
The Fox lovers??

It all started in the middle of the woods there was a fox pack full of just boys. And on the other side of the forest there was a pack of girls. There where gates surrounded all over the Fox clans. And the only reason for that was because there would be a hunter in the forest looking for foxes for rugs or scarfs. Some foxes wanted to go into the forest just to get some fresh air but when the hunter comes in the forest unexpectedly he shoots the Fox and then the Fox would be dead. But there was one girl who wouldn't lesson her name was Chloe. One evening the girl foxes ran out of food so someone had to get some either from the forest or from the boy side. They suggested to go to the boy side but the boys said no. So there was only one thing one of the girls had to do. And it was to go into the forest to get some more food and water. The girls went back to their clan and decided to make a plan on who was going to get them all food and water. But then suddenly half of the clan look at Chloe the they look back at each-other and then suddenly they had an plan. "Hey Chloe do you mind if you could get some food and water for us please?" "Sure I don't mind I'll be back before you know it" Chloe ran out of the clan and then she went into the woods she was running as fast as she could but she found some mushrooms beside a tree and she put the mushrooms in the bowl that she had to put in. She found some more stuff for food like three eggs that she had found up in a bird nest. Then she heard a crack. She quickly turned around to see who was there. "Who's their!" But little did she know it was the hunter getting ready to shoot her.....