
Dinner from Hell

Mikael stood up and faced Ansel with a cruel smirk on his face. He is about to say something cruel about how he butchered his entire pack. Katherine interjected.

"Now, before the two of you start measuring whose is bigger, there are pregnant women in the room. Old Viking, I would hate to lose my temper with you again so soon." Katherine rubbed her belly and Mikael not wanting to be disgraced in front of his foe sat down Wiping the smirk off his face.

Katherine looked at Klaus. "I heard you got jealous that I helped Hayley reunite with her dead parents. I wanted to bring you a peace offering and flowers didn't seem appropriate since you may let them die because you are a filthy peasant with no redeeming qualities." Katherine smiled when Klaus's eyes turned.

"So I thought maybe a biological grandfather for your own child would lessen the gloom. The other side is falling apart and it's residents with it so I call in a favor and brought them here before they were blown into oblivion." Katherine said and the people in the room looked surprised.

"Ansel...your biological father." She looked at Elijah.

"Did I do good?" She asked Elijah like a child wanting to be praised.

Ansel went towards the table to seat next to Klaus and smiled at him with shinning eyes. Klaus stood up and left the table felling overwhelmed by emotions. Katherine walked to the table too.

"You brought him back?" Mikael looked at Katherine with rage.

"Oh come on, so he banged your wife, big deal. Get over it." She dismissed his anger and looked at the table full of food. She took out a golden dew bottle and gave it to Mikael.

"Pour yourself a glass of scotch on top of it and just get over it. Be careful though, this stuff is too strong for an old man such as yourself." She said handing him the bottle. Elijah hurriedly sat between them to prevent them from hurting each other. His wife is really a handful ah!

"Husband, when is the dinner starting? I am hungry." She whines and Elijah clenched his jaw. Pulling her up he wanted to scold her somewhere no one would hear them.

But before she let him pull her away she looked at Mikael. "I put a small curse on the wolf. Anything you do to him will happen to you regardless of who you are. In fact, if you pull out his heart you will die as if you were killed by a white oak stake. A little insurance to ensure my efforts are not wasted." She smiled when she looked at his expression.

Katherine has to admit that her rune language study is really worth it in this world. Even though her power is diminishing, she still has all sorts of fun ways to ensure people who annoy her suffer.

"No one would hurt him under any cohesion, so forget about making someone kill him. The curse will attack you instead of that person. As a nail in the coffin, no one can get inside his head. He is here for that unborn child and if you get in the way, you will both be dead. And let me caution you, now that the other side is disappearing, if you die you will go straight to hell." Katherine blinked.

Mikael stood up and sped in front of her. But before he can do anything to her, a blue barrier coming from her pendent enveloped her. Katherine smiled at him. "Just play nice even if you don't like him. That's what family is all about." She left him standing there. But before turning a corner she turned around looking at Mikael with her beast form eyes.

"What the hell was that stunt about? Bringing Klaus's biological father here, cursing him?" Elijah is so angry.

"Husband, you're quivering." She looked at him with hooded eyes.

"Katharina!" Elijah is angry, he loosen his tie feeling like it is strangling him.

"I am doing something that is with in my nature. Like it or not, I am a fox and I like messing with people the most. Especially terrible people who have made me very angry before. I just knew your father would spend the whole time making me want to strangle him so I gave him another target." She explained.

"How is it a target if he is not allowed to touch him?" Elijah raised an eyebrow.

"He can do it. But then he will suffer too. It is called instant karma." She said.

"Katharina this was supposed to be a normal family dinner and you have ruined it." Elijah whisper yells at her.

"Would It help if I tell you that Mikael is holding a very strong poison that can kill a werewolf but unlike the wolf Spain this one is tasteless and colorless? He wants to poison Hayley and kill her and the baby." Katherine told Elijah who rushed out to confront his father.

He pulled him up from the chair and looked through his pockets and found something in his jeans. Whatever this is he will find out.

"Where are you going, bring back my tonic." Mikael said loudly as Elijah took Katherine back home and then went to the witches territory to ask what that tonic is.

Katherine is happy to be joined by Hayley who is freaked out that she was almost poisoned because she was changing in the bedroom when Klaus took her away saying she was in danger.

