
Severed Bond

The clan started recruiting witches and Katherine would discreetly provide Rose with study materials for them to be more powerful. A month passed by quietly. Katherine is now called Amber, she says it was her mother's name.

Nadia is in on the secret about her new undercover life as a single mother. Nadia is secretly pleased that she can spend more time with her mother but she doesn't show it.

Katherine was happy to find out that Enzo is now head over heels for Nadia and she loves him back. Katherine approves of Enzo because she was very impressed by his strength of character and his unwavering loyalty to that woman he had loved.

She expressed her full support to Nadia but also told her she will help her castrate him if he ever hurt her. Katherine helps Nadia with her studies on strong travelers spells.

What Katherine did when she arrived was give Nadia a space dimension that can be made with a space rune but Katherine having been to the school of artisary knows it's all in the space rune and intent plus the power.

Katherine used the host immortality power, as long as there is an ounce of magic in her body she will power the space rune. This is because Katherine didn't want anyone else putting their hands on this kind os information.

She didn't forget to give Nadia the recipe for a few tonics and poisons with their respective cures. If others don't know her they would think she is a cold bitch for not showing any happiness at receiving such a magical thing but Katherine finds her daughter cute for trying to act stoic.

She had decided to spil her daughter anyways. This little girl spent all that time unable to find her mother and when she finally did, Katherine's body had already been inhabited by a 3000 year old demon beast princes. Although their souls were fused into one, it is still something to atone for.

The day before Katherine teleported away with her entire pack and left those who would later be staying in the domitory, she had visited the ocal werewolves.

Katherine made her way towards the bayou and found them in a festive mood because the curse was broken and the dead had come back.

"Excuse you, I am in the middle of something." Eve, unpleasant as ever didn't give Katherine a good attitude.

"I will be leaving soon. Seeing as your family is living in the woods, you can take over my pack house. It certainly has enough room to house all of you." Katherine spoke fast leaving the woman unble to process.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a touch of concern. She might be rude but this little girl brought back their pack leaders. She also seemed to have taken good care of Hayley.

"Just let your leaders know I have this offer." Katherine avoiding the question said to the woman.

The woman named Eve went to gather the elders. "What do you want in return?" A burish man who should be Hayley's father asked.

"I heard you are married to the vampire. I bet you are not doing this out of the goodness of your heart." The man said wth mirth.

"I am not here to measure cocks because let's face it, against me you might as well be a eunouch. I came here to give you the temporary rights to ownership in my territory. You can stay there while you build your own house because it will be empty." She said generously.

"Who are you to give us handouts? We don't need your charity!" An old man said pridefully.

"I am the one who brought back the dead amongst you without asking for anything in return. That is charity. I am only landing you my home but if you feel it's too much charity for you then its fine. I am not doing this for you strange people I have no relationship with, I am doing this for Hayley so that she may visit you with her baby and be safe from your enemies." She said making the slightly confused as to how a few walls can make them safe from enemies.

"That's right, I heard all about the crescent moon pack and their bloody ways. You have many enemies and my home has a very safe barrier where even uninvited humans can not enter, someone can not throw a knife into this barrier without it coming back to stab them."

"It has enough rooms for everyone and it is fully furnished. So what do you say? I would like to talk to an intelligent person this time. I have no time." She frowns when she saw the same old man wanting to speak.

They ended up being very thankful upon finding out she really didn't want anything from them. She did a little chanting and the leaders were granted the authority to invite people into the barrier.

"Why do I feel like you are running?" Eve asked Katherine who just gave her a sad smile. "See around little girl." She disappeared.

The next day the entire pack moved into their new home and the children were very happy. Hayley got a call from Eve telling her to come over. She was surprised when she saw the entire pack inside Katherine's pack house.

At first she thought this is her way of punishing her for Elijah but then she found out that Katherine left the house to her pack and this happened six days ago. Eve gave Hayley a letter to give to Mikael. It was an explanation for disappearing. Mikael was the only person she leftan explaination to.

She called Elijah to find out why he didn't tell her but he was even more shocked than her. Elijah is very angry that such a big thing happened and he didn't have a clue.

He picked up the phone and called Katherine only to hear that the number does not exist. He briefly thought about going after her but promptly dismissed the idea. He needs to be here to make sure Nicklaus and Mikael do not kill each other before they can work together to take care of the threat.

