
The Fox and the Frog

This is my first fanfiction of Pokemon X and Y. The story is about Fennekin, Froakie, and Chespin. The three were picked by Professor Sycamore's new students, Elizabeth, Darwin, and Tony. As you are reading this book, Fennekin and Froakie became friends until they are reunited as Frogadier and Braxien for the past nine weeks. Because of this, Braxien was heartbroken, and Frogadier wants to be with her for support. A wild Lucario was the one who broke her heart and Frogadier has to deal with him. But she have other friends to be with. Her trainer hasthree cousin: Two of them love her so much and the other was been stubborn and wanted to take her home along with Tony. A Braxien's trainer had a bad relationship with her related cousin and her friends who want her to live her dream as a Pokemon Trainer. I hope you enjoyed the book I have created. P.S: I don't own Pokemon.

StarWoman1280 · Teen
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39 Chs

Chapter 39: Rescue Valerie

At Laverre Gym:

Nashly: "Where are my cousins and their group?"

Valerie: "How should I know? I don't know your cousins, you just invaded my gym."

Valerie's Trainers: "Yeah!"

Gym Trainer #3: "Let us go!"

Kevin: "Quiet!"

Destiny: "Listen, Missy, we can't leave if you tell us."

Efbeydy: "I wonder how long she is going to spill the beans."

Valerie: (Jeez, This is outrageous. I can't believe I'm in a trap with those idiots. Huh? Looking at my trainers, I'm missing a few. I think they might have escaped and were looking for help. I hope they do it right away before it's too late.)

Elizabeth POV:

After hearing about what happened to Valerie, I head back to the room where the others are checking on Geo. "Valerie is in trouble. Nashly started it." They look stunned and upset about it. "Great, we have to save her," Mateo said as he went out the door. The Pokemon followed him, expecting Serena's Pokemon. Clement came up to Darwin and me. "Bonnie and I can help you with rescuing Valerie." Darwin gave him his thanks but worry about something else. "What about Geo? I can't just leave him with your old friend. I can't trust her." Serena looks down, feeling ashamed. Brittany raised her hand. "I can stay with him. You guys can go without me." I hug her, "Be careful and take care of Geo." Then I look Serena in the eyes. "And you. Don't try anything stupid, that includes your Pokemon." The four of us left the room.

Pancham (Roman): "So...Geo...You wanna talk about it?"

Greninja (Geo): "After literally trying to kill me, no. I rather get killed than talking to you."

Delphox (Brittany): *Hugs Geo* "It's alright, my love. We could just ignore them."

*Cherry seems devastated, as she heads out.*

At the Main Hall of the Pokemon Center:

Audino: "Here is your tea. Is there something else you want?"

Chensaught (Adam): "No, just the tea is fine. Thank you."

Audino: "You're welcome."

*An Audino went back to its partner. Adam is sipping some tea and then look at his friends. He rolls at his eyes and set his tea on the table.*

Chesnaught (Adam): "Now what?"

Luxray (Haru): "When will you going to find a special someone?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "A what?!"

Heliolisk (Asahi): "You know, hitting on someone?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Oh come on, you guys are being nuts. Do you have any ideas how dumb it sounds?" *Sips some tea.*

Diggersby (Ren): "You use to do it."

Chesnaught (Adam): Yeah, as a Chespin. But way back, I was stupid."

*Adam sips some more tea as he noticed the group went outside in a hurry.*

Luxray (Haru): "What is that all about?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Something must have happened right now."

Clement: "Guys, we got to go, now."

Diggersby (Ren): "Why? What happened?"

Bonnie: "It's Valerie. She's in trouble."

Heliolisk (Asahi): "Okay! Okay! We're going."

Clement: "And Adam."

Chesnaught (Adam): "I know the drill, stay here while I get better."

Clement, his Pokemon, and Bonnie left without Adam.*

Chesnaught (Adam); "Finally, peace and quiet while drinking some warm tea." *Sips a bit of tea.*

Sylveon (Cherry): *Ahem* "Adam."

