
the fox god of destruction and creation

naruto is born a special child. for starters he has a fluffy yellow fox tail and he is extremely beautiful more than his two sisters. he was born with power that no one could fathom.

Adam_Kofi_2784 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: The most beautiful boy I've ever seen

----The fox god of destruction and creation. Super op Naruto----

A/N: In this story Minato and Kushina have triplets and they will love them equally cause the author is a sensible person and doesn't like forced sad shit like family neglecting. The only reason the his sisters are present is to harbour kurama and play the Canon naruto role in the 4th ninja war if it happens.


Today was a special day for the Uzumaki-Namikaze family for many reasons. One was that the couple was expecting triplets in a weeks' time but that was a secondary happiness. This was because the couple had settled all the inconveniences, they both had with each other. It was not like as if they had grudges against each other but the fact that they had huge secrets they kept that could have disrupted their marriage if it were a normal family. However, this family was far from normal. They weren't known as the two strongest shinobi in the world if they couldn't handle the truth.

This truth however was much greater to handle since it was the truth of their origin, their ancestors and parents it was what would explain their insane power compared to your average Jonins or even Kage level shinobi.

*Flash back*

Hey Minato, I want to tell you something. I know how scared you are Kushina chan but don't worry I will find an Uchiha to place a genjutsu on us so that I can share your pain with me. Stated the now named Minato. When the now known Kushina heard this, she wanted to jump in joy to how much her husband loved her but this wasn't the time however. No Minato that's not the reason why I'm here. I came to tell you something about me that you don't know. Something that if I were to tell you earlier, then you probably wouldn't want to get closer to me. Come on Kushina chan, do you really think that low of me. Don't worry though I can understand your point. Besides I'm not a full Namikaze myself. The reason I didn't tell you was because of my father. But I want to hear your story first.

You see by all laws, I'm the crown princes of the both the land of fire and the land of whirlpool. You see when I was a kid, I couldn't make friends because everyone my age and even the adults revered me and indirectly pushed me aside, I never had friends until I met you Minato. Since my mom and dad died, I became the queen, but I left shadow clones to do all the paper work for me in my palace which is actually near Konoha. The reason I'm the queen is because my great grandfather was Hashirama who discovered the land of fire with Madara Uchiha. My great grandfather decided to build the village of Konoha and make it the capital of the land of fire.

Though the Daimyo is above the hokage, I'm above the daimyo .I'm sorry I kept this from you. I think You can now tell that I have this enormous amount of chakra even for an Uzumaki because I'm an Uzumaki and a quarter Senju. I can understand if you don't want to see me anymore because I lied to you. I'm so sorry Minato. Kushina finished this statement with tears in her eyes.

Minato after seeing his wife tearing up like that, hugged her which actually shocked her a lot. She was expecting him to storm out of the house in a feat of rage. This was when Kushina remembered something. "Minato, you said you are half Namikaze as well so what's your other clan?" she asked.

After hearing his wife calm down and ask him his origin, he started his explanation by pouring some chakra in his eyes activating a kekkei genkai that was not expected of him. His irises that were originally a blue were now glowing a crimson red with three commas that were black in colour around the pupil that had turned black too. To say that Kushina was shocked was an understatement. Is this the reason why you were called the crimson yellow flash of Konoha? Asked a shocked Kushina. Yeas Kushina chan, they dubbed me that during the war because I used my Sharingan in tandem with the flying thunder god technique and the result a strike of red a yellow light.

Minato continued to explain to Kushina why and how he got the kekkei genkai of the Sharingan. You see people believe that Madara Uchiha died at the valley of the end but that is not actually the truth. He survived and woke up in a stream that took him offshore. There he found a woman that nursed him back to full health. He laid law at her place and eventually fell in love with her. They later had a baby girl but after 5 years, bandits attacked her when Madara was away and killed her when she was protecting her daughter. When Madara came back he found his dying wife and just killed all the bandits, he later took his daughter and placed a seal on her that made her unable to activate her Sharingan. He took her to the Namikaze clan where she grew up with her grandparents and met her love and gave birth to me. Stated Minato. She later died after giving birth to me when the whole clan was wiped out and the third hokage found me when I was around 6 years old.

Since your grandfather is the first hokage, do you hate me now that I'm the grandson of Madara Uchiha? Asked Minato looking down. No silly. Replied Kushina. By all means you should be royalty of the land of fire too since our ancestors discovered this land together. My parents told me how much my great grandfather liked yours. It was just under some circumstances that they had to fight each other and since they had discovered this land together, they decided on my grandfather being the king and yours being of the royal family. So by inheritance you are a royal member of the kingdom of the land of fire. Said Kushina with a smile on her face.

So, should I call you your majesty or Kushina chan? Asked Minato teasing Kushina. You are supposed to call me Kushina chan no matter the situation you know. Pouted Kushina with some anime tiers. Then an idea popped into her head. So, Minato, how about we do the genjutsu to share the pain of labour ha?! Asked Kushina in a sadistic tone. Minato felt a chill go through his spine as he tried to find his way out of this.

Two weeks later

A sound of screams could be heard through the underground secret location on the outskirts of Konoha. The screams were of Kushina going through labour. They were hidden because the two of them had plenty of enemies due to the third great war where they wiped out the armies of both stone and cloud villages respectively. They had killed 5000 shinobi within 10 minutes, and this gave them both a run-on site description in the bingo book. But right now, she was giving birth so she was vulnerable, so they took precautions and went underground.

The first one is out. She is a beautiful baby girl who looks just like you Kushina. The midwife who was also the wife of the third hokage lifted the new born and gave it to the nurse to wash it. The minute after, the second child came out. It was also a baby girl, however, unlike the first one she had blond hair which made Minato feel proud that at least his genes were getting through too. After setting the second child aside, the midwife proceeded to bring out the third child but this proved to be a hustle since it had been almost an hour since the last child and yet the third one hadn't come out yet. After a lot of struggle, the final child come out but unlike the two who had blonde and red hair, this ones hair had white roots, blonde middle part and red tips. The most bizarre thing was that the last had a blonde furry and red tipped tail that was so fluffy.

Looking at the baby's tail, the midwife was mesmerised however what shocked her was the baby's looks. The baby looked more beautiful than the first two babies. The next thing that made the midwife almost faint was the baby's private part which showed that he was a boy. This made her feel self-conscious since the baby was a boy but looked more beautiful than anybody she had ever seen.

Seeing the shock on the midwife's face, the couple wanted to see what was wrong with the children. When they looked, they were so happy that they had three beautiful girls with the third being even more beautiful than anything they had ever faced. After confirming the sex of the three babies, they were shocked to see that the last one was actually a boy.

However, despite of Kushina having monstrous stamina, going through labour three times in a raw was something she could not handle so she passed out. Immediately after she was out, a swirl teared the space within the room and a masked man appeared out of no where and was about to grab one of the kids when a "lightning blade" went through his shoulder courtesy of another masked ambu member. The space near the sleeping Kushina started to tear up but Minato was able to cancel the spatial distortion in time using his mangekyou sharingan as the masked man teleported out of there.

The seal of the tailed beast was already loose however and the chakra of the strongest tailed beast of the nine was starting to leak out. Seeing how Kushina was unable to hold the tailed beast, he decided to transfer it to a stable host but since the last child had a tail, Minato didn't want to place the nine tails within the boy since he didn't know the reason, he had the tail yet. With great precision, he placed half of the tailed beast within both girls with each getting half of the nine tails.

After the whole ordeal, Minato finally passed out and the entire Namikaze-Uzumaki family was now under the care of the third hokage for almost two whole days.