"Sorry you can't be with your pack." Katherine said to her.

"Thanks for bringing them back for me. Katherine, there is so way to make up for something like this." She admitted.

"Don't worry about it." Katherine smiled. She really did it because the other side is collapsing and she doesn't have many people she wants to bring back.

She received a call from Bobby. "Clan leader, is it okay if I started going out with Stefan Salvatore?"

"Unless someone you are interested in is my child, don't ask me such weird questions in the future they make me sound like a tyrant. Just don't bring him anywhere near me and we're good." She dropped the call.

"So it's okay if they date vampires or other species?" Hayley asked.

"I can't be so controlling with other people's private matters Hayley." Katherine laughed.

"I have to go have my medical bath now. Enjoy the movie." Katherine got up and made it to her bathroom.

She thought of something and then called Bobby back. "Is his humanity back on?"

"Now that you mention it, he did feel kind of hallow earlier. Thanks Kat."

"Yeah, I am waiting for the homework I gave you two days ago." Katherine dropped the call.

After having her medical bath she relaxed under the stars with Hayley enjoying a quiet time as she reads on the music notes composed by Annabelle. She occasionally closes her eyes playing it in her head.

"Clan leader, There's a Bonnie looking fir you." One of the wolves Mikel resurrected said.

"Tell her this is a wrong house, she should look the next house." Katherine dismissed the young girl when she looked to be ready to say something. The girl came back exasperated.

May walked in with Bonnie. "Wrong house huh?"

"Why are you here?" Katherine asked with a fake smile.

"I heard you refused to come to my funeral. I guess my question is....what's up with that?" Bonnie glared at Katherine. Her cute features making her seem like a small cat showing its show it's tiny claws to a fierce tiger.

"You are too young to play this type of gave with me. Just say what you want and then go back to your duties." Katherine said rolling her eyes.

"I see nothing has changed." Bonnie said and then turned to Hayley. "Hello, I am Bonnie." She smiled at the wolf.

"I will go inside no." May tried to run away but Katherine fixed him with a glare.

"Katherine can we talk in private?"

"No. Say whatever it is that brought you here and then be on your way little witch. I don't trust you enough to be without witnesses when conversing with you."

"Why so hostile?"

"Didn't your little group try to hurt Mikel? And like I said, get on with whatever you want Bonnie."

"Firstly I want to know why did my artifact disappear when I died?"

"Like you said, you were dead and it also died. What, you didn't think I would let such an item fall into the ands of other people when you die did you?" Katherine asked with incredulity.

"Oh. Secondly I am the anchor to the other side now and I can feel the death of every supernatural being as they pass through me."

Katherine looked at her for a long time and then busted out laughing. She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. Hayley looked horrified hearing this poor girl has been living like this for moths now.

"Go ahead and get it out of your system."

"Honestly Qetsiya is such a bitch. This is what Amara had been feeling for two millennials." Katherine said wiping her eyes.

"Can you help me?" Bonnie asked looking at Katherine with pleading eyes.

"What I don't get is you are her descendant. I can understand her delivering punishment to the woman who took her fiancé's love but this is....does she care not for her own blood?" Katherine self monologue but the present people can here her.

"Can you help me?"

"What kind of help can I possibly give you?" Katherine asked her.

"I don't know, but surely there is something that can be done." Bonnie sat down.

Katherine sent her senses to check the magic that brought Bonnie back to life and frowned. Knowing Qetsiya's spells she closed her eyes and retrieved this specific one.

"The original spell was meant for something indestructible and your mortal body is not able to hold the magnitude of the spell." Katherine tilted her head. So, you are the reason the other side is dying off? Fascinating."

"The other side is dying?"

"More like, unstable and might crumble at the slightest of push." Katherine said.

"What do we do?"

"What to do?" Katherine blinked "You know that place is essentially a prison right?" She aske Bonnie.

"I am the anchor, if it crumbles then...."

"You crumble with it." Hayley finished her sentence.

"You have a long line of witches at your back and call on the other side Bonnie, you could ask them for help." She advised.

"Katherine." Bonnie seemed very emotional.

"I am very sorry Bonnie but this is not something I can help you with. Try calling Qetsiya and tell her your fragile body is crumbling and so is her little love nest." Katherine said with as much sympathy as she can master.