*Adam heard for who is calling him until he look down to see Cherry.*

Chesnaught (Adam): "Oh, it's you, an idiotic Sylveon who didn't seem to remember me."

*Cherry hops a top of the table.*

Sylveon (Cherry): "Hey, I say I was sorry."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Are you really tho?"

Sylveon (Cherry): "I...Well, I..." *Sighs*

Chesnaught (Adam): "That's what I thought."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Well, at least you didn't get killed by my power, hehe."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Are you kidding, Cherry? I was nearly going to get killed because of you."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Ahh...Well..."

Chesnaught (Adam): "You called me a hideous beast."

Sylveon (Cherry): "I know what I did is wrong. It's just..." *Sighs* "It's just me and the others didn't realize it's you. You become very different. It was our bad."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Hmph! I should've known you are better than that."

Bobby POV:

We arrived outside the gym and wondered how are we going to pull this off. "Okay, what the hell is going to do," Alex says confused. "We can't sit there and do nothing." Clement glanced at two of Valerie's gym trainers. "You two have made it out alive. Where exactly you guys got out?" One of the two gym trainers led us the way to the window that already opened. "This is how we escaped. My friend already locked the door so that way the teens didn't know anything about it." Victor enters first checked to inspect the room and it was clear. "Ladies first." Alex says to Elizabeth when she hops inside, along with the others.

Bonnie: "This is like breaking and entering."

Elizabeth: "Well, what choice did we have, Bonnie? I know it's bad but it is worth saving lives."

Clement: "While we are here, we need to stay silent. I'm afraid her cousin is still inside the same gym."

Bobby: "Knowing her, she's still looking for us." *Rolling his sleeves and showing off his Z-Ring* "She still doesn't know our appearances so far."

*While everyone was inside, one Gym leader closed the window silently. Tony first unlocks the door and gives us a hand signal to move on walking. Elizabeth goes first to walk as others follows.*

Amy: "Look at this place. It's like living in a dollhouse."

Hannah: *Rolling her sleeves* "Maybe she has a thing for dolls."

Elizabeth: "Girls, every gym leader has their own taste of interest."

*Elizabeth bumps into Jesus. Tony saw it and decided to stay out of his sight.*

Elizabeth: *Whispers* "Oh no...not him again..."

Jesus: "Why?!..." *Looks at Elizabeth* "...Hello there, sweet stuff."

Elizabeth: "Uh...Hi..."

Jesus: "Say, what are doing here at a time like this?"

Elizabeth: "Oh? You know...exploring in such an interesting place like this."

Jesus: "Really? Well, you know what's also interesting?"

Elizabeth: "And what's that?"

Jesus: *Walks too close to her* "You, sweet cheeks."

Elizabeth: "P-Pardon?" (Oh my fucking god! He's hitting on me! Please, God. Get me away from this idiot!)

Amy: *Whispers* "What's going on over there?"

*I walk a little too close to the corner. Tony and I took a sneak peek to take a look and noticed Elizabeth was in trouble.*

Tony: *Whispers* "Hell no!* *Takes out Finn* "Knock his ass out."

*Finn goes as he takes off his headband, hands it to Tony, while he's behind Jesus. He holds his own hands together and knocks out the top of Jesus' head, leaving him lying on the floor.*

Elizabeth: "Jeez, what a pain. Thanks, Finn."

Chesnaught (Finn): "Don't mention it."

Elizabeth: "Now what are we doing to do with him?"

Chesnaught (Finn): "I know." *Puts out his vines.*

Elizabeth: "OH! I see what you're thinking."

With Nashly:

Nashly: "Where on earth is Jesus? He should've gone for too long."

Efbeydy: "Knowing that idiot, he's probably wandering around the gym."

Zack: "I just hope he doesn't get lost."

*Nashly's gang saw something rolled on the floor and realized it is Jesus, tied together with grass vines around him.*

Kevin: "Oh my-!"

Melvin: "Jesus?! What the hell! You've been gone for a couples of minutes. Why did you tied up like this?"


Nashly: "Hey! Do you know someone else is in the gym?"

Valerie: "How should I know, kid? My crew and I was sitting there, being surrounded."

