
An ill wind

It's been an hour, as I wake up, I feel the beasts' soft orange feathers that seemed to be slightly translucent raise my head and remind me just how miserable I am, and what I mean to my ancestor:

- "My dear throne... You've allowed me to have quite the delightful meal today, I must say.. I'm surprised you've been so.. Outgoing."

- "I can do whatever I want." I say, annoyed to the beasts' teasing, yet used to it.

- "Is that so? Tch. You'll see, you'll see that once I get out of here you'll have even less control."

- "You're never going out." I whisper under my breath, but with a stern enough voice to make sure she hears what I want to say.

- "Just like your mother I see.. I guess attitude really does run in the family.. I wonder from where.. "

"Well.. That's all I have to say.. Have fun darling..~"

She let's go of my chin but strokes my head gently. It was rather alarming. Idrilla was never so caring. Of course, it may very well be an act, but, who am I to know what's going on in that head of theirs? Who knows what they're scheming..

I open my eyes and look down upon the familiar sight of blood and bones, to be honest, I've grown tired of it. It has rendered me rather cold hearted. At this point I've become apathetic of what happens to the world around, I just want to live my life in peace. Which, was very difficult to do, considering my situation, and the fact that I am the only heir to the wind seoul throne, I thought as I walked back to the palace. I couldn't care less about that throne. All I wanted was freedom.. I could feel it in my blood...my wings were made to fly. Unlike what the maids said, they always insisted I am to be the handsome man in the palace. I always felt like I needed to throw up when I heard their flattery, I could handle being complimented in such a way by say, young citizens, but when those scrunchy old gals said things like that or even some more.. Extreme examples, I felt like I needed to jump off a rooftop, women are not afraid of me, I'm afraid of women.

But then I had a brilliant idea, what if I just... Leave. In the middle of the night, in a disguise! No one would notice! Now, I know, some of you might argue that a 17 year old boy can't even cook properly, especially one who was raised by maids all his life, but in my case, that's not something to worry about, I've thaught myself many things. Even some of the more complex, like, flying, for instance.

With this idea in mind, I went back to the palace, went in my room and told absolutely everyone that I was going to sleep and that no one shall disturb me, no matter how urgent the matter is. The plan worked perfectly.

I took out an old notebook and started writing down my plan, talking along my writing.

- "step one: create a new identity for yourself, step two: create a disguise to match the identity, step three: pack up as many supplies as possible, step four: try to silently exit through the window, step five: go to another kingdom and enjoy freedom... Done! That's my plan!... Well.. Easier said than done.