
Breathtaking moments

"Hello, Doctor Milano's clinic, how can I help you?..." said a female nurse on the phone.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Nicole," said Sherwan's mother to the nurse over the phone.

"I would like to speak to the main doctor," replied Sherwan's mother...

She sighed after checking the doctor's schedule over the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Nicole, but he is not available at the moment"

"During the day he examines patients, and his schedule is full." was the nurse's reply...

"I need to talk to him now, it's urgent."... My son's life is at stake! It has to do with his current health. Sherwan's mother replied.

When your child's life is in danger, you should either call an ambulance or take him directly to the hospital. Could I connect you with the ambulance team?

" Answered the nurse...

The worried face and sad heart of a mother were evident in Sherwan's mother's words to the nurse...

"He is not able to move, so he cannot be brought to the clinic."

"Please inform the doctor that it should be done at home."

"Is she all right?" Can I just hang up?" The nurse thought to herself...


"Well, ma'am, I'll call you back once the doctor has finished his work & let him know you called our clinic for urgent care that could not be handled at our clinic, but at your home." The nurse answered...

She continues, "I have saved your number under 0176-XXX-XXXX".

With a smile, Sherwan's mother said, "That's right, thank you very much."

"I'll probably call you at 8:00 in the evening, that's when the doctors' shift ends." Said the Nurse...

"Well, madam, I hope you have a great day and that everything goes well with your son.

" "Thank you very much..." replied Sherwan's mother with a bright smile...

Hang up with "Bye"...


8:14 p.m.

"Why hasn't she called, did she forget?" Sherwan's mother couldn't suppress her thoughts...

8:20 p.m.


The mother of Sherwan picked up the phone and said, "Hello" as she sat next to it.

Her greetings are answered by the voice of a man...

"Hello, Mrs.. huh? Mrs. Nicole."

I apologize for being contacted so late.

Doctor Milano answered, "How may I help you"...


"Doctor, I need your help, my son Sherwan has fallen ill" Said Miss Nicole with tears in her eyes.

"Madam, if your son has fallen ill, please take him to the nearest hospital," said Doctor Milano.

Sherwan's mother responded...

"No, sir, it's a very rare illness that you have spoken of previously on the news."

"a rare illness," thought the doctor…

Mrs. Nicole asked, "Doctor, I'd like you to check him out & to see for yourself."

The doctor responds, "I will be there in 30 minutes, but let my nurse know your address and tell your son to stay relaxed until I arrive..."

A joyful smile spreads across the mother's face as she says, "Thanks, Sir..."

The nurse and Mrs Nicole talk once again and exchange addresses...


8:53 p.m.

Knock, knock, knock...

Sherwan's mother runs toward the door & opens it...

Two nurses were with the doctor...

"Good morning, madam..."

Nicole greets them and lets them enter the house.She then leads Sherwan to her room.

It was just a matter of minutes before the doctors and nurses noticed the body.

The body is found to be non-functional except for the heart & the skin cells...

As he holds Sherwan's arms and takes blood, the doctor asks.

"Madam, can you tell us what happened so that we can help you in the best way we can"

As Mrs. Nicole sits down & explains everything, Sherwan in his soul form is sitting on his window & listens quietly with calm eyes...


Having explained...

Are you joking? If a soul leaves the body, it dies." Said the doctor with an angry expression...

Sherwan's mother replied, "No sir, I'm telling the truth...

The nurse who had already talked to her on the phone thought, "I knew she was crazy...".

The doctor told his staff, "I don't have time for nonsense, pack up and let's leave."...

Sherwan taps on the left shoulder of the doctor...

Tapping... Tapping...

"What do you want?", the doctor asked as he turned around to see who it was...

He turned around and saw nothing but a wall.

The two nurses were packing stuff and Mrs.Nicoe was talking and taking...

Sherwan had great respect for his mother, but he called her a liar because of him...

Sherwan punches the doctor in the right cheek...

Send him flying into a wall...

Sherwan took a small piece of paper from the nurses' notebook...

Fear went from 0 to 100 for the two nurses.

Seeing the pen & paper floating in the air, one of the nurses fainted...

The sheet of paper is put on the wall and Sherwan writes with the pen...

[My name is Sherwan and I have fallen ill.

The experience I am having now is the same as Astral projection...] Sherwan puts the sheet of paper before the doctor as he sees it approaching...

As the doctor trembles and urinates in his pants, his body trembles even more...

Despite the situation, the doctor is in, he reads and then comes to a conclusion about what the kid needs.

"But if you have an astral projection, you cannot feel, hear, or speak.".

The doctor said with a stunned expression...

In the past, the doctor had heard & read about this, but he had only talked about it on TV because he had no other topic to talk about back then. Seeing this with his own eyes was unbelievable for him…

"How long has he been in that condition?" asks the doctor as he stands up.

She replied, "Since this morning."...

"I apologize to you, madam, for my inability to control this situation and especially for not believing you the first time... I apologize." the doctor said.

"No, it's okay," the mother replies. Such a thing is impossible for any person to believe..."

The doctor asks the mother to take the fainted nurse to the next room and give her some water...

The mother nodded and went to help the other nurse...

The nurse and Mrs Nicole take the fainted nurse to the next room.

As he examines his body, the doctor thinks...

It is not functioning at all, even if it is still alive, other than for the purpose of consuming energy... As a result,..."

When Sherwan's mother comes in, she asks if he has any idea what to do...

He shook his head and told Sherwan's mother...

"Has he eaten or drunk anything since morning?" he asked."

"No, he has not. I have not given him anything..." she replied. "

Sherwan's mother is told by the doctor...

"We need to take him to the hospital right now... we must feed him..."

She is stunned and does not understand why...

"If you don't eat or drink anything for 3 or 4 days, you will die.", the doctor tells her.

Sherwan's mother already knew that, but she believed that as long as he is in his soul form, he won't need food or drink...

"His body doesn't seem to be functioning, but his cells and heart continue to beat..." He needs the right medical treatment so that his cells do not dry out..."

Sherwan and the Mother are both stunned...


The Dr. pulls a notebook from the nurses' package and places it on the table next to his bed...

Sherwan understood his intention and reached for the pen.

"Can you hear me, Sherwan?" Properly?" The doctor asked...

After hearing the doctor, Sherwan wrote...

[I hear you... I wish you could hear me?]

He is told by the doctor...

"Don't worry, I will consult some doctors to find a cure..."

Sherwan wrote [Thank You]...

The doctor smiled and said, "no problem, but please stay close to us until we find a solution" "[I will stay by my body. ]" wrote Sherwan on the sheet of paper...


The doctor calls the ambulance at the clinic from his personal cellphone.

Greetings, I am Dr Milano.

'Don't worry about me, I'm fine.'

I'd appreciate it if you sent an ambulance to the address I'll give you.

Thank you... I'll wait..." "Yeah, thanks... i'll do that..."


It took the ambulance 30 minutes to come & take Sherwan's body to the hospital.

A special room was set up for him alone.

He was put in a suture inside the serum and some tests were performed.

This is to be continued.