Nashly: "If it's not you nor your trainers, then who the hell did this?!"

Back to Bobby POV:

  We overheard their conversation while we hide, leaning against the walls. Finn chuckled quietly as covering his hands, same goes to Elizabeth. "Oh my god, Finn. You're a fucking genius." Calvin said patting his back. I got all their attention as signaling them where we have to go. "This way." I say, leaning our way from two trainers. But both stopped to haul because few Pokemon had walked, coming to the conclusion that they had been told to investigate the hallway. Victor pulls out a few of his Pokemon from their Pokeballs. His Samurott and Toxicroak took them down. More Pokemon are approaching our direction, making Elizabeth and Darwin pull out their Pokemon to take it down. "Jeez, how many of her friends' Pokemon need to be taken down?," Jayden says catching up. One trainer got our attention, "This way, people. Valerie is over there." Clement and Bonnie go first to lean and follow the trainer, and the others follow. As Clement is nearly to put the stop, he takes his Pokemon to surround Nashly. She is stunned to see herself everything she saw has got her off guard, including her friends. We stopped running until we saw her, face-to-face.

Nashly: "How...How did you know I was..."

Bobby: "We have our ways."

Gym Trainer #1: "Lady Valerie. We gather some help."

Valerie: "And yet, you did. I'm glad you have people coming to rescue me."

Clement: "Little miss, you need to surrender yourself."

Victor: "If not..." *Takes one pokeball from his pocket* "We'll have to do this a hard way."

Nashly: "You really think that can scared me. Ha!"

*Nashly's crew blow a whisper and that gather some of their pokemon to surrender us.*

Elizabeth: "Oh no..."

Chesnaught (Finn): "We got ambushed."

Clement: "That means..."

Bonnie: "It's a trap all along."

Nashly: "Listen, you bumps. I'm not leaving without any leads to where to my cousins' whereabouts from Valerie. Unless....you know where they are."

The teens: "!"

Darwin: "As if we are gonna tell you."

Nashly: "Well, not my damn problem."

Tony: *Whispers* "Now we are a dead end."

Darwin: *Whisper* "I shouldn't have bring him along."

Clement: *Whisper* "But him and my partner haven't been healed up yet."

*Bonnie, who is hidden beneath the teens, decides to text a small message to Adam's tech watch that was invented by her older brother.*

Bonnie: *Whispers* "Please help us, Adam."

With Geo and Brittany - At the Pokemon Center:

*Geo and Brittany are playing Uno while staying one of the rooms in the Pokemon Center.*

Delphox (Brittany): *Puts on her card on a pile* "Babe, it's your turn now."

Greninja (Geo): *Looks at his cards* "Hmm...what to chose..." *Puts on his card on a pile* "Your turn."

*They overheard footsteps and there was Adam, locking the door because Cherry was following him and appearing to be knocking hard. Adam didn't know Geo and Brittany were sat on the bed.*

Chesnaught (Adam): "Oh! Was I...interpreting something?"

Delphox (Brittany): "No."

Greninja (Geo): "Brittany and I were actually playing Uno."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Well, that sounds fun to play."

Greninja (Geo): "Anyways, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your partner, Clement?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Yyyyeah, about that. He told me I needed to stay here because I need to focus on recovering."

Greninja (Geo): "Recovering? From what?"

Chesnaught (Adam): *Points at Brittany* "I bet she knows."

*Geo turns to look at Brittany.*

Delphox (Brittany): "Cherry, a Sylveon who took you and Nate to Laverre. She used a powerful Moonblast which nearly killed Adam."

Greninja (Geo): *Shocked* "Wow. She almost wipe you."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Yup. Worst moment of my life. And it hurts...so bad."

Greninja (Geo): "So, she's..."

Chesnaught (Adam): "A old friend of mine. Sorry about what she and Roman have done to you. I'm really going to say this now, that she's one crazy bitch."

Sylveon (Cherry): *Knocks three times* "I can hear you, you know! It's a fucking accident!"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Yeah. Say all you want. It's not like I'll forgive you." *Look at his tech watch* "What is it?"

