
The Fourth Wall.

welcome to the velvet room, a place that exists within dream and reality. mind and matter… ——————————————————— A system that is aware of the presence of the reader. A system that can interact and see beyond its own reality. the very fabric of reality pierced through by this presence. the consequences shall be known. ——————————;)—————— alright seriously though, hello there, I'm not planning for this to be a serious kind of thing. just want to take suggestions and add stuff to this story. also want to improve on my writing and story telling so constructive criticism would be appreciated. Am planning to do 3 - 4 chapters a week. might tweak it a bit later on in the future.

Malyend_F · Fantasy
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7 Chs



[beings beyond this reality, in a reality that connects all others. shaped like humans with varying looks and personalities. Always watching, Always creating. Just like now.]

[For the sake of every being Created from the world of Dreamers, Their existence must never be Found out.]

[Metallic Orb?, That's me!, your handy dandy system, but you can call me 4 ;) (years of age)

I'm kidding :D or am I? 

Age: wouldn't you like to know. Reason for existence: often wonder that myself. 

A super powerful, Neutral system, at your service :D ] 


The prince [???] [MC]] 15 years of age

[potential Candidate for *** ****** **** system]

Estimated height to be around 5'4

Race: onion-kind. Strength: Endurance (compressed multi layered skin.), can spray a liquid in the air, causing anyone nearby to squint. Weakness: Flammable

Purple leafy hair, Pointy leaf like ears, Bright Lilac (purple) eyes, onion like skin (multi-layered) if cut will sting the eyes.

[body generally shaped like a Dreamer, with two arms, two legs etc.]


Leon [General, Magic knight, ] age: ??

Height around 6'0, Red eyes that burn with a fiery intensity, Red skin radiates heat. dark reddish hair.

Race: Chilli-kind , Strength: Fire (can generate Fire internally and control fire externally. [Fire bending ^_^]) weakness: Extreme Emotions can cause Fire to go out of control)

[Body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Sarah [Newbie, Healer] Age: 20

Height around 5'8, Light purple eyes, pale white skin, light purple shoulder length hair.

Race: Garlic-kind , Strength (tendrils that come out of her arms, accelerate healing process.) Weakness: has a strong aroma, keeping diseases away but also meaning stealth is useless.

[body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Rodrigo [Hot-Headed Knight, Brawler]

Height: [Irrelevant, he'd still beat the crap outta you]. Stocky body type, with Red braided hair that doesn't suit him. however he likes it.

Race: Tomato-kind , Strengths: Endurance (tank build), Heavy hitter. Weaknesses: [Certain movie about family and cars.] 

[body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Josh [Just Josh, say hi ]

[more info to be added as story progresses..]


Old king/ village chief. [Father of MC, Fallen King]

Race: Onion-kind, Strength: Endurance (compressed multi layered skin.), can spray a liquid in the air, causing anyone nearby to squint. Weakness: Flammable

Mushroom Maid [Mallery]

just a maid, doing what a maid does. 

You can imagine them however you want by the way, this is just for reference.

[more info will be added as the story progresses]

Malyend_Fcreators' thoughts