amusing, and I can't stop laughing because of it. Ciara, a ruler should embody kindness and compassion, and it is the role of his Empress to support and inspire him to become the best ruler he can be. However, if an Empress lacks such qualities, then she is not worthy of her crown. Do you understand the point I am trying to make?" Laura inquired.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand completely," Ciara replied with a warm smile.

She took a small breath and expressed her concerns, saying, "But I am genuinely worried. Will you be able to fulfill the responsibility of guiding him towards the path of righteousness? I know my son very well, and I fear that the two of you might not really get along."

When Ciara heard this, she quickly went on her knees and bowed her head, "Your Majesty, I'm just a fragile girl who is scared to even look into someone's face, let alone carry out such an important role. Even my parents always called me an incompetent child because I haven't been able to learn anything good all my life, and I'm bad at everything I do. So, I hope Your Majesty will make a wise decision and cancel my engagement with the Crown Prince and please put someone who is worthy enough to fulfill the responsibility beside him," Ciara said.

Laura looked at her in amazement, she was silence for a second and asked her to sit back, but Ciara refused and beg to remain in that position. Then, Laura moved closer to her and helped her rise to her feet. As she touched Ciara, she became still, her eyes lit up, her iris turned white, and her skin became pale. After a few seconds, she returned to her normal state, and Ciara asked her what she saw. She told Ciara with a smile, "Right now, I saw something good, which is pleasing and beneficial for the realm. I think we made the right decision, my girl. Since you are here, how about paying a visit to Karl? He is leaving for a journey soon, so you should see him before he leaves."

After talking for a while with her, Ciara bid Laura farewell, and the maid led the way out of the chamber. "What happened? Did she agree to cancel the engagement?" Eugene asked Ciara eagerly. Ciara took a deep breath and shook her head.

"She saw something, and I'm sure it's not a good omen for me."

Eugene pressed on, "Did she reveal what she sensed?" Ciara shook her head once more, indicating that the Empress had not shared that information.

As she and Eugene were conversing while being led by the Empress's maid to the Crown Prince, she caught sight of a young, exceptionally handsome man. He is tall and well structured, possessed a perfectly chiseled face with bluish irises, long hair, and wore a long blue fur cloak. He is leaving with some guards, and a guy who seemed like his personal guard is closer to him, by his side, engrossed in a discussion. Ciara and Eugene were snapped back to reality when the Empress's maid interrupted, prompting Ciara to inquire about the man's identity. The maid smiled slightly and responded, "That is the Crown Prince, your future husband...