Sylveon (Cherry): "That's it. We can settled this when I busted out this door."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Do it if you dare."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Fine! One!"

Delphox (Brittany): "She's pushing herself too hard."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Two!"

Greninja (Geo): "Are you really going to convince her to do damages here?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "No."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Three!"

*Adam opened the door before she could do anything. Sylveon runs until gets her head collided on the bed.*

Sylveon (Cherry): "Owwie...My head..."

Serena: "Cherry. You hurt yourself, didn't you?"

Sylveon (Cherry): "Yes...Ow..."

Chesnaught (Adam): *Looks at his tech watch* "Jeez, this is bad."

Greninja (Geo): "What's bad?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "This. Bonnie sends a message. It says, "Needed help on Laverre Gym! We're been ambushed!" They are in trouble."

Delphox (Ruby): "Oh dear..."

Delphox (Brittany): "Then, what you standing there for, you need to go."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Aaaannd, how? I'm barely healed, same goes to Geo."

Sylveon (Cherry): "I can use my powers to help."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Cherry, you mindless shitbag. I know you very well, but your powers ain't gonna do nothing. Don't expect using your Draining Kiss, that power is just kill both of us."

*Serena throws a two bottles of Hyper Potion were thrown in the front of Geo and Brittany.*

Delphox (Brittany): *Grabs the hyper potions* "Whose potion is this?"

Serena: "Mine, but I want to give it to you so you can heal Adam and this poor Grenjnja..."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Why in the fuck would you-?"

Serena: "Look. The team and I started this mess and it was a terrible feeling for friends to witness. It turned me into a bad friend who couldn't forgive myself."

The three: *Look at each other* "..."

Serena: "Right now, I want to make things right. If Bonnie and the others get in trouble, we can come along."

*Adam took one hyper potion from Brittany's hand. He sighs and sprays himself.*

Chesnaught (Adam): "Fine, you guys can come along."

Serena and her team: "Yes!"

Chesnaught (Adam): "But! I'm only doing this for Clement and Bonnie. Not for you. Understood?"

Pancham (Roman): *Sighs* "We understood."

Sylveon (Cherry): "Maybe it's best if you can give us a second chance."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Ha! In your dreams."

Delphox (Brittany): *Sprays hyper potion on Geo* "Sweetie, I don't know if this is a good idea to take them with us."

Greninja (Geo): "Well, what choice do we have? We need to gather help."

*Brittany finished the potion and tossed it at the trash bin. Geo was able to get up and stretch.*

Greninja (Geo): *Sighs* "I have to be with those people again."

Delphox (Brittany): *Kiss Geo on the cheek* "You'll be fine while I'm around. Let's go rescue the crew."

*Geo follows Brittany and the others head outside.*

Back to Bobby's POV:

"So what's it going to be, people? Because I'm in a massive hurry right about now," she says, walking all around us. I look at Nashly like it looks like a staring contest. I hide both my arms on my lower back so I can get my Z-Ring ready to use in case anything else happens. "Where are they?" she demanded an answer. I give her a serious look, not even talking to her. "Why are you standing there for? Tell me right now!" From my view, I saw a long vine, ribbon, and long-looking tongue lurking above them and lurking them away quickly and no one saw it except me. "It's them, even Darwin's Pokemon is here. He must be helping us out. Great timing." I thought to myself. Nashly looked around and noticed a few of her friends were missing.

Nashly: "Where are they? They were just standing there." *Turns to look at Bobby* "What did you do?"

Bobby: "Me? I didn't do it."

*Serena, her Pokemon, Brittany, and Adam jump out to the point where they use their moves to stop her. Nashly was backing off and then bumped into Geo as he transformed Darwin-Greninja. Brittany drops few of Nashly's friends tied together with vines and ribbon when stop using her psychic powers.*

Nashly: "It's you! The monster from the-! How did you get here?!"

Darwin-Greninja (Geo): "We have our ways, bitch." *Summons Water Shuriken on his hand*

Jose: "Hey, who're you-"

*Geo throws the stars at Jose nearly few feet hitting him. Jose is stunned and thinks he is going to die.*

Victor: "I guess the hard way is the answer. "Take them out, my Pokemon."

