
The Four Kingdoms and the Jinyue Pass: Ancestor Never Dying

Embark on a riveting journey through the realms of power and mystery in "The Four Kingdoms and the Jinyue Pass: Ancestor Never Dying." In the continent of Wonglong, where four mighty kingdoms vie for supremacy, a clandestine sect controlling the crucial Jinyue Pass trade route emerges, setting the stage for a tale of intrigue and ancient secrets. Bai Xinyu, an enigmatic martial artist wielding powers that defy the norm, is at the heart of this epic narrative. With the compelling Jian Siyan, a masterful swordsman, and the enigmatic descendant of the gods, Thunder Prince Mo Leisheng, by her side, Bai Xinyu sets forth on a quest to unravel the enigma of her limited lifespan. As they navigate a world fraught with power struggles and hidden agendas, the destinies of kingdoms entwine with the immortal legacy of the Baihui Clan Sect. Prepare to be captivated by a tale where each step unravels a new layer of mystery, and every revelation brings the characters closer to the heart of the Jinyue Pass secrets. "Ancestor Never Dying" promises an enthralling blend of martial arts prowess, supernatural intrigue, and a quest for identity that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Mam_Jean_L · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Moonlit Intertwining (2) - Moonlit Encounter

20 years ago, the young Mo Leishing found himself trapped by the unyielding currents of a rapid river cascading down the mountainside.

His innate prowess, inherited from the dragon god lineage, allowed him to weather the violent torrent, but the relentless tumult left him in a half-life state. As the night descended, casting its shadow over the rugged terrain, a luminous figure approached the half-conscious boy perched precariously on a waterlogged rock.

In the dimly lit realm where moonlight struggled to penetrate, the girl emanated a gentle glow reminiscent of the moon's caress on earthly waters. A guardian spirit in the guise of a maiden, her age around fifteen, reached out to pluck the battered prince from the treacherous current, carefully laying him on the shore.

With the muted sounds of the river as a backdrop, the fairy girl performed an act of resuscitation; her breath was a beacon of life in the stillness of the night. The rhythmic rise and fall of Mo Leishing's chest mirrored the girl's persistent efforts as she breathed vitality back into him, coaxing his young body to expel the water that threatened to claim him.

This poignant memory etched itself into Mo Leishing's consciousness—the image of the luminescent girl, the taste of air intermingled with river mist, and the profound sense that her breath, the breath of life, had pulled him from the clutches of that watery abyss.

As the memories of that fateful night intertwined with the present, Mo Leishing's mind grappled with the echoes of the past. The moonlit shore witnessed the prince's internal conflict as he leaned over Bai Xixi, her unconscious form resting against the excellent ground.

The ethereal beauty of Bai Xixi in her fairy form, with eyes closed and a gentle luminescence enveloping her, mirrored the image of the fairy girl who had once breathed life into a young Mo Leishing. The water, stirred by the prince's movements, created ripples that danced like memories resurfacing from the depths.

In the hushed night, Mo Leishing couldn't help but be struck by the familiarity of the scene. The urgent breath he pressed into Bai Xixi echoed the lifeline extended to him two decades ago. His heart, guided by an unspoken connection, prompted him to offer a lifeline to Bai Xixi in return.

The moon, a silent witness to this cosmic dance, glowed upon the prince and the fairy, creating an otherworldly tableau. As Mo Leishing's breath mingled with the night air, he felt a resonance between past and present, a cycle of life and renewal.

With each passing second, the moonlit encounter unfolded, binding the destinies of the dragon prince and the fairy maiden. Pregnant with the weight of memories, the night held its breath, waiting to see if the exchange of life forces would bridge the gap between the two intertwining souls.

In this timeless moment, the echoes of a river's rush, the taste of misty air, and the delicate dance of moonlight became the threads weaving together the intricate tapestry of Mo Leishing's destiny and Bai Xixi's ethereal existence.

As Mo Leishing's lips lingered in the ethereal space between reality and a celestial realm, Bai Xixi's silvery eyes fluttered open, revealing the bewilderment of a waking dream. The moonlit lake, the cool night air, and the aftermath of Mo Leishing's unconventional rescue all played a part in her dazed awakening.

Before Bai Xixi could fully comprehend the surreal scene, a thunderous roar shattered the fragile stillness. Jian Siyan, the guardian and brother figure who had cradled her since infancy, emerged with an explosive fury. In one swift motion, he snatched Bai Xixi from Mo Leishing's arms as if she were a delicate puppet, sending her world spinning.

Dizziness washed over Bai Xixi as she was placed behind a rocky outcrop, shielded from the unfolding confrontation. Her silvery gaze attempted to pierce through the confusion, only to witness the transformation of Jian Siyan from a protective guardian to a vengeful warrior.

His eyes ablaze with indignation, Jian Siyan faced Mo Leishing with an intensity that echoed the clash of elemental forces. The unsheathing of Jian Siyan's sword cut through the night's serenity, a metallic resonance that seemed to signal an impending storm.

**Jian Siyan**: "Just what do you think you're doing!"

Bai Xixi's world rolled for a while, Jian Siyan's snatching action making her dizzy.

The angry Jian Siyan gently put Bai Xixi in a safe place behind a rockery and faced Mo Leishing again, drawing his sword and calling for a fight.

**Jian Siyan**: "You are presumptuous to the goddess, Thunder Prince."

**Mo Leishing**, his features etched with a mix of bewilderment and intrigue: "I merely sought to help. Why the aggression, Commander of the Bai Clan?"

**Jian Siyan**, his eyes narrowed with suspicion: "The goddess is where she is most safe. Where do you think she needs help? What's your game, Thunder Prince?"

Mo Leishing, his defense and readiness posture, communicated a willingness to engage in the dance of blades initiated by Jian Siyan's wrath. The prince of the dragon lineage stood poised, his aura a blend of regality and curiosity, as if seeking to unravel the enigma behind the young commander's anger and the identity of the fairy, the goddess from Jian Siyan's mouth.

**Mo Leishing**: "You know each other?" gesturing towards Bai Xixi behind Jian Siyan. "I acted out of goodwill. Explain yourself before drawing your sword."

The moon, casting a silver glow on the battlefield, became the silent witness to the clash of two distinct worlds. In the charged atmosphere, the scent of anticipation hung in the air, and the rustling leaves bore witness to the intensity of the impending confrontation.

As Jian Siyan and Mo Leishing locked eyes, the unspoken question lingered in the night—why? The moonlight, weaving through the leaves like threads of destiny, illuminated the scene, hinting at the intricate complexities that bound these characters together. 

Jian Siyan tightened his grip on his sword, assumed a poised stance, and prepared for an impending strike. Meanwhile, Mo Leishing, his fists clenched, summoned the elemental forces around him. The once serene trees, caught in the gathering winds, swelled in a rhythmic dance to the building tension. As the moonlit night gradually dimmed, a distant rumble of thunder echoed, an ominous precursor signifying the stirring wrath of the Thunder Prince. The atmosphere crackled with an electrifying energy, mirroring the mounting intensity of the confrontation about to unfold.