
The Fox and the Frog

This is my first fanfiction of Pokemon X and Y. The story is about Fennekin, Froakie, and Chespin. The three were picked by Professor Sycamore's new students, Elizabeth, Darwin, and Tony. As you are reading this book, Fennekin and Froakie became friends until they are reunited as Frogadier and Braxien for the past nine weeks. Because of this, Braxien was heartbroken, and Frogadier wants to be with her for support. A wild Lucario was the one who broke her heart and Frogadier has to deal with him. But she have other friends to be with. Her trainer hasthree cousin: Two of them love her so much and the other was been stubborn and wanted to take her home along with Tony. A Braxien's trainer had a bad relationship with her related cousin and her friends who want her to live her dream as a Pokemon Trainer. I hope you enjoyed the book I have created. P.S: I don't own Pokemon.

StarWoman1280 · Teen
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39 Chs

Chapter 4: Finn And His Big Adventure

Chespin (Finn) POV:

I was having a great time catching up with Tony. When I was taking a nap, he had much time to catch five Pokemon for our team. As I was in a nap, I have nightmares about Brittany and Geo, getting themselves hurt, but this won't happen. When I woke up this morning, I found myself five Pokemon surrounding me. Here are five Pokemon that Tony gives each nickname to them:

Tyrunt (Daniel)

Lapras (Michael)

Poochyena (Grayson)

Flabebe (Bridgette)

Litleo (Sebastian)

I froze and once Tony and his friend, Victor came to the room I was, saying that we are going to Shalour City to meet his girlfriend who was dating Tony quite for awhile which her name is Amy, but she appears to be Alice. Besides, Tony explained that he didn't have much to talk to me, even though I was taking a nap. I understand that this is very important and difficult.

         "Aw Right, everyone, let's get to Shalour City." As Tony said, gathering his backpack. "Finally, we can go outside. And you five are my teammates, right?" I questioned. They nodded and a Flabebe says, "Yep, our trainer says we can be friends with you." Tony sends the five to their Pokeball. And I was traveling with him as he was walking down to Shalour City. When we arrived at Shalour City, we see Amy waving her hand to Tony. Amy has a Chimchar with a bow on her hand, knowing that Pokemon is a girl. Tony put me down the street floor to meet the new Pokemon.

Chimchar (Stella) POV:

    A Chespin was about to walk close to me as I carefully faced him but I was too scared and shy to do that. "What is your name?" Chespin asked me the question. I answered very shaking, " M-my name is S-Stella." I introduced myself to a Chespin. "That's a nice name, I'm Finn. It's good to meet you." He said with a smile on his face. I looked up at Tony, Amy, and Victor, having a good conversation about how Elizabeth and Darwin are doing even though I don't know them. "I call her, knowing what she's doing, but she said that she is in Anistar City. But she leave Anistar City and was training her team." Amy, my trainer, asked, "What Pokemon did she picked for her journey?" Tony answered. "It was a Fennekin by the way."

           "And Darwin, what did he pick?" Victor said. "Darwin also picked a Froakie. Sycamore said those Pokemon are trained specifically for our journey once they get the best way for our lives." I never expected that Chespin has friends with two Pokemon with him but it's hard to imagine. "So, Finn, you know two Pokemon who is with you before your adventure." He looked down at the floor and suddenly he nodded. Well, who were their names?" As I waited for him to respond, he told me. " Their names are Geo and Brittany. Brittany was a Fennekin, as for the other, Geo is a Froakie." I felt so sorry for his friends, going to separate ways with their trainers. " It's sorry for your friends, but you'll see them again." Finn agreed with me as we eat poke puffs that Amy made at home.

Tony POV:

Victor and Amy were starting fighting about the last macaron. I couldn't stop laughing as I banged my hand so hard. Once I stop laughing, I had a chance to stop this noscence. Chespin said if they have to at his place for the night. I told Amy and Victor, "you guys want to stay at my place for the night?" They both agreed to his great idea. After we left Shalour City, Victor, Amy, and I went to my cabin to have a game night.

Amy POV:

My boyfriend, Tony always been a great guy to date with. His Pokemon, Chespin is so cute and my Chimchar is starting to get along well. Ever since I met Chimchar, she used to be shy of strangers that she doesn't know about. Luckily, I made her felt better to trust me, Tony, and Victor. But then, I'm starting to think about Darwin and Elizabeth. I was worried about them because they are starting dating and I felt bad that they have Brittany and Geo.

Tony looked at me, knowing that I was worried too much, "Amy, don't worry about my sister and Darwin. They will be fine once you get to see them." As I looked up to Tony, I always trust him on my own heart. I nodded and continued to play our game night.

As they are playing a game in Tony's cabin, Finn and Stella are having so much fun, to begin with their own lives. As they gone through the game, they starting to fall asleep.