Hayley took the letter and gave it to Mikael who became very upset after finding out about Katherine taking the children away.

"You are so used to wiping that beast hide that you would even disregard your own children. There truly is no hope for you. I wish she had married Finn or Kol. At the very least they have aspirations other than wiping someone's beastly asshole." Mikael took the golden dew Katherine had given him and disappeared.

He knew she will take care of his grandchildren and when he has dealt with the problems here, he will find and watch over his blood. Perhaps he may find his own peace seeing his own bloodline strive.

Elijah's frustrations increased with those words. Katherine's actions showed she doesn't trust him to protect the children. Remembering he has been busying himself with things other than his own wife and children made him feel like a failure.

He had stopped going there because he was frustrated with himself for not living up to his wife's expectations when she gave him that elixir. She had told him she went through a lot to get it for him but then a while later he found out she gave it to other people which include Rose.

That woman who would shake in fear at the sight of him is now more powerful than himself, he had felt unreconciled but he only had himself to blame because she gave him a way to improve himself but he failed.

Battling between blaming himself and blaming her, he sort comfort in the arms of someone less complex than his wife. Someone he hasn't disappointed, someone who needs him.

Now, he doesn't know what to do because she has already made that decision for him. She left him and he didn't even realize it until it was too late. What kind of a father is unaware of his own family's disappearance until six days later?

Just as he is drowning in his thoughts Marcel moved in next to him. "She left huh? Too bad, the one person I could see myself being friends with in this family did the smart thing and bolted." Marcel chuckled but there is no amusement in it. He turned to look at Elijah and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, someone stupid enough to stay will come. Sonner or later." He left him there in a downcast mood.


Katherine has become a bartender in the resort. Every new member has to start from the bottom. Luckily her hours are flexible as a new mother. She can change shifts if she doesn't get a babysitter.

Every pack member must work, those are the rules. Her babies fill her days and the mood in the resort is generally good. It's a peaceful society where children wake up to go to school, the local school and then come back to train and practice their beast manual.

Many have reached level 2 a long time ago and are able to turn at will. This part makes thier pack very proud. Rose travels between the wolves and the vampires taking care to provide anything missing. The new witches are indoctrinated with the same ceremony that will make them unquestionably loyal to Katherine and the pack.

After this they received an artifact each. Katherine had recently made a batch for the witch faction. Like the previous ones they protect against mental manipulation even from a powerful psychic like Katherine, they allow the witches to know when their magic is depleted and when someone is trying to mess with their heads.

Each artifact has a special effect unique to it like Bonnie's that can heal and light the way. Katherine may not be known by many in person but everyone respect her and are very thankful for her favor.

A new decree fro Katherine was passed through for the three factions:

The witches, the Vampires and wolves are called to learn how to make the body refinement tonic that they have been drinking for a long time now.

Each faction is to select a group of no more than five each and these five will then teach it to five more five years from now. Only those who have sworn the clan oath can be allowed to learn this recipe.

A clan oath is a serious matter that can not be taken lightly. Mostly because it is impossible to go against it after swearing it. There are already prepared words and a stone with a hand print where the one swearing should put their hand.

It is binding and very magical. This will eliminate the need for Katherine feed her blood to all of them because it is in that stone. Those who swear upon it are binding themselves to her and by extension her children by oath.

This tonic was first used to cleans their system of any impurities, as time goes by it became a way to increase their strength. It works for all three factions, four if we count the humans.

The vampires became stronger, faster and their compulsion gifts became easier to perfom. Werewolves aslo get stronger faster and their transformation is easier and faster than before. As they increase their strength according to the beast manual they will no longer need the tonic so much but it is recommended to continue drinking it.

The witches will be superior to humans and their ability to contain magic will improve, allowing them to cast more powerful spells in the future.

This tonic is the back bone of the clan and is the reason they are so much more powerful than those outside. Katherine had realized it is not a good idea to keep the recipe to herself. What if something happens to her? The strength of the clan will decrease considerably.

This question also led Katherine to use the magic rune language to ensure her children will become the masters of the clan should something happen to her. All the people loyal to her will be loyal to them upon the event of her death or incarceration.

This will only happen when they become 16. When they turn 16 they will recieve magic tattoos what will transfer all their mothers legacy to them. The tottoes will have a dimensional space inside that they can access whenever they want.