Elijah didn't come home. Katherine is now able to sleep soundly because of th incense she made a while ago. She didn't want to go to that stupid dinner anyways and they were forcing her, a pregnant woman to dine with the worlds most murderous grandfather.

Eventually he came back and never brought up having dinner with his family again. What he didn't tell her is that he was trying to allow his evolution to happen but the memories are too much so he failed. But he will keep trying.

Mikael told Elijah that he will be back he needs to go somewhere for a while.

Weeks turned into months Katherine didn't go out much and opted to entertain herself with the work of her pack as they learn the different arts.

Mikel had to bring back Nicklaus's army that had died when he killed himself at that time.

Marcel, Klaus and Kol found Celeste and the other witch who came back in place of the harvest girls. The girls were then resurrected and the witches celebrated.

Davina didn't want to interact with anyone and just moved into Katherine's pack house. Even then she would only paint and practice her magic alone. Katherine didn't force her to open up. The entirety of witches looked for her but couldn't fund her anywhere. They wanted her to attend some celebration function but Davina didn't go. She practiced her magic even harder than before.

"Okay, come with me." Katherine opened the curtains and the sunlight came in blinding them both for a few seconds.

"I can understand not wanting to talk but you need to express yourself so you don't suffocate." The place she took her to is large and the inside is divided into nine parts. Each part has a theme.

The entire place comes together nicely. Davina walked towards an ice sculpture of herself. Her features are vivid and her facial expression at the time is clear. She looked alone, as if the world has turned its back on her. Even Katherine who had already seen it can't help but stare in wonder.

"Do I really look like that? How is it not melting?" Davina wanted to touch it.

"A rune for freezing is carved with spirit power under the board."

"Is this the result of the lessons you gave to them?" She asked.

"Yes." Katherine said with pride looking at the music notes from Paige and Bobby.

Davina looked at the different paintings at Mikel's place of display. She suddenly got inspiration and went to seat under a tree to paint and enjoy the nice weather.

As the time went by she got better and also more powerful with magic. She went back to a school a while after and the witches kept bothering her. She ignored them and went about her own life.

Hayley got kidnapped. She wasn't on labor but the witches induced her labor at the same time, Katherine started getting labor pains. Elijah has been occupied taking care of her these past few months because of the problems with her health. He was just trying to find a way to convince her to go through with the alternative to natural birth but her water broke.

She woke up with a sharp pain on her back. She had woken up gasping and called Rose. "You were supposed to be here a day ago. Did you bring the doctor and her team?" Katherine asked in a voice full of pain.

"We just came through the city and are a few minutes from where you are." Rose's voice sounded even more worried. Rose came and then took Elijah away from the pack house.

"What do you mean by this? She is my wife!" Elijah didn't want to go.

"If we stay, we will attack her once she starts bleeding. Let's go check on your brother's offspring." Rose said but she is already dragging him away from the territory by force. She is very powerful now.

Elijah is surprised that he can not even put up a little resistance against Rose at this moment. Just how much more powerful is she compared to him. He is a little frustrated with Katherine for just handing out such power.

Rose is wearing one of the artifacts meant for a general in Katherine's army. They reached the compound and found the vampires but no Klaus or Hayley.

"There is a struggle here." Rose closed her eyes and listened to the city.

"What are you doing? We should go look for them!"

"I am looking for them. Keep quiet." Rose tried to listen and finally found Klaus's desperate screams of anguish. She pulled Elijah and they went to the direction.

When they entered the church, they found witches taking Hayley's baby's out of her stomach, they attacked.

Rose is very fast, she threw knives and stabbed the witches while moving like a ghost. Elijah got incapacitated just like Klaus because his pendant is being used to tone down the extra power from his body that he is not able to assimilate as his own.

Klaus saw her actions and became hopeful that his child will be safe now. The witch still managed to slit Hayley's throat though. When there is only one witch left, a young girl from the harvest. Rose showed herself.

"What took you so long?" She said and two Japanese men came in menacingly stalking towards the girl. Klaus and Elijah are released from their confining spells and they both together with three others surround the girl.

"Why should we help these old people?" Hiroshu asked reluctantly.

