
Avoid regrets

Love is a mysterious thing , when someone leaves, they never return, you'll never see them again even if you wait for them.

So, we need to cherish what's in our hand, before it's too late, because the time you will realise they are important to us, is when we lost them.

If they are gone even if we insist it won't work out.

It will be just like you put sugar or salt in the water and it dissolved, the water will have a taste either nice or terrible but you can never turn the sugar or salt to it's normal.

Chapter 2

Hurting your loved one and people around us will not benefits us but also destroy us.

It is important to treat people the way we them to treat us. Before we say something bad to someone, first, put yourself in his or her shoes and listen to your inner voice, that, how will you feel if someone treated you like that?

Sometimes you think you are right when you're treating someone bad but later when, you are in need of help, is the time you will realise you made a mistake, than you will start asking for forgiveness, but remember that, "the one you hurt might forgive but never forget".

If you want to know how someone's broken heart can be, just break a glass of water and try to put all broken pieces together, than you will understand.

Chapter 3

There are a lot of ways to solve the problem without hurting anyone or wronged someone, here are few ways :

1.Say the same thing across that person to see his or her reaction, for you to be sure.

2. Do no listen to what others are saying, but listen to your own heart.

3.Take a mathematics book and try one equation, without copying, I you get it right, that person is wrong, if you get it wrong, you are not right, if you are not sure with your answer than , it tells you that don't go any further.

Sometimes we met difficulties in life, some they choose not to face them, some choose to face them. my encourage is for you to be like a spider which never give up, even if it was washed away by the rain, It waited until the sun comes and dried up the water and the spider complete it's mission. By Augustina Antonius Ndulukweshi

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