For now these are in the artifacts the children wear. Katherine is still deciding what to put inside their spaces. She has made several copies of the family videos and placed them inside each of their spaces.

She will also put a fox beast cultivation manual for each or a blood clan cultivation technique. It will be up to them which path they want to follow. Advantages and disadvantages for each choice a clearly defined so they will make informed decisions.

Her own pendant records her surroundings just like the one Elijah wears. Since her children are witches by blood, she makes copies of the spells she had taken from those she had met so far.

A few weeks passed by and there was no sign from Elijah or any of the Mikelson family. Katherine is understandably sad but she had been too hopeful. As an old spirit she should have be more realistic.

A few months later she managed to convince the top managers that she is better suited as a combat trainer. At first she couldn't adjust between the old and the young but as days went by she could easy change from easy mode to hard mode.

Katherine's children are able to see her real appearance because she didn't want her children to recognize a stranger as mom.

The pack kids she trains started calling her the tigress because she is fierce in battle mode. Katherine would occasionally have sad moments but she pushed through. When her children reached 15 months she decided to take the elixir again after a round of excruciating body refinement in the underground cauldron.

She suffered in this session mostly because of her state of mind. She came out and was in a daze for a full week before she took the elixir. She hadn't just been training people and raising children this past year. She was also working on optimizing the elixir.

After drinking it she directly got three more tails. Unlike before when she passed out because of the state of pregnancy she was spared the three steps she had spoken to Elijah about.

This time she had to admit to herself that she wanted to be loved. Her strong exterior is just a layer to cover up her deep inferioriries and emotional torment she is constantly under.

First because her own father threw her out of the house when she was just a child and then he let her be killed off.

She is an insecure woman who secretly wishes to be first in someone's heart one day. She wishes to be the priority in the heart of her own partner. With this revelation she along with her fox beast agreed to terminate their mate bond with Elijah.

The second point of what ahe has done and whether she forgives herself was not as hard as the first one. She has made mistakes and the most she can atone for are the deaths of the traveler hosts she massacred a while ago and the many treasures she stole in the heavenly realm.

The reason she wants strength is to not be bullied or taken advantage of. Most importantly she wants to be able protect her children and make sure they can also protect themselves in the even of her demise.

The evolution took two days but Katherine emerged a reborn woman. Space, necromancy, darkness, and her inborn fox tail of psychic power now all belong to her just like before she was pregnant.


In New Orleans Elijah just made love with Hayley for the last time before her marriage to Alpha Jackson so she can share her gifts with the pack when a searing pain assaulted him on the scar of Katherine's mate bite.

"Aaaaaah" He screamed because this is not just affecting his body but also his spirit. Then as if to give him one last fuck you, a pink flame covered the bite mark and it disappeared as if it was never there.

Elijah felt as if he has lost something very precious to him at this moment and couldn't help but wail in sadness. The kind of sadness that is contagious and heart wrenching.

Hayley and Klaus couldn't help him even if they wished to because that small flame is gone but Elijah looked like he had lost his soul.

"Wait Klaus, that bite has something to do with Katherine, he said it was her way of protecting him from her and to connect them on a deeper lever." Hayley took a closer look.

"It's gone. What does that mean?" She mused out loud.

"Who knows? She is probably making an entrance." Klaus sneered.

"On the contrary." Elijah cleared his hoarse voice and spoke again. "This is goodbye. She is divorcing me Nicklaus, my wife is leaving me for good now." Elijah said failing to contain the sadness.

"That's jumping to conclusions don't you think? Isn't it her who was busy encouraging Hayley to make a move on you?" Klaus frowned.

"This is not about Hayley. This is about my neglect of my children. If she

took back her mark then it is not just her who wanted to leave, her beast agreed." Elijah felt like his entire body became numb.

He had known Katherine was headstrong but that mate bond had made him somewhat complacent. With it gone, there is no reason for Katherine to wait for him anymore.

Klaus is not happy about this piece of news. Him and Katherine may have had their differences but she was an ally who hold a lot of power. Without the grounds of her marriage to Elijah, he will not have a connection with her to exploit.

Katherine is currently playing with her children. They are walking now and she is having the best time playing with them. Now that she has stopped chasing a futal relationship, she has decided to focus her energy on her children and on her pack.

It won't be too late to bother with complicated things when they are old enough. That elixir makes her essentially immortal so she will take it slow. Just like this, the world moved on.