"Yeah, we came for the protection of the master." Jiro said with a bored tone.

"Aren't they like a million years old? Why are they being bested by a couple of children? I can't believe she married one of these losers." Hiroshu said harshly.

"Are you questioning her decisions?" Rose said fixing them with a hard stare.

"Of course not. I am questioning these people. Are they for real? That is a teenager." Jiro said with dejection.


Katherine gave birth safely but the process had been brutal since she needed to be cut open and then cleaned thoroughly before Annabelle could use her power to heal her.

Katherine had thought something like this may happen which is why she chased away all the vampires including her husband because her blood is too enticing to them.

Elijah came back looking extremely embarrassed and disheveled. He took a shower and then went to meet his children and his wife.

Mikael who has been kept outside the barrier is fuming when he is finally brought inside. However, when his three grandchildren are presented to him he forgot all about his anger. He hastily held the second born looking at his eyes with a rare fondness.

"Katherine is holding the first born daughter the one in my hands was the last to be born. Do you have any idea of what to name them?" Elijah asked his father as he played with the baby.

"Andvari, Hildrum and Erna." He said with pride. As if to acknowledge their names, the babies issued loud cries. Three fox like spirits engulfed each child. And then disappeared inside each child. Mikael almost dropped the babe in his hand in fright.

"What in the gods was that?" He looked at Elijah with shock.

"Really? You accept those old names but not modern names I have been trying to come up with? Hildrum? Do we call him Rum for shirt?" Katherine sounded exasperated.

"What was that thing just now?" Mikael demanded.

Katherine and Elijah looked at each other and put the children down. After putting down the child in Mikael's hand they went out of the rooms and into a seating area.

"I am a fox beast, what you saw are the fox spirits that will grant the kids the ability to use mind arts." Katherine showed her own fox spirit which is now awakened after sleeping for so long.

The fox removed the blockade on the bond between Katherine and Elijah, he can feel how nervous she is even though on the outside she seems to not care about it.

"Are you saying the children will grow up to be beasts?" Mikael asked in an unreadable tone.

"If they want. Unlike the wolves, there is no curse it is in the hands of the person if they want to shift. The fox spirit is a talent for psychic power. Not every fox can have the fox spirit, for all three to have it is beyond luck. No wonder they almost killed me." Katherine grumbled but she is undeniably happy about this piece of news.

"Psychic power?"

"Yeah. Mind arts allows the fox spirit holder to have a powerful mind."

"Do you have it?"

"Yes, although my power has diminished significantly with the pregnancy." Katherine is so anxious she thinks she is going to throw up. Elijah pulled her and rubbed her back to try and comfort her.

The room is silent as the old man thinks over the information. "How powerful compared to the child of Nicklaus?"

Katherine thinks about it then she decided to be honest. "It will depend on training. But a fox's power grows with the number of tails."

"Oh? How to grow these tails?"

"It will depend on the situation and on each fox inherent power. You see, on top of being psychic the spirit fox is born with a power unique to them specifically."

"What is your?" He asked curious.

Katherine just looked at him with a fake smile.

"The point is that if you have a problem with this you have to say it now. Otherwise I cannot let you near them." Elijah said calmly

"I don't have a problem with them as long as they are not weaker than Klaus's daughter. Understood?" The aura of a killer on full display.

"But you are not training them." Katherine said with narrowed eyes.

"Fine, but I will be testing for progress." When he said that, a shiver went up her spine.

Mikael went back to playing with the babies as if nothing happened. Katherine looked at her husband with some worry in her heart.

"I always suspected that the reason he was hellbent on killing Nicklaus was because the most powerful of us, didn't have his blood." Elijah said comforting his wife.

"I heard that." Mikael said walking out with a chest full of baby puke. Katherine laughed.

"Were you throwing him in the air?" She raised an eyebrow.

"A little..." He bolted for the door while Elijah and Katherine laughed behind him.

Klaus, his father Ansel and the recently turned Hayley are all hurdled watching a sleeping Hope on her crib. The babe with a beautiful pair of Safire blue eyes and cute side dimples like her father. 

Klaus felt it, the love and tenderness for this little thing. A promise that he will do anything in his power to protect and make her feel safe. 