The gang takes out their Pokemon, not most of them. A couple of enemies take out their Pokeballs. Serena got the gym trainers and Valerie to get them to safety as she focuses on battling one of Nashly's friends. Darwin had Jayden to take the pokemon that are weak to. The others defeated most of my sister gang's Pokemon to the point that they are halfway defeated. I take out Calvin to finish the job by rolling my sleeves to reveal my Z-Ring. I took a breath and did the Z-pose for Fire-Type Crystal to at them. "Everyone, get outta the way! It's going to be very messy!" I warned them. Geo and Brittany ran at the right side of the room. Adam runs and falls at the ground to take cover. Calvin unleashes its Z-move which is called Inferno Overdrive. He gathers all the flames and aims them right at any Pokemon that belongs to Nashly's gang. This causes more damage to them and immediately after that, they run away. Nashly turns back to look at us, "We're meeting again next time." And then she left the Gym.

Delphox (Brittany) POV:

The Next Day: Noon - At the Pokemon Center

Delphox (Brittany): "That stunt you and Bobby pull was really a Z-Move."

Incineroar (Calvin): "Yup."

Decidueye (Ace): "Bobby's grandmother lets him take the ring with him. That includes Alex and Hannah."

Greninja (Geo): "Jesus." *Sips some tea*

Incineroar (Calvin): "How about you, Geo? How's your process on your recovery?"

Greninja (Geo): "I'm doing good. Nurse Joy checked and saying I'm pretty healthy. She just warn to be careful with other Pokemon I'm weak to."

Primarina (Bonnie): "I'm glad."

*Adam approached them after a checkup from Nurse Joy.*

Delphox (Brittany): "Adam, you're back. Are you feeling well?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Yeah, she said I'm perfectly well. It's thanks to Serena's hyper potion that done the trick. And I think it's time for me to head back to Lumiose."

Chesnaught (Finn): "You're heading home?"

Chesnaught (Adam): "Yeah, the least I do for all of you here is rescuing your friend, another Noivern, and Valerie."

Bonnie: "Adam. Come on, Clement is waiting for us."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Alright. Alright. Before we left, where's your trainers."

Incineroar (Calvin): "The three went to see Valerie. The others stay with us."

Chesnaught (Adam): "Please wish them a safe journey on my behalf and convey my regards to everyone.

Delphox (Brittany): "We will. Thanks for everyone."

*Adam and Bonnie to Clement who is standing there waiting for the two to head back to their home.*

With Clement:

Clement: *Opens the door* "Come one you two. Let's head home."

Serena: "Wait!"

*Serena runs towards them.*

Chesnaught (Adam): "Great. Not this again."

Serena: "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I want to say I'm deeply sorry about everything.

Sylveon (Cherry): "Adam, we hurt you so much and we couldn't forgive ourselves for hurting a friend we have. *Slaps Roman* "Say something."

Pancham (Roman): "Adam, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and telling you that you were useless in the past. But seeing you now, I realize that you have grown so much stronger and potential."

Chesnaught (Adam): "..." *Sighs* "I mean, I have great times from our journey. We lost connection to the part we went separate ways."

Bonnie: *Hugs Cherry and Roman while crying* "Oh you guys. I missed you all very much."

*Bonnie stop hugging Cherry and Roman, and then goes towards Serena to hug her."

Serena: "I'm sorry sweetie. We should have called you when we came back."

*Serena had her hand raised for Clement, standing next to Adam.*

Serena: "Can you accept my apology, old friend?"

Clement: *Shake hands on Serena* "I forgive you."

Delphox (Ruby): "Hug, Adam?"

*Adam hugs Ruby to accept her apology as well. While they are done, Serena lets Clement, his partner, and his sister head to Lumiose.*

The Pokemon trainers and Lumiose's Gym Leader rescue Valerie, Laverre's Gym Leader. And now they have a meeting with the Gym Leader. What sort of conversation did they have with Valerie? Find out in the next chapter of The Fox and